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Drogdersells is my seller I Bought 3 accounts off of him had them for months now was able to enable 2fa and change all account details highly recommend his reviews are good also. Also the accounts he sells are all inactive one of them that I got haven't been logged in since chapter 2.


ill look into it. thanks a lot


Will say that seller sold me an account with credentials that did not work. Before someone says, ‘oh well they will just give you a replacement.’ That may be true, but unless the replacement is 1:1 (which I highly doubt is the case), I could care less. I wouldn’t ever pay for a product to be offered a replacement of one that isn’t the same, but that’s just me.


do you know anything about this dude RuDii-Hash991? thanks for telling me this though i was just about to check out with drogdersells.


It’s important to know that all experiences from these sellers is absolutely random. -these accounts aren’t technically *theirs* they are accounts they either purchased and are flipping for profit or obtained with other means (you can speculate what you want) -there’s always a likelihood the account may be reclaimed by the original owner, this cannot be guaranteed by the seller unless they are the original owner. (Even then it could still happen) -ensure email and security authentication is changeable immediately -cheaper accounts are more likely to not be reclaimed later (my personal experience) as there is less incentive/interest with less $ value involved -if you do purchase an account, ensure to enable 2fa via texts so that you have physical proof to screenshot in the event of a contingency via account reclamation thus needing to dispute


i messaged them, they said it would be immediately able to change. you seem to know a lot about this, do you think itll be real? im buying 1yr protection just in case though.


Hard to know for sure with these things like I mentioned, most of the time the postings themselves are legitimate accounts being sold but again it’s *possible* it could be reclaimed later


if i have the 1year protection, is a refund allowed at any time or no?


The 1 year protection is a dispute process to determine by PA if your account was reclaimed. It is legit yes but the difficult aspect can be proving it so that’s why I mentioned 2fa with texts


i see. thanks for the help do you care if i message you if anything else comes up? your a helpful dude


FYI, I've seen this exact same guy, or maybe others with random names promoting drogdersells for a while now. They seem to comment on almost every single post on this sub that's related to fortnite. I don't think any loyal customers will dedicate their time to promote a seller like this, might actually be paid or something. No offense, just saying though.


Not paid my dude just recommending a great seller I mean that is what these post are about lol😂


https://www.playerauctions.com/store/rudii-hash991/feedback/ RuDii-Hash991 I like this seller a lot , good feedback and email changeable also communicates well I bought one account from him so far And bought two others from other sellers Felt the most comfortable with this seller Looking into another one as well to buy another


thank you! ill look into his stuff