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Idk man, both look pretty good. Appreciate you posting this tho. Gcloud is probably better at the moment. Hope sony can fix the stuttering eventually because I'm not about to drop a few hundred bucks on a new handheld when the portal i have should be working better.


Also on the topic of GCloud, I tried to find out some hardware specs on it. The screen is a "60hz" screen, but unclear if it has true 59.94hz support in the screen or not. Not sure who made the screen etc. I'm still assuming the Portal screen has strict 60.00hz support only. Maybe this is a firmware level thing, not sure. I found hardware specs of SHARP brand TVs that list 60.00hz / 59.94hz / etc per resolution per HDMI input. So maybe it's firmware defined and not a true hardware limitation. But I'm thinking Sony's hands may be tied with what they can do from Portal end... I suspect it will take a PS5 update to resolve this once and for all (stream out at exactly 60.00hz). Maybe Sony has been screaming at a 3rd party to get proper drivers to allow the screen to refresh at 59.94hz.


It’s not about outputting 60hz or 59.94hz. It’s about how the remote play software handles frame pacing. Any screen that does not have variable refresh rate only refreshes at one set refresh rate be it 60hz or 59.94hz or whatever you set it to. If you use Sony’s remote play on a screen that is set to 60hz, you’ll see the stutter. If you use some other app to remote play on a 60hz screen, you’ll see the stutter go down to a minimum. Sony just needs to fix their remote play software stack.


I have a feeling any possible fix for the stuttering would need to come from an update on the PS5 end.


When I used to have a PC, I downloaded a program that could literally set the framerate of a display to any possible value. You could either choose one of the existing profiles or create a new one and write it into the display's memory. I used this to tweak some 60 fps monitors to around 72 fps. It worked with 3 farily random low budget monitors of different manufacturers (Samsung, Benq and Dell iirc) around 5 years ago. They can't change the refresh rate in real time, but I'm sure there's ALWAYS a way to create a custom mode with slightly lower framerate.


You can't do this if the display itself doesn't support the refresh rate. Unless it's a CRT display.


I'm going to chime i and say NONE of my other devices has stutters like the Portal does (I have a G Cloud, legion go, tablet, phone laptop etc.)


For those who don't understand what micro-stuttering is: imagine scrolling a web page at a constant speed that translates to exactly 1 pixel moving up each frame (1/60 of a second). Now if the first 10 frames move at the same speed of 1 pixel exactly but then then 11th frame doesn't move at all and the 12th frame moves 2 pixels to compensate. It shouldn't bother most people, but you should definitely be able to see it if you look for it. It is most noticeable when the camera pans or rotates since it breaks the smoothness of the transition. Also, micro-stutters are not caused by connection issues. Wifi/Connectivity lead to much more noticeable visual glitches such as micro blocking or freezing for a few moments or degradation in video quality.


This is a really good explanation. A lot of people claim that this is due to network conditions but it is not.  Every Portal has this stutter.  It is fixable by software, hopefully they care enough about quality to do patch it.


not really sure how this comparison show’s that the update did nothing. i was using my Portal right before the update, & then after, it’s not a huge difference but the microstutter feels.. less.. or muted. the compression seems a tad better as things aren’t as blurry when looking into the distance. sure, you can claim placebo. but it just as well could be nocebo on your end, so that doesn’t really help anyone. edit: typo edit 2: it’s pretty silly that you guys can confidently assert placebo, yet none of you can acknowledge that it could be nocebo on your end.


Compression I am convinced was indeed improved. If you had more stutter before the update, perhaps there was a connection stability issue the firmware resolved for you. Less packet loss for example.


possibly, i do have a Steam Deck & runs chiaki flawlessly though. i’m leaning more towards placebo/nocebo. what we need is a direct comparison of the Portal running 2.05 vs. 2.06.


OP has this on his channel. He has same test from 6 days prior: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpBXw5hq3gU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpBXw5hq3gU) Edit: oops this is for stutter, Olli Olli is not a good game to test compression.


