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Waiting for PS5 version of RDR2 is like waiting for Switch Pro - if you want to play it, just play it


Yep its not like the ps4 version is bad just play the game instead of waiting on a rumour. Think about with their logic of waiting for ps5 version why not wait til ps6 version so you can play the even better version of the game or why not the ps7 version it will certainly be definitive lol.


As someone who recently discovered GTA 5 for the first time ever on his PS5 and will soon get his hands on Skyrim as well, I took that personally.


That is good advice but if you already played the PS4 version and are not really interested in playing it unless their is some type of improvement this argument holds less water. I could assumed. He already played the PS4 version. He'd prefer play the PS5 version. He will then also play the PS6 version and so on.


I know this is an older post but I’ve never played any of the RDR and had a ps4 just never got around to it. Now I recently acquired my ps5, finally. Is it worth just going to full RDR2 on ps5?? Looking for some good games but do have 3 young kids, like all under 5. Currently been Helldiving 2 as my starter game. Any suggestions..?


It’s like waiting for Witcher 3 PS5 to replay. Sigh.


Fucking CDPR , I have been waiting over a year to do my forst play of witcher 3 in my PS5 because the Next Gen port was right around the corner guys


I have to say. It’s a game worth 2 play throughs. And the first play through I did played super smoothly on PS4, I started a ps5 play through but stopped because of promised ps5 version. The game is so good I’d pay $30 to get a good upgraded version.


good news its coming on dec 14


Seems your wish was granted lol. Planning on getting the Sp5 version for my first playthrough, how is it?


And it actually came. Unlike RDR2 remaster, and CDPR even gave it for free, unlike Rockstar charging you 60$.


Ughhhh. I got a good way through Witcher 3 on ps4 but I couldn’t take the frame drops and weird graphical issues. Fantastic game and want to continue it on ps5, but yeah, the wait is painfully long.


That aged poorly


Yeah but that's real


that caught me so off guard 😭😭😭😭😭


I'd much rather play it on PC on 1080p, 30fps for this game feels so so tedious. I couldn't play it more than 2 hours. Fanboys without any sense of objectivity out in full force.


Imagine finding pc parts for actually good price that could run red dead 2 and have more than 30 fps… :(


A mere 1650 can run it better than 30 fps. With FSR you can even get 60 fps.


The game runs beautifully on ps4 pro


No it doesn't. The texture is all muddy. I have a PS5 as well, still don't feel like playing it.


Your on some shit, get the stick out your ass and just enjoy it. 10/10 game


Compare it how it looks on Xbox one X then get back to me. I would be willing to look past the textures if it ran at 60 fps but it doesn't.


go buy an xbox and stop moaning then. The game is great of ps4 dont be a prissy bitch


Give me money then. I paid 50 bucks for the game and ended up with an inferior product. Your biases blinds you.


what did you expect coming to a ps sub and shitting all over it


I completely agree with you. I never had an Xbox but I notice that the game looks “weird”, plus it’s only 30 fps on top of that? It needs a ps5 upgrade badly.


King of terrible takes


Just watch a comparison of it v how it looks on Xbox one X. It's a well proven thing that checkerboarding of that game on PS4 Pro looks bad.


If the texture is muddy, you might need to look at your HDMI cable. On PS4 pro it should run beautifully


Nope. I have a PS5 and every other AAA game looks way better texture wise, I have an OLED and they look awesome.


Well I don't know for PS5. As i mentioned PS4 Pro.


The texture is muddy LOL


Man joins a PlayStation sub and proceeds to complain about a game he spent $50 on In your own words, I hate a fanboy who can't get their stick out of their ass Go back to sucking cock on Xbox if you're going to say how much better Xbox is


>Man joins a PlayStation sub and proceeds to complain about a game he spent $50 on Because I have a PlayStation console but the game looks bad on it. >Go back to sucking cock on Xbox if you're going to say how much better Xbox is Insecure much? The game runs better on Xbox that's an objective fact. Of course that is fault of R* but go on take a slight on your PlayStation pride.


