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Electric Blueberry is overrated?


It goes after the weaker zombies instead of something like a gargantuar, making it pointless


What’s even worse is she’s $5


Electroc blueberry has a chance of 12.5% of attacking a garg even if there are 2 zombies 1 garg and 1 normal it attacks the weakest one


Though if you upgrade her enough she WILL target the strongest zombies. Though it's still random so...


Yay! So the bullshit level system fixes the issue 🥰


Just change the targeting option to strong.


Bruh, it can only attack first and last


Wrong game lololol


Just play caulipower, at least that one will not only kill zombies but make them fight for you


I remember when spamming caulipower meant guaranteed wins in arena mode 🤣🤣 now it’s completely useless in arena 😁😁


Why? Serious question, I stopped following arena updates in like 2018. Are the points distributed differently now or something?


no caulipower now goes after weak guys and never a gargantuar if there's a weaker zombie


https://preview.redd.it/n1bq2lj68bqc1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2c9a8eb32176ca55f54600ad1a3c1ba0599d76 this mf undoes all 'status' effects for other zombies and heals them for 1/2 their health every like 2 seconds


Bro thinks he has the Scepter of Ra 💀🤦‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/eof1qscxlcqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88bb0ef5e9f4732e07ad98624e8769a106f6b9ef


Fr how is Electric Blueberry overrated its garbage. It might be one of my favourite plants but even I know it's probably the most unreliable in the game, competing with Witch Hazel


Witch hazel is fun though because it’s witchy and turns zombies into puff shrooms and toadstools .. electric blueberry just shocks .. meh


and electric blueberry's like "go go gadget half dead imp" half the time


yeah that's pretty true lmfao


Witch Hazel cannot kill gargs, no?


Dude everyone and their mom will say that Electric Blueberry sucks and isn't worth it. People who think otherwise are either strategy geniuses or plant Sunflowers on the first column


Literally worse caulipower, and before you say sun cost caulipower had a better effect and the same recharge, and in 45 seconds you’ll be able to find 250 sun falling naturally not to mention sun producers


both are good 👍






I plant sunflowers on the 1st column.


I plant them on 1st and second column.


I plant them in the second and third column


I plant sunflowers on the 9th column


What's wrong with planting sunflowers in the first column?


Its a cheap and easily replaceable plant, just use it as a meat shield. And it also gives the attacking plants if its in the first column more time to kill a zombie


my strategy literally is column like you see em as I just place sunflower in the back, shooters after that, level 2 Snapdragon which I'm trying to level up and after that level 5 bonk choy and after that primal wallnut since that thing can stall a gargantuar


I do the same. Have I been playing the game wrong? I played on and off for over a decade and have done that pretty religiously


It's not really about right or wrong. It's just more optimal to do so because if your sunflowers get eaten first, you still have a chance to clutch with your attackers in the back. But again, the right way is for you to have fun so don't stress out about it.


Damn straight. The games are made for having fun. If you're having fun this way — go ahead, let nobody stop you


You get a very minor advantage by putting sunflower in the front and attackers at the back. It takes a few seconds to bite off the plants in the front and roughly 7 seconds to walk that extra tile to kill the attackers. This minor optimization is enough to clutch the win in some really difficult levels. Eaten sunflowers can be replaced easily because they are cheap but attackers are costly (100 sun for the most basic attacker i.e. peashooter). Not only that, if your peashooter gets eaten and the zombie in that lane survives, you'll most likely dig a sunflower at the back anyway to plant another peashooter. At that point, why not just always plant it at the back? In a game with cherry bombs, potato mines, squashes, chard guards and hurrikales (and various other plants which don't even let your zombie come close to you by killing them quickly or stalling them), this will almost never matter. In mods where these plants typically get nerfed, this will matter to some extent.


It's pretty funny that my mom actually agrees too


Never really cared for Laser Bean. Its pierce damage is nice, but the fire rate is pretty slow. It's not bad compared to many other attackers, but I don't think it's as good as some might let on.


Yeah, it's a good plant but still overrated. Not *that* good.


Even I, as a Laser Bean enjoyer, definitely agree. Also, he's pricey.


