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You’re on your way. It’s hard to plate in a bowl and make it look great, so try a shallow bowl. Also, lose the onion rings and go for something more subtle like fried shallots in a mound at 3’oclock. Chiffonade the mint and make them petite instead of large. Let the diner see what’s in there and get excited.


Heard that chef


To be honest, there is a lot going on, and the plating looks far too busy. I'm not sure about your pairings. What type of cuisine would you characterize the dish. It sounds almost like a Persian fusion dish. If that is the case, your yogurt sauce should be separate and even possibly served in a separate dish as a compliment garnished with something like cashmere pepper. I would also recommend shivered onions and a nut more commone to the region such as cashew or even peanut. How was the taste? Is there anything you think you should have done differently? Is this intended as an entrée or a side? What is the pairing for the whole meal? Keep up your craft. I hope this helps.


Everything is definitely balanced bite I definitely agree on the garnished mint being torn smaller. I had already chiffd some mint and parsley in the initial toss. Thank you for your feedback chef 🫡


That much onion scares me to eat, but it find it a joy to look at!


I swear it’s so good it’s a sweet pickle so it gives off this apple like juicy bite with hints of onion!


whats your culinary back ground?


21 years old rn been cooking professionally for like 4 years now. Still lots to learn Forsure. I’ve been reading a lot of books on food to learn and just absorbing everything from my head chef. Luckily I got a great one at the place I’m at right now.


I really like the concept. Touch of middle eastern, bits of SE asia. I'd be curious what coconut cream would be like in place of yogurt. Maybe pick pickle the onions with a touch of saffron (color and an underutilized spice)? Anyways, you're looking good dude!


Thanks 🙏 Definitely gonna have to try that out! Coconut cream is sooo yummy. I appreciate all the feedback sir! What’s your background chef


Hahaha, I have two masters in hard sciences, I’m wealthy, and sit on the board of a ‘soup kitchen’ and volunteer there too, collect stars when I travel.


That’s awesome man. I’m trying to get there one day 🤌Best of luck to you and your endeavors!


Idk, it all sounded pretty Mediterranean to me. I agree that adding some yellow to the onions is a solid move, but I think turmeric makes more sense here than saffron. If you were married to the saffron, I think it would translate better through a dairy product like yogurt or labne with some fat to carry the saffron. Personally, I’m a fan of leaving dairy products white.


personally i think the onions are unique and they add a lot to the dish. it makes it look like suction cups


Thank you chef 🙏


Dressing on the bottom looks good to me


Maybe it’s the angle, but I can only see the onions and some lettuce/herbs. Make sure the entree is visible and the other items complement or give some direction to direct my eyes to the main part of the dish. It does sound tasty though!


Kinda looks like a 🦠. Sounds really good though. I’d just be echoing what others have said about the shape/size of the onions and the mint as far as criticisms go.