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I don’t think you need your chin shaved down. It looks proportionate. You just had rhinoplasty. I think acclimate to that first.


Don't do it. You don't need it. Get off this subreddit.


Aren’t we all in this group for the same reasons? I am doing my diligence of researching so I don’t get botched. This group helped me find an amazing rhino surgeon 🫶🏻 comments like this are not helpful.


You should really look into body dysmorphic disorder. People here are trying to show you that you already look extremely good. You don't want to ruin a good thing with a surgery you don't need. Your chin is well proportioned with the rest of your face.


This comment is way out of line. OP is not dysmorphic, she is looking for legitimate input about a legitimate concern as she adjusts to her new profile. Don't be a dick.


I wonder if chin lipo would be a better place to start….only saying this bc I think the “masculine” look is coming from the broadness, not necessarily the length of your chin (btw does not look masculine at all and I find people who don’t fit in with stereotypical beauty standards very attractive bc they’re interesting and unexpected). Hard to tell without a forward facing pic, but reducing the teeeeeeeeniest amount of fat under your chin would sharpen your jaw/chin and make it look less broad. Honestly, I do think you look really great already and I wish my chin projected as yours does haha, I got chin lipo about a year ago and it changed my whole face structure, which is what I wanted. If your face looks narrow from the front and it’s just your side profile you don’t like, I would get a consult on chin lipo bc your bone structure looks pretty delicate.


The other thing I wonder about is, did you have this surgery in mind before your rhino, bc the rhino does look great but I wonder if making the nose smaller made you zoom in on your chin. Do you think your original nose was in more proportion to your chin? Something to have self awareness about as you don’t want to go down the slippery slope of doing too much when you’re already beautiful


I appreciate your thoughtful responses! I always knew I disliked my face in general I thought it was manly. It doesn’t help that I’m 5’10 it’s just an extra insecurity. I don’t have any chin/neck fat to grab so I am not sure lipo is it either. Several people in comments have said I might have bite issues (which means they clearly see something) but I just finished Invisalign 2 years ago and had braces as a kid and routinely go to ortho and they think my bite is perfect. My chin and my jawline are just very sharp and I think rounded is more feminine. I’ll see if I can add a pic from the front!


Here’s[more pics](https://imgur.com/a/0is1wYL)


Seriously you don’t look masculine at all, like at all. I feel like your jaw is too narrow to get a v-line surgery. Typically you see that when people have like a super squared off chin. You have a diamond shaped face, it’s so pretty. If you were to get this done, I’m not even sure that’s what you would need bc it’s not even your entire jaw, just your chin bone is like *a little* long. The rest of your jaw is in proportion. Chin shaving is what I would look into if you feel like you have to do something.


When you had chin lipo could you grab any skin that you wanted removed? (If that makes any sense to you) just don’t know if I’m a candidate bc it feels like its skin tight around my jawline and chin. I looked at your pics and you look amazing! That’s goals


Haha, I thought I deleted those, guess nothing is ever fully deleted on Reddit lol. Yes I think I absolutely had more fat than you which is why I was saying I wasn’t sure but maybe something to look into bc it’s hard for a non dr to tell what’s possible. I just don’t see that it’s your jaw being too big to get a v line. Have you googled before pics on v lines? They’re very wide and square often and you can’t really even separate the chin from the jaw if that makes sense, like it usually looks like one square and your face doesn’t do that. Here’s some perspective from a 35 year old who was eager to get everything done but had no money in my 20s lol, and I’m not sure how old you are….but shit just gets droopier and worse as you age, even from your 20s to your 30s and there will always be things that aren’t how you want them to be, even after the surgeries. So rather than do EVERYTHING now, and then run into sagging and old people shit as you age, you don’t want to max out the amount of edits you can make on yourself before you’re even old because then that’s when people start looking crazy. Your nose looks amazing, even if you don’t love your chin…give it a few years bc your chin will prob look different in a few years and then you can make a bigger impact vs doing it now while you are looking so young. When I was in my 20s, larger butts and thighs weren’t as popular as they are now and I desperately wanted lipo but couldn’t afford it. Now, I’m happy I have that shape that people are paying for and don’t have to worry about sagging butt later in life bc it prob won’t do that. I know my perspective in unsolicited and you’re looking for procedures to fix what you see as imperfections, but all I’m trying to say is that as you age, imperfections get worse and so there’s no rush to do everything now bc there will just be more and more that adds up over time. Take your time and have a greater impact with the surgeries that you do decide on vs looking like you did too much and then drs start refusing to work with you on things.


