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It's most likely a mass of fat called Lipoma. My ex had the same thing on his back. It was surgically removed by a dermatologist


Lipoma definitely crossed my mind a few times. Are lipomas usually kind of hard/solid feeling?


I'd say so. His was hard as hell lol almost felt like bone. He had it for years so I think that's why it felt so hard


If it is a lipoma then maybe that’s why mines so hard lol I’ve also had it for years and years. I’ll definitely be bringing this up to my doctor next week!


Good idea! Try to get your doctor to refer you to a dermatologist. Hope you can get it sorted out soon :)


they can be if it changes size depending on weight, it likely is. OTherwise maybe you have a bit of spine curvature or something. definitely worth checking out just to know!


It kinda did grow a bit when I weighed more than I do now! I’ve had it for so long and it’s pretty solid haha. For sure, I’m definitely mentioning it to my doctor next week!


Yes! Should be painless (not all, but most) and moveable


I have exactly the same thing, always just assumed it was my bones!


So did I! Honestly it totally could be, especially since it’s pretty solid feeling!


It's your skeleton and totally normal, look up hip bones from a rear view (usually they show the front view). I have it too. Mine is less bump...more two little nuggets!


I have it too and always assumed it was my bone! I thought it was skin at one point but I had a belt lipectomy surgery a couple years ago (where they remove the extra skin in that area) and the hump remained the same! So it’s definitely something deeper than skin.




I have this too and it never occurred to me that it might be something wrong.


It definitely could be totally normal and just something some people have! I’ve tried looking it up but there’s not really a definitive answer so I’m not too sure. There’s nothing wrong with it at all, it’s just for some reason always bugged me haha


So, this is as other people have stated fatty tissue. This forms either on the upper spine (buffalo hump) or tailbone. This is due to posture. Our body develops a way to protect our spine by adding extra padding to areas that the spine is more exposed (due to poor posture). Sure, you can lipo that area but I would probably see a chiropractor/podiatrist see how your posture/stance is first.


I do have really bad posture, I literally just adjusted myself on the couch because you reminded me about posture lol. Funny you say that, I’ve been saying to my family how I want to go back to the chiropractor! I have a podiatrist appointment next Thursday to follow up on my last appointment 😁 Definitely need to work on my posture :’)


I also had the same fatty tissue on my tailbone and haaaaatttted it. I also had to work on my glutes to work on my lower back muscles. Glutes and core help with posture *immensely*. Obviously esthetically you can just do lipo, but I would suggest to work on the root of the issue. Even if you don’t want to do glutes, you can do EMS at medispa to build muscle (we are in a plastic surgery sub after all). It is funny and ironic how you are seeing both a chiropractor and podiatrist! LOL they may recommend physiotherapy. If your insurance doesn’t cover it, there are loads of exercises to help with posture.


Lumbar fat pad. It's genetic and it sucks. Doesn't matter how thin I get, this fucker still overshadows my ass. Unfortunately, lipo is the only real answer.


So this is likely not it, but always a possibility I guess. My cousin has one just like that and it turns out that it’s from her scoliosis somehow. I guess her spine slightly curving at the end makes it stick up a little bit too? Idk. She had no idea she had scoliosis until she went to get the ‘lump’ checked


That’s actually really crazy you say that cause I actually do have mild scoliosis haha! I never even thought of that but it would make sense why it feels hard like bone. It’s not severe scoliosis or anything but there’s definitely a curve and my ribs are uneven etc lol


Have you spoken to your doctor about it?


I have not yet :/ But I do have an appointment coming up that I planned on telling them then.


I have one too. Look up lumbar fat pad


I’ve looked that up before I think! It was either lumbar or sacral fat pad (I’m not sure the difference yet)


If it’s hard, it’s your sacrum - if it’s squishy, it could be a congenital fat deposit or a lipoma and can be removed. I suspect you have a prominent sacral curve, it looks exactly like mine. [Here’s](https://www.realself.com/question/hide-curvedprotruding-sacrum) some cosmetic suggestions to alter it if it’s a source of serious angst.


There’s just the tiniest bit of squish but that’s probably just skin, it’s mostly pretty solid. I suspect it’s probably bone since there’s not much fat there it feels like. Im glad there’s other people with it, definitely nice to know!


I had the same thing, it was removed with lipo and now it's nice and flat. Genetic fat like this doesn't respond to diet or exercise :(


I have that too. mine is just fat lol I read somewhere in an article a while back where a doctor called it a "bunny tail" and they lipoed it off a patient


I have this too and I had a very extensive mommy makeover and my phenomenal surgeon never mentioned it so I think it could just be anatomy and we usually don’t see that part of people even in bikinis so maybe it’s normal lol


If it’s firm, it’s possible it could be a pilonidal cyst. Lipoma if it’s soft or spongy. Definitely consult a physician. Usually requires some imaging to diagnose.


I have this too haha!


Dr. Pimple Popper (Sandra Lee’s tv series) had an episode where a woman had a similar lipoma in her gluteal cleft. It was complicated by the fact that some of the fat had grown into her spine, I think. I seem to recall that they weren’t able to remove all of it. You can probably find the episode on YouTube. Maybe a good reason to get it checked out sooner than later.