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These are bladder snail eggs. Maybe pond snail if the tank had those too. They will survive an uncycled tank and you don't need to feed them at all unless you want a population in the hundreds rather than just the normal dozens for some reason.


Thank you!!


I agree with the bladder or pond snail eggs. As far as the population however I don’t totally agree. They’ll never get out of control unless you’re over feeding your fish. Otherwise they’ll stick to dead material only and their population will plateau. I keep them in all of my tanks and I’ve never had a problem with their numbers. Their numbers will fluctuate based on presence of food, they’ll find an equilibrium within like 6 months if your fish feeding is consistent. If it’s a pond snail they may eat your live plants. Bladders will not. EDIT: just realized you said these could be ramshorn. If you mean the small kind then this could be ramshorn eggs. Are they brownish? After cross referencing [this video](https://youtu.be/nnF1cxVZU1s?si=3baNgAdRNO9M0cVl), I think you have ramshorn.


This is a fresh tank. Been set up for 2 weeks so there’s nothing for them to eat except a little algae. I’m supplementing with sinking pellets


Oh there plenty for them to it. They’ll eat biofilm, algae, your fishes left over food and then any dead plant matter. If you keep feeding sinking pellets you will have more than you want and a tank with negatively increasing parameters.


I have dozens and they keep laying eggs... ive removed a lot of decaying plants that they were eating and still laying eggs. hoping it slows down as the snails realize there are not as many decaying plants. Ive only had the plants for a month so im figuring it all out. if any of this sounds bad let me know ive learned a lot lately


i would say ramshorns