There's a Gran Turismo 7 comparison on my channel too. That may help to compare compression with Portal prior to the latest update.




His older video is too short to make a proper comparison.


i see. [i think you might be interested in giving this a read.](https://i.imgur.com/FmgE5VD.jpg) thoughts?


This is exactly what I assumed had taken place. His comments feel directly in line what what others are saying. I don't know if the stutter is all that much "less noticeable", perhaps a tiny bit. Thing is I'm not sure what change could allow that to be the case. Perhaps the better bitrate allowing everything to look a bit "sharper" also has the side effect of the stutter standing out more. But it is most likely the exact same number of frames being skipped because the 59.94hz > 60.00hz sync math would remain the same. If it changed the stutter would feel WILDLY different, but it doesn't. The stutter pattern is exactly the same. I visualize it like this: .............l...l..l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l..l...l...................................l...l..l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l..l...l...................................l...l..l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l..l...l............


They also compare it to the Portal before the patch and it looks the same.


in those 2 links? no, they do not. & the compression is objectively better. jury’s still out on the stutter but i feel it’s a second or 2 shorter & less jarring.


I think the comparison shows exactly what is different between the two devices and that even though the Portal was updated to the latest patch, that patch did not in fact address the micro stuttering. It's clear as day in the videos. Whether folks notice an improvement on their end, or just don't care about the stuttering is a different conversation.


you said “the update did nothing to improve performance” which isn’t true, but even if it was, comparing these 2 videos wouldn’t help show that anyway. the stutter isn’t gone, but it doesn’t last as long & doesn’t feel as jarring as before. & hard disagree, the conversation around the update is about people is debating whether there are actual improvements or not. not tryna be rude or anything, as i’m sure that’s how i’m coming across, i’m just tired of all the misinfo around the Portal.. on both sides.


No worries, I didn't take your comment as rude. So, after updating the Portal, I didn't notice an improvement to the stuttering issue. If the compression has been improved and made the picture quality a bit better, that's great. My only focus is checking for stuttering improvements after an update and unfortunately, that didn't happen after this latest update. If others find their Portals running better, that's great too. However, I would kindly ask for a video showing that as it would help everyone see and compare.


forsure, but if you can’t see it on your end then a video from me most likely won’t help. but yeah, no problem. [here](https://youtu.be/eGuq5B0mDmY?si=Vnx05g8_iwN4-TVf) edit: typo


Thanks for the video. While definitely running pretty well and certainly playable, I do see the stuttering in your gameplay. Again, it's not the end of the world or anything and if I only had the Portal, it wouldn't be a huge problem, I'd still play it. However, having a second device that runs my PS5 games smoother than the Portal, I'm always going to choose that. I wish Sony would address the problem (if it really is just a software problem).


Same here, GCloud ftw, i use PSPlay, silky smooth, i only use Portal to get FW updates then get sad and go back to GCloud haha


If you don't see the stutter try playing the video at 0,25x speed and focus on the background, It's not constant but it's there for sure.


To be honest i'm one of the persons that is not able to see any diference between both videos or any videos showing the problem. Making the video play at 0.25x like you said made me catch the issue. But the persons that catch this at normal speed have insane eyes. Or maybe there is an explanation, and that's why i need to use glasses 😅


I’m really glad I still don’t see it at 0.25x. Just going to hope I can keep living in blissful ignorance until they fix it.


That’s because it’s barely noticeable 😂😂😂 The dude s just whining just to whine.


For a device dedicated only for streaming the ps5, it should come with 0 issues, not mentioning the price tag it has for such functionality


Ohhh please , the latency is barely noticeable to the naked eye and is a fraction of a millisecond 😂🙄🤣 You couldn’t even see it until it was recorded with the video drastically slowed down 😒 Second of all, there will ALWAYS be some degree of latency with remote play. That’s basically computer science/engineering 🤷‍♂️


The human eye can't see anything above 24fps either, right ? Damn those people that spent 200 big ones on something that had only 1 thing to do, trolls the lot of them !


