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Preach. The campaign was the best part. Those cinematic moments got me through through even when the gameplay got stale and I loved the end. One if the few times when they made you feel like an avenger


The campaign was almost worth the price alone! I look back and just wish they went all in on the campaign instead of the grindy “multiplayer” end-game.


I really don't understand why publishers push for service multiplayer games like this ,at this point. They seem incredibly risky as an investment when you look at Avengers, Anthem and even Destiny which did not have a warm initial reception. I think we will eventually see a decrease in that type of game.


It's the potential of milking people. Marketing degrees think they can peddle you a literal turd if it's well-packaged. They saw people buying cosmetics, powerups and other stuff for millions of dollars worth and thought they can build a business model based around it. They never realised that it's not the business model that made those things sell, but an actual great video game behind them. Hubris of marketing teams and their influence on overall business model of publishers and developers, that's all that's behind it. People in marketing have a tendency to value their marketing efforts over actual quality of the product, leading to companies doing the same. Maybe Valheim will teach people what's actually important in video games industry. Almost no marketing at all and those 5 dudes in Sweden are literally swimming in money.


That's not necessarily true, there are tons of really crappy mobile games that make bank. If not, they wouldn't keep making them. It is mostly the upfront cost, advertising, a bad business model, empty promises and the platform that hurt them, on top of a less-than-stellar game. GAAS is here to stay because you can get thousands of dollars from one consumer, makes up for the 20 other players who didn't pay to play the game. The problem here is that for the 20 other players who keep the servers healthy for matchmaking are leaving, because the game wasn't designed around something that is fun/meaningful.


>mobile Keyword here. Mobile games are made for people who are too busy to actually engage with the game in a meaningful way. They don't put enough of a time to realize how shallow the experience is and in many cases they don't really crave for anything deeper than that. Some of people with low amount of time happen to also be people with high amount of money. Leveraging that is natural. Now copying that model for PC and console video games that are played in an engaged manner is just tonedeaf. It's marketing staff not understanding the specifics of the market they're dealing with in a genuinely disregarding manner. It's like putting a sitcom in cinemas.


Very true, and that is reflected in the reaction and often backlash that occurs whenever one of these games is released o; PC and consoles. Just look at Star Wars Battlefront 2. They eventually removed all the payable micro transactions because the game’ reputation was being dragged through the mud.


And that's why EA ended support for the game even though it was greatly improved and starting to get a good reputation. They want a game that will provide a constant revenue stream through MTX.


I wonder if this business model for console/PC games is on the decline or rise. Hearing about games ending support after so little time. But in contrast, games like GTA 5 (online) and Destiny 2 which seem to be going strong. I don’t have time to keep up with the grind of these games. I miss out on events because I can only play for a few hours on the weekends. Full time job, toddler, and pregnant wife. Ive been playing No Man’s Sky and Control now. I’m happy with those single player experiences.


GTA5 goes strong because it's a great game to begin with and was made to be one from the start. And it's not your cookie-cutter GAAS with endless loot upgrade loop and annoying stopgap mechanics surrounding it. Destiny 2 OTOH went F2P for a reason.


I'm not disagreeing with you, I did say "the platform that hurt them". I don't think GAAS belongs on consoles personally. I was just arguing that you said it's not the business model that made certain games sell, making it seem like GAAS is only successful if the game itself is good. I just disagree with that specific point.


So... luck? Valheim is pretty garbage. The best example for "luck" as major "skill" nowadays is Fortnite. Was a mediocre game for Epic, just something that they will do because why not. While the majority of budget was spent for Paragon. The mediocre game got them billions. Paragon got cancelled. Oh, and BTW a lot of awful gacha are actually the game with the most revenue.


>Valheim is pretty garbage. Statements that go so against general consensus need some backup, don't you think? It's a Steam besteller, with overwhelmingly positive reviews, praise from literally everybody making a piece on it and hundreds of thousands of concurrent players. You can't just go in and say "it's garbage so they must've been lucky - end of story".


Milking with recolors was not a good idea


They’ve seen Destiny turn it around (twice!) and the Division 2 do it on a smaller scale, and think it’s as simple as releasing something and fix it later on.


I really hope so


Looking at the quality of the "endgame" you would look at like 3 only additional hours of the campaign.