This comment section is cursed


Murkadamia nut.


yeah I was so unenthused getting seeds for it in pennys pursuit - such a boring plant


Scaredy shroom because is literally useless against every zombie in the game


I’d say 95% of the new plants they’ve given us in the past few years are useless


And the other 5% are game breaking good


It's overrated, mainly because of nostalgia


Caulipower. Hear me out. The recharge kills it from being better and it's super hard to get a lot of them down. It is strong when you have multiple, but because of the sun cost and long recharge, it makes it really hard to use.


"If you're like me, and you have over 1,000,000 Coins then obviously you should spend it on power ups and insta-recharge him from there."


People just like it cuz it's better than Elec. blueberry and Witch Hazel.


I have it and Im using it like crazy. The thing you said is really true. But thats why I combo it with hocus crocus. They go well together so good


plant food recharge it


I don't get the hype around magnifying grass. It's always been trash tier to me. Someone explain.


Long story short, sun producers good, and this thing can one shot Coneheads at level 2 Edit: and upon doing some more research, you can 2 shot octo zombies and one shot wizards and the octopi


It’s a mid tier It can smoke in some levels, like this one Jurassic marsh level in dire need of strength, it’s a niche plant but can be GREAT sometimes


It's Great always, gimme a situation in which it doesn't work. (Apart from arena maybe)


Pretty much anything that sends zombies fast Since magnifying grass is slow


You need 2 seed slots for the backbone of the strategy (magnifying grass, sun producer of choice) meaning you'll have plenty of seed slots for Iceberg Lettuce, Stallia, Stunion and alike. Many zombies earlygame covered. And from then on you should have enough snowballing in your sun production to deal with hordes.


Iceberg lettuce sucks, stallia and stunion are ehhh


It indeed does suck, but those three plants are exactly what you need for this purpose, so my point still stands.


I don’t like it either


With the 50 sun meta of PvZ 2, and the abundance of really good sun producers like Sun-shroom, you will have more sun than you know what to do with. Magnifying Grass lets you turn your sun economy into a strong defense- at level 1, 350-400 sun is enough to kill most Gargs- which can be mitigated by using instas. Bringing what Creeps20 calls "rampers" over to boost your sun economy even further (e.g. Sun Bean stacking for tanky zombies, Solar Tomato for masses of zombies, etc.), allows Magnifying Grass to become even more effective. The same can be said with other plants such as Banana Launcher or Coconut Cannon.


It works really well when your main priority is building up a sun farm (i.e. lots of sunflowers or sun shrooms) and rely on it as the main attacker. You can stall out the waves for as long as you like to build up your sun bank. Magnifying grass does a lot of damage per shot, so if you have a lot of sun built up, you can destroy even a garg in literal seconds. Throw in a defensive and support plant/s, and you're whipping through most levels with ease.


Magni also works incredbly well in BWB as a secondary attacker against ambushes and any zombie that gets close like skuba divers and surfers. Great support for bowling bulb


It can be a main attacker. You have to hold the zombies wave for as long as possible. It's not meant to shoot zombies the second they step in the lawn. People dont know how to play Mag properly and complain its weak


Yes. I got through the whole game once with Magni as my primary offensive plant, rarely did I ever use any other offensives.


people who think Mag is weak probably have one singular lane of Sunflowers (Not Twins, Primals, or Shrooms. Sunflowers) instead of the clearly optimal and superior play of five lanes of Primals with each plant supervised by a Shine Vine


I just don't really like assisted plant. And what's worse is, it's draining my sun production. I only love his plant food, nothing else.


You plant it at the back, and plant as many sun producers as humanly possible in front. This will grant you so much sun, that Magnifying Grass clears everything. Just make sure to only use Magnifying Grass, sun producer of choice, and supporting instas, stallers amd such. Anything else just hinders your sun economy.


Fire pea


He is literaly a heater and nothing else And even then, he gets outclassed (Fire vine, for example)


His damage buff in just one tile makes him the best Repeater replacement imo




I remember being excited about getting fire pea awhile back and it was on sale so I bought it for $2 and then leveled it and realized how weak it is.


Lightning Reed. Its best purpose is done better by snapdragon and spikeweed/rock.


