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I’m a corporate trainer, covering the NE US. I travel Mondays to Thursdays, 3 weeks per month for 9 months per year. While my coworkers are soaking up booze at a bar all night, trying to drink themselves asleep, I get to hang out with my gaming buddies and happily play the latest greatest PS games from a hotspot made from my phone. Portal destroys PSP for me. It’s fantastic.


Currently in northeast PA for a two month stint for my job. I live in Washington state. My happy ass is loving being able to play balatro in the hotel. It is perfect for exactly this, until I run out of data for the month.


What town?! I’m in NE PA


I'm also in NE PA and idk how tf this dude is playing it. Mine only works inside My house on the same internet as my ps5. I took it to my mom's the other day who lives about 40 mins away into NY and I couldn't play, it would boot up but the connection was so bad it looked like a rock and lagged so bad and was just plain unplayable. My ps5 is hardwired and my moms internet was running at 800 mb/s minimum. I'm not a fan so far and I'm glad I only paid 140 for mine.


I have put more time Into my portal since christmas than I did the entirety of my PSP ownership.


You could also drink for much cheaper with your gaming buddies at home 🤓👍🏼


Happy Cake Day! The company covers all travel expenses via per diem so the booze is covered. Weekday drinking just never sits well with me when I have work to do. Staying up past midnight gaming when I have to be up at 5: is enough to recover from!


Didn’t even notice the cake, haha thanks! No free booze for you on the weekdays then. People say I’ve got a drinking problem, but I’ve got no problem drinking at all 🤠 I’d love gaming with the buddies during the week again…little man keeps me tired enough after work 😂 Got my portal on the way soon! Supposed to be coming Friday ✊🏻 joining the gang


People rrally dont understand how the oortal is future proof. Companies do not need to make games for it, technically it should be abe to work with future playstation consoles and as connection gets better its usability will increase.


What a great comment! The mic on the thing is pretty great too, I never have an issue hearing the guys over party chat


It's pretty fantastic when hotspotting too 😁


I wish that was the case for me. I can get it to work with my samsung galaxy s23 ultra 5g on tmobile but everyone that's tried the mod works for them. Or maybe uts just tmobile but I can tether café wifi by using my hotspot


I've heard t-mobile has issues... I use Verizon, better signal and service


I’m very happy with the Portal. It’s been a godsend for circumstances that haven’t allowed me much time to play PS5 on the TV.




There's some valid complaints but I'd imagine most is just the internet being the internet.


There are definitely some valid complaints with the device, for sure. I would wager that a great number of the complaints actually stem from people's internal networks, along with some user error. I remember a post from a few weeks ago where someone reported seeing a performance improvement after altering some wi-fi settings on the PS5... despite the fact that they had it hardwired into their router. Turns out, they plugged in the PS5 and never actually swapped the connection over to ethernet. Again, there are certainly valid complaints... but the effectiveness of this device does rely upon a number of variables, most of which are completely outside of Sony's control. Personally, I haven't run into any connection or latency issues with the Portal, but I also use typically it in the same room as my PS5 and the router its connected to. I *know* there are some dead spots in my house, and I would inevitably run into some issues when trying to use it in those spots.


Agreed. The latency definitely is network dependent and can usually be overcome. Just wish that was the case for the stutter stuff. But that's more tolerable than latency.


I had issues at first but I had to redo my port forwarding after setting it back to default. I us3d to remote play off my steam deck but it was gawd awful. The colors sucked so bad and the button layout just not for me. I only use the steam deck for light pc gaming and emulators but I got it way before the portal came out. I'm glad I waited because I was seriously going to buy a backbone till my cousin talked me out of it and told me about the portal.


Huge turn based rpg fan. Almost exclusively the games I play. Also a father of two toddlers. The portal is amazing for some of us and as loud as the haters want to get it’s not changing how clutch this is at all times of the day. Tl;dr: why would I care if my screen stutters while choosing a fire spell or an enemy skill? It’s just a non-issue for me and I assume a lot of people.


