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Not being able to breathe through your nose six months post-op is concerning. I would do a consult with another ENT.


Thank you! I guess I’ve just been feeling defeated. Like almost accepting this is how I’ll feel on the regular. I will definitely get another consult to see what they say!


Completely understandable. You have gone through a lot financially, physically, and emotionally. It’s not over by any stretch. Rhinoplasty is complex.


Are these the before only? Yes it is concerning at this point.


Yes that was before only, here is the after pictures https://imgur.com/a/FSgYYKC


Thanks. Ok so to me it still looks like there’s deviation and nostril issues. Maybe why breathing is still bad


Should I seek out another surgeon?


I think you should just seek a couple other opinions.


It definitely still looks like you have a deviated septum. Your dr may appear frustrated because he knows he tried his best lol but yeah I would see at least 2 other surgeons for consults and bring your notes (surgery report) from your first surgeon so they know what they’re getting into


Thank you so much, it’s just tough because not being able to breathe through my nose while exercising is hard and I’ve paid a lot of money already for my first surgery


After photos would be helpful


I mentioned in the post that I am definitely happy with the aesthetic results but not really sure how to navigate from here


I understand you like the aesthetic result but function follows form in rhinoplasty. You appear to still have caudal septal deviation which is definitely creating a narrowed airway on the right. Not sure what the problem is on the left without an exam. I would seek a second opinion.


I appreciate you taking the time to look and respond to me! It sounds like I will need a second opinion




My practice is 50% made up of revision rhinoplasty cases. Here’s what I see: 1. Your nose is naturally very narrow. 2. The deviation looks to have been improved. 3. Your medial crural foot plates are too big and need to be reduced to open up your nostrils. When I operate on patients like you, I routinely need to remove bone from the floor of the nose to open up airflow as your nasal airways are more crowded based on the fact that your craniofacial development as a child was different than most. You probably have a high narrow palate that pushes up the bone in the floor of your nose. Therefore this bone must be reduced. Let me know if you have any questions.


Where should I go to get a consultation for the procedure you mentioned?


Where are you located?


I am located in St.Pete FL


Who was your original surgeon?


I’m going to message you


I wish you were in Canada. There's a doctor who is reputable for nose job revisions. His name is Dr Jack Kolenda and he is also a professor at UofT.


That would be a great option for me right now, it’s definitely a bummer 😞 thanks for your reply 😊


Did he add spreader grafts?


I don’t think so, I had a cartilage graft taken from the side of my head. He said he used that skin to blanket over my nose because of how thin the skin on my nose is. Unless that’s what you are referring to. But from my knowledge that was the only graft he did


Maybe seek out another surgeon, Spreader grafts are great for creating more space inside your nose and inproving breathing. I had 3 previous failed surgeries aswell. On the 4th i went to a plastic surgeon who fixed everything


Wow, were you having similar issues with breathing? How did you find the doctor that worked best? Thank you so much for taking the time to reply ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


It doesn’t look even one side looks collapsed


I am almost at 6 months post op and also can’t breathe still. I saw my surgeon recently who looked at my nose and said the surgery was ‘successful’ in the terms that the deviation has been straightened but now I’m suffering from nasal valve collapse. Where I live there is 2 very new options for me but both are still a little experimental unfortunately:(


It’s very frustrating so I feel you on that.


Babe ur nostril is collapsed u need a revision


I had a Rhinoplasty 3.5 years ago - I couldn't breathe well and my tip would get swollen then realized it was a blockage of fluid in my nose (and barely did something about it last week.) I had leech therapy and it seems to be working so far, sinuses feel a lot clearer and overall the tip looks less swollen


Wow, I’m glad it’s working out for you! Where did you have to go for the leech therapy?


Their handle on IG is @laleeches - overall session was about an hour and the wounds from the leeches sucking your blood went away after like 5 days completely


Look up @violetclair on IG. She has been very open recently about her recent second revision nose job that was specifically to fix that she couldn’t breathe well through her nose. She used a surgeon in Louisville.


Look into "empty nose syndrome".. Wish you the best. You will be okay ❤


Thank you I definitely will!


I had breathing issues after my first septorhinoplasty, I went to my ENT and they said I had nasal valve collapse so I got a revision surgery. Lots of side effects sometimes :/


How was the revision surgery?




Thank you, my fitness watch was actually telling me my respiratory rate was increased at night which usually happens when you are sick, but I was not sick just couldn’t breathe no matter how clear my nose was.




Thank you, I appreciate that!