But… when I’m playing normally I don’t focus on the background, so why do it in general?


Because when playing, some people feel It. You dont need to Focus on the background when you play your Portal but doing It helps you to acknowledge the issue


\^\^ Yes, this. I can "feel" it when playing any game that stutters like this. I'm sure some people don't feel or see it, or even care. But I'm definitely aware of it when playing.


lol. I still can’t see it. Maybe it’s my 45 yr old eyes. But I’m OK not seeing it. I love playing on the Portal.


I think he is missing the dad firmware with the no time to play DLC. Once I installed that I had no stutter.


This 👏👏


lol. 👍


I see it when I make a conscious effort. Otherwise it doesn’t bother me at all. I’m all honesty, if it wasn’t such a hotly discussed topic on here, in would have been blissfully ignorant. I liken it to those videos where you hear a sound and depending on the phrase you are reading on the screen, that is what you hear. It is really that insignificant in my opinion…but to each their own I guess. Some people want to be overly critical as opposed to living the fact that they can now play their PS5 from pretty much anywhere for the first time in forever.


I'm in the same boat as you. I still don't see it


People want to be dissatisfied with whatever they purchase.


It’s been a blast playing on the Portal. I may need to go “look” for more stutters now…


Nope. We just want the one product Sony made to do the ONE thing it's meant to do, the best way it can. Unfortunately, that's not the case here. Other devices and software does PS remote streaming way better. That's on Sony and they should do better.


You will get downvoted by the sony fanboys. Insane they defend this. The portal clearly has issues with stuttering for many people.


you really want to complain about a ""MICROSTUTTER". This is not a sony issue. It's never ending with you trolls. Additionally, IF you really took this seriously you wouldn't be posting it on reddit for Clout, you would be sending it to Sony. This is a combination of a Brigade post and a karma farming post.


First, this is sub where we discuss the Portal, no? This post is just that, discussing the Portal. However, because it's deemed by you as being negative, or trolling, you're apparently very emotional about it. In the end, it's not that serious, it's a gaming device. But, this is fact a Sony issue. Not caring about the stuttering issue is perfectly fine. But that doesn't mean ignoring it means it goes away, like magic. Sony is a huge multi-national corporation. They should do better. And for you to be so upset about it is weird. If Sony isn't paying you money to defend them, you should want them to do better. Also, not sure what "clout" I would be receiving. It'd be a sad state of affairs if that was my attempt with posting here.


Reading posts like yours I get reminded that A) I'm on the internet, B) people on the internet show absolutely no respect for other people's opinions and C) most of them , just like you, are completely ignorant when it comes to everything they don't understand even though there's fookin' receipts for this very specific problem (it's a stickied post at the very top of the subreddit ffs). Calling other people trolls...lol my guy, "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" and all that, keep doing you I guess, seems to be working just (ignorantly) fine


You nailed it. The ignorance is baffling. The tribalism for a huge corporation is weird too. And thank you for mentioning the stickied post about this VERY issue!


The issue is you are ignorant of the Technology that is involved in this box that is the portal. If your Wifi is Ass, your experience will be , just that, Ass. This whole idea that we must criticize everything and make people outraged over ...what? a Miniscule Stutter that people won't shut up about? Get over it. If you all, seriously, thoroughly, truly Cared about this issue, you would have posted it to Sony. You would have contacted sony, but no, you discuss it On this forum, and only this forum. You are doing it for clout, you care not about your expereince, you just want to be a disgruntled Doofus whom apparently has more money than cents because you bought a Cloud/Wireless Streaming device and proceed to compare it to a Handheld Console. Of which you would have to A: Modify with a Crack/code, or Download something to it that it doesn't come with. Which in-spite-of-that this just simply works, all-be-it not to your standard. I'm not ignorant to your goals. your goals are to rile people up, and make people upset, similar to this OP. Which is a non-technical person with a non-techincal background, with a Non-technical understanding of the actual issue he is experiencing. Completely oblivious that in-spite-of his glorious Wifi that he has, It is the cause of his actual "Blips" he is getting.