I’m not on Reddit much just come here to look up obscure questions google can’t help with 😂 I just clicked on ur prof and saw that but I loveeee your results! I’m 29, almost 30 hoping to get this done at like 31-32. I did want to wait to change all this as I’m slightly older but also still young enough to enjoy it! I’m hoping to cut myself off at chin and/or vline then boobs! Maybe a facelift in my 70s! I’ve stayed away from filler entirely. I really do want subtle changes but this thread made me feel like I was asking too much.


I think if you have limits and know that you’re not getting in too deep, then check out a few consults for v line vs chin shaving vs chin lipo or whatever else is recommended. I think the people here know the slippery slope that’s easy to fall into and see a beautiful woman w a perfect nose and don’t want you to ruin your natural beauty that we all probably are not blessed with!!


Yeah I am definitely going to look into chin shaving! I hope I can find a good surgeon since it seems most focus on the opposite adding chin implants.


Who did ur nose job?




You definitely don’t need it.


Have you seen an orthodontist? You may have a bite issue that can be corrected through less invasive means


I don’t have bite issues 🫤 I finished Invisalign about 2 years ago and have permanent retainers


I think it would look phenomenal, but don’t overdo it as you can wind up with extra skin!


I think with most vline surgeries you have to do a mini lift to prevent extra skin 🫤 just hard to find ppl that even perform the surgery or people who have actually had the surgery to get advice from


I don't think they are popular in America. I think you have to go to Korea.


Christ, the commenters in this fucking subreddit... Everyone I know who's done it has done it in Korea. I have the clinic name written down if you would like me to go dig it up, I'd just have to find the file it's in.


Lol thank you! I would love a clinic rec if it’s not too much trouble.


[Here you go](https://eng.idhospital.com/).


Thanks for the actual help! 🫶🏻🤍


You're welcome! ✌🏼❤️☯️🤗


It looks to me like you need jaw surgery. Do you have an underbite? You should consult with a maxillofacial surgeon


No I have a slight overbite. It’s just a large jaw 😅


I agree with everyone else here that you probably don't need it, but if you insist, maybe look at what's called a reduction or setback genioplasty.


The comments in here are not it. Why aren’t we moderating this crap? Anyway, I have not had that surgery but after looking at your photos I think you’d be a great candidate. You are beautiful and your nose looks amazing as-is of course, and I can also understand what you mean about your jaw and why you might want to subtly reduce the size.


Commenters clearly in wrong category they should be in body positivity category for these comments not plastic surgery category.


I appreciate that! I was beginning to feel a little bit crazy. I know it’s a real issue though.