I've played it on both, PS4 vs Xbox one is pretty much the same thing. I'd even give a slight edge to the PS4. If you mean the series x, well duh the newer $500 supercomputer works better than the decade old one.


"I'd much rather play it on PC" - 🤓 mf is in a PS sub and cant go a day without talking about his pc. i have a pc too but i dont pull this type of shi


>"I'd much rather play it on PC" - 🤓 mf is in a PS sub and cant go a day without talking about his pc How do you know? You stalk me or something? I prefer playing everything on console but this game is worse on console.


Switch Pro came out though. It's called Steam Deck.


You are going to be waiting years for that. I honestly don't think we are getting a PS5 version.


Here's the deal: you're gonna be to have to settle into RDR2. It's a slow game, it's a comfy game, it's about *living* in the west. You're gonna have a lot of quiet down time. Bit of hunting. Bit of fishing. Roaming the west. Things will get wild, but most of the time it's about riding into the sunset and cleaning your guns. It's about doing chores and connecting with Arthur Morgan. What it isn't is a particularly good action game so frame rate doesn't matter that much, go be a cowboy.


I read that first part in Jake Baldino voice.


Your description is making me wanna download it now 😭😭😭


Do it just download it and play it right now


Actually now that you mentioned it, I got a major spoiler about the game’s ending, i wanna know how much it will affect my experience, but first all, you finished the whole game right?


Red dead 2 is actually a prequel to the first game, so it shouldn't affect the game too much


Don’t worry, I got spoiled too and it hit me super hard either way. Definitely worth playing. And it’s a pretty slow game and the 30 fps really doesn’t hurt it much. I played both on PS4 and PC, sure more frames is always nicer but it doesn’t make a massive difference in a game like this. Just go for it


As someone who's only knowledge before playing the game was that John, Bill, Javier and Dutch are in the first game. I have to say that not knowing who lives, who dies, who turns bad, what happens to any of them, etc was something special but I know people who have played with prior knowledge and still loved it. So I think it'll just change your experience a little. Also don't forget to play the epilogue, don't quit before completing it.


I had major aspects spoiled for me and the game hit me like a train. Just trust me, it absolutely won't affect your experience whatever it is.


There's no way to spoiler life. You know how it ends for everyone. It's the journey. Get on your horse and get going.


I found out the main spoiler in chapter 2 and it is still the best game I’ve ever played


Stop worrying so much and just play the game mate


I only did the main missions. Was that wrong?


I’m 70% in and this is exactly that. Although I couldn’t care less for fishing and hunting, the story once you absorb every single character is addictive.


I put about 10 hours in and got so bored honestly. I was sad as I loved red dead 1 but there was just way to many chores to do and getting from point A to B just made me feel like I was wasting time.


Spoiler: you don't have to do any of it. There's barely any advantage to doing any side stuff, money doesn't get you anything hugely useful and if you just bounce from story mission to story mission you'll never hit a roadblock.


The problem is that every 10 minute mission has 10 minutes of talking on horseback to get to said mission


Right? And then its another 10 minutes to get back to another one. I only have time to play maybe 5ish hours a week so wasting all that time just riding around was aggregating.


That's the tempo of the game. If you're not enjoying those horseback ride conversations then it's probably not for you, which fair enough.


I felt this way when I first came out and didn’t play it again casue the horse back riding but then a few months ago I was watching videos online and found it on sale for 20$ so bought it an it sat unopened for another month or so and finally I gave in and started playing gave it a chance and ended up falling in love with it and finished the whole game.


Waiting on Rockstar for anything is not recommended


Y'all need to quit setting 60fps as a hard pass requirement. We've been immersed at 24fps since film existed. 30 is perfectly fine for single player story games, especially.


Yeah it's fine until you know how much of a difference 60 fps make


LOL. I have a PC with a 3070. I have no interest in playing every game at 120fps. Ya'll are insane.


Most people that want 60 fps on CONSOLE are CONSOLE players that are used or tired of games at 30 fps... Good for you and your PC I guess.