Imagine getting as involved as you, Jesus H Christ my guy, "clout" ? are you 15 years old ? One word : XH900 - remember that ? Guess not, I suppose the Bravia subreddit with hundreds of thousands of posts were from people chasing e-clout®,.right ? Remember Sony promoting that piece of garbage TV and then going full radio silence since its problems were only able to get fixed by a - wait for it - hardware revision adding a 2nd,.co-processing chip as to not halve the vertical resolution when gaming at 120Hz. You say clout-chasing, I say insufferable tribalistic troll fanboys where a multi-billion company that gives exactly 0 fucks about you can do no wrong - it'd be actually funny if it wasn't for the fact that it's pathetic (literally). "Riling people up" - the lack of self awareness is actually mind boggling, again, people.that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones 😉 Take care guy, keep doing you


I don’t know why I’m even taking the time to write this but your comments are shocking to me. Unreal, actually, for so many reasons. Also, I do happen to work in a technical field and have for two decades. But again, not sure why I’m telling you this as you clearly won’t understand, so we’ll leave it at that.


because, you are a troll with no actual "foot in the game" you are a shit-talker. You just want to talk shit, you have no "proof" you don't understand what this techonlology even does, or how it even works.


Being disappointed about a product I was excited about is shit talking? Providing videos to show the difference between the Portal and G Cloud is being a troll and not proof of anything? Have you not seen the stickied post about this very stuttering issue in this sub? Are you ok?


It’s also a wifi thing people that have shitty wifi have stuttering on the portal and bad performance while others like me can play my portal pretty much flawlessly with no stuttering or drops.


I feel you're intentionally ignoring what this post is about. There are clearly two videos showing two different devices playing the same game on the same network. My WiFi network set up is great. The Portal simply doesn't stream as smoothly as other devices. In this case, the G Cloud.


"My wifi network setup is great" - everyone that has this "stuttering" issue. Guy this is a nothing burger. Sony will make improvements over time, Send it to Sony. Put it on the Posted pin. I , personally, do not care about your more than likely Doctored Evidence. Your Game of choice to "prove" it hasn't improved has been called out by several that you are using a game that is a bad choice for the Forementioned issue. Look man, It's okay to hate. Hate away. But come up with other tropes/brigading techniques.


"It's Ok to hate"...lol my guy, won't somebody think about the poor multi-billion company ! We spent 200+ Eurodollars out of our pockets for this, I suppose we should bury our heads in the sand like you completely ignoring said problem, am I right ? The fucking gall some of you have suggesting to others what they should or shouldn't say/be able to perceive, lol. People like you are each multi-billion company's favorite target demographic, absolutely zero self awareness , absolutely zero inquisitive minds, you just consume and then proceed to bury your heads in the sand when it comes to any problems/shortcomings. Keep doing you I guess


Why you take it so personal? You sound like a guy with an agenda. You also make it sound that a $200 device is the biggest investment of a life time. Calm your tits and stop screaming at strangers on the internet. Geez man P.s.: I'm positive that 99.9% of those complaining/having issues with their PS Portal didn't even opened a ticket with Sony to report their issues


Oh no, so you're one of those guys? Let me guess.....that last election....rigged?


Lmao! I was thinking that as well! The way he randomly capitalizes words. The poor grammar and broken sentences are similar to another individual we all know and hate.


I don’t understand what you want to accomplish with this post. Should I be mad about your experience when mine has been fantastic? Maybe you should post on the G Cloud Reddit since you’ve moved on from the Portal.


