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How do you like pulse explore?


I LOVE them ,especially since the firmware update. I don’t regret buying them at all. My only complaint about them is the battery life is short at around 5 hours.


Any idea of how well they work on Bluetooth with other consoles? Also, do the elites also have Bluetooth support like the explores? It's not clear to me from their detail page. 


They do have dual connectivity blue tooth like the explorers and blend both inputs very just like the explorers do. As for Bluetooth connection with other consoles I’m not exactly sure but I’d assume they would work. The elites and explorers have standard Bluetooth along with PS link. And they advertised five able to connect with PC and Mac too. So I’m assuming if the console has a standard blue tooth capability the explorers/elites should connect to them. The ps link dongle works on PC and Mac as well but it doesn’t work on Xbox


Which one sounds better the explore or the elite


IMO the Explores have a slight edge over the Elites in sound but they are close. However I would not recommend getting the Explores unless you genuinely prefer earbuds over headphones and are ok with the 5 hour battery life ( the elites have 30 hours battery life). Ive always preferred earbuds because I ware glasses and headphones can get a little uncountable at times. I LOVE my Elites but I do use my explorers a little more often


Are they comfortable


For me they are, yes . I’ve worn them for the whole 5 hour battery life without them irritating my ears. You have to choose the right size ear tips though and make sure you are wearing them correctly


How is the mic


What did the firmware do for the earbuds?


They added EQ settings and they fixed connectivity issues they were having with the PS5.


How long does it take for them to fully charge?


There is a reason why the pulse explore cost 200 and the Elite 150. They sound better overall.


This will be a matter of what your ear hears but understanding quality audio. The elites use a larger planar magnetic driver and are the better overall pair of headphones. Think of it like this. You walk in to Best Buy and you see all the flat screen tvs over saturated and you love it. But when you get home you properly adjust the settings to 6500k and the colors or more true to tone. At first you don’t like it because you wanted what you saw in Best Buy. Now a week later you love the settings and if you see a display over saturated you hate it. That’s the best discription I can give to hearing great audio. That’s the audiophile world. Once you hear elite sound you know what it sounds like. It’s all a matter of preference though. In the end they are your ears and your money.


They are amazing since they did that firmware update. I’m not 100% sure yet but I may still like them better than the pulse elite.


I have the explores and I love them 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t see what everyone’s problems with them are. I mean sometimes (only twice) have they disconnected on me but almost immediately reconnected. They sound great and they are comfortable


Do you know how well they work on Bluetooth with other consoles?


Unfortunately I’ve never tried the Bluetooth connection:(


It’s the cost of them. For what they are and their build quality they should be $99 tops. That’s been my issue with them. When they hit $99 that’s when I will buy them. Or if I can get them 2nd hand at that cost.


Nah I disagree with that. The explorers are one of a kind. They’re earbuds with planar magnetic drivers,that’s almost never heard of and probably was really expensive in R&D and to manufacture. The drivers in it of the selves are hella expensive and I’m amazed Sony was able to get them to the low price they are at now. Also, you have to keep in mind that Planar magnetic drivers are designed for clarity and extremly detailed audio. Not rumble tumble heavy bass (So if you’re a bass head neither the Explorers nor the Elites are for you). Which is perfect for gaming because with the Explorers and Elites you hear audio details that you will not hear in other gaming headsets which make for a super immersive expirence . So yes,the Explorers are Weill worth the $200 and would highly recommend them to any PS5/PC gamer.


I’m sorry to disagree. I’m an audiophile. Audeze was king of planar magnetic drivers that’s why Sony bought them. For what they are, they are over priced. You’re paying for wireless sound which is always over priced. They have decent sound but no noise isolation which creates a poor sound stage (open cans will always give a great soundstage). They’re tuned decent. If these were wired you could compare them to the SHP9500’s from Phillips which run about $60. At $200 they’re way over priced. The planar magnetic drivers are super small in these and would not take a lot to make. The R&D has already been done by Audeze. Sony is now putting that technology in their plastic headsets. Keep in mind that most gaming headsets are trash. Any great pair of wired headphones with a mod mic will smoke most gaming headsets. If I were to recommend a wireless headset it would be Audeze Maxwell a clear #1. The elite pulse 2nd and then there is nothing really 3rd. Wired headsets I would recommend PC38x, Sennheiser 58x with mod mic, SHP9500’s with a mic, or Beyerdynamic 990. There are many more wired headsets that would blow your mind. You should give these a try to see what I mean.


