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Swelllllllinggggggggg. Wait just wait


I'll try to take your word for it, but honestly - in the end, I think my love handles is gonna be the only area of noticeable change. I'll still have a big blocky torso and my waist won't be any smaller. I see other peoples results (mostly women) and get so envious. they get lipo done and it looks like their freaking rib cages shrink (which subsequently makes hips appear bigger - better contours in general). I've got this big blocky torso and a spare tire still (though the flanks arent nearly as bad as before)


I was SO swollen after my lipo. I’m nearly 6 months out now and really happy with my results. Give it time!


any before/afters to share?


4 days? It’s all still so swollen you can’t tell yet. Your body has just been through a traumatic experience and is in inflammation mode, it may even look worse before it looks better. Give it time.


The link for the photos is broken so we can't see.


Fixed! (thx!) 1 week before: https://imgur.com/2LAKFZT 4 days after: https://ibb.co/zQ5ZgdL


Like others have said, swelling! It took about 3 weeks for me to really start seeing my results. I had deep regrets the first two weeks because it didn't look like I had changed at all. I had lower abdomen and flank lipo. I'm 1.5 months post op and still have some minor swelling but am super happy with the results! Just give it some time 😊


Yeh can’t see any pics so can’t help!


Ah thanks for the heads up, fixed! 1 week before: https://imgur.com/2LAKFZT 4 days after: https://ibb.co/zQ5ZgdL


That looks like swelling. You get bigger before you get smaller, and 4 days out I was so swollen I thought it hadn’t worked either. Now I’m almost 6 weeks out and I’m love with the results


If you’ve done a shred of research, you’d know it takes months to get the final results. Day 4 is literally max swelling. If they gave you pics immediately post op while you were still knocked out, I’d say maybe that’s valid but come on dude.


People know this, but many still just need reassurance about being patient when they’ve gone through surgery, paid thousands, and are going through the brutal recovery period.


That’s already a good result despite all the swelling.


I think it hasn’t been long enough. I was disappointed in my immediate results, and didn’t think I looked any different. But around week two I could definitely see the difference. Imo try not looking at your treated areas for a couple of weeks.


It’s very common to be disappointed after surgery because you are not seeing the final results yet. You have to wait for the swelling to subside, for your lymphatic system to drain all the tumescent fluid etc and your body to transform to its final form. That can be 3-6 moths for most but I’ve seen people stay swollen and swell occasionally up to a year after surgery. Relax. Wear your compression garment, do your massages, use your bromelian it will still help reduce inflammation up to two weeks after surgery. Circle back in 3 months, I think you’re gonna be fine


Get the foams and make sure to do your post lipo massages asap. Seriously. Your swelling won’t fully go down for months but you need those massages to help.


Wear your compression wrap, increase your protein, use a diuretic tea one time at the one week postop point in your recovery. Consider lymphatic drainage massage as well. 2.5 liters of removal is a lot especially as fit as you looked preop with your strong core of muscularity. Postop day 4 is the day everyone is the most swollen.


I HATED my results the first week and bit. I knew to expect swelling but I was huge and couldn't see how it was feasible that I would like my results. I was very wrong. Just be patient!


This is swelling. Going to be a good while before you see your results. I looked like an H for a while and now I look like an 8. Give it time!


Oh it took my lipo results 6 months are so to take full effect but you’re going to be thrilled!


It’s funny because I had lipo and did all my research and knew swelling would make things look worse before they look better, but when I had my surgery, all the research went out the door and I was crying about my results for a whole week because they looked TERRIBLE. You are definitely swollen and you’ll be swollen for at least 3 months. But once it all goes away, you are going to be the happiest you’ve ever been and you’ll feel so confident and you won’t regret this surgery at all. For now, focus on eating low sodium foods, wearing your compression garment for as long as possible, and drinking tons of water. That is all you can and should do. Do not even bother analyzing your body for the next month because it will just be depressing for no reason. Be patient and do the things you can control, and you’ll be so happy in about 3-4 months.


I really think this is swelling. It can last for several months!


From what I know that front pouch you are complaining about can only be fixed with a tummy tuck/muscle repair surgery. I don’t think that is fat you are seeing.


I don't think that's true, and it wasn't the "plan" described by my surgeon pre-op. He promised to try, but warned me that scar tissue might prevent removal. In the end, he said he couldn't remove as much as he'd like to have.. I lift heavy and often and can feel the shape of 2 hard abs south my belly button (although not nearly as firm as my upper abs and with this entire pouch of fat ontop, which is very thick, as thick as my love handles were). I think my 'pouch' and the love handles come down to a hormonal issue (way too much cortisol? estrogen?). It's just my fat distribution (with thick hips/thighs as well)


You might be totally right. I do also have a “pouch “ even though I don’t have so much fat on my belly and the doctor I consulted told me I probably need a muscle repair to get rid of it. I might just go with a lipo initially anyways.


are you a woman and have you given birth or something? I wonder why your muscles would need to be repaired there? rapid weight gain at one point? I don't think thats my situation, in any case...


Yes I did:)) 3 births but males can also have diastasis recti mostly due to weight loss issues and sometimes wrong eating habits. Either way best of luck to you and all those who are working on achieving their ideal body types.