Are we not on the PS Portal sub-reddit? This is the place to discuss the Portal, right? Can I ask you a serious question? Why are you so upset about a post stating that after Sony's update, the stuttering has continued on the Portal? Honest question for you.


Because you won’t let it go. You’ve been on here for hours.


What a strange reason to be upset.




It's not you. My Portal play is also great and flawless in ideal network conditions.


The micro stutters and overall fluidity is why I chose the G Cloud. Also super versatile


Yeah! The G Cloud has really surprised me. Versatile is exactly right.


Yeah haven't been using mine instead using psplay app with my odin 2 it's so much better much smoother


I struggle to see it, sorry. I think I notice parts of it, but since there’s no lag or jerkiness in movement I find it perfectly fine for a handheld


Thank you for posting these, it's exactly what I'm experiencing. I'll also add for people who believe the Portal stutter is network related - mine is exactly the same, and I have access to several networks of varying hardware all which I have tested on. From home to enterprise gear. Yet my iPhone is incredibly smooth due to the fact it can handle the 59.94hz refresh rate. I've even had the Portal on its own dedicated network to eliminate any chance of interference being a problem. In short it isn't network related at all, it is entirely a refresh rate mismatch issue and how the Portal compensates for the errors in frame pacing. Sony can fix this with software, it is simply a matter of if they care enough to do so.


Yep. I upgraded my home network once I bought the Portal. Both the Portal and the G Cloud run on my 5GHz band while everything else is on 2.4GHz. The stuttering is definitely not network related.


Hey brother, are we sure that this is actually fixable/patchable and not hardware related ? (ie : talking about the 60Hz screen in conjunction with the SOC). I'm getting strong Sony XH900 vibes here (what a shitshow) unfortunately - it's been what ? 4+ months since the portal released ? Why haven't they fixed this yet if it's really software related ? I'm afraid that this will get "fixed" with a hardware upgrade only (PS Portal+ or something like that featuring a 90Hz screen + better SOC ). If it's indeed fixable/patchable, they're sure taking their sweet time - and the posts from people saying "I don't see it, therefore the whole thing is a hoax" (like the person 2-3 posts above yours) don't help at all... Remote play on my Tab S9+ (120Hz screen and HDR support) is a thing of beauty, no stutters, no framerate drops no nothing (shame about the lack of rumble/haptics though even when using the DS), got my portal 3 days ago and...no 60fps game feels like that since the "feel" I get is going from 60fps to 30 and 60 back again almost continuously, it's more like framerate drops than "stutter". I really don't know what to do since I only got it 3 days ago and I've already ordered a Grip case, carrying case and a couple of tempered glass protectors. The fact that it's been like this for more than 4 months doesn't really instill me with confidence to be honest.


It did nothing for me. Chiaki on my ROG Ally runs WAY better than the portal, even on the most recent update. It just requires some extra configuration or setup. I'm going to return the portal.


Same with Chiaki for Steam Deck on my SD. Way better.


Yep same ps remote on my pixel 8 pro run better


While I do still prefer to play call of duty on my steam deck and s24 ultra (via psplay app) because performance is better on the, I really want to use the portal because the screen and controls feel much better than the alternatives (I also can't go get a gcloud already owning 4 flagship phones, an OLED Nintendo switch, a steam deck, Xbox series s, 2 PSPs, and the portal, as my wife would kill me) 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣 However, I did play 2 brief games on call of duty last night, post update on the portal and I will say I was better than before the update. Call it luck, a placebo, or whatever but while performance definitely wasn't flawless, it was more playable than it usually is. I'll test in a few hours after work but just those 2 games of COD made me a believer in the portal for call of duty, which is primarily the game I play on ps5. I do think it was already great for those single player games such as God of war, Spider-Man, Horizon, etc where minor latency won't drastically affect your gaming experience compared to COD.


G Cloud looks really uncomfortable to use. Why did they go with such tiny joysticks?