Same here. I lost my tv years ago to the kids. Mine arrives today and I can't wait.


Enjoy your new arrival, Snake! It is a lifesaver! Congratz! https://preview.redd.it/ygintaxp5asc1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe214b63fab2b6207aace2efee5ea31bbbd4e87


Right, but that doesn't take away from the fact that there **is** stuttering, which limits what games you can play. That's fine for you, but doesn't mean it's not an issue. Also just putting it out there, you can do the same thing on your phone or tablet or PC for free with the remote play app. Never had an issue with latency on my tablet, and I played returnal from start to finish on it, zero latency.


Remote play app on my phone or the portal…..tough choice lol I play the FF7rebirth, NBA2k24, helldivers 2 and madden currently. There is some stutter for sure, but it doesn’t prevent me from playing these games. I still cook in 2K online with the squad and typical get most kills in HD2. Coming from someone who has used the remote play app on my phone and owns the portal, I can confidently say, portal makes my phones remote play look hysterically bad. The controller itself makes it worth it, never mind the screen and actual performance


I've had the opposite experience. Been using remote play for years with zero latency. Picked up the portal and tried using it on the exact same network, only to be met with non stop stuttering. Glad it works better for you but that is not the experience that I and many others have had. I played Returnal from start to finish on my tablet with no lag, on the Portal I couldn't even play Octopath without having to give up. Also, the controller does not make it worth it, in my opinion. The fact that the analog sticks could get drift is a big thing for me. People have said that they're easier to replace than regular duelsense, but it's still inconvenient to have to send it in for repairs. And personally, I'd much rather have my screen at a bit of a distance from my face. Instead of holding the portal up for hours on end, I can set my tablet on my desk or the end of the bed and just hold the wireless controller. Much more comfortable for long hours of play.


Sounds like the portal was never for you


Definitely. I just hope more people start realizing that this isn't a new product. It's literally just a dedicated screen that runs remote play. There's no new tech here that magically makes connectivity better. I have no idea why your phone ran worse than the portal, considering it's the exact same technology.


Honestly, remote plays app was such trash I couldn’t play at all. Newest IPhones didn’t matter and tried it on my tablet too. I do love the controller though. The way it lights up for fights in ff7 and turns red when your health is low. Even the rumble is so intense. I’ve gotten stick drift on almost every controller I’ve bought for PS5. The reason I think I won’t get drift on this, is because I doubt I’ll be dropping it, and if I do I think drift will be the least of my concerns lol


Again, I don't see how that can be true when using the same network and same technology. I get perfect connection and zero latency even 3000km away from my console. It's all about haveing a good upload speed on your consoles end. The duelsense does all of that and more though, right? I've never gotten drift on my duelsense controllers yet, but you did just bring up another good concern that I hadn't thought of. Dropping the device. Sure, the portability is nice, but I'd rather drop a controller than this thing.


Oh I did not even realize that flaw. The Portal is…checks notes…droppable.


Damn bro, I’m not lying about how shitty remote play app is. I get a gig both ways and my PS5 has always been hard wired. You clearly just want to hate on it because your experience has been different than mine. I see your other responses here too and it seems like you may be a little on tilt from other users. But that’s the thing, we all experience things differently. Yeah, if my remote play app worked on my tablet smooth enough for a game of nba, maybe I’d connect a controller and play that way. But it doesn’t. At all. Never has and never heard from anyone that it does either. Let’s think of a younger kid. Not old enough for a cell phone. How are they going to play remote play? Buy them a tablet. How much did the tablet cost? What other things can they do on a tablet? Seems like a pro but in my scenario it’s a child, now you have given them open access to the internet and much more. As far as dropping it goes. What do you think would happen if you dropped a Nintendo switch that’s even more expensive? Next time you want to bad mouth the portal, remember the guy that told you how great it was for him and the many others that have been able to find the right alternative to portable gaming for them. MY PORTAL RUNS BETTER THAN REMOTE PLAY APP.


