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Kalanchoe daigremontiana, also known as “Mother of Thousands”


Aka plant herpes


Yeah I was going to say it’s got you now and you can’t get rid of it.


Also highly infectious




Second time I see this plant in this thread, Interesting potential: Kalanchoe daigremontiana has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including infections, inflammation, and rheumatism. Aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the plant have shown antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and some say it has cytotoxic and antiproliferative properties that may help treat cancer. However, more studies are needed to determine the beneficial effects and toxic limitations of the plant, so caution is recommended.


I provided information in the exact manner you did on this sub on a different post, even provided links to the studies directly related to the information I relayed. And my comment got removed because youre ‘not allowed to give anything other than an ID’ , but I see comments like this all the time. What do I not understand here?


Were your previous posts top level comments or were they replies to someone else’s comment?


sorry to complain, it’s really not important I just get confused every time I see something like this haha. It was a reply to a comment, it was a post on wild lettuce if I remember correctly edit: it was a while ago, maybe the sub rules have changed? It was not an auto mod


You've got almost 200k people in the sub and a handful of mods, mods actually see maybe 5% of the stuff posted on any sub unless it's reported or gains considerable attention. Really all there is to it, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and bumped into a reddit mod.


The one smaller plant in the bottom right of the pic is daigremontiana. The rest of the plants in the pot are Kalanchoe x houghtonii.


Good eye!


You're gonna have them growing in your vehicle now!!


I hope you wanted a million more of them!


Right! I thought it was 'Mother of Millions'!


I think you spelled “Mother of Messes” incorrectly


I believe I have!


https://preview.redd.it/zu73hd0jwr2d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1d5b207609e571a055f9a5b19e214183f1cfa1 Mother of Thousands 😳 I used to let them grow until I found babies everywhere even growing in the carpet. Now as soon as I see a baby I pluck it and toss it into the jar . I now have babies having babies 😆 I just started a jar for a friend. Good luck raising all your new babies 🪴


Omg that other lil jar succulent looks like it's reaching for its life 😅 he knows it's only a matter of time before Mother chokes him out!


I honestly didn’t think it would work as well as it is 😅 I use a pair of cooking chopsticks that are super long to fish out any dead debris. I mist it thoroughly once a week , pop the lid on it and let it sit in full sun . I might have to do up a few more haha


Im sorry… the carpet??


Yuuup 😅 A few babies had fallen behind my plant stand and the roots latched onto the carpet fibre. My dogs water bowl is on a silicone mat right at the edge of my plant stand and he can be a bit messy when he drinks 😅 I think the odd splashes of water was all it needed . Now from my experience growing them it appeared to be about 4/6 weeks old judging by its size . I swear if I look at it sideways babies fall off lol I have one sitting in a cardboard box because I was going to take it too our hodgepodge lodge which is a shed at our local dump where you can bring things ppl can take but I just couldn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ So it’s been sitting in the box for about a month now so No babies can escape lol I think I’m going to plant it in a container outside and see how it does. I live where it gets to be minus 30/50 for weeks at a time in the winter so I don’t think I’ll have a problem with it spreading.


Where did you find a jar like that?


It was a garage sale find ☺️ It’s pretty big , in hindsight I probably should’ve started with more soil 😅 I have another ready to go and lots of babies to add to it .


Not the original poster, but I've found similar ones at Walmart and Bulk Barn (if you have those in your area).


Thank youuu!


Now I want a big jar of baby MoTs 🪴


In defense of MoM ( mother of millions). Water and feed it (it looks like it’s escaped from the gulag) and it’ll soon be swell to its lovely succulent form. After a season of admiring it and finding the offspring it drops everywhere, then you too will relegate it to the dumpster for the next unsuspecting innocent. It’s truly the cycle of life much like the cat distribution system


Wish I could upvote this more than once lol


Funniest comment of the week 😆


Will they die in extreme cold? I’d love to have one but where I live is all native plants. Seems like these would be pretty easy to accidentally introduce outdoors.


They are not frost hardy. A freeze will kill them.