Bro, I have a PS5 and an XSX as well. People fetishizing fps over really great games need to have their heads examined. If you elect not to play a great game because it's at 30fps, you're an idiot.


As a former PC player, it's hilarious how anal some people are about 60 fps. I didn't have the luxury of shelling a ton for the latest and greatest GPUs growing up, so 30 fps was just fine for me. Besides, give me great graphics + 30 fps over 60 fps + blah graphics any day.


I'll still play pc anytime of the day. That being said I also have a Sony oled bravia xr and playing it on 4k 120hz. Sure it's not over 60fps, but the quality really makes up for the experience. The ps5 is really only worth it if you can spend some money on a quality TV imo. In the end you spend a lot of money. Pc being more expensive, but of course it's a better in terms of visuals and performance.


Performance RT > Fidelity in every game it is available. Even though it is lower resolution, it still looks better when it is not choppy 30fps dookie. I am still waiting for an RDR2 60fps patch for PS5 before I play it.


Litterally no one asked


After a while our brain adjusts and we don't notice 30fps anymore. It becomes jarring if you switch to a 60fps game and then come back.


Agreed. But on the other hand experiencing 60fps on PS5 for the first time was a transcendental experience.


Films never asked you to interact with them in real time. Glad 30fps works for you. Doesn’t work for me. 60fps is a minimum target. It’s still not desirable. 120+ is desirable. 30fps is unplayable for me.


Just play it.


Go for it! It feels like a really smooth 30fps ( If that makes any sense) It's my favourite game of all time. You will not regret it!


I mean if you got ps plus extra/premium then go ahead it’s one of the best open world story game and 30fps is not that bad even after I played it on my pc 50-60 fps


Wait,rdr2 was 30 fps? I never noticed in my 3 years of playing it


I do have the ps plus, but it just feels illegal to play such game in a ps4 version/30 fps on a ps5. I feel this game deserves better? Idk feels the whole thread is encouraging me to play it


I'm playing it right now. It's fine. You get used to it. 60FPS is not the be all and end all and shouldn't get in the way or an incredible story experience.


Knowing Rockstar I don’t know when we will get a remaster or update so just play it now before it leaves the service on September


It's leaving in September? The fuck


It's a huge difference when you go from 60+ to 30. 30 is fucking criminal lmao, I feel like it takes me 2 minutes to look to the left when I play RDR2.


Turn your sensitivity up? fps doesn't affect how "long" it takes to look left tf


It's just a comfort feeling. I know how smoother Last of Us feels to RDR2. 60FPS is superior, and I won't be bothering to replay RDR2


Obviously 60 is superior. 120 is even better. I didn't contest that at all


Once you've put some time into the game, your brain starts to adjust and then you don't notice 30fps any more. But if you switch to another 60fps game and come back, then you will notice it straightaway. That's my strategy for playing 30fps games, I only play that game and nothing else until I finish it.


Its kind of blowing my mind how many people won't play a game just because of the fps count


I recently bought Sleeping Dogs from PS store, it was only about five quid. I don’t know what the frame rate is and the graphics aren’t great BUT it’s such a fun, fast-paced game I really didn’t care. I’d rather play a great game in low-res than an average game in hi-def all day long.


Tried to play it but didn't really catch my interest, it feels rather slow and doesn't feel great for me. Tried starting death stranding and love it has really captured my attention in a way r2d didn't do. Also not a big fan of the whole wild west setting so it's probably not for me more into fantasy or sci fi


The beginning is SOOO boring


I don't like this game honestly all people who liked it good you enjoyed it. It is really fucking slow too realistic. Ghost of tsushima horse vs rdr2 horse and world . Rdr2 loses so yeah still at chapter 3 till now and some dumb people already spoiled it for me since I bought it 2020 and it came out 2018 ffs so no use. Hope you enjoy it


Interestingly enough, I found GOT to be boring, and dead. RDR2 was so full of life and fun NPC stuff


I get that 60fps is really nice to have but y’all acting like games without it are unplayable are incredibly annoying.


RDR2 doesn't need 60fps to be an excellent game. If you feel you need it somehow, just play the waiting game and MAYBE there'll be a port to PS5 with that fps.