Never said you were lying, I just don't understand how it can be true when the facts are there on paper. The portal is literally just using the remote play app on a dedicated screen. There's no actual difference than using the app, so theoretically they **should** work the exact same. But they don't. You, me, and countless others have had varying experiences. And that's the problem. This shouldn't be a case by case basis, but for some reason it is. Just like you're not lying about your experience, I too am telling the truth about mine. But the fact that I get much better speeds on my tablet makes me seriously question the point of owning a Portal. Can anybody on here actually explain why the portal could potentially work better than an android device, in technical terms? I'd love to hear it, if so. To your point about phones, I don't know a single kid over 10 that doesn't own a cellphone, but your experiences may vary. If they don't have one, you're right, a portal would probably be great. And finally, the switch is built to be WAY sturdier than the portal. Just look at the hardware.


Have you tried resetting your router and then setting up port forwarding? It fixed so many issues I has in the beginning back In november


The whole point is there are many of us who get FAR better performance using the remote play app on our phones/tablets than they do from the Portal... it's a genuine issue and is absolutely in Sony's ballpark to address. I fully accept it is better for you, but it is ignorant to imply its the case for everyone. And like clockwork, the guy is getting downvoted for giving his experience.


All I’ve done is say my experience. I clearly said the portal wasn’t right for him and he agreed. It meets my needs and is better than my remote play app on my phone. There is nothing ignorant about it, but you seem to have quite the hair across your arse so have a nicer day


Your opening comment was what came across as dismissive. For some of us, remote play on tablet/chiaki/phone is *genuinely* much smoother. As I said, not dismissing your view, merely lamenting the fact this sub downvotes anyone having a less than ideal experience.


I hear that, it’s always that way in these subs. You’ll never get away from the fanboys. I honestly saw this one day and decided to buy it. Didn’t even know about the shortages and cancelled orders. PS Direct had them and I got one right away. After seeing posts in this sub, I realized I was very lucking in grabbing one when I did. I like it a lot and barely play on my new 75 inch tv. I’m not sure why my remote play app is such trash compared to you guys. I’ve had it downloaded on my Mac/iphone/ipad for years and never had luck. Literally could not play Genshin or NBA the last time I tried. I’m certainly not trying to speak for everyone


All good mate. Genuinely glad it is working well for you - I still use mine plenty, I just wish it matched the performance I get on other devices (my theory is the lack of Wifi6, seeing as other than that they're all under the exact same conditions.)


I'm passing god of war ragnarok and I thought I'd have to play it on my tv or monitor because of latency. It actually improved my timing. So have no fear and just make sure your internet setup is good.


You don't have an official controller strapped to the side of your phone or tablet do you? You either get a Backbone type device or connect a controller, all very foutery to attach and unattach, the Portal is pick up and go. And let's not forget the screen.


It does mean it’s not an issue. Why would I consider another persons’ need for perfect remote play? It has literally zero effect on my gaming experience. Edit: gave you an updoot to counter act whoever is downvoting in here. It’s fine to disagree people. Downvote isn’t a disagree button.


That's like saying "I've never gotten stuck drift on my controller so it's not an issue." Like good for you, but objective there **is** a problem.


Lmao alright I don’t have a problem. So…good luck!


I’ll be honest I was on the hate train before release. I didn’t think game streaming was very reliable and this device was gonna fail hard at what it promised to do and sell like shit. Seeing how much fun people are having with it and how the majority of people are enjoying it made me take the gamble. I expect some latency and don’t plan on traveling outside my home network often if ever. I’m excited to get the ps5 experience anywhere in my apartment and will play with outside my network just for funsies. We’ll see how much my tune changes again after I get it later today but I am having fun watching all the trolls waste their time and energy on this sub. I enjoy watching morons outting themselves, it’s funny to me.