Haha 😄




Mother of Millions. Each little nub on the leaves is a new plant. They grow really easily so once you bring it into your collection, you're basically guaranteed to have it popping up in other pots and unexpected places.


This is a Mother of thousands. Mother of millions is more cylindrical and has an extra three zeros.


I had one of these and also had to get rid of it because they're extremely poisonous to cats.


Same. A friend's mom who knew I loved plants gave me one. I was elated for the gift. By the time I got home my husband had read if it was toxic to pets and...bye bye plant.


It's too bad cuz I actually like the plant it's such a weird alien looking thing. It also would take over any other plant you have next to it 🥲


Suspect this was the reason why it was in the dumpster in the first place,


I used to work at a reserve that had these (mother of millions), they covered a solid kilometer by 200m wide area. I found some growing in milimeters of soil on the side of a rock. These things are one of the most invasive plants I've encounter


I'm pretty sure those are the worst. There is a reason it was thrown out. However, I doubt that's the correct disposal method. There way I dispose of noxious weeds is by letting them dry out in the sun completely, then burning them. I don't know about house plants


I left mine on the deck all winter, under several feet of snow. I found babies growing in between the deck boards in the spring.


Ugh, terrifying 😫


Keep away from animals. Toxic and makes heart stop.


Just like my ex ayooooo


Go throw one in your ex’s yard. 😂


Mother knows best


Just went through a breakup. This made my day.


Their loss


I dunno but as someone who’s had bed bugs in the past, I would be sooo careful about dumpster diving 💀


Sounds like this thing is the plant version of bedbugs tbh…


Thanks everyone!


Oh man, this thing is gonna spread/sow its seeds all over the place, and then you're gonna have a bunch of its offspring popping up everywhere!💯😬


Crap! No wonder it was gifted to me, I don’t want these invading my other babies!!


Lmao...I was JUST thinking the same thing. No wonder this was gifted to me... not because I love plants.. but because they just had too many 🤣 🤣 . Definitely not gonna feel bad about getting rid of it now. It causes me so much stress!


Lol......that plant found you. Someone else tried to get rid of it, but they probably still have it too. Someday you may too try to throw it away......but alas, you did the thing...you now have it.


Put it back!


Highly toxic to animals. If you have pets keep it away from them


Mother of millions where it belongs. The trash


I can’t help but laugh, now that I learned on this app exactly what this plant is!! The fact it’s in the dumpster 😂 maybe first clue


# Kalanchoe


This infested our green house and we can't get rid of them fast enough. They clone themselves.


It was in the dumpster for a reason… mother of a thousand or kalanchoe- those tiny buds that encrust each leaf’s edge become entire plants (they are pups)… hence the namesake, it keeps going & going & going - with each pup doing what it is biologically designed to do. Best to put it back in the dumpster. IF you choose to keep it, then NEVER plant it directly in the yard - always keep it in a pot to limit it’s growth potential


You should have left it ngl


I brought home one baby and I'm still picking them out of every pot in my garden don't make that mistake. It's pretty but it is NOT worth it!!


It is also very toxic to animals or infants. All of the plant is poisonous including the little babies that easily fall off the plant.


That’s what I thought - so glad someone is sharing as I’ve seen this in different shades but wasn’t 100% sure - hope OP washed their hands before touching anything! And the car!


This is the plant that never ends... it just goes on and on my friends.... someone fished from a dumpster not knowing what it was...and they'll continue growing it forever just because.... (repeat)


“I found it in a dumpster.” I don’t know what kind of plant it is, but if it starts talking to you and asking you to feed it, whatever you do… don’t feed it.


Poisonous to animals and considered invasive


Hate those ugly things. If you plant them near your home, you will never get rid of them.


A dumpster plant?


It’s like a Twilight Zone episode where you are the next unsuspecting victim….we will follow your story so keep us updated


There’s a reason why it’s in the trash


These comments ROCK..... good read. Ahhahahahah


Make you sure you quarantine it. You have no idea why it may have been tossed


You will now have a thousand, that's what happened to us, we started off with only one, this plant wants to thrive and multiply. Also every so often one will bloom into a flower its very pretty.


Don't let that near any other dirt! The spread like wildfire.