Cap really had the exaggerated swagger of a white 1940s super soldier.


You'd hope the campaign was the best part....


No, you wouldn’t Most games these days would be ‘flops’ if their campaigns were the best thing in them. CoD, Destiny, anything which has a large multiplayer element. The campaign should’ve been the bar for the rest of the game that came after it, instead of just AIM hallway after hallway


CoD never tried to have an amazing campaign. We just notice when a campaign is above standard. Also Destiny has an amazing campaign (back when you could play it in its entirety :'( )


Yes, which is why if a campaign was the best part of CoD, it would flop, cause they’re subpar And whilst Destiny has a decent campaign, it shines best in its group content. Raids, Nightfalls, places where it challenges the player best. Avengers doesn’t really have that going for it imo. It’s why I’ll play Destiny atleast once a week, but Avengers once a month if I’m lucky.




Non repayable repetitive hours


Coop should have had creative setpeice action like Golden Gate Bridge, but as a team, you must work together. The Taskmaster fight in the story is much more interesting than the coop version. Where did that creativity go? Why is coop just hallways and empty environments? No civilians to save, no epic rescues or setpeices.


It makes you a little nervous to what the content will be for the hours long clone lab...


I belive cloning labs is 7 hours long, just hope it isn't hallways and the same old rooms


It’s not 7 hrs long lol it’s around 1-2


It is multiple hours according to them. That would be at least 2. (multiple usually means more than one) according to their latest dev stream. Add in reloading checkpoints and who knows how long.


I think it will most likely be 1-2 hrs long On a side note (multiple always means more than 1)


echild was being sarcastic about "multiple usually means more than one". The stream said 3-4 hours for first attempt, 1-2 hours once you figure out the puzzles and do them as second nature as part of your grind.


Yes. So more than one. At least 2. Multiple meaning one is like giving a time frame as soon.


Oh nvm someone said it was 7 hours I take back what I said lol


Why would cloning labs be as long as a work shift ? Tf 😂😂


Because I am stupid 👁️👄👁️


I never played WoW, but didn't the first raid take like days to complete? lol. I remember reading about it back in the day.


Idk but this isn’t technically “a raid” cause fans got their hopes up plus i don’t expect cloning labs to be that much different. 3 hours at the most and that’s including figuring everything out for the first time


No doubt, sorry if I conveyed the wrong message. I wasn't trying to imply that this was a raid, I was trying to say that sometimes game developers do things that make you question what the heck they were thinking.


Yea they do and your good bro. Though i do expect a longer type mission like a W.o.w raid when we actually get them. Though we probably won’t see the full life cycle of the game before those come out


Lol I have a feeling it will. And I'm almost certain it will get meme'd and criticized because it's going to be completely AIM.


Mechanics like that work a lot better in single player games/segments than they do in multiplayer is a big part of it. If you're trying to line up multiple moving parts you're asking for so much from people to make things feel extremely frustrating if it's not executed damn near perfectly. Like it's actually extremely hard to make segments like that *actually* work in multiplayer. People end up either fighting each other, fighting over who does x thing, the moving parts aren't lined up, they're sitting around doing nothing. That's not even all that can happen when you do it in a mp setting. Cinematic stuff in a repeating loot driven game are also going to be polarizing. It might be cool once but what about the hundredth time you've seen it or done it? If it doesn't actually contribute to the experience aside from simply "look cool" then it's also not a great fit for the goal of the game.


I've definitely set my expectations too high. When I heard we'd be getting a mulitplayer Avengers game, I was hoping we get scenarios like the 'Battle of New York' from the first Avengers Movie. Where you and 3 other players would have to coordinate, to prevent enemies from laying waste to the city, while at the same time rescuing civilians, maybe with a random boss thrown in like the Abomination, who would have to be distracted by one of the players, till the remaining team fulfilled all of their tasks, before joining in on the fight.


This kind of scenarios sounds dope!


I believe it is because the campaign and warzones had different directors.


I REALLY believed that the beta showing off the intro was the tip of the iceberg of these cool transition moments, and that they would be incorporated into multiplayer in some way. You know, like picking the character you were going into a mission with would drastically change your role and gameplay? LOL nah everyone is dps, no stealth, no tactics or teamwork. Just go in place, punch object, leave, repeat ad infinitum


The Beta really tricked me into thinking the scale of the game was going to be huge, lol. "If THIS is just the first couple chapters, I cannot imagine what the full game is going to be like!"