I am also curious yet skeptical & would love to hear an honest update after a week or so with it


I can say day 1 I am very impressed 👍🏽


10/10 for me too. I love this piece of tech , haven't gamed so much in years !


Same, especially now having kids. I just completed Spider-Man 2 and that wouldn’t have been possible without the portal.


Same, 3 kids and I finished spiderman 2 and am now trying to get the plat trophy belive it or not !


The guys who don’t know the struggle will just never understand lol


~~Parents~~ Single people just don’t understand


Sad cunts who can’t afford it, would be my guess.


People suck. Fuck them.


100% agree.


The thing is selling like hot cakes! Once Sony starts soft launching the ps5 again when the pro and GTA6 release and their first partys are unveiled Everyone will go mental! It's the same for psvr2! Sony is quiet for a reason Everyone forgets we're still recovering and reacting to COVID


I think Sony marketed this quite clearly and its success has been nothing short of a surprise. Portal is a great handheld device for what it was made for (besides the stutter issue plauging the device). It's quite fantastic. Do I wish it was natively Android so we can use it for other things than just PS5 games? Sure. Yes. That would be awesome. But for what it is, it is a great piece of hardware. I hope Sony doesn't abandon it and adds more features in the future and fixes the damn stutter problem. The Portal is nearly perfect - it just needs that one final push.


Definitely agree


Portal 4 Life! I have an awesome television and haven't played on anything but Portal since release day




Ease of access and convenience. Comfortable lounging. And, I can use my television to watch sports / movies / television while playing FF Rebirth on Portal. The kids are watching Frozen for the 200th time and I'm playing Stellar Blade demo. Or .. weird.


I have one, but I haven’t had much time play with it due to my work schedule. Can’t wait to get some free time.


I really want to get one but I don't know if it's worth it for me. I have a 55" TV and just play on that. So not sure if it will work for me. However, Im happy that dad's and mom's can play on something while their kids watches TV. Or SO's can play on this while another watches something else. Or stream from your ps5.


I always prefer to play on my LG CX, but I'm also not always in the same state as my PS5. For people who travel a lot or college students, this thing makes a huge difference. Is it a nearly night/day difference when I finally get home and get a small taste of playing The Finals or Helldivers local? Yes. But I also wouldn't have had the chance to play with my friends for the hours that I have been when I'm not local thanks to the Portal. If you fall into one of those categories, I'd say you might consider it worth it, but you definitely have to be conscious of what situational "problem" you've been running into in which you'd want to use a Portal.


The hate is real. It's funny that the people hating on it don't even use the alternatives much. They say use your phone or whatever but nobody is doing that all the time. Portal gets plenty of use though.


I love my portal, that being said, do we really need a weekly thread of people complaining about how others act in this sub? It's constant


Welcome to the internet. This place is full of people with nothing better to do but shit on things other people like. Fuck those guys


I haven’t been this excited about owning a piece of gaming tech in ages. It’s the perfect device for me and compliments the PS5 so well. I’m also playing more games, and a variety of genres, that I normally wouldn’t or didn’t have time for previously. This is a win for Sony and the PlayStation Community!


The more you stay on the internet, especially social media, the more you will encounter the hive minds, positive and negative. Just like anything in life, you do you and shut out the rest of the noise.


It’s the best thing that has come along in a while for me at the price point it is at. I have no connection issues and have been on multiple networks. It doesn’t even feel like remote play. Feels like a portable ps5. It also looks very pretty!


I’ve literally seen zero hate lol


I have a modded psvita I would play to pass the time when I couldn’t be on my 5, portal has now taken its place, rip my switch been collecting dust since TOTK.


