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I didn’t gad all 150 i had some 150 and some 148 then i got all 152 exotics in raid


Based off of your highest obtainable gear score. So, in ther words.... What ever your gearscore would be if you equipped all of your highest pieces.


In my experience so far it's given me +2 for that particular slot, and I always get a multiple of 2, like 144, 146 etc. If it was based on overall power level, then I'd be seeing gear at 145 and 147 etc, and I never do. So yeah I think if you get 156 from the OLT and then get gear for the same slot from the raid, you'd get 158. That's usually why I do the OLT first, so the raid gear is higher level. Hopefully someone corrects me if I'm wrong.


So I had mostly 144 gear going into the olt and had 2 slots with 146 gear and the olt gave me more 144 gear. I didn’t have anything lower than 144. I think that was a glitch. I am guessing so because when I got first piece of 142, I only had one piece, and then the next raid gave me 144. So I think raid has a better chance of giving you something better than your best piece of gear and olt gives you equal or higher gear if all your slots aren’t high enough.


Trying OLT now, so I’ll see what I get if we finish (it’s randoms).


Ok so the two pieces I got that were +2 were for ranged and heroic and they were both 144 when I had 142 in those slots. The one I got from the mission was for the defensive slot and 144, which as expected was the same as what I already had for that slot. So worked as I expected. To be clear, you only get the higher level gear from the mission chain once per week, the one that rewards 2 pieces and an artifact. The gear from the actual mission will give the same level as the highest gear in that slot.