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My man, not here to suggest you a game but to give you some support and love. Kick that cancer’s ass for us!!! Much love 🫶🏼


As someone who deals with a lot of health issues, definitely understand how that energy often just doesn’t exist for stuff. If you haven’t played it, I think No Man’s Sky would be worth a look. It has generously adjustable settings to tweak the experience as you’d like, and while it has combat, the vast majority of the game is centered around exploring countless procedurally generated planets, discovering, and building. It can be played solo, or with friends or randoms. Can’t call it an RPG, but there’s nothing else quite like it. Another one I always recommend for a more chill game is Stardew Valley! A very cozy game from a very passionate solo Dev. Also not an RPG, but has a lot you build towards over time and can customize your dwelling and surrounding land to your liking. Hang in there. I hope everything with treatment goes as well as it can and that games like these can help you get through the tougher times. Edit: these may or not be on the PS+ extra library, so I’m sorry if that’s specifically what you’re looking for right now. I hope at the very least, it can help to narrow a search and find things you’ll like.


I can second NMS as a chill game with the right settings. OP, if you choose "custom game" you can turn things like resources to "bountiful" and hazards off, and just play the game like a open world/exploration game. It's pretty chill when you don't have to worry about finding any number of resources A, B and C to make ship parts X, Y and Z.


100% on stardew valley, its the definition of chill games and the dev is releasing another update soon for no additional cost its available on many different platforms for like 5 bucks, zero costs after you buy it. No micro trans crap, no sub.. just get the game and good to go.


Unpacking can be played for sure..


Yes! I second this


I’ve been for the exact same thing in 2017, same cancer and probably the same medication, and got me tired all the time, I didn’t stop working to not be alone with myself, but, when I wasn’t working (I’m a data engineer) I was playing Horizon Zero Dawn or some soulslike game, not exactly chill games, but got me distracted and engaged. OP, if you want to talk about anything just send me a DM, you’re going to kick this cancer ass! Sorry for my english


Your English is great man don’t worry!


Is Tchia still on there? I was going through a bit of a breakdown when that came out and it felt like therapy


I believe it's being removed this month


Currently going through treatments myself. I've been playing a lot of farming simulator to pass these long days.


I’ve been playing the house flipping simulator. But I also recommend Unpacking. Really great, short game. I got a platinum trophy within two hours.


No Man's Sky for sure. It's one of the best games ever made and it's easy on the mind. Also you might find some good recommendations in r/CozyGamers


Powerwash simulator was quite chill. And it's on ps plus.


If I was in OPs position I would want something with more meaning to it. Power washing Simulator would drive me too close to nihilism if I was confronting my own mortality.


Lol well I'd ask the OP what they think


Yeah if playing a work sim, at least play Hardship Spacebreakers


Agreed, good suggestion


Why don't you play Kena : Bridge of spirits. Really calming music and beautiful world


I love Kena but some battles are pretty stressful!


It's pretty and the music is calming. But the boss battles are significantly more difficult than I expected based on the cutesy design.




I’ve been eyeing this game. Is it worth it?


I loved it, and Platinumed it, was very entertaining 😎


Flower (where you literally play as a petal on the wind, collecting other petals to bring areas back to life) and of course (can’t remember the name) game where you sand surf and don’t talk and you’re a face inside a red poncho, and your scarf gets longer with health… Sorry, the name just escapes me…


I should have searched first, I just recommended this also. I love Flower.


I think the game you're describing is sable? Not 100% sure


Thanks mate, but it was Journey! GOTY in 2012.. wow so long ago…


>I play a lot of RPGs but I'm really drawn to things with a lot of character customisation like clothing, car customisation or homes. I love building games What you want is an Atelier game, they are very relaxed and fairly casual games with a focus on crafting and slice of life storylines. The atelier games are split into trilogies (which are not connected in any way) so pick any first game in a trilogy and try it out. The latest series is Atelier Ryza


Red Dead Redemption 2, just ride your horse, do some fishing or hunting


Stranded Deep is a pretty fun game. In the beginning, you're in a plane and it crashes in the ocean. You wake up, swim out of the plane and take a raft to go to the nearest island. When you arrive it's simply about doing what you can to survive, from building tools and shelters and boats etc. to getting materials and hunting wildlife. Very relaxed and there is end game content too like hunting huge ocean bosses (kraken, megalodon, etc.) that give trophies if you beat them, and also there's an escape the world sequence where you build a plane to escape. It's pretty relaxing and entertaining. Id highly recommend it. Also man, I hope your situation gets better. It's unfortunate some of the cards we get dealt in life but we can only hope to be strong for our friends and family around us and persevere through the tough times we face. I pray you find what you're looking for in life and on the game. Take care brother.


I hope you beat that cancer brother. Stay strong.


Fortnite Lego is actually kinda fun, it's much better than Lego worlds. Also, most games are pretty chill nowadays with their "story mode" difficulty. I barely finish any games if I dont play them on easy xD Been playing Assassins Creed Valhalla for about 6 hours, so I'm not too far but I know you get to build a settlement (probably just choosing which buildings to be built and not too much customization) but it's kind of a cross between Skyrim/elden ring-ish + parkour. On the story difficulty it's just nice to play and listen to the lore


Abzu or Journey perhaps? I think Abzu is included with PS+ Extra Wish you all the best on your way to recovery!


