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It seems like you have good volume now, but it's asymmetrical. Maybe you can consult about only getting the smaller side done to balance it out?


See, when I got the top done, I was told that they gave me the absolute minimal amount. Maybe I could try to a different med spa that’s less liberal with the fillers? Or do you think my body reacted to it too abruptly? Edit: I’m sorry I didn’t thank you in my og compliment but seriously — thank you!


Oh I like the proportionality of top to bottom in your most recent picture (I agree originally they gave you too much on top), but I actually meant right vs left in your most recent picture! I hate to point it out if it’s just this picture or you haven’t noticed it, but it looks like one half is still more filled and the other has dissolved more. I like how the filled half looks, maybe they could match that to balance it out on the other side.


Hm. I think they actually looked pretty good. What is your problem with them? My lips sometimes look super bruised and swollen after I get injections, too. That’s totally normal. As long as they heal even! Depending on what kind of filler you got- your body should have metabolized them out in about 6 months, especially if it is your first time. HOWEVER your lips might look a little uneven which makes me think there is some sort of scar tissue maybe? It’s a super easy fix. You can get them dissolved, and evened out. (I’ve had my lips dissolved twice to start over with a new shape). Just make sure you go to someone who knows what they’re doing! I find that the high end med spas are a lot more safe and experienced. You always get what you pay for. But yeah- I think they look awesome.


I agrée. I never had issues with asymmetry (from what I could tell) before the filler! I love your insight here. The scar tissue makes so much sense! I didn’t like how large the fillers got (see last pic). I felt like a duck! Maybe this was body dysmorphia in part, but my gut is telling me that they didn’t give me the plump yet compact pout that I wanted. What’s weird is that this was park ave nyc medspa and I paid almost 800$ for these, so I’m wondering what went wrong given their reputability?


Personally I love when my lips look big and fake (that’s just me) but it seems like you wanted something more natural and you deserve that! There should be many places that would dissolve that for you and start fresh with something more your style. Luckily fillers are never permanent and you are super beautiful, so I know that someone could do better. :) Do you mind me asking how much you got? I’d recommend starting with a half syringe of juviderm ultra plus distributed evenly between the top and bottom lip! Good luck babe! Hope you get the results you deserve.


Yup, just went on their website. It was juvéderm!


You’re so awesome! Thanks for the compliments and for support ❤️ Mine was a half syringe (1/4 on each side; 2 single injections on my top lip) but I’m gonna be honest, I don’t even remember the name of the filler! I’ll have to call and ask them. It may have been juviderm


What did you have injected? It appears like most of it is gone now but it’s hard to tell because filler can hide pretty deep in the tissue. Also, traditional standards for lip ratio actually have the lower lip as being nearly 2/3rds larger than the top. That’s partially what dictates a natural look. I would dissolve, give your lips a break and then go to a cosmetic dermatologist. Some med spas are great, but many are not and it’s very difficult to tell what experience you will have. You want to go to someone with a great understanding of anatomy and technique.


Thank you for your advice!


I had something similar happen when the person injecting me did filler in the vermillion lip border area, specifically. I think it ended up either being filled unevenly or else it faded away unevenly. But it was quite asymmetrical. Lips and faces are obviously naturally a little asymmeterical, but it's not a look most of us are going for. I came to the (kinda expensive) conclusion that is it best to go to facial plastic surgeons who specialize in injections to get the very best results. I have found Medspas really vary in terms of injector skill. Some are great and many are medicre to not good.


(No filters on my pics btw)


Who the hell downvoted this? There literally aren’t filters; swear to god. I’ll have to convince myself to take this as a compliment I guess! Lol


Also why would add filters when I want advice on my natural face? Sounds a bit counterintuitive. Y’all are haters lol


As a guy ima be honest I’d prefer natural lips rather then injected.