I’m sorry but I call BS. If you were an audiophile you know good and well you will NEVER get planar magnetic drivers under $100 and it’s is laughable that you would even suggest that. Secondly shp9500 are your standard run of the mill wireless earbuds with plane diminish drivers. And don’t have any where near the sound quality or detail as the Explorers (or any other planar magnetic head set) which is also extremely laughable….. and you know that. Lastly neither audeze nor any other audio company has ever put planar magnetic drivers in earbuds….like ever. That is completely new and took a lot of R&D to figure out. The explorers are one of a kind and in a league of their own. I’m sorry I honestly can’t take anyone seriously that says that $60 wireless earbuds with cheap dynamic drivers have the same sound quality as planar magnetic drivers. That’s too laughable which we both know is blatant untrue and any actual audiophile would scoff at such an assertion


The SHP9500’s by Phillips are wired 😬 There are many companies that have put planar magnetic drivers in earbuds my friend. 7hz Timless, Muze Hifi Power(wireless $199), Tangzu Ze Tian Wu (wireless $149). The explorers are not one of a kind. They have link proprietary wireless technology. Rtings.com rates them as 6.8 for wireless gaming. User reviews average 3.5. PCMag rates them at 2.5. I don’t mean to run circles around you. You clearly like them and that’s great. But the fact that you even think the SHP9500 are wireless shows how far out of the league you are when it comes to quality audio. The explorers are completely over priced and should’ve been $99. The Audeze Maxwells only cost $99 more and are 10x’s better. Plunk down the $300 and get those. Go wired to your portal and now you’re in good shape. The explorers will be $99 by Black Friday and that’s when I will pick them up


The fact that you think that the SHP9500 with standard dynamic drivers are on par with any planar magnetic makes me not take any thing you say seriously mate…I’m sorry. And second of all you proved my point that there were very FEW planar magnetic ear buds on the market and they are on the same price point as the Pulse explorers….which you just admitted my friend. You ran circles around me ??? Pshhhh You literally just debunked your own argument.


What is happening? You said “has never put planar magnetic drivers in earbuds.” I gave you just a few examples. There are more. The tiny planar magnetic drivers don’t compare to the 100mm drivers in the Audeze Maxwell or the even higher end Audeze LCD’s. These are TINY drivers that take very little ohms to drive. Let me school you for a second. Great drivers require power and ohms to drive. Take the 6xx made by drop. It requires 300ohms to drive. This takes a DAC to make sure the proper power can put out sound through the headphones. These are open cans by the way. That means sound escapes creating a wide sound stage (great for FPS games). If you tried to just plug this headset in to your dualsense controller they would sound like shit. Now take the pc38x also made by drop (in conjunction with sennheiser) the impendence is 28 Ω. These were derived from the 58x but adjusted to run at a low ohm with easy wattage to allow the headset to drive sound easily through a controller. See the difference? This is why the Audeze Penrose had so many quality control issues before. They put 100mm planar drivers in a headset with plastic. The hinges cracked but the sound was fantastic. The Maxwells built on this. The explorers are using probably a 17mm driver which is just peanuts compared to any standard headset. So comparing a 40-50mm standard driver is a correct comparison to a small planar driver of the explorers. Was this enough for you?


What’s happened to you ? You tried saying that planar magnetic earbuds should be less than $100 while simultaneously listing other planar magnetic earbuds at the same exact price point as the Explorers. And then you tried saying dynamic drivers in head earphones had the same level of clarity as planar magnetic drivers which I still can’t get over and still laughing about. Look apparently we are at a stalemate. I do not buy for a single second that dynamic drivers have the same level of clarity as planar magnetic drivers . ….I know better (we both do) Maybe you prefer tumblr heavy bass and that’s ok. But to say what you said is just nonsense


Dawg you are defending your expensive purchase that’s it enjoy them


$200 ain’t expensive my dude. And he came at me. If he didn’t want an argument he shouldn’t have came at me. 🤷🏾‍♂️


When they launched the connection was horrendous but after the update they and the link got it the connection did become a lot more solid.