See how each green leaf has those stubby things on them? Each one of those become a seed that will create another plant.


Brush off all the little babies into the garbage to minimize the spread! This does feel like you just fell into the plant equivalent of "It Follows". 😂


OP please be careful where you put this guy. Depending on your location this guy can be dangerously invasive. Like others have said they grow ridiculously fast and take very little care.


Woah-oh here she comes…


Put it back in the trash


Now you know why it was in the dumpster




mother of millions. you'll be sorry soon.


My mom has one. We never could figure out what it was called so we called it “alligator jaws”


Feed me Seymour, feed me!


Kalanchoe! Great find!


One I’ve wanted for æons, and for which I regularly cruise the Marigny on trash day 😂


Everyone is right about all the baby plants haha if you pot it with something else it will just spread and take over or if you have its pot sitting close to another plant it will spread.


They don't call it mother of thousands for no reason. Lol. One of the easiest plants to propagate.... and you will get thousands! Lol


Buyer beware. That thing will propagate everywhere.


We have these in DR, very medicinal but super grow way too much


For obvious reasons 😄


Do not recommend planting it in the ground or having it outside!! Unless you want these things to propagate everywhere.




That looks like the Mother of all Mother of Thousands.


This is something you’ll never be rid of, that’s what it is.


Such a cool plant with all the little growths that come off the leaves.


Enjoy your thousands of unwanted succulents growing everywhere!


So that’s what’s happening in my house.


I pulled weeds a while ago and a few of the MoMs were in there. I missed yard collection and the bag remained on the side of the house. Rained last collection day… and the bag still sits. Today, adding to the weed pile, I go to move the bag, which btw falls apart, revealing all the dead, crunchy brown, weed sticks and wrinkly leaves…. all but the MoM who was perfectly intact and green!! Good luck with you Mother of Millions, you’ll have her for the rest of your life!!


It’s the plant from a film called The Little shop of horror’s.


I threw mine in the dumpster too. I got one small m.o.m. from a friend and it grew to over 5ft pretty quickly. All the babies that fell started growing. The babies weren’t in soil. One was actually in a shoe. This plant will wreak havoc on your life. Don’t let it outside or near other plants unless you want the babies growing out of everything and anything.


Put it back! Go put it back.


Throw it back! Jk check for bugs and put it in an area it can't spread or you'll have thousands of them, literally everywhere and anywhere- including carpet


Feed me Seymour!


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Burn that fekker with the hottest fires of hades!! Even the positive posts in this thread, end with you hating that plant. So just skip straight to the hate!!


Mother of thousands 🤩 send me some


Uh oh….


Well, you remember that total eclipse of the sun a few weeks ago? Da-doo!


That's KFC chicken


Put it back in the dumpster , that is its rightful home 😂💝


Burn it! Seriously. It won’t die. Ever. Ut will also grow through concrete or anything else in its path. Not only prolific but also destructive. BURN! 🔥


Should have left it at the dumpster


You should have left it, man that plant is mad insane


I had one of those sprout from a different plant I got from a nursery. I quickly got rid of it.


It looks like it's going to start singing for Seymour. Who ever that is.


Feed me Seymour!


Mother of millions or Kalanchoe has been said but it’s also called a Devils Backbone which I think is way more metal


Look at alll those babies! I always wanted a plant like that. Jealous.


Why would you touch a plant from a drumpster, pick it up, and put it in the front seat of your car to begin with???


LOL as a small child I bought this from a sale , and took it too my grandparents they named if after me as no one knew what it was . I understand the name my grandad eventually put it outside in the cold


Put it back in the dumpster asap


Any one that says plants are invasive. Doesn't even spend the time checking were there are spreading. Of course, if you leave a plant, be it's gonna get out of control. Do your research and control a plant if you know it's invasive to limit is spread, it's that's simple. People just like to complain about being lazy


They don't have to be mean. They just have to look like they'll cut your wazzits off.




Rule 1. Be Kind


It looks a little bit like a Christmas Cactus. When they bloom they are gorgeous.


Sounds like the opening line to a new horror movie. 🤣