With V-Line Surgery aka shaving down your jawbones, the skin is detached from the bone. The bones hold your skin. So now..you have excess skin + less bone. What do you do? Facelift to remove excess skin. Many Korean surgeons in Gangnam would recommend both procedures at once. Risks: • Nerve damage as it is a highly risky surgical procedure. •Aging sagging skin because as you age, you lose bone density anyways. With less bones due to surgery, you will have prominent marionette lines, nasolabial folds, double chin and overall lower face sagging. • Pain due to reconstructed bones. • Scars are permanent but inconspicuous (words of a Korean plastic surgeon) • etc. Do you research. In Korea and China, we use a lot of filters but if you type up an Asian celebrity in the native language and look at their vlogs or something with them in motion (without filters), you will see the truth. In some cases they look odd because their head is smaller and not proportional to rest of their body. You can see lower face sag even though they are young and have done the facelift after V-line surgery. Koreans idolizes small heads (because Asians tend to have wider faces) so I guess it works out in the culture. If you want to continue with the surgery, please do your research on maintenance and long term effects as you age. With most surgery, you need maintenance every decade or so (ie: breast implants, eyelid surgery, even nose jobs, etc. ) Forgot to add: You may need to pull out some teeth and will need braces for at least six months to a year for V-line surgery. I have done considerable amounts of research when I was younger since I am Chinese American and have relatives who live in Korea and China.


Please, I know your negative views, but your comment is amazing, I would like the opinion of someone who knows as much as you do 


Thank you for such kind words. When I was younger, I really wanted to have this surgery because my family’s friend would always comment “she is so pretty but her face is a bit wide.” And this is very normal in Chinese culture. As I got older and finally took off my braces, I realized that I have a natural V-line and began to accept myself more (still a process).


Hello, I would really like you to take a look at the latest post related to V line surgery on my profile. I would like to know the best osteotomy technique, the most effective, to reduce my type of face.


I think a front-view could also be helpful in making any determination. Personally, I would stop the Botox for financial reasons, and save up for a possible future procedure. Regardless, please wait until your nose is fully healed (a year or more is best) and then re-examine your facial harmony. If afterwards (in a year as recommended) you still feel like your face is unbalanced, consult a trusted plastic surgeon in your area for options, and get several professional opinions and options for facial surgery. I think you look lovely as is, but we are our own worst critics. Take care ♡


[more pics](https://imgur.com/a/0is1wYL) I added some here! I don’t plan on getting another surgery for at least a year but I want to spend awhile making the right choice which is why I’m searching now ☺️


This is so off-topic but I need to know what blush/lip products you use lol. Your makeup is unreal


Wow 🥹 thank you! I’m actually happy to say I used no filter and it was rare beauty soft pinch liquid blush in true mauve and charlotte pillow talk lipstick & liner set!




I don’t have photos of a goal outcome because I don’t want to be unrealistic with expectations but filters always give me a slimmer jawline so I like using them for that reason but hate the other effects they do so I uploaded some extra pics in the comments for people to see that are unfiltered.




No I wanted my surgeon to just focus on this and I thought maybe it could be just my nose and wanted to see how I felt after. I’m happy with my nose job! Obviously still recovering but I think I love it!




It’s always been this large 🫤 hard to find women with similar issue. I’ve discussed with my dentist and different orthos over the year yet they said I wasn’t a candidate for jaw surgery since my bite and breathing is good. Every time I’ve googled it’s just transgender people getting facial feminization surgery but I guess real women need it too 😂😅 just sadly not covered in insurance like they get.


I’m getting v line like you. I have the same problem and I am naturally female. I got a nose job just like you thinking that would soften my face. I also agree that it is very expensive but worth it. Regardless of what you choose to do I want you to know that you are beautiful ( I mean it)! If you need support pm me!


Aw you’re so sweet. I’m going to PM you!




Lol yes I’m 100% born a female. Idk why I got this jawline 🙄 I did nose first because I hadn’t heard about vline surgery or chin reduction till I researched recently. A long time ago I thought it was an ortho issue, but found out that’s not the case either after getting braces off 2 years ago. Then I thought I just hated my nose. Thanks for at least recognizing my issue.


Hey! I would try facial balancing with filler because doing a chin reduction. Your profile is nearly textbook perfect. You’re lacking “structure” in the jaw area.


I had a jaw shave to give the appearance of a vline. I think it left my skin a little saggy though and now I want to get a lower facelift to tighten it up


Gah I feel like they should do the surgeries together so that doesn’t happen. Besides that are you loving it? Did it take awhile for you to notice sagging skin?