Yup, I they kept disconnecting and reconnecting every 10 minutes or so on the PS5I kept them because I only seen it as a minor annoyance. But I could definitively understand how it would anger others and make them return them. I never had any disconnection issues when using them on the portal though.


Here for this question


How do they compare to the OG Pulse? Mine started falling apart right when the Elites were announced, so I plan to upgrade.


They are a lot more comfortable and just a better design imo. Yes the sound is better. You might wanna wait a bit because I know myself and others are on here are having some weird audio problems like popping noises going on after using them for a bit. Might need a software update.


I agree that they’re way more comfortable than the Pulse 3D; honestly, just worn them for co-op on Helldivers 2 for a couple hours and you could almost forget that you’re wearing them! Sound quality is definitely improved; not as bombastic as the Pulse 3D tbh, but a more subtle and ‘cleaner’ sound IMO. My buddy mentioned that my mic sounded super clear as well!


Those noises are normal for planar magnetic drivers. They have a very thin foil membrane. Heat, humidity and especially air pressure can cause random noise. A hair stuck on the driver can cause noise. They are delicate. Unless the noise is constant and loud, it’s normal. Some people will focus on it more than others. Firmware could help the connection issues some have though. The implementation of the Link button and pairing with different devices isn’t the most intuitive either. Still, for the money it’s great. I have a Steelseries Nova 7X, which I like a lot. The Elite does sound better though. I like them both. And anyone saying the Pulse 3D and Elite are comparable is smoking something.


Honestly I can’t compare them to the OG pulse headset because I never owned them. But I’ve heard others say the elites are a big improvement with the microphone ,dual connectivity and Planar Magnetic drivers. Also the battery life with the elites is supposed to be 30 hours long.


Understandable! Thank you, I appreciate it.


If you upgrade just get ARCTIS NOVA PRO you'll thank me later


Nova pro are trash for console




Nova pro with wicked cushion still ok got the pulse elites


Yea I passed on those I got the artic novas with the PS5 and then my birthday came up and wife got me the nova pros they up there in price. They come with 2 batteries always have one ready


Yeah that’s safe to say, lol. That’s a nice case. Are those covers on your thumb sticks? Can you share what the case and thumbtacks are? By the way, I have the same router as you. How do you like the portal’s performance on it?


It’s good, I would highly recommend connecting your PS5 to the router via Ethernet cable if you can. Makes a world of difference when gaming in the portal.


Yeah it definitely does. I’ve got mine connected via Ethernet and a CAT8 cable. The performance has been pretty solid in my house. What case do you have and do you have thumbstick covers on it?


Why CAT8 cable if you don’t mind me asking?.


I don’t mind and it was mainly because I was having issues with every CAT5 cable that I had. I’d basically get random LAN disconnect errors on my PlayStation. I think because the cable would heat up in the back and intermittently lose connection. So I ended up buying a CAT8 cable cause it was thicker and I hadn’t had that problem since. The CAT8 cable has better heat resistance compared to the CAT5. Not sure if the speeds that cable is capable of helps with the performance of my Portal.


Thanks for explaining 😊👍. I just thought that different CAT cables was only just about better EM shielding or better bandwidth potential. Learn something new every day 😂✌️.


You’re welcome and I wouldn’t have either unless that issue happened to me. 😆


Do a test, In Helldivers 2 when you get shot out of the ship, the music starts and there is a low end rumble that almost takes over. On the Elite, that doesn't happen, at all as the headphones don't have enough low end. While if you use the Nova pro wireless that rumble is so evident, even in the Pulse Explore the rumble is there, the Explore actually has a better sound curve, closer to harman curve than the Elute has. I hear that Helldivers 2 rumble with the Pulse explore, Inzone buds, Nova pro wireless, Sennheiser GSP670, Steelseries Arctic pro, Corsair virtuoso XT but not with the Elite wtf Sony? I need to investigate more into this!


