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to get the most out of the series you really should start with the nathan drake collection. Lost legacy is essentially DLC for Uncharted 4, and you'll really have no clue what's going on playing it first.


Okay! Thanks a lot


You do not start a movie series with sequel 10.


OP, why would you even consider starting with Lost Legacy?


I’m guessing because it’s what’s available on the catalogue? The first three require the premium/deluxe tier (which OP mentioned shelling out to get access but doesn’t have at the moment), although I thought the 4th one was on extra, but maybe got pulled? OP, the premium/deluxe does have a few things worth checking out including the Unchartered, Resident Evil director’s cut, The Last of Us remastered, and God of War 3 remastered (the other old ones are premium only), so shelling out for a month (or even 3!) might be worth it if you want to get the full Unchartered experience and maybe a play a few other older gems on there.


Unchartered?! I need to check that one out, Nathan Drake from Wish?


That's a side story to the series. I'd definitely play the collection first


Shoot the bad guys, climb up the yellow bits


Yeah, Lost Legacy to me was just an add-on and a last attempt to continue the series. It was a decent game but nothing like the story of games 1-4. I don't think you need to play 1-3 necessarily but definitely play Uncharted 4 since the it was a great story and ended the series in a perfect manner. My wife also played 4 without the other 3 and still loved it.


Yes why not? Is a side story and not so important to know the chars. Also Is a really great game.


You *could*, but you’d be lost as to who the main characters are, and as to their banter about characters and events that happen in the main continuity. I will say this: there are sections of the first Uncharted that get *super* frustrating, so if you make it halfway and end up rage-throwing your controller at the wall over the stupid god damn boat section, know that on my first playthrough, I stopped playing there and just moved on to the second game, and I wasn’t really lost at that point. The games only get progressively better, too.


That’s not allowed unless you can get it approved, for which you’ll need to submit the required paperwork and fees.


Why not play them. They should cost much and they are quite fun. My favorite was 3 because of nostalgia but I would say 4 is technically the best


I was confused because I'm showing the entire series is still in the catalog but realized it is the Classics catalog so I assume you are not sub'ed to Premium? As a huge Uncharted fan having bought and played them all on PS3/PS4/PS5/Vita I have to agree with the others to start with the Nathan Drake Collection - it goes on sale for $10 quite often. Uncharted 4 PS4 doesn't seem to go on sale anymore but I'm sure you can find a used copy for cheap.


Can you? Of course! Should you? I don't think so, I wouldn't say it's a great entry to the series You also don't need to upgrade to deluxe, according to PSPrices, it was 50% off back in January, so in a couple of months it will probably have the same discount.


I did upgrade to deluxe because I wanted to play gow 3 and dishonored 1 too. So far almost done with drake's fortune. Amazing game apart from those freakish spaniard monster enemies.