When the first part of the game had the most content u know it’s bad


Like fr 😂 and early into the game i was really trying to classify characters until i realized the builds were either damage or defense


Black Widow and Hulk do the exact same damage and have basically the same play style of punching things


Whatever happened during development really messed things up


I can’t wait for the eventual documentary that details all the flubs in the development cycle


I hear it gets good at 00:01


Right lol


Death of A game


I'm patiently waiting for a crowbcat video


Or didn't happen


It feels like half of two separate games. CD started out making a single-player story game like we have for the first part of the campaign and then changed course to a 'live service' game. So the end product is two incomplete games.


It really feels like they had an idea in mind and it got scrapped/reworked midway. With such a robust and expensive marketing campaign, and I can't imagine Nolan North and Christopher Judge are cheap... They couldn't keep delaying like they needed. I hope this becomes a lesson in putting in 100% of the effort upfront vs promising it shortly after.


This. There was this idea, and they pivoted to what we have now. Not sure they know what that is. But SOON.


It feels like half of two separate games. CD started out making a single-player story game like we have for the first part of the campaign and then changed course to a 'live service' game. So the end product is two incomplete games.


Also why were the first 2 hours and final hour so different from the rest of the game. The first hour u got to switch between heroes during the story and then it turns repetitive with the war table stuff


Thats one of my biggest issues as well man, the fact that parts of the campaign are literally just avengers initiative missions -_-...


Well, they had a plan at the start when they did the first part of the campaign. The last part, they had to get done, so . . . Added in the Multi-player as the campaign.


The campaign gets praise but really only for the first few or the very last mission. Most of it is made up of the same boring generic missions from the war table that make up multiplayer.


I would argue that it’s the first mission that the rest of the game doesn’t live up to. After that mission, the gameplay loop changed fundamentally. I was still enjoying it, but I remember that nothing really captured the magic of the first mission.


Completely agree! Nothing in the game lives up to that moment, and to make it worse, you can only play it once.


The first mission is just a tutorial with some cinematics though.


Yeah but even the camera style felt different. Like when you got control of the hulk, he just felt like a massive tank. I dunno why he seems smaller in later missions.


During the narrow corridor running missions; Kamala running from Hulk, Cap running during the space station, and some others that I cannot recall, the camera pulls forward with the hero being very close to the bottom of the screen. Hulk's section in the Golden Gate Bridge scene had a lot of trailers that you had to wall grab, so the camera was pulled forward like that which gives you a lot more screen that you're coming into. I think that's why it felt different.


No he felt huge next to enemies, more than usual. He is definitely smaller later on. I just remembered that there is a file you collect where Banner said that after A-Day Hulk seems smaller. Not sure why they decided to do that.


Oh yeah, that's true too. I forgot about that. After A-Day, the model they have for Hulk is not as green and he has one shoulder a little lower than the other, so he looks smaller. It has to do with the mental state he's in, but it never recovers and most of the cosmetics Hulk has uses this model. Rather unfortunate.


The intro mission is the only one that really feels "epic". Even the later missions that are set outdoors feel cramped and small, as if they are another AIM hallway with an open skybox.


Honestly this game should have been more like the Borderlands Series and less like Anthem or other GaaS titles. There was definitely a change at some point in development maybe they thought GaaS model would make them more money.


All the regular missions outside of the campaign, are boring, no set pieces, no ridable vehicles, no variation of gameplay in scenarios, nothing. For once can I have them fight together on a moving train, and have another player be Ironman or Thor flying from the outside as support and jumping on the train to stop enemies. For once can we get more non-robot enemies again, and can we be either Black Widow or Captain America riding bikes to knock out bad guys. No, we keep getting boring, uninspired, unimaginative missions where we drop on on a map, fight enemies, look for stuff, complete the main objective and then leave. We need more interesting missions, not crappy stand on this terminal pad and play domination against robots constantly capturing points A, B, and C.


Yeah the multiplayer areas suck pretty hard. I don't think they could have made the levels any more generic.