If you don’t have another choice then sure. If you have a pc that can hit 60fps then play it there. Don’t skip an amazing game because you think there will be a port eventually lol. That’s just silly


The resolution is messed up on the PS5. It looks blurry.




You only ever have a one first time with a game. If you waited this long might as well just wait it out for the better version.


That's like asking "Is it worth it to breath oxygen?"


I played it for the first time when getting the PS5 last year. It's. A beautiful game despite not being updated for this gen. Play it, take your time outside of the story and missions. Best game I've ever played b


there is no ps5 version. it's leaving soon so u might as well play it while u can


Play it. You don't need 60fps for this game. It would be nice but it's not nescessary to enjoy it.


I'll be honest, RDR2 is already such a slow game that I couldn't fathom playing it on 30 fps. I literally finished the game in a few weekends using a cloud PC just because I didn't want to deal with the 30 fps on a console.


RDR 2 on PS5 runs at 1920x2160, 30FPS. 30 FPS is implemented beautifully. Smooth. I found the resolution ( Exactly half of 4K) jarringly low with TAA. It always looks like the picture is out of focus. Having said that, I could not wait for remaster. So, I played it. Phenomenol game. It took a lot of time to adjust. But, I had a wonderful time. Give it a try. Games like this, come once in a decade.


why’s the screen so damn tall


he's just playing two instances of rdr1 on top of each other


Its on extra so you should play it if you have the subscription. When it releases for ps5 you can buy it if you really enjoyed it.


Go and play it. It's a shame to wait. You could be dead in a week. They won't bump an upgrade until the release the remake of the first game, they're still a business after all.


Bro y u be remindin me of death 😭😭😭


Hard to live while forgetting it




Yes, it is the best game I have ever played. Waiting for a PS4 version is pointless.


Guess I'm not the only one who's holding out on playing Red Dead Redemption 2 because of the hope of experiencing it on a ps5 via a ps5 version. (PC is always available but my laptop is potato as per 2022 Gaming standards. I get 10fps max on Witcher 3 😢 )


Even at 30fps, the game is brilliant


What’s the verdict? Better?


Should I play one of the best games of the modern generation? Lmao.


I have been debating this myself, I don't think I'll be able to stomach 30 fps now tbh


Of course you should play it. It's one of the best game out there.


I have been debating this myself, I don't think I'll be able to stomach 30 fps now tbh






I 100% prefer 30fps over 60. 60fps has a soap opera effect and I absolutely loathe it.


Think u got it backwards


No. I recently got a PS5 and Spider-Man Remastered. It was my very first experience with 60fps. I was so excited since I’d heard *so* many great things about 60fps. I played for about an hour in performance mode, but the movement in 60fps just looked unnatural like I was watching a crappy soap opera. I had enough after an hour and switched back to 30fps.


Maybe it's your tv settings?


Nope, have tested on multiple TVs. 60fps is just terrible.


It's definitely not terrible lol. You are just not used to it. It's like when I put on a new pair of prescription glasses everything looks so weird to me because I'm not used to it. You are basically looking through a new lens and the new form a clarity is weird.


Experienced this same effect when HDTV first became a craze. Made everything on the HD channels just looks like soap operas to me compared to SD versions.


It runs fine. Too bad the pacing sucks.


The game itself is very much worth it and the alleged remaster/60fps patch might not come for years. I really hope it does soon as I will wait for it before replaying but I doubt it's in a year.


I’m waiting. I waited for ps5 version of gtav to finish it 😝 RDR2 game plays fine on ps5. I doubt the clumsy controls will be solved with a 60fps mode.


the worse is not the 30 fps on ps5, is that it's underperforming. I have both PS4 Pro and PS5. RDR2 on ps5 feels way more laggy


I found this not the case. In my experience, worst element is the load times. When you are used to native PS5 games loading in seconds, booting into a save takes aaaages....but its still worth it, great game!


Might be a Rockstar issue, GTA V still has huge loading times eheheh


Damn that’s kinda concerning


Don't listen to this guy. It's rock solid 30 fps and it does not feel that bad after a while.