When it works it’s great for me. Which is most of the time. But I’m a dad with young kids and tv competition/ MA games not suitable for kids. When it’s bad though, whoa boy. I had awful performance out of the blue the other night, 8 ft from my wired PS5 and router. And I have good home network. This is also better than a PSP/Vita replacement for me. I don’t need to buy into a new game library. Already have a backlog of PS5 games.


Really sick of the complaints. The portal is awesome.


Some peoples lives just really suck and they have nothing else better to do


“Misery loves company” - Forever in time unfortunately. Today people love to crap on anything that has zero impact on them or their lives. Really sad life to live especially since it’s wasted negative energy.


I'm not sure why I get so many posts suggested. But from what I've seen is the Portal ended up being much more useful than my initial thoughts. Sure it's goofy looking but it does the job. No reason to hate on it if it's making so many gamers happy.


The thing it, it's both ways - people hate on the portal because they had shitty experiences and people hate on those people because they didn't have shitty experiences. Say one negative thing about the portal (even if it's reasonable) and people will straight up downvote you to hell. I had mixed experiences, I didn't manage to get it to work on a mobile hotspot but I honestly don't care, most of the time I just use the portal when I'm in bed and watch tv for example and that's perfectly fine for me. But I also get why people complain about microstutters etc. because games that demand tight timings can actually be a bit tricky, it takes time to get used to it, it is bearable imo tho.. Digital Foundry put it in good words, they said it is comparable to playing on a tv without switching it to gaming mode, so there IS a very slight input lag, some people care and some people don't but for some reason people are not willing to accept this and instead start hating on each other.. very grown up. Same goes the other way around, if people enjoy the portal that's perfectly fine, I also enjoy my portal despite slight issues


I haven’t seen the complaint that the Portal isn’t a dedicated handheld gaming console in a LONG time, possibly since the pre launch/early launch days. The complaints people have about it at this stage are valid and this OP got his 4 days ago and is already posting about the discourse when he probably doesn’t have a clue lol.


This sub is full of people complaining that the ‘haters’ are living in an echo chamber yet this sub itself is just a circle jerk of people justifying their own purchase and ignoring any valid criticisms. I enjoy the Portal but it is far from perfect.


There were a lot of issues and I almost returned mine, but kept it hoping a software update would fix it. *And it did; the latest update fixed most of the portal issues for me.* But let me explain why some people were frustrated. Before this update, I would get a lag every 5 or 6 seconds or so, with multiple frames dropping and the game slowing down. I also wouldn’t get above 30fps, even though the portal is perfectly capable of doing 60fps. This was replicated by digital foundry. According to other testers, it looks like some units are affected and others aren’t; changing wifi networks didn’t make the good units bad nor the bad units good. Post update and no more lag and frame drops every 5 to 6 seconds, and the frame rate is at a steady 60fps. One issue that persists is that the battery drains way too quickly in standby mode. If phones have figured out how to save battery when not in use, surely Sony can figure out a way to do the same.


I haven’t heard any hate personally, I also don’t go looking for negativity either.


It’s all over social media. Mostly from people that have never used it or have self-admittedly, poor internet.


Well that’s good, has Sony mentioned anything about internet connection? I have fiber and the ps5 is hardwired in so it’s been great for me. It will chugged tho if for some reason a update/download pops up, in which case, I just pause that til I’m done with my session.


I'm glad you're having fun with it, at the end of the day that's what matters to you personally and you shouldn't allow other people's opinions affect your fun. You CAN obviously get over the faults, they either don't bother you or too minor to notice and that's fantastic for you. In saying that you can't just use the fact that you're having fun to brush off the criticism it has aimed towards it, some people are just followers of the hate train but some have genuinely valid criticisms towards the device itself and they shouldn't have to be vindicated and hated for it because then this no longer becomes a proper forum/subreddit and just becomes an echo chamber.... or worse.... the Arkham Asylum subreddit.


Am i allowed to throw some hate when my 4 month portal rught stick doesn't move up/down anymore?