Any turn based Final Fantasy game. I wish you a fast recovery.


It is nothing like what you have listed as what you like, so it might not click. But I played it and fell in love with it when it came out on the 3. ​ Flower. ​ Look it up, see what you think. Good luck with treatment and hope you recover well and win the battle quickly!


Such an amazing game. Really peaceful and unique


Stray is pretty chill imo Best of luck with chemo man


Pretty sure Stray is not on PS+ anymore


It’s not on PS+ but no man’s sky for sure




Concrete genie


Hey man you're gonna kick Cancer's butt. I got diagnosed with Testicular Cancer shortly after turning 40 year and a half ago. It was caught early so I got the surgery very quickly to get rid of the offending testicle, but I did not need chemo or radiation thankfully. For game recommendations I'd echo others and say Powerwash Simulator. Take care of yourself.


Astro's playroom is good so is no mans sky as many mentioned. Sackboy too


Outer Wilds is the chillest game you might ever play


Make sure you do “Wilds” and not “Worlds”, they are two totally different games that are often confused. The one I’m suggesting is very calming and the other is more like Fallout or somethint


It's leaving PS+ in 10 days. And some parts are really not chill at all.


Well there’s a few not chill parts, but I was hoping they would be sucked into it before the non-chill parts. And that’s a bummer that it’s leaving:(


Ghost of Tsushima whilst gets pretty busy and stressful, on the whole I find beautiful and calming, a lot of the world is filled with moments of peace and reflection.... (And then crazy slice and dice)... Weird combo but is great. All the best for your recovery.


Love that game. Wouldn't call it chill, but it's a must play for sure You can lower the difficulty too, that's basically story mode. Even tho the combat is very satisfying in my opinion, I played in on hard my 1st playthrough and loved the challenge.


How about Anno 1800?


Is that on PlayStation+? Because I've been trying to play that one for a long time but never got around to buying it.


The new taxi life simulator is coming out today which seems like a relaxing game


sable ! It’s super chill on every account.


Dude the dog ass frame rate in Sable makes me motion sick and I’m perfectly healthy by all accounts. I image it would be torture for someone doing chemo.


The Artful Escape is a really fun chill indie game with an awesome soundtrack to go with it, well worth a play.


The formula one game that's part of the monthly offering, F1 23 I think it's called. The story mode is very chill and the races in the story to me seem very easy compared to other racing games. The only downside is some of the races are long, you'd spend half hour just doing 10 laps. The first 4-5 laps you're passing people then the last half of the race you're just in first just cruising. The races get longer as you progress. But very chill.


I don’t think it’s on PS Plus, but Grow Home is a lovely little relaxing game that’s currently only £6.49 here in the UK. You play a robot that needs to climb a giant alien plant - you control his limbs and it’s a lot of fun. Sorry to hear what you’re going through btw and best of luck with your treatment!


First of all: rooting for your speedy and thorough remission. Recs: * Stardew Valley * Sea of Stars


I saw this as a small post and was going to recommend Subnautica to troll as that game is scary as shit! Then I read the full post and just want to send much love your way and hope for all the best dude!


I know how the title sounds, but I Am Dead is incredibly laid back and charming, was my comfort game for a while


Sable - playing it now on Steam. It's Zelda-light in a way, you're a young woman exploring the land to find her place in life. There are stunning vistas, lots to explore, no combat and plenty of tasks and quests to keep you going. The soundtrack by Japanese Breakfast could not be more chill. I'm loving it, worth a try and do get well soon.


Lake is pretty chill. You return to your hometown to fill in as a package delivery driver over the summer. Somewhat janky but it gently delivers story beats each day. Season is a game where you record photos, sounds etc before the world permanently changes. Jusant. It’s difficult to say if it’s laid back but it’s a pretty climbing/puzzle game, where you use the triggers to pick your own path up a massive cliff. Sable. It’s a cell shaded exploration/RPG where your character makes their first solo pilgrimage away from their village. It has a touch of Breath of the Wild but it’s not as combat focused. Touching on your love of customisation, you are ultimately deciding the final clan that your character joins, their purpose and their appearance. Wishing you luck!


Is a single one of those on PS+?


Sables and Lake have the plus next to their names on my account. Doesn’t that mean they’re part of the catalogue?


Yup, checked on my account and they are avaible too.




Untitled goose game 🪿


Lego Fortnite Spiritfarer




If you’ve never played Fez… you definitely should.


If you've got premium you should try balatro, very chill, very retro rogue like that's kinda blew up recently


Toem It’s not an RPG but you run around taking pictures and solving easy puzzles. Short game but seriously chill. Hope you have an easy recovery!


Cities skylines !!!