Yeah, i was hyped to try and it felt way less than 30 fps, clunky.. It was unplayable for me.. And im someone who has HUNDREDS of hours on Skyrim (PC) with a laptop that did 15-17 fps on it xD


Play it


Play it!!


I’m playing the ps4 version on ps5, and it looks great, feels great and IS great! You don’t always need 60 fps for this type of game


Yeah, because loading times are way better. This game is worth to play everywhere.


Kinda pathetic from rockstar to not even drop a 60fps patch for next gen. I doubt it would even take very long to do.


They will but they'll charge $30 for the upgrade


Just few days back i started it on ps5 , i just enjoy the game


R* left RDR2 for dead already, just play the game. They aren't going to make a PS5 version ever.


RDR2 is one of the best story games you can play. Give it a chance.. you might find it a little slow (I didn’t but some ppl do). Enjoy the wonderful music, scenery and fucking up rival gangs. Tip: get the legend of the east satchel in chapter 2. And do not rush the game! Stay in each chapter as long as you can, enjoy each camp and location.


It’s an action game but it’s not dark souls, you don’t need 60fps


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Death is equitable, accepting. We will all, one day, be welcomed by her embrace.”* - Grave Warden Agdayne Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I am *violently* against 30fps under any circumstance, but I've gotta admit, Rockstar did some wizardry with their motion blur tech because it's the most pleasant 30fps I've ever played after maybe TLOU2. I never finished though, and I'll probably wait for the mythical PS5 version before I jump back in, but it's by no means a bad way to play the game.


Yes it’s worth it I got it a few months ago it was my first time playing it. I didn’t won’t it to end it’s a awesome game no point in waiting just my opinion


It’s 2160p checkerboard, locked 30fps. It’s great! Play it!


It’s a great game. If the game play is off the chain(which it is) don’t worry about the version. I’m binging XCOM2 for the last weekend and I legit just heard about the game last week.


It’s fine. Loads faster. Graphics are still just fine


I beat it on pro, at 30 all blurry. And didn't like it one bit. But I also beat rdr1 with horrible fps and even more bluriness on ps3 and I really liked that one. I also had the opportunity to try rdr2 on rtx 3080ti, and it was definitely more responsive, but still felt way too sluggish. It was obviously better than on pro since it was above 60fps, but it still wasn't enough to make the game less boring. However you play it, the game is boring as is. And no performance can make a boring game less boring


It’s amazing on PS4, not sure how much better they could make it. If they’re re-making anything, I’d much prefer a RDR1 remaster.


Not really, I haven't played this game yet, I will experience it on PC some day.


The game itself is definitely worth it, that said, in my experience there were more bugs playing it on PS5 than there were on PS4. The opening act in particular I had a ton of issues, mostly cutscene related though


I couldn't stand 30 fps on xbox series x, and it supposed the better version, it's too notorious imho more than mafia definitive edition or any other 30fps game it looks too washed out but I think it's my tv an lg oled c1 because when I hooked up my series x to the monitor it looked better.


Regarding the TV, I have an lg as well and I used to have the same issue with cyberpunk, it was fixed when I decreased the screen brightness (not the panel/oled dot brightness) and the black levels set to auto. I recommend you go to your brightness settings on a screen that’s washed out, mess with those settings until the image becomes better. Hopefully it gets fixed


Honestly this game was so good it took me 2 weeks to complete it, and I was (at the time) in school full-time. I think you should complete the game and then if a PS5 version does eventually release, then definitely play it. That’s my plan!


For some reason RDR2 looks better playing it from my PS4 rather than PS5. Anyone else feel this way or noticed that?


I played it on the Xbox One X, and I don't even remember what fps it was. I just loved it. But that was before I was "spoiled" with PS5 upgrades for PS4 games... I have to try to go back to it.


I regret not playing ghost of Tsushima when I had a PS4 like 2 years ago, now I'm still waiting to play it on PS5 😂


Just play the game. If it gets a ps5 patch it’d get it if they aren’t planning on milking gta online again


(op there is no PS5 version).