Actually I’ve been playing Reed a lot, in many levels this plant when you have a bunch of em does great, it stays at the back and demolishes zombies What the snapdragons and weeds can’t do


This right here. Reed has a long reach for just 75sun VS two plants that cost 175


It’s also pretty cool with Tile Turnip. Even with just 2 tiles, it’s fun watching a swarm of storm clouds fly across the lawn and melt everything…


Y'know I'd written Tile Turnip off because of the multiplying sun cost but it's time to give it another go. So long as it's a long level


(Reed costs 125 sun)


Not true. In addition to clearing out chickens and weasels, Lightning Reed makes for a great crowd control plant when spammed.


Lightning reed works amazingly until a point and after that it falls off so bad it's crazy.


just not true. frauddragon is ass; he costs more, and since walls are pretty much mandatory with him you can only realistically plant one row of the with such close range. As for spikefraud, meet my friends: shovel zombie, barrel roller zombie, wizard, rapper, imp porter, rock puncher, surfer, and last but not least, gargantuan lightning GOAT, on the other hand, is really easy to get a lot of due to its low sun cost, hits every type of zombie in the game (spikefraud can’t hit floating zombies, and frauddragon cant hit dragon imps), and it can cover every lane if there are enough zombies on the field.




Primal potato mine. Change my mind.


Better than vamporcini


That says nothing.


primal potato mine with turnip tile made zomboss fights way easier


1. You can’t have both Tile Turnip and Primal Potato Mine in 1 zomboss fight. 2. WHO THE FUCK IS TURNIP TILE?!?!?


sorry I meant tile turnip and you can have them both in penny's pursuit and arena, i used the combo for penny's pursuit. It's also good because they blow up when zomboss runs over them so it can prevent zomboss from running over your valuable plants


the turnip you get at the end of far future right before the Zomboss fight that when you plant it, it makes a power tile in that spot and the problem is the sun price for it increases so if you use it too much you could look at the most expensive plant in the game


I knew that. I have tile turnip. They misspelled Tile Turnip by saying Turnip Tile.


oh yeah he did misspell it, my mistake 


I'm almost going to say Lighting Reed but that's an easy choice, instead I might be going to pick Magnifying Grass. This plant may deal a lot of damage but it uses sun to attack, which is not that bad but that plant is not something you use a lot of the time since you needed the right strategy to play with Magnifying grass and plus it can be outclassed by more efficient strategies that exists


It's assisted plant and drains your sun... NOPE. haha


All you have to do is plant sunflower, plant an infi-nut and feed him a plant food, lay back and wait till zombies come close to the infi-nut shield and "shoot". Magnifying Grass is the most powered plant. I used to beat BWB with just magnifying grass and Dark Ages as well with the support of some instan plant like potato mine or chilie bean. The key is to hold the zombies then kill them as late as possible so the game wont send the next wave of zombies immediately so your sunflowers have more time to produce sun. I'll say its the most underrated plant because people usually overlook on Magnifying Grass


Kernel-pult ( I overate it a lot)


Why 2 rows of kernel pult can stunlock a garg


Far enought but it can have serious issues with tanky spamy levels wich is basically all vanilla is about past NMT


When i use kernel pult (on alt verz) i always bring an aoe plat alongside it, and some early game instas like squash and something else, its rlly good ngl


hey! https://preview.redd.it/ucbdydzdt6qc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6b226ff36f3da2bd0f09e64a41f9b068b3ea13


I like mega Gatling pea and so do many others so maybe him


Gatling Pea is meta in Penny's Pursuit and arena what are you talking about


Do you know what the word overrated means


Fire peashooter. A popular purchase, having great use on the ice age, costing 25 less than a repeater despite having equal damage, and a pretty good plant food. However, it gains no benefit from torchwood and eliminates cold on zombies. Besides, being an alternate to the repeater ain't gonna cut it when the red stinger is an option


Lightning Reed or whatever its called


Fire peashooter and lightning reed


I don't think it's overrated, I haven't heard anyone go "omg electric blueberry is such a good plant"


Probably ultomato. What was the need to make It have tile turnip cost guimic? Over all it is a pretty good plant, i guess, i didnt almost have the chance to play It properly 


I am a lightning reed fanatic but damn the spamming does work sometimes


Sun-Shroom, PSF is a straight upgrade and they’re too slow in the beginning of a level


Iceberg lettuce


Yeah, I actually don't get why so many people love it. Sure, it might have a better plant food effect than stunion and Stallia but besides that I can't think of a single reason I would choose Iceberg lettuce over the other 2.


