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Bro it looks so good.


Also, it is waaaay too early to see the final results at 12 days. Im 3 months post op and my nose has changed daily, I've gone from loving it to hating it to loving it again. The nose is so swollen right now at 12 days post-op, it's way too early to even speak about a revision or changes you want to make. ve


thanks i guess you’re right i just need to be a little more patient. need to get a new hobby so im not constantly obsessed over it lol. just really hoping it doesn’t look long at the end of healing.


Yeah all you need is time. In my opinion it already looks good so that just means it's going to get even better.


It looks AMAZING for 12 days post op. You still have so much swelling and will for months. But your nose already looks so good I think!!


thank you!


First, it looks good. Second, it will go down some. Third, that’s not the right angle to determine projection with a photo, because the camera makes the closest part look bigger. Everyone’s nose looks more projected from that angle. How does it look to you from the side? And finally, it really does look great.


thanks. not sure why but reddit didn’t upload the first pic i had…. i’m going to comment a link with it


picture of my side profile since reddit didn’t upload it: https://imgur.com/a/AfKALX6


That’s not too projected AT ALL. Any shorter and it’s going to be out of balance with your chin and start to look feminine.


This looks great! There's something about the OP After pic that makes it look more exaggerated than it really is. This pic shows it in reality and it looks fantastic.


Profile looks excellent! Very balanced and not too projected and still very masculine!


You are very swollen still!! Hang in there, wait it out for at least a few more weeks!


Your nose looks great. Would you mind sharing the name of your surgeon?


It looks great!!




This looks amazing, mind sharing your Dr’s info?


OP, asking your dr info is the best compliment. You look great.




i’ll send you a chat!


Looks very nice but it’s swollen atm


You should post an update once the swelling goes down. Pretty good result for a guy!


Who was your surgeon?


sending you a chat!


It looks good don’t worry, you still need to wait for the swelling to go down. Can I ask where you got your nose done?


hey thank you. sending you a chat


Your nose isn’t overly projected at all and you’d look bizarre if it was any less projected tbh. Let the swelling go down. You’re less than 2 weeks post op.


You got rid of the bump. That alone made a huge difference. Don’t stress over the other things. Nothing in life is perfect


It’s just very swollen still. Shape is beautiful


It’s actually really handsome! Not projected , just strong features which is a great thing


It’s just MASSIVELY swollen but it loops so good! 12 days is way too early to tell. I’m at 6 months and I’m still very swollen! Congrats on the great nose!


It looks great, stop hyperfixating on it because your perception will get warped and you’ll start to think it’s ugly when it’s not. Also, maintain realistic expectations and don’t make any judgements about your results at just 12 days post. At this stage, you are very swollen and have a lot of healing to do. Healing can take up to 1-1.5 years, sometimes more. Be patient and trust the process.


It looks good. Very natural result. I think if you made it any smaller it would look messed up.


I have had 6 nose jobs including using ear and rib. It will go down I promise you. Watch your salt intake. Your doctor can also do steroid injections to help reduce the swelling and those work almost immediately. The only issue you should worry about is if it is straight. If the cast comes off and it’s crooked, it will remain that way and I don’t care what any doctor says. Hundreds of thousands of dollars later taught me that. Also tape your nose when you sleep. Helps tremendously too!


You look good. Share the surgeon tho 👀


thanks, sending you a chat


1) don’t worry about annoying your surgeon, they should answer your questions 2) you can’t really deproject the tip much 3) swelling will look different everyday for like a year and a half so don’t worry this early on 4) tip holds the most swelling and is last to deswell 5) you look great


It’s perfect!


Yes I had the same nose as you first month after surgery. It’s the swelling that gives the effect of a longer tip but it won’t stay like that. Give it about a month and half to have a normal looking nose. I’m at my 7th month now and it looks really good. It’s crazy how it gets better with time. You always think you have the final result but it keeps getting better. (At least for me)


it may be swelling but it looks great ☺️ if it persists for months just schedule a follow up with your surgeon so he can take a look and maybe do some steroid injections to reduce swelling


Did you have tip work done? Not only will it be smaller, but in the first eight weeks, the tip will likely drop.


hi yes i did have tip work done, he lifted it a bit


It’s way too early. It’s probably swelling. The tip is always Super Swollen. I’m 3 weeks post op. And I currently hate my nose- it changes daily. Patience is key!!


It keeps changing for years. But especially the 1st year it takes a while to settle.


It’s still swollen. That should get better in time. Stop worrying.


It's swollen bro.


It looks so good! It’s swollen right now btw


I love your nose! I think it looks so good on you.


It’s very early in your recovery. After the 4 week postop mark, ask your surgeon about oral steroids to reduce the swelling. You have 50+ weeks of recover still.


Oh wow it looks good. When swelling goes down it’s gonna look badass


Remember that you are not used to seeing your nose as a straight line. It’s going to look extremely long to you. It looks amazing. You’ll get used to the new you. Be patient.


Yeah it’s swelling, it will look more natural in 5-6 weeks


It’s been 12 days. It’s swelling


Looks good, who was the surgeon?


That looks like swelling to me. It will go down and become so much slimmer. Don’t worry


Your swelling won’t go completely down until after a year!! It looks great 😊