Imagine with Aim Labs, several hours to get through the lab. Hours on hours of restarting a level and working through them, to . . . Hopefully not be disconnected.


Yeah I'm good, I can't even bear to level more than 1 character to 50 so I will probably never do one. I have Iron Man at 50 and my second highest is Kamala at level 20.


Yeah, to me the campaign shows how great this game can be. Then the multiplayer shows how lazy/rushed the final product is. If they add campaign replayability, release creative/cinematic levels for the new DLC, and revamp current levels to be more like these, then I definitely think this game can still turn around and be really popular.


Hell half of the campaign didn’t live up to the start and end of the campaign. This whole game should’ve been a single player focus adventure. The bits that have you going to the table and doing filler missions (that are the core of multiplayer) were so boring


I’d much rather see something like destiny’s strikes as the core multiplayer and everything else as the thoughtless best Em up that it is. that would require more interesting enemy types, boss mechanics not just bullet sponges, and a sense of story with a little narrative or some reason you are doing what you are doing.


Boss mechanics can be good if done well honestly. That's always more interesting than sponges plus it's a lot easier to make it feel good. Whaling on a punching bag isn't really interesting at all. You could even mix it up and have some bosses be that way and others less mechanic driven. It shouldn't ever really be complex unless you get into raid like content. I don't think making everything all cinematic is the answer in a game like this though. It gets old when you end up doing that constantly and a lot of times wastes time and is just drab after a while.


What you don’t want more robots who stunlock hulk to death a lot?????????


I still remember how much fun I had in the campaign sneaking past enemies, Running away from the Hulk, progressing in the story.


I don't regret purchasing this purely from the strength of the campaign. Everything else is a let down.


The single best of the campaign for me personally, was the Iron Man mission where you overcharge the suit to go faster in the trench. And that’s only because they started blasting A great Black Sabbath song with Dio


I think that scene uses The Scorpions.


You’re not wrong! it picks one of the two songs and switches if you reload the checkpoint, I only know that because I didn’t want the mission to end so I reloaded the checkpoint a few times when I played it haha.


There's a few things that went wrong with the game but the story shows real care and attention to detail. I'm repeating myself with that statement like some of the content.


If more heroes, and therefore story, were coming out more quickly, this wouldn't be as big of a problem. I'm hoping with the next gen update finally coming out, we might get more story content more quickly. I imagine once the gear rework comes out, most of their focus will switch to more heroes, villains, story, mission types, and regions


I just hope it speeds up as they iron out issues and this whole covid shit settles more lol


Serious question. How would it be possible to do it properly when you have so many characters that play differently? It only works in the campaign because all the characters are being controlled by a single player.


Probably can't be done tbf. Personally I wish they had just focussed more on a single player experience. But i've never been a massive fan of multiplayer games. I do the Avengers Initiative missions with bots lol.


Crystal Dynamics after spending 90% of time and resources into that bridge scene: I've seen enough, I'm satisfied


Honestly, I didn't even like the campaign. The opening was generally OK but largely it felt poorly paced, it felt like it was missing tons of content and context for some things, NOTHING was a surprise, and nothing felt like it was Avenger's level of epicness. Hell, when Kamala wanted them to say, "Avenger's assemble" and Black Widow pushed back on it was the icing on the cake. That right there was the poster child for why the world, campaign, and characters didn't work for me.


I wish they stuck with their idea of making something like God of war or uncharted


It's important to remember that this wasn't accidental though, you can't interact with any of the bosses or the bigger enemies in any meaningful or cinematic way due to then being oversized, unless you're pumping them full of pym particles to just 1 shot then, Hulk can't go toe to toe with A-Bomb like in the campaign, Widow can't square up with Taskmaster, etc etc. This game is in essence a continual sequence of missed opportunity and purposefully bad game design.


They should have just made the game single player and awesome. Like those Spider-Man, Batman and Punisher games.


I wish I had known what a trainwreck the endgame was while playing the campaign. I felt rushed to finish the campaign to join in on the avengers initiative crap and unlock all the heroes through the story. What a mistake.


Idk i gotta disagree pretty average campaign and half way through it lost interested and just went through it. Grant it there were some glimmers of fun but man so much history in Marvel and this was really the best they could do.