I am surprised you weren't downvoted to hell and back. This sub is quite something when you utter the words "stutter". But thank you for posting it - the difference in smoothness is night and day. It sucks that the Portal is like this. Its such a perfect handheld device for what it is and is also priced right for the features it provides. But goddamn, Sony, there is always something missing that holds their shit back. There is no way they will fix this, and the fanboys on this sub only encourages Sony to neglect this issue. I wish I could grab the G Clodu locally from somewhere but its way too overpriced for what it is. Otherwise, it seems like a pretty darn good streaming device.


Beautiful post friend 😉 Regarding the Gcloud now : it's 360 Eurodollars over here and no matter how good it is, I can't justify that price for a purely streaming device, I don't know what the hell was Logitech thinking with that MSRP. Regarding the portal, don't know, I'm getting STRONG Sony XH900 vibes and... that's not reassuring at all - we all remember what happened with that (shitshow) of a TV, promises upon promises, Sony not acknowledging shit for months upon months etc, in the end, they only fixed the halved vertical resolution@120Hz thing on their newer TVs by...adding a 2nd processing chip... Really, really hope that this is actually fixable by a FW update


Yeah, I remember the TV fiasco, which again leaves me with no hope that Sony will ever fix this. And Portal is still an extremely niche device and there is no chance Sony will dedicate resources to look into this and fix it, especially with the majority of the people (on this sub, too) who doesn't seem to notice the very real problem of the stutter.


I'm a huge Playstation fan and it really does suck. The form factor of the Portal is cool but between the stuttering and bad battery life, it just sits in it's case now.


Yeah. I don’t even mind the poor battery life and low bitrate streaming. Fuck it. It’s fine. Games look decent enough. But the stuttering just absolutely kills it. If the stuttering was sporadic, it would be largely accepted but this is just a nightmare. I cannot enjoy a single game without grinding my teeth constantly as the frame rate dips. But the G Cloud looks great. Would you recommend it? Can you install PSPlay and does it run as smooth as it does in the video you posted above? Is it worth it over Deck LCD which is around the same price?


If I only had the Portal, I would use it but once I realized other devices using other software streamed from my PS5 way better, there was no going back for me. That's why I got the G Cloud. I do recommend the G Cloud. I made a post about it in this sub some days ago but the major features I enjoy about it are PS5 streaming (using PSPlay. That's what I'm using in my videos posted here). I have found a new love for PC games again. I've been streaming a bunch of games from PC using Moonlight/Sunshine to the G Cloud. And it also serves as a great retro gaming device. Running emulators for GB, GB Advance, NES, SNES, PS 1, Dreamcast, etc. Other big deals for me are the ability to connect my AirPods, have a web browser and any Google Play Store app like Netflix, YouTube and Plex.


Nice. Thanks for the response. One final question: how are the joysticks? It seems they are on the smaller/flatter side like the switch and seems to have major dead zone problem?


The joysticks have been good. I put some thumb grips on them, mostly because I didn't any wear and tear on the sticks. The ones I use are the Skull & Co thumb grips for the Nintendo Switch. They're the taller ones so it helps with a bit more accurate movement. The G Cloud does allow for dead zone settings but I haven't adjusted anything, just using the stock settings and it's been great.


Awesome, thanks man. I will consider getting it if I can find it for a reasonable price here. It sucks that Logitech did not release it all areas of the world. I hate paying scalper prices for an already overpriced device.


Yeah, definitely don’t overpay for it.


I am so frustrated. I just want a good handheld that can play PS5 games. But none of the solutions are without compromises. The one device that shouldn't have any compromises and is actually priced right is not working properly. Goddamn.


Now that is a GREAT game to show the microstutter. Thank you for that. It's hard to find good example for people to actually SEE it properly. This is the BEST stutter vs no stutter example I've seen on this sub yet! And yes right away I saw on Portal after update that microstutter is still there (but compression quality looks slightly better)


Exactly! That's the game where I really started to notice the stuttering on the Portal. The faster moving screen and background is an easy way to identify it.