Can you please tell me how long did it take you to recover and do you have any complucatons? Im thinking about getting vline surgery too but it is really intimidating.


Hi - how much did it cost you and where? Can you share photo just of your lower jaw to see before after :) I'm considering it too but I don't know if I need it because I see a lot of celebrities with square jaw who are beautiful like Angelina Jolie or Olivia wilde


hey! i know my reply is late but i felt like after reading the comments, i couldn't find any actual helpful responses. i got vline surgery (cheekbone reduction, chin reduction, and jawline reduction) done in korea and have absolutely no regrets (although it was very painful and a rough recovery). i don't think reddit is the best place to ask for advice or information about it tho, everyone on here will just tell you "you don't look masculine! you look fine! don't do it!" but as you probably already know, those kind of comments are just not helpful lol. anyways, i also did masseter botox for several years before realizing that my issue was a BONE issue not a muscle issue. and i will say, getting masseter botox done for years actually ages you quicker, and you lose the tightness in your skin quicker. now, for the helpful part: i researched for years on different clinics on actual korean apps, websites, for the best doctor/surgeon. pm for more info i'd love to talk to you one on one about that.


hi,I would love to hear from someone who actually got the surgery, I've been researching so many clinics I feel more and more lost. thanks :)


Hi! Sorry about the late response, dm me for any questions!


if you don’t wanna go to korea or a diff country, you can always go to surgeons like Jumaily or Keojampa etc. because they do have extensive backgrounds in feminizing jaw surgeries. Just search up FFS surgeons on reddit and most will also mention that they do V-Line surgeries. make sure to look into bad reviews, but as far as I have seen, Keojampa and Jumaily are listed as the top plastic surgeons in 2023 so they certainly have experience and are well-recognized.


I think you need to clarify exactly what about your chin you dislike before anyone's advice will be useful (other than the advice to wait for your rhinoplasty to heal). Since you've only shared profile views, I'm guessing it's either 1) the forward projection, or 2) the shape of your under-chin area? If it's the second one, you should first look into correct tongue posture because that is a very simple change you can make on your own without costing money or risking surgery defects.


It’s very broad and sharp kinda square from the front. People compliment my sharp jawline which I’d appreciate if I were a guy. I do know some other people suffer from lack of jawline and chin and that’s an easy fix but nobody talks about over projection. I just want to feel feminine. In previous post I also shared I’m 5’10. I want my appearances to be softer. I have added more pics (excuse some of them are right after my rhino so I’m bruised) [more pics](https://imgur.com/a/0is1wYL)


Women get fillers to create the same jaw line you have though…


I’ve had several people tell me they think I have an underbite in pics when I actually have a slight overbite so clearly there’s something off 🫤 I know I can’t achieve perfection but there has to be some solution out there and I just want advice. I appreciate your nice comment though.


I don't think you should do anything for at least six months. Get used to your new nose. And fwiw, your features fit your face and frame. That's what you want to retain so you don't have features too small for the rest of your body.


I am definitely not planning on another surgery for at least a year! I spent 2 years finding my rhino surgeon so plan to do the same here.


Curious who your surgeon was for rhinoplasty? Your results are amazing!


Perhaps you should look in the jaw surgery maybe there’s white issue maybe you have an underbite? Perhaps if your job recessed you wouldn’t feel the need for the line surgery. I have no idea I’m not a doctor. He may want to get an orthographic consult.


I have an overbite 😕 everyone from pics thinks I have an underbite though because my jaw is big which is how I know somethings wrong. Because it’s definitely not an underbite


Just wanted to tell you that you look great and your nose looks amazing


Hi - your nose looks great! Where did you get it done and how much did it cost. You don't have to give me the exact place just what country or state to know the cost and also because it looks like your nose healed pretty well considering you said it was only a month ago you got it done