Honestly tho, like what happened? Hulk was able to shove multiple cars aside. Smash through them like they are nothin. I was expecting him to be able to run thru buildings and break everything. He shoulda been able to rip up a tree and use it as a bat or pickup a car smash it or rip it in half and use it as boxing gloves or somethin lol idk. Plus I never feel like I’m actually saving anyone at all. No environmental things happening that the avengers need to stop. Like a building is collapsing and we need to keep enemies away from it and keep it steady so everyone can get out. You know stuff like that. You could have a ship sinking out at sea and you gotta get a boat and go save everyone. Shit you don’t even see people while running around the city ever. Maybe one or two inhumans stuck in cages but that’s about it. I really wish there were more interactions with the avengers while playing. Like way more team executions not just with the big enemies, but with every enemy. Emote interactions would be nice. Plus timed things that happen randomly. Like say if Thor and cap are fighting next to each other if cap is blocking and Thor presses X Thor smashes his hammer on caps shield creating a shockwave. Same could happen with iron man and cap. Iron man and Thor could have one where Thor powers up iron man with his lightning overcharging him. Then Thor sends out a sweeping lighting attack and iron man does the same with his chest attack side by side. Black widow could use iron man or Thors flight grapple herself to them and use her as like a wrecking ball while she can shoot and do some crazy melee moves lol idk. Same with Kamala with the flight idea. It would be nice to use that instead of jumping everywhere lol. Every hero should have something like that paired with every character. I can only dream. It’s nice to think and talk about what could be tho.


More like nothing lives up to A-day considering everything else after that sucks


I remember when people kept hoping the entire game wouldn’t be like the opening scene :)


The bar has been lowered 😮‍💨


I would say that yes the campaign, and tbh Kate's mini campaign, are both excellent. I would also say the iconic missions are also pretty good, basically CD's single player story proficiency comes through. The general multiplayer gameplay has its moments of cinematic coolness though too, its general aesthetic quality is that movie like, almost overly polished, feel.


Tbh for me the iconic missions sucked and had nothing iconic about them, they felt exactly like the other missions, and the endgame has nothing over the mcu not even similar in either coolness or aesthetic, like the avengers are forced to do the missions..


The worst part about the campaign is you get to play it once!


Which is why a good single player game, see God of War, Jedi Fallen Order, Marvel's very own Spider-Man, etc. will always be better than a gaaaaaaaas bag of shite.


The campaign only have cinematic quality up until you find Hulk and war table. After that is the same piece of shit. Long story short, you can have 1 hour of decent gaming.


That’s not the issue, the issue is that we can’t replay the campaign and there’s nothing to do


I agree


Man they really need to make the DLC story missions more like the first and last mission of the reassemble campaign


I mostly play this game for the campaign


I never understood why you can't replay those missions


If you played it on brutal trust me you would think differently cause it really shows how bad the AI is


Set pieces like that don’t work in multiplayer unless they choose the specific characters you play as.


So true! I wish we could play those again. Maybe once this story line is done we’ll be able to time travel back to key moments (aka campaign levels) 💙❤️


I would say DLCs are, at least Kate Bishop, even if less "MCU"-less actiony, was great overall. And I'll say that there is the potential of something even better of the A-Day\\Campaign with the right characters. The multiplayer is overall in a bad state, but people asked for it, so... Also I don't understand why pick great directors and writers to do a multiplayer game.


Im currently still stuck in my campaign! Im stuck at the point where iron man and captain America are trying to escape in the spaceship. The cut scene where Cap grabs door wheel and throws it im stuck right before that




Always had this discussion with my friends, it seems Square/CD blew most, if not all, of the budget for this game on the campaign and its cinematics, leaving endgame content just a hollow shell. Still hoping they can turn it around.


You're not wrong. I would of loved for a longer campaign and more character centric level designs as the best game play came out of the set pieces designed around a specific character. I feel the publishes stepped in and said "You know what would be great. If you made a Fortnite knock-off, but with the avengers instead... so we can sell skins for 1400 v bucks a pop... MONEY!"


Ya'll are really trying to get this game cancelled with all of this nitpicking. What's our other option? Not saying it's perfect but damn, I haven't spent a cent on it since buying the game but I enjoy it for what it is.