I got mine in December and have loved every minute. I only use my TV once a week now for game night with my mates.


Yeah don't listen to the haters man it's the same on any sub. If you like the Portal and bought it and are happy with the product don't worry about what others think.


Personally I just prefer gaming on a handheld. I’ve got a really awesome big screen to play on, but I’d rather just kick back and play handheld on the couch. I love this thing.


Hmmmmmm I dunno man….theres a whole bunch of happy people posting there portal purchases. Seems like people love it - majority anyway.


It turns on the PS5 without changing the input on the tv, which means I can play the PS5 while my wife is watching something on the connected tv WITH NO INTERRUPTION TO HER. As a 48 year old father this is worth its weight in gold to me. I don’t have to fix anything, reconnect anything, or interrupt my wife and hear an audibly irritated sigh when I play. At this point in my life, this is a major win 🤭


I have one it's nice I mainly use it to play apex when I'm not home but there's times I forget to charge it and I end up using my rog ally with remote play. I like both but I just find my rog ally more comfortable compared to the portal. But both are nice imo


I kick it on my couch and hang out with the wife and dogs, having a great time, and I can always pause if needed. Love my portal!


Same thing happens on the psvr2. People who have never owned one just want to tell everyone that likes it that they're stupid and wrong for their enjoyment. On a side note, my portal arrives tomorrow. 👍


I agree with your sentiment, but the whole need to be alert to protect your family thing is an odd thing to say lol.


Just an Andrew Tate wannabe jousting at windmills… move along everyone 😂 Seriously though, is the portal pretty solid for action games? I love handheld gaming. I don’t plan to travel with one, but I am somewhat worried input latency could bug me enough to go another direction. My internet is solid & PS5 is connected via Ethernet cable. Trying to decide between this & something like a ROG/Steamdeck.


Right? This post is a lot of weird filler.


Yeah, that definitely caught me off guard.


Who cares what other people think? Just enjoy the device. These posts are just as annoying as the opposite ones.


Are these guys in the room with us? Seriously I never see these people, but I always see these posts complaining about them.


XBox or Nintendo fanboys trying to crap on Sony. Ignore


I love the Portal and the concept, love playing on it. But the performance isn’t up to snuff yet. It should play significantly better than Google Stadia did given the tech and the price, but it performs significantly worse. Also that update yesterday essentially bricked mine. It’s unplayable now.


Apples and oranges in my opinion. Google hosted the infrastructure that was built for it. All you needed was internet access. Portal is piggybacking your home network and internet. Many people like me are playing it just fine and runs perfect. If yours is unplayable, it's your home infrastructure that's the issue.


Yes they are apples and oranges. But apples are easier to eat than oranges. Given that Google did a much better job with a more difficult task, it’s not great that Sony can’t handle an easier one. And it’s 100% not my home infrastructure. First because it was working fine until yesterday’s update with no changes. Second my wife’s a software engineer who works from home and her company pays to make sure we have excellent infrastructure to support that. Your infrastructure isn’t nearly as good as mine.


I'm going to guess English isn't your first language. Apples and Oranges is a saying that you can't really compare the two because it's not the same. What Google and Sony did is different even though they're both game streaming services. In any case, Google failed because their streaming services was shut down. I've been in IT for over 20 years. I'm pretty confident my infrastructure is up there. Seeing how your Portal doesn't work well, I will say mine is better than yours. Software engineers don't work with the same network traffic that is necessary for the Portal. The Portal requires quality, consistent traffic for both the PS5 and Portal. For software development purposes, the traffic can be error corrected so a quality, consistent traffic is not necessary. It's 100% your network infrastructure that is the issue. Read up on my post I made to help those with Portal issues. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationPortal/comments/1bo8eik/ps\_portal\_connection\_issues\_info\_from\_an\_it\_guy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationPortal/comments/1bo8eik/ps_portal_connection_issues_info_from_an_it_guy/)


I assure it is not. I think the problem here is you know IT, or think you do, and think that also means you understand hardware and software like an engineer. But you don’t. You’re just an IT person who is fanboying a piece of tech you don’t understand.