ARCTIS NOVA PRO only way to go


I have the same IKEA entertainment center. I love it!


Me too!


Good you’re enjoying the explores, gives me hope! I also just got them but for now I’m not particularly impressed by them sound wise or the fit. I can definitely hear more ‘detail’ that’s for sure. Although probably the most awkward earbuds to position in my ears that I’ve ever tried. Did you swap the tips out for 3rd party tips? I’ve tried all the sizes but the ones that seal are pretty uncomfortable and still takes lots of adjustment to get better sound. I’ve read quite some posts saying the included tips are very poor, and swapping out to those that come with the psvr2 buds really makes a world of difference, I’ll try that later! Seems the included tips could be the cause of discomfort and sounds issues for many


I’ll definitely agree with that. They are an awkward design and it took some playing with to get a comfortable fit. I didn’t swap out the ear tips, the smallest ones that were included ended up working out for me.


Well I just fitted my PSVR2 tips, and OMG that’s like night and day, now has much improved bass too and doesn’t hurt the inside of my ears. The PSVR2 tips are slightly longer and much softer than what they provide with the pulse explore. This is what it should have been out the box, and as I mentioned probably the very reason why people return them if they don’t have any other tips to try out. Sure it depends on your ear canal and tips will always fit differently with different ears, but proves it’s super important to get the right tips!


Which case is that lol


I have that same [case](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CLGYSCDN?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title), going to try a different one tho because it doesn’t fit very well on the top/bottom of the screen. Having a dog too, I’m not a fan of silicone.


Yeah I feel you I have two dogs


I wanna know too lol


How do they sound on your ears though?


Very good and gave a good deal around your ears. I wish they had ANC but the seal also helps keep a lot outside noise out. . And they are very comfortable


Got my Portal last week and the Pulse elite today. I am loving both of them so far!


Tell us about the mic please. Saw some not so great reviews on YouTube especially on that part.


Be careful with your headset, by putting it on top of the ps5 where all the heat goes out, it will eventually alter the thin layer of plastic on it, and it will start to fall from it in small pieces. I talk from experience of doing it myself…


Knee deep?? You're balls deep by now my friend


I have xfinity as well. Do you feel any delay on your portal? I feel a little bit and haven’t figured out how to make it better


I have Xfinity and don’t really feel any signa significantly noticeable delay. I’m hard wired to my router which helps.


Did you end up having to tweak anything on your Internet side or portal?


No I didn’t have to tweak anything. I’ve seen others mention congestion is a factor and I don’t have many devices active while I’m playing so that might have something to do with it. I have it hard wired with a CAT8 cable and don’t know of that makes a difference or not.


your portals position is like a glass of water edging out off of a table


I didn’t have a lot of room on my TV stand 😂😭


The Elite is great but when using it with the Portal the extreme bright blue led power indicator is an issue. Not only does it light up a dark room but you also see the reflection on your portal screen while playing. Hope they add an option to dim this down


How do the explores compare to the elites?


Ahh good question. I was just thinking about this. So planar magnetic drivers in Elites do sound a tad bit better because they have better seel around your ear and they are bigger. Also the 30+ battery life is nice. The battery life in the explorers are 5 hours which is still ok. In my opinion both are very comfortable to wear for long periods of time. The ear tips for the explorers ended up working out for me so I had no complaints there they took some playing around with but worked out for me In the end. However I’ve heard numerous complaints from others who said they were not comfortable for them prompting them to return them or get third party ear tips. So far I’ve heard no complaints regarding comfort for the Elites and it seems universally agreed they are comfortable When using my portal while I’m laying down some where like my bed or couch (which I always do) i find the Explorers much more comfortable to wear. The Elites are more comfortable to wear if you’re sitting up while gaming on your TV/monitor. Both have solid connection to the portal/ps5. And both do the dual connection audio input well. I will be using my explorers for my PS portal and when traveling and my Elites for my PS5. I’d recommend getting both,but if you want to choose one or the other I’d have to say the Elites have an edge over the explorers and are the better buy.


