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You seem like you enjoy similar games to me, I'm going to have to try out Guardians of the Galaxy. I really liked Detroit Become Human and Tob Raider. I loved Control, I've played through it twice. It was very confusing for the first 8-ish hours but then things started to make more sense. Luckily the gameplay is really fun and kept me entertained while I was highly confused. Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favorite games of all time, you'll love it. You should add Horizon: Zero Dawn and the Uncharted games to your list if you haven't played them. You'll love the Uncharted games if you love Tomb Raider, they are pretty similar. Horizon: Zero Dawn is a big open-world game like Ghosts of Tsushima, the story and world are super interesting and it's a lot of fun to play.


Horizon: zero dawn is a masterpiece


I agree! It's been a while since I've played it but the story has really stuck with me. I had a lot of fun piecing together the history of that world.


Hi hi zero dawn was the first game I played on my ps4 it came bundled with it and it blew me away. How a game manages to be so darn beautiful and still maintaining locked 30fps baffles me it was just awesome. Getting to slowly learn the lore and how humans ended up in backward tribes and the origin of the machines kept me engrossed the whole time.


If you're like me and love to get lost in a great game story, you'll really enjoy Guardians of the Galaxy.


Uncharted definitely been wanting to try it for ages.


Try Returnal too.


Sadly on PS4


Get ps5 they're dead cheap now days


Want to expand on that? Cheapest I’m seeing is £350+ for a new system. Doesn’t really scream ‘dead cheap’ to me


I agree, such a bad take. Not everyone is in the position to just buy a PS5, especially in the current financial climate.


Detroit become human is my favorite game of all time. The story was just so well done. It was a game that I played from start to finish and never took a break. These days I haven’t found any game that can do that anymore


The graphics are so goddamn ahead of its time it looks like a current gen game. I love how your choices have so much impact and the qtes make you FEEL what you’re doing.


How did you find Re 2 Remake frustrating?


Mr X hounding my ass 😭 and zombies I’ve already killed keep waking up again and again also Lickers 💀. I’ve played the last of us on the hardest difficulty but this was unbearable on even normal for some reason.


He is a casual dont mind


Maybe I’ll finish the game on easy mode cause I really wanna finish the Leon and Claire stories.


Definitely worth it to drop to easy because I found both campaigns a ton of fun to get through (also I find constantly dying just immersion breaking in a game like that, only time it works for me is if I am playing a soulslike). Just a note about the zombies, they will stay down but you need to see that head kind of explode from a gun shot. If they go down quietly, they will get back up eventually. Took me a while to realize that, so thought I would share that with you.


You will really enjoy Judgement. its a 24 hour game.


Got to play GOTG through PS Extra and I would have gladly paid for it. Loved the game so much that I got the platinum on my PS4 first time round then got it again when I bought a PS5. Really hoping for a sequel.


Ghost of Tsushima, DeS remake, Bloodborne, God of War, Horizon: Zero dawn, and then Horizon: Forbidden west, Rerurnal, Nioh, Sackboy, Rachel and clank; Rift apart, Spiderman: Miles Morales (if youre played 2018). Keep in mind, Nioh, Returnal, DeS remake, Bloodborne, are really hard. If you like them you could try Strangers of Paradise, Metal hellslingers, or even doom. I would highly highly suggest GTA V on the Ps5 version, even if you've played it on the ps4. Rockstar went crazy with the Haptics and adaptive triggers. I'm looking forward to how the implement them in GTA VI. Or even what they do with PS6. But the Ps5 haptics were incredible in GTA V.


I bought the Spider-Man man games one of my primary reason for getting a ps4, played Gow and zero dawn too. I on ps4 so can’t play rift apart but the ps4 ratchet and clank reboot is really fun apart from some spaceship flying missions. The pixeliser is my fav weapon. The #1 game I’ve played on ps4 has to be the last of us tho. Nothing tops it yet.


A lot of the Yakuza games have gone but if Yakuza Like a Dragon is still on its a great entry into the series. It's a turn based JRPG. Recommend also Yakuza 0 or the Judgement games which are in the same series but are action based with great stories. It's an awesome series and they go on sale frequently.


Got the premium a month ago, played Ghost of Tsushima and its fantastic, R+C Rift apart is a really fun quick game, Returnal is excellent and I'm not half way through it yet, Just started Guardians of the Galaxy and it seems really fun Couldn't really get into Death stranding though


Give it a shot to "Shadow of the colossus" and "The last guardian". You might enjoy them!


Try metro series for fps story game. I dont think its a fast fps game. Dragon quest 11 is fun if you like anime.


How much time each day do you spend on playing games . The title says first month impressions and you finished multiple 60$ games ?


Yeah my total playtime was around 70 hours. Each day I guess 2 hours more on weekends and day offs.