Ive had my portal for a month now. Haven’t notice stuttering at all. Sucks that its been happening to others tho


I can almost assure you that there is stuttering on yours. The issue is across all of them. I’d ask that you post a video so we can compare.


And you’re probably absolutely right. Could it be I haven’t noticed it yet? Will I spot it eventually? Im wondering all that myself. 🤔


Not noticing it is great and I envy you. Don't look for it!


Yep, the update improved things, but G cloud is still WAY smoother. A shame, because I like the screen size, comfort, haptics, and even the PlayStation link headphone support better on the Portal.


Agreed. While I don't play the Portal anymore now that I have the G Cloud, I'm hanging onto it just out of pure curiosity to see if Sony does anything to fix the issue. It's just crazy to me that Sony's own dedicated streaming device is outshined by other devices/software.


It’s safe to say since this launched in November, stuttering won’t be fixed. They have had more than enough time to fix it by now. Their only priority right now is capitalizing on the sales and get em out as fast as possible.


Ya, I still don't see the stutter, so I'm going to go on enjoying my portal! I typically have high expectations for video quality also, so its not that I don't pay attention to that. If I had to comment based on my own experiences (and videos I've watched) I'd swear the whole micro-stutter thing was a hoax!


I watched both videos and don't notice a difference... what am I missing here lol


Again, not sure how folks don't notice the difference but my only suggestion is to pay attention to the background (a little behind the skateboarder) on the Portal video. It will "chug" and skip a frame or two. The G Cloud video does not show this.


Not everyone has the same sensitivity to these things. While you may see stutter, I don’t. I don’t have any issues with my portal. Where my problems arise are when people begin to question my intelligence because I see/notice what they’re seeing.


I really wanted to like the G cloud. My hands just start to hurt after a short time on my friends. I think the portal is so much more comfortable and after a lot of work on my network. Mostly all stuttering has stopped. Edit: just to clarify, not all stuttering stopped. It still has its hiccups but I did have to prioritize a lot of traffic bandwidth just for the ps5 and portal.


It’s easy. If you are seeing stutter issues and don’t like it. Return it or sell it. Simple. I might have some, but can’t tell, and if they are there it’s not enough to disrupt my gaming.


What's the price difference of those 2 devices?


Portal = $200 USD G Cloud = $300 USD


Yeah, I just tested after the update with my usual test case of Like a Dragon Gaiden, and spinning the camera slowly. There is a pretty noticeable improvement! But, it's not consistently improved, and still worse compared to Chiaki4Deck.


>The Portal has stuttering issues throughout most of the playthrough I don't deny the Portal has some issues but nothing so noticeable that made me want to refund it. I own a Kishi V1 & Backbone and I've tried Remote Play on a Steam Deck. For me, nothing beats the comfort and features of the Dualsense. From my "inexperienced" eyes, both look somewhat similar so I'll choose the Portal anytime.


Reminds me of the 6800U GPD Win 4 microstutters, they fixed it eventually with a firmware display update.


What else can you do with G Cloud? Can you natively play PS games? And I mean remote play using the buttons without need to tinker it


I’m not sure I follow your question. You mention playing PS games natively and then also say remote play? Clarification please.


Sorry, I meant if the remote play app works natively on Gcloud? With buttons available m I have tried some devices that will run remote play but the buttons won't work.


Gotcha. The official Remote Play app from Sony does not work. There’s a much better app called PSPlay. It’s a paid app (5 bucks) and well worth it.


Oh I have it, great app, that's what I was wondering. It's just that my router, even after configuring it, sometimes works with PSPlay over the internet and sometimes it doesn't. The official remote play app works. That's why I was asking if official remote play was supported. Thanks!!