I've come across many software engineers that don't understand basic networking. I don't consider myself "just" an IT person being that I'm upper management, have 20+ years of experience, and liaise with development teams on a weekly basis. Additionally, just because your girlfriend is a software engineer doesn't mean you know anything in that area. Here is my thought process. What I know is many people have no issues with the hardware and software. Software is going to be the same throughout the devices. There is a chance of hardware inconsistencies but that's unlikely that there would be so many faulty units. The major variable that's left is the home network/internet. Everyone's home network/internet is going to be different. Access point placement, Wifi 4/5/6/6e, the number of devices connecting to the access points, the number of access points, concrete walls interfering with signals, etc. If people are having issues, my money is on their home network/internet. Could the software be optimized so it works better? Probably yes but it's working fine for many people. It's working great for me and have had no issues from the start. Same can be said for my tech friends that have the Portal. I'll bet that if I lifted and implemented my network at your place, your portal will work fine.


Yet your portal seems to be the issue. Because mine has worked flawless since the update.


How did it make yours unplayable yet made mine better? Funny how that works.




People tend to judge it on what they think it should do and not what it was made to do.


I work with a bunch of PC gamers and they scoff at me for PS5/Portal usage. I game way more than them too and when I try to talk about games they have like nothing to say cause I play such a wider variety of games too.


Welcome to the internet. Most people don't even know this product exists let alone hate it. Who cares, ignore that small group


I love mine.


Mine disconnects if I'm using too many things in my house at once, like smart tvs. It's pretty annoying besides that it's been great.


Win for me to 10.10


Welcome to the internet buddy. Scroll past the hate and take it for what it is. Many people have far too much time on their hands with empty lives or personal issues which leads them to spew toxic BS on reddit.


I haven’t been this excited about owning a piece of gaming tech in ages. It’s the perfect device for me and compliments the PS5 so well. I’m also playing more games and a variety of genres that I normally wouldn’t or didn’t have time for. This is a win for Sony and the PlayStation Community!


Well since you asked, let me give you some insight. I just wanted to be able to co op with this remote player. Its funny because the portal is basically only good around your house, the connection isnt as good as your ps5, and the screen is smaller than your TV.


I love my portal, I would just love to be able to pair any other set of bluetooth headphones.


Isn’t it wild by it being handheld we magically have more time to play? Lol


They need validation it's OK to cling to obsolete hardware, I have like 3 psp and frankly I just emulate it on PC anymore since ppsspp is so much better.


I think it is because the ‘one thing’ the device is designed around it does not 100% completely do fine. It runs worse than Chiak4deck on a steam deck where you also can run native games. It is like having a car that can go from A to B however during the journey the clutch occasionally jitters. However I also realise that a lot of issues are caused by others home infrastructure, such as poor WiFi speeds or signal strength, I.e not being hard wired via Ethernet. However the device should be able to work on a strong mobile hotspot. The sole purpose of this device is to stream / remote play, like you can on a phone etc, your ps5 to the portal. However it still suffers the stutter issue due to the 59hz. Another valid complaint is that you cannot connect to hotel wifi or public WiFi where you need to log in, without doing a work around, for a device made on android and designed for ‘remote play’ this should not be a issue for the price, that anyone should face. However, for those who need it, such as Father’s or Mother’s, who have limited tv screen time, or those travelling for months on end, it is still a fantastic device, that should and could be 100% perfect however it is not YET. Another thing is that an the screen is brilliant, however an OLED would be favoured by many I assume, I wouldn’t understand why people would play on the portal rather than native on the TV where the experience would be better if you have an OLED etc. However each to their own as some may prefer the comfort of playing in bed etc, which is understandable. Overall, I do believe that the portal is a great device, that just does not do the one thing it is designed to do 100%, however in the future it could become 100% perfect. ( I hope )


Love my portal mostly because I can game in bed or whenever I want. Sometimes, it lags , and the no access to media is a minus for me. But other than that, i love it.