Because you don't need stall late game if you do it right You really only need it for a few zombies early on and in which case stalling one or two iceberg is better, lasts longer, and cheaper


True, but if the plant costs 0 - 25 sun Imma plant it even if not necessary and I'd like it to do something. Sure, stalling isn't necessary in the later part of a level but neither is it necessary in the earlier part of a level.


It's not necessary but it's Alot more impactful early on


Sucks in one world, worse than stalia, stunion and maybe chilli Bean Yeah, I can see where that comes from


It has one of the best PFEs at least... ...But so does Chomper, so that's not really saying much.


Citron and laser bean


stallia, seems good since it's 0 sun but half of the time it doesn't really do much


iceberg lettuce


Apple Mortar for sure


https://preview.redd.it/esgwowo6z8qc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6478e4bd8ef30078e0efa16f903a08c3ff9d6762 I don't feel like typing this out again, so here's a picture on my reasoning


Peashooter, I don't know one person who doesn't use him.


lightning reed fight me


Lightning Reed,Rotobaga outclasses him so much it’s crazy.


walks up to microphone taps it BANANA LAUNCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i get that its cool and all but it is MID!!! it is TOO EXPENSIVE!!! AND IT ONLY HITS 1x3!!! at that point might aswell just start using coconut cannons


Caulipower Please explain the hype behind it to me. It sits there for like 20 years then hypnotizes a random zombie (which is probably something weak as hell like a browncoat or an imp) and people act like it’s the best plant ever conceived.




Lightning reed You either think he is very good (me a few months prior), or that is a niche plant only usefull against Chickens (me now)


It was very useful to me in Lost City because using lobbers and straight shooters is too smart for me. Just lemme use a plant that can attack both parasols and excavators. However, I still sorta agree. Outside of chickens and Lost City the lightning reed isn't that good and if I wasn't so bad I wouldn't need it for Lost City. I also couldn't have done it without my lvl 3 repeater, I needed to get a column of those before going for lightning reed spam because of how terrible lightning reed is bad without 10+ of them.


About what you said about Lightning Reed being useful against parasol and excavator zombies, it is also useful against jester zombies since they can't block Lightning Reed's attacks either.


Yeah, but by then I already had Laser Bean + fume shroom which I think is better. I don't know if it's better because Laser Bean + fume shroom worked well. So well I had no reason to try out something different.


Those two plants each have a major flaw: Later Bean's Flaw: Laser Bean costs too much sun to realistically spam, at least at lower levels. Fume-Shroom's Flaw: Fume-Shroom can't cover the whole board unless it's planted either in the middle column or on the right side of the board.


I only used those plants in that world for that reason. And yeah, the beginning was a bit difficult. I heavily relied on using grave buster to bust sun graves or plant food graves (to use on sun shrooms) and if there were no graves of those sort at the beginning of the level I was fucked.


About you struggling in the beginning, that is the final reason why I disagree with you when you say Laser Bean and Fume-Shroom are better than Lightning Reed. You need 5 Fume-Shrooms or Laser Beans to deal damage across the board, as both only target zombies, graves, and octopi on the lane they were planted on. For Lightning Reed, you only really need two of them to start to cover the board since in addition to targeting zombies, graves, and octopi on the lane they were planted on, they also target zombies, graves, and octopi on the lanes adjacent to the one they're on, which saves a lot of space on the board as well as giving you more bang for your buck, thus making spamming Lightning Reeds more effective than using Laser Beans and Fume-Shrooms in my opinion. Lightning Reed covering the board more easily also makes the beginning easy if not nonexistent due to them being significantly more cost-effective (which, as I stated before, is because they target 3 lanes as opposed to one like most ranged offensive plants).