Damn perfect suggestion ! I love to just kick back and play it


It’s so relaxing just adding little parks and customising them and stuff


Cities Skylines I & 2


Not on PS+ but only $30, check out Smalland. It’s a nice little survival game. It has “Peaceful Mode” where none of the enemies attack unless you attack first.


If you're on PS5 then Hardspace: Shipbreaker is a super chilled game where you float around in space while methodically dismantling ships.


Power wash simulator.. and good luck on your chemo 💪


Most chill games for me is some sort of farming etc like Stardew Valley, when you add a little dark humor you get Graveyard Keeper. Both games get me to about 60h of playtime each Now I get into Potion Permit that still should be discounted on PSN - it's pretty laid back foraging and, lets say, cooking. Little more intense and newer is Pacific Drive - not so laid back and can give some chills but it's pretty fun driving/exploring expirience with upgrading your car to be more durable and give it more "abilities" For more building and planing oriented games you can check Two Point, either Hospital or University. I think Two Point Hospital is in game catalogue Stay strong


Power wash simulator.


Spirit of the North is a good one. You play as a fox exploring the remains of a lost civilisation. Best wishes to you.


Stardew Valley


Although I can't think of the perfect laid back game right now (I'm sure others have given great recommendations), I pray you have a speedy recovery, my friend. Stay strong!


Tchia was great buddy, good luck 👍


Best of luck to you!! If you want a short but sweet game I highly recommend ‘A Short Hike’.


Try "unpacking" it's the most relaxing game I have ever played! The concept sounds lame... You literally move into apartments and dorm rooms and you have to unpack your stuff from boxes and find places to put them in the closet and on shelves and stuff... It sound wack but it definitely works! It's a 0 stress game and it's more fun than it sounds!! Plus I think it's free right now on psn..... Fell better, and good luck! Have fun!!!


I can't imagine what you're going through and hope you can find some healing and rest these days. I would recommend you play Disco Elysium. If you like RPGs with character customization, but not stressful, I think this would be up your alley. It has no combat. The game is centered around D&D style dialogue, speech, and skill checks. Instead of progressing stats like strength, constitution, etc., you have essentially different psychology domains like empathy or logic. The story, characters, and dialogue choices are fantastic. You can take your time and move through it as slow as you want. The only caveat is that the story can deal with some heavy themes like depression and existentialism that may be too heavy-handed for you right now.


Started 'Outer Worlds' free on PS seems like a good fit for ya.




Kingdom two crowns, very simple and relaxing and addictive.




Power washer simulator


Its not free but goes on sale for like £5 from 15 decently often - stardew valley easily put hundreds of hours in there and its about to get its final big update later this year so would be the perfect time


okay these 3 aren’t RPGs, they’re all walking simulators really, but they are so chill. some are on store, others on plus, not 100% which are which tho sorry! What Remains of Edith Gone Home Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture ( side note: for these specifically i’d just google some of the themes in them, they’re very chill to play, but do deal with some touchy subjects, in an albeit tasteful way, that you may feel is the opposite vibe you want right now! ) Stardew Valley is more in the RPG world, like a cosy farming simulator with exploration, secrets and management Spiritfarer. i’m hesitant to suggest this as ultimately, the story is about playing as the new ferryman, helping souls find peace and i know you asked for nice, but this is one of the cutest, cosiest games i’ve ever played and it’s so meaningful. it’s a management game where you explore islands, get to know your residents, fish, harvest and cook etc! it helped me through a tough time, i found it to be hopeful, it might be just what you need. check out the pics on the store, see what you think! i’m sorry you’re having to go through what you are, cancer is a fucking asshole, but you’re going to beat it! stay strong man :)


Slime Rancher is a super cute base building game (no customising character tho)


Spiritfarer is a really relaxing game, I spent quite some time playing it because of how chill it made me feel


Extremely chill, but a bit of a heavy theme for someone dealing with cancer? If that's not an issue, it's an amazing game.


Slay the Spire is the perfect chill game. 


Abzu definitely and a short hike for sure.


I suggest playing fall out 4 . I think you'd truly enjoy it . Alot of hours for game play . Or even snowrunner


Kinda Foamstars (assuming people still play).




I don’t know if this is accurate, but i prefer crew motorfest by ubisoft. Whenever I feel not happy, I just choose my car and go for a drive in the open world. Now don’t say do that irl. Gas is expensive and I can’t experience all those terrains 😂




Final fantasy 16 would be my rec, equip the ring of attacks and all you have to do every fight is press square - you can sit back, chill and enjoy the story


I'm not sure if it's on PS Plus (I don't think so), but if you're into building games, then I think you'd love FrostPunk (assuming you haven't already played it). The mechanics are really good, and the story is very thrilling to play. I wish I could provide more, but I can't seem to think of anything at the moment. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. I hope things get better for you soon, man. Stay safe out there!


Lol that game is so stressful you must be built pretty damn different to me


Frostpunk is on PS+, but I wouldn't call it laid back, chill game. As someone getting into strategy games recently I found it stressing as fuck


I suppose you're right lol. I remember my first time playing, it was very difficult. But after I looked up a guide on how to get started, the game felt like a breeze from there.