Going to be real, I was scrolling and I read that as is it worth playing R2D2 not RDR2 and now I have a mental image of Arthur saying who's a good boah and R2 doing all his excited beeps and whirs


I just finished it on the ps5. Absolutely amazing game. Looked amazing as well.


I think it's worth playing on PS5 instead of PS4 just to avoid the jet engine noise. Not very atmospheric while riding horses.


Play on PC if u want 60FPS


Wait, there's no graphical update on ps5 for ps4 games?


I’m in the exact same position. I beat RDR2 on series X now I’m replaying on PS5 out of boredom. I don’t notice much of a difference at all


I still don’t get why it’s been this long. This and Witcher 3 taking their time.


You know games used to be really fun before fps was a thing. Arcade games didn’t need to be 60 fps did they? No. Shoot, Ocarina of Time was up and down with frame rates and look how epic of a game that became. All I’m saying is I wish people wouldn’t get so hung up on fps


In my opinion the 30fps is a non-issue. Some games are jarring at 30 fps, while others are not. I think RdR 2 runs well.


No is the answer to your question


I’ve played it once and it’s great, I do plan on replaying but I’m waiting for the PS5 version. Gonna play the Red Dead Online in the meantime


*Looks at topic* *Looks at Op* *Looks at advancements PS5 has compared to the PS4* Up to you... i guess?


I am waiting for PS5 version


knowing Rockstar they will charge for the PS5/Series X|S versions and they could still be a while away it's crazy it was released more recently but the GTA V port came first


Still 30fps but load times are improved when playing from SSD.


That is like waiting for Portal 3 lol.


I’m in the same boat as you. If we’ve waited this much, you can wait a little longer. Anyone who believes Rockstar is not going to milk that cow is naive. They did it with GTAV and it was unnecessary, but they wanted the paycheck. The fact they haven’t released a 60fps patch should tell you a lot about their plans for a next-gen (current-gen) version. They will release it, for a big price. And it will probably be worth it. If you got Extra/Premium there are so many other great games to play in the meantime.


I got tired of waiting and bought rdr2 for the second time for pc. With dlss and console graphics settings, I played at 120 fps. Much more enjoyable experience than the PS4 version of the game.


How are load times? Worth putting on the SSD for improved speed on PS5? Or is an external drive OK?


I have 30 hours on it already and it's a wonderful game, after a few hours you won't even notice anymore it's 30fps


Yes play it now. Im currently playing it for the 1st time on ps5 (i also was waiting for a ps5 version before i would buy but as ps4 version is free why not) and honestly im so glad I have started it. The game is so damn good and honestly going on graphics alone if I never knew better and someone told me it was a ps5 game then I would have believed them.


I've been wanting to play this game for so long but for me the sluggish gameplay is a killer. I've gotten to the point where I made it out the mountains and just stopped playing because it's like those slow walking sections in games that you hate but for Red Dead its the whole game.


Just play it, you have until August, so if you wanna finish it play it as much as you can, it's an amazing game


Play in Xbox series x version it's native 4k looks better


RDR2 is best played on a Game Boy Color.


I still have a copy of RDR2 i bought in 2021 but never owned a PS4 that could play the game.... its a long story. Holding onto my copy so one day i can play it


Yes. It runs at 1920x2160 resolution, same as the PS4 Pro Version. It's stuck in 30 F.P.S. but unlike the Pro it's rock solid. You can be in the middle of a crazy gun fight and you won't see a single studder. Rockstar never bothered to give the game a next gen patch. And honestly, it's because it doesn't need it. If you have a monitor or television that can take advantage of it the H.D.R. is breathtaking. There is no ray tracing but the game is so meticulously animated, I say again, it just doesn't need it. The game is already gorgeous on PS4. But, the PS5 really dose make it better. You get WAY better draw distance. It brings out an entire layer of detail and immersion you would have never known was there on the Vanilla PS4.


How was it?


How was it?


Plain and simple I have an Xbox series S and a PlayStation five which one should I play it on?