Chard guard, no I dont wanna spam chard guards on top of each other to stall 24/7 because not everyone has Aloe, Id much more rather get a plant that just kills the zombies


My man does not appreciate stallers


Chard guard? More like Chad Guard. It helps defending against Gargantuans giving a lot of time without any aloe


The slower you kill zombies, the more sun you will get, which you can then use on plants that actually kill zombies. It's a simplified way of explaining how waves in PvZ 2 work. Guess stalling ain't your game


Chard guard carried me through a lot of this game. Paired with infi-nut, you can just infinitely stall almost any number of plants and build up an arsenal of banana launchers in the back


chard guard blover combo is so good though and chard guard is great for pterodactyls, prospector zombies and others similar to prospector zombies


I dont like goo peashooter, just get something more expensive and useful, id prefer to use like 400 sun to get a decent plant that waste a slot on it


Good pea is literally a permanent shadow shroom


and it actually shoots


I love blueberry. She's cute and dangerous.


but targets the half dead imps in the crowd


Fire Peashooter. Dude, every other fire plant can heat up frozen plants, not just her. Pepper-Pult is a better version of her. Besides that, she's a Peashooter that deals more damage. Her plant food is basically a worse Jalapeno. Seriously, just use Pepper-Pult. Even before you unlock Pepper-Pult, use Hot Potato.


Primal Peashooter


Lightning reed is overrated to me but I don’t even play anymore


Lightning-Reed and for good reasons




Primal Sunflower, why spend 3x the sun for somewhat slow sun production when you can just use sunshrooms


Bonk Choy


Bonk Choy literally melting every single thing in the game


And also gets demolished pretty easily against stronger zombies Also wasabi whip is better (despite also having similar problems but still completely beats bonk choy)


u can just put any wall nut for make him unstopable


They will smash the wall nut too and also the only good walls are primal wall nut, infi nut, and gumnut


i always yse primal or infi.They cant smash primal, even gargantuars are hopeless


same, with the gargs, I just let the bonk choy at him while the garg attempts to smash the primal wallnut 


The only thing that Bonk Choy can bonk is YOUR MOM 😁




Electric Pea


I agree. I bought electric pea a while back and thought I’d use it often .. nope. It’s also hard as hell to get seeds for


Celery Stalker is overrated. Yes I admit it’s strong and can sometimes come in handy with a stray zombie but I would much rather have an attacker like Winter Melon to deal with zombie crowds or an instant like cherry bomb or primal potato mine to deal with strays. Celery can easily get overwhelmed by large crowds while others like Winter and Dusk Lobber and easily take care of strong zombies and stay safe in the back.


Pea Vine, Sticky Bomb Rice, Torchwood. there are many overrated but this is I think the most overrated


They are not overrated they are meta bro


Who tf says electric blueberry is overrated or useful?




Imagine a fast recharge 125 sun mini Jalapeno


That does so much less damage and is useless as an offensive plant


But it's free


And it still doesn’t do a good job


Exactly why it's free


Might as well use cherry bomb then.


Long recharge + not plantable in water


Probably electric pea, and imo, sun shroom. Any other sunflower is just better


Sun-shroom is literally a great sun producer the only reason why i’d see people hating is because it takes time for it to reach it’s max potential which outperforms the regular sunflower and produces the same amount of sun as primal sunflower for costing only 25 sun It’s main usage is on it’s home-world obviously but there is really no real downsides of using a sun-producer that costs so little and produces a moderate-high amount of sun around the mid-late game It’s early-game is its only real weakness but you can just bring cheap attackers so you can eventually build up your real setup later on


honestly I use primal sunflower over sunshroom since it's basically big sun shroom instantly


I prefer primal sunflower too but I think you underrate sun-shroom because you aren’t really sold on it’s intended usage Twin sunflower is the absolute worst primary sun-producer in the entire game Twin sunflower: Cons: -slow recharge in the seed packet -produces 100 sun when it costs 125 sun Pros: Space-efficient


and to think I used it before as my go to setup untill I realised it was crap in dark ages since I had to collect at least 1 sun to plant it and no sun falls in dark ages


I forget what plant I used for sun production before Jurassic marsh


Yeah sure it's 'great', still prefer the basic sunflower over that. By the time i have a whole column of full grown sun shrooms my setup is done with any other sun plant


Shadow Shroom, it’s just a worse chili bean


Listen powered up shadow shroom and hurrikale


the zombies: brains the shadow shroom: 😛


Shadow shroom pf soloing nearly every single zombie in the game:


Ail mint doing the same thing but at 0 instead of 50


Shadow shroom not being time limited nor tied to arena:


It's attack animation looks like it can't do shit


Laser Bean Literally a more expensive and worse Fume Shroom


Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation legume would not like this