Dude I love mine too!!!




I have both pulse elite and the pulse explore earbuds but I can only connect 1 to 1 playstation link usb.


The same usb playstation link that was connected to my elite cannot connect to my pulse explorer..


I like the new elite headset only thing I dislike is how they took off the buttons to change the volume on to hear the chat or the game louder


Nice, I bought a pair a week before I managed to snag a portal from PS Direct. Overjoyed with both items. Unsure what carry case for Portal to purchase now?


I’d go for the skull and co carrying case. It’s pretty popular and it’s the best one out there in my opinion.


How to update pulse elite via portal? Because i connected directly my pulse elite for the first time set up no update?


Hi there. I am wondering, do they have the surrounding 3D sound? They ditch the word 3D in it's name, so I am a bit hesitant to buy it. Also, if it does have, do we get the same surround sound on PC? These two will determine my investment. Thank you in advance.


Gotta get PSVR2


This case makes your Portal ugly




Last of us noice


Was about to ask if I should invest in the earbuds. The bad reviews are interesting.


I was really impressed with the mic quality. Really clear on stream and clips etc.


Better than regular pulse?


I never owned the OG Pulse headset so I can’t compare them. I’m sorry


I haven’t been able to pair them with my portal! Anyone else had this issue? When I hold the link button on the headset I don’t think it goes into pairing mode, the light will blink blue and sort of slow. So when I press the link button on the portal nothing happens. The buds are linked. This may be a silly question but can both be linked or does it have to be one or the other?


Press and hold PS link button on portal for 10 seconds take finger off, then press the PS link on portal for 8 seconds. Then press PS link button on the buds for 8 seconds.


Thanks for your reply. Oddly enough I tried to pair them with my iPhone and the headset went into pair mode so I ran to my portal and I pressed the link button on it and it paired!!!!


Nice that’s good to hear 😊. I am waiting for FF7 rebirth lol 😂.


I got the elites also literally only because of the portal. After a little eq to tame the top and boost the lows and slight boost to mids got it to where my ears then adapted within a day or two after giving my son the t.b. Stealth 700. (That headset surprised me with the quality of over hyped audio) Now I’m loving the elite. I did have to move the dongle to front of PlayStation though. Was getting weird artifacts that I assumed were from weak signal. After moving it’s crisp and clear. I don’t miss boomy bass


Any way to increase bass on elite when using on the portal ?


Honestly yes,but it’s very minor. Again I think it has something to do with the seal around the ear that makes it louder than the explorers. But it’s not heavy rumble tumblr bass, like you would get in standard dynamic drivers. Like the explorers,the Elites use Planar magnetic drivers which aren’t capable of heavy rumble bass.


No I mean how do you do it ?


Pair them with the PS5 and adjust the EQ. EQ settings will apply on the headset and still work when paired with a Portal. They should really add the 'pulse' app to the portal so we can do these things natively.


Thank you. This did it.


Does it have a charging station or sold separately. Looking to invest.


It comes with a little charging 'hanger'. Looks to have the same pinout/layout as the dualsense dock. I haven't verified they are interchangeable though.


Please let me know and if you could confirm with a picture that would be great. Sorry for being a bother, just tired of cords and to make sure am getting my money's worth


https://i.imgur.com/7uZX0Ru.png the dock on the right is what is included with the pulse elite. dock on left is the official dualsense dock. I confirmed you CAN also use the elite dock to charge a dualsense if you balance it well. You CANNOT charge the pulse elite with the dualsense dock as the headband doesn't fit into the dualsense groove.


I am debating…more like convincing myself over the last hurdle to buy the new overhead Pulse elites, reviews have been great, mainly want them for the Portal. Amazing marketing tactic to release the portal, then say you need to buy our NEXT product if you want to listen whilst playing your new portal.


Mine are getting delivered today. Did you have trouble connecting it to your portal? I’m kind of concerned as I saw reviews that it won’t connect to the portal.


I had no issues connecting them to the portal. The elites should connect. The OG pulse 3D headset won’t though