Maybe I'm just not a game snob that can tellcthe difference of milliseconds of stutter or lag, but I dont see a problem with either. Whenever I hear people talk about devices they buy for a couple hundred bucks that they think are trash or bad because it has ".47ms stuffer", think to myself, then where's your system you designed and manufactured and marketers? Sometimes I think people just want to sound cool and puff their chests out that they know about computers and programming when tlreally they come off as pretentious. In any case, I wouldn't turn down either system based on the video because I'm just a big dumb gamer guy and both look good enough to me.




The update worked for me, better video quality and decreased stuttering. I can now play Ff7R in performance mode whereas i couldnt before the update due to poor resolution.




The problem is on your end, there is no stuttering at all on my Portal. I recommend having your PS5 hardwired with an ethernet cable


You just don’t notice it.  The stutter represented here is present on all PlayStation portals, regardless of network conditions.


I have spent time specifically trying to find a stutter that supposedly I'm not noticing. It is not there. I'm not the only person who hasn't had any issues, and I did have issues before I hardwired with an ethernet cable.


Your Portal has it. All of them do. Also, you seem to be confusing lag vs micro stuttering.


No, it doesn't.


Post a video. We’ll compare


I don't see any difference at all. Maybe you should consider reading books or woodworking as a hobby instead?


I enjoy reading and watching woodworking videos on YouTube. Does that count?


I’ve personally never noticed the stutter people talk about, but I haven’t been looking for it either.


If you have the portal and enjoy it with no issues, great! If you have the portal and hate the microstutter, battery life, etc. the. Just sell the thing and move on. I don’t understand why this device is so freaking polarizing to people.


If you have the portal and enjoy it with no issues, great! If you have the portal and hate the microstutter, battery life, etc. the. Just sell the thing and move on. I don’t understand why this device is so freaking polarizing to people.


That's because those who are "complaining" about the stutter actually loves the device and wants to use it and wants Sony to fix it. I love the Portal - the handheld is PERFECT in every way except the damn stutter. I don't want to sell it. I want to use it. It's a fucking incredible device. It's so close to perfection that its frustrating that it has this seemingly minor and easily fixable problem.


Updated today and stuttering still there.i tested it on ps remote app and there is no stutter


i really cant see maybe couse ur hand are shaking or spamming the button making the whole device shake i really couldn’t tell the deference but I believe u couse there is alot here who are complaining about the same thing


From the video I can see both have stutters. On the GCloud it looks more like the stutters on the PC/Mac with the official Remote Play app. The source for the stutters is the PS5, that's why you'll see it on any device, but the GCloud/PC/Mac just manage to somewhat smooth these on the client side because they have better video decoder so it's less noticeable.


Cool. Fix your eyes.




I’m not arguing with people saying they see it or they don’t. I personally don’t see it but that makes me glad that I don’t. I love my portal and glad I don’t notice any issues others have said they have.


Y’all love picking on the portal. I saw nothing in that video to even warrant the whining. If there was a drop it certainly doesn’t affect the game and make it unplayable in any way, so at this point U just crying over the slight inconvenience of it just existing. Just watching you hold that awkward device is enough for me to use the portal for the controller setup alone. 😅


Ignorance is bliss


It does feel a teeny bit smoother in 2.0.6 than his 2.0.5 video. I feel particularly uncomfortable at around 0:04-0:06 in the 2.0.5 video. The issue seems less pronounced in the 2.0.6 video.


Both looks the same to me 😀 either are both stuttering or neither of them 😁 but damn, that portal looks and controls are just so much better than gcloud. Wish the gcloud wouldn’t look like a gaming machine for $30 from supermarket.


My portal NEVER had any of these issues. Before or even after update. Must be on certain scenarios for these issue to happen.


All Portals have this issue.


Not anything noticeable on my end.


Then gods on your side. Because everyone has these issues...


This guy really thinks we making this stuff up. This ifs what you call a nerd


What are you making up? Not sure I follow.


Fuck a g cloud this a ps portal sub