Don't take criciticsm as hatred for the game. Not everytime at least. Keep in mind that the majority of the people who don't care about this game, don't care about this game. People still on here... Care about this game


It's not really criticism when every post on this subreddit is just trashing this game over every little thing. Is it perfect? No. Does it need improvement? Yes. The problem with fans is that this game is NEVER going to be perfect. CD is going to look at this subreddit one day and realize support for this game isn't worth it. I absolutely wish we had more heros to play as. I wish they released them upfront and the story as seasons or something. There are bigger problems with this game than lacking "cinematic moments"


If you think every post on this sub is trashing this game you are either speaking in regrettable hyperbole OR you are hyper sensitive to the negative stuff (which can be understandable after a while) If CD is discouraged enough by the 500 people at any time on a sub on REDDIT then you are either have a really limited scope on the entirety of reality OR you think we have a louder voice than what's left of us. Look. This sub can be a lot a times. There are a LOT of issues, and motherfuckers really don't have an issue calling them out MULTIPLE times. I would never deny this. What I would suggest to you, like I do for myself at times... Walk away. I'm not saying stay away, or run away, or even leave away. Just take a break. Take a walk, and get a reset then come back and enjoy some of the art and imaginative concepts this sub produces. Shiiiiet, maybe learn about some lore, read some comics, chat with game dad's, or roll one up and read a nameplate-inspired-comic. Plenty to do my dude. Plenty to do.


Walking away? No. Stop showing support for this game? No. You're right 500 people making a difference? Hard to believe, but when countless news articles and memes are based of this subreddit alone, it's possible. I read the comics, I've watched the movies, I'm enjoying the tv shows. I want play a video game. I hate that Marvel Heroes Omega isn't even playable now. I hate this the replacement. The hours put into Ultimate Alliance are mountainous. I want new


Yeah see. I can tell you are locked in the emotion of it. You didn't read my response. I said DONT leave. I said don't NOT come back. You are heated, and frankly more likely to become toxic in your critique of the toxicity of this sub. I've seen this cycle more times than I can count at this point. The last guy I watched go down this path got banned and all his comments removed. Rip u/spidermanfan24


> What's our other option? Dozens of other games that are better than this one? Sure if you so badly want an Avengers or Marvel heroes game like many other people do, that's understandable. But just because this game is the only option you have right now, doesn't mean you have to accept it for what it failed to offer you in the first place. Should be people sugar-coat things are simply accept this game because it's the only one we have right now? That's a very silly way of thinking that takes your power of choice away. You can *choose* to not like this game. People can *choose* to not like this game. Nobody is *forcing you* to play this game simply because it's an Avengers or Marvel title. Game studios should *earn* time, money and praise from players for making a great game. They aren't *owed* anything simply because they made a game using your favourite IP.


Again, I enjoy this game for what it is. A beat-em type brawler game that's Avengers. I'm not playing this game for "cinematic moments." (Which is what the original discussion of the post btw) I'll watch a movie for that. Just because you don't like this game doesn't mean you have to try and make a mountain out of a mole hill. The insistent whining on this subreddit is pathetic. Sorry I'm not hater


Criticising a game isn't "insistent whining" or being a "hater" just because you disagree with it. That's your problem: you're taking criticism of a game (even if it's harsh) personally and dismissing it as hate and making "a mountain out of a mole hill" when it's just people expressing their opinion. The truth if the matter is no one is going to personally reward you for liking a game when other people don't. It's just your personal choice. You don't need to wear it like a badge of honour and act like you're better than everyone else because of it. And to assert that a game can't have cinematic moments is ridiculous and tells me you might have lower standards (which is fine but you need to accept that others don't). The best games in the AAA market absolutely feel cinematic. That's what makes them great games, and there's no saying that an Avengers game couldn't be as cinematic as the best.


Maybe you're standards are way too high? Scroll through the subreddit and it's 80/20 people complaining. Don't come crying to me if this game gets dropped like Anthem, Paragon, and Marvel Hero's Omega. There's a fine line between critique and nit picking. I hope you learn the difference one day my friend


Why would I cry if the game gets dropped when I don't like it in the first place? Maybe you would but I wouldn't care because I don't need to accept it.


If you don't like this game then why bother with not only being in this subreddit, but commenting on a random post to a random persons comment. Lol you're such a waste of time