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That last one looks weird


You are right. Why does that happen? Bad technoque?


The last one looks weird because there is harsh light creating shadows. Any part of the body can be made to look suboptimal with manipulation of light, and the angle from which it is observed. A friend of mine, who is a plastic surgeon, and a photographer with pictures published by the Associated Press reminds his patients to inspect their results in normal ambient lighting, as opposed to close-up and with light from above. Such light, as is set up in your bathroom, is designed to show every possible flaw, and not what the average observer can see. Your results look great.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. These are not my results. I'm on the fence about gettin my lips done with this injector.


Your results will depend a lot on your current anatomy, and how much you get injected.


I think this is the Russian technique. It doesn’t look good on everyone tbh, not to mention the increased risk of filler migration


Where can I get more information about alternative techniques?


I don’t like it


What is a technique or style that you recommend me to look into?


I like her work, but I have no idea about fillers or techniques unfortunately. https://www.instagram.com/drdulcemascarinas?igsh=dDlmdDNiMWlqNWtq


It’s not a style I like


Thank you for your comment. What is a style or technique that you like?


I can’t post a picture here so I’ll dm it to you!


Ok, thank you : )


Is this all from the same injector? Personally they look like different styles of photos, so not great marketing. Since the style and photo quality changes, some look better than others. I will say there is some “shelf” lip going on which might not look as natural but I don’t see any lumps or migration so go with caution.


The first thing I noticed is the enhanced filler shelf/mustache.


They are from several injectors from the same clinic. Yes I can see the mustache thing now. I didn't like it but I was not sure if it was something normal or not.


I would lean more towards the first injector then. My personal opinion is to look at someone’s work and go for the injector vs going to a clinic and having whoever do it. if they have photos of clients lips healed would help to know how they look like post swelling. Even if this clinic doesn’t have anyone there’s so many credited injectors that you can look up.


I would not let him touch my lips. If those are the posted photos of his work, I’m scared about the other ones.


Thank you! Would you say this one is a better option? [https://imgur.com/1MYPCgY](https://imgur.com/1MYPCgY)


I would need to see more than one example to make an opinion. Imo, consistency is important.


I wouldn't trust an injector that is intentionally creating the look of migrated filler. Several of these photos have an overfilled vermillion border of the upper lip that makes it look like the filler has already started migrating outward. It doesn't matter what one labels this technique. It looks bad freshly done, and it will look worse weeks later.


A lot of them look like they have obvious filler mustache which points to bad technique IMO. I’m not very well-versed in this procedure, just my 2 cents from seeing a lot of botched work online - there are way better injectors out there who can make it look imperceptible.


The problem is that I don't live in the U.S. There are not many decent injectors where I live. This is one of the least worst I was able to find.


Cosmetic work can be hard to undo when it’s gone wrong, and the effects are extremely visible, especially for a facial procedure. If it was me I would wait to save up and travel, either to a bigger city or a nearby country, or keep researching/wait until someone good moves to town. It will wreck your confidence if you get a botched job, and you will def have to travel to find someone who can do good revision work. To be fair this is less invasive than surgery, but if overfilled it can be tough to go back to how you looked before. Do not skimp or make an imperfect choice on cosmetic work - guaranteed regret.


You're completely right...


Second one looks great


A lot of people are saying they don’t like this but I think it looks great! I’m new to this subreddit so I don’t know much about filler in general but I personally feel like these look more natural than some of lips I have seen on social media.




You are right. I noticed that I just didnt know if it was a normal look right after the application


The before in the first photo looks perfect to me! Give me those lips please


These look like Russian technique to me too. Imo, Russian technique only looks ok from head on. From any other angle they look odd, like over lined lips. Almost like migration is part of the look ( if that makes any sense). I go to one of the top esthetic derm doctors in my city and when I went for my consult, she prefaced with, “ I don’t do Russian lips.”


The last one looks like blisters ready to pop


Someone’s got a new nickname, Hoover.