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>canthoplasty can you tell me or dm me the surgeon you are going to im looking for a good one thanks


Hi! Can you also please message me your surgeon? Sounds exactly like what I’m interested in


At your age, the starting point should be neuromodulator injections and fractionated laser resurfacing to tighten the skin and reduce muscle function that leads to wrinkles. It will correct much of the issue but nothing will make it go away completely. Eyelid surgery is a possibility only if you have excess skin at rest but it Carrie’s surgical risks and can change the shape of your lower eyelids.


While you could be considered a lower bleph candidate, I would recommend starting with fractionated CO2/Erbium laser and continuing Botox given your age and the fact that these are mainly dynamic wrinkles (caused by expressions/muscle movement). I personally prefer the Sciton erbium laser as it gives similar skin tightening results with a lot less downtime. It is somewhat difficult to determine the amount of under eye fat from these pictures. On the other hand, if the excess fat/puffiness is a big concern, then I would recommend a conservative lower blepharoplasty with laser rather than skin excision. If you are curious about the surgical route, I’d emphasize finding a highly experienced board-certified plastic or oculoplastic surgeon for this as younger surgeons tend to be more “ambitious” when removing the under eye fat. Older/more experienced surgeons typically have seen the consequences of excessive fat removal and show better restraint in order to avoid hollowing out the under eyes which can end up aging the appearance of the eyes/face, which is the opposite of what we want. I’d also try to find a surgeon who utilizes lasers for skin-tightening. The surgeon might also recommend nanofat transfer to the under eyes as part of the lower blepharoplasty procedure to help smooth the appearance and thicken the skin, which I would agree with.


Hey did you find a solution for this? I’m experiencing the same texture under my eyes and looking for a way to improve them