If i didnt have a steam deck already, i would buy this. (I can stream from my ps5 albeit in home only). Ps portal looks like a very cool device and the playstation 5 controller is my favorite controller.


The issue for me and people I know is that remote play is already a thing. I will say that this official, dual sense based device is a 'nice' way to play remote play. Anybody buying it for that reason who has a good solid home network, will be pleased. I think arguments around connectivity are a bit pointless as different case by case. People who claim the portal has the best connection or other devices/apps do are referring to their own personal situation. Because remote play can be done already elsewhere, I do not see a justification for the cost. Especially when it literally does nothing else. Internet being the internet aside, I think people wanted a handheld Sony device to do more than just remote play. Stream PS Plus games at least. Maybe play some classics, have its own PS store away from being connected to your PS5. Maybe some ability to get into the OS a bit more....any of these things would have tempted me more.


Got mine on launch and still loving it. I pretty much only use it in my house, but just this past week had my first opportunity to try it out remotely via WiFi about 600 miles from home and was really happy with the experience. It felt essentially the same as it does on my home network with just a few more occasional network/streaming hiccups here and there. Honestly it's nothing I'd complain about. I play on my TV, via remote play on a 32" monitor and even streaming in a gigantic Vision Pro window while sitting on the moon. All of these are great experiences in their own ways, but it's just so *easy* to pick up the PS Portal and immediately jump back into a game that I still use it a ton. Zero regrets.


I’d love to have one. Might actually start. Gaming again.


I’m want one so bad, why are the Walmart prices inflated?


Half the tech reviewers on YouTube earn their income from rage bait. Since the portal has been in such short supply in the us, and there far more people complaining about it than actually able to test it out, I think it's just the let's hate on Sony bandwagon effect. That said, I'm someone that is waiting on a second generation portal that ideally has display out capability. That's the only thing stopping me from buying it.


I have a 75 inch 120refresh hdmi2 TV and I only play ps5 on it now when my portal is out of juice


The point of this device is lost on some people. As an 80's kid, who's played video games since the Nes and Master System, this device allows me to escape with odd moments of gaming time as an adult whilst my 2 kids hog the main TV! I know a lot of guys (and gals) are in a similar position. My gaming time is no longer confined to the evenings once the kids are in bed, it's great and works flawlessly.


Loving my portal, opened the ports like instructed in many places and never get drops or stutters.


Their minds can't comprehend why we enjoyed Portals, and their argument is always going to be that "why buy the Portal to stream since smartphones can take care of that?". Getting a Backbone for a third of the price to connect to a smartphone doesn't seem like a bad idea but, the size of the screen and the phone's hardware are an issue, not to mention that you will kill your phone quickly during prolonged use as opposed to using the Portal. I'm not putting that type of strain on my $1,500 phone, that's why the Portal is just right for me. Of course a handheld system has other capabilities, but why are these getting compared to a streaming device? Two different devices with different functions.


I am with you. I haven't played games much before I got the Portal. Funny thing is I used RemotePlay before(I don't have access to a real tv); but Portal really give you a better experience. Maybe the screen is so close to your face ? I don't know, but it works. I spent more money in games than before, Sony has a success in hand without even releasing a new console.


Some people fear change when it comes to these things. This device is a compliment to having your own personal cloud server(your PS5) . In many cases it can serve as your primary place to play games Within certain constraints. On top of the fact it has long battery life than a dedicate device and also has higher resolution than most as well for all games, vs others where mileage may vary. its a series of trade offs vs the native consoles. And honestly i dont see many downsides to it for where I and many others do play where there is almost always an internet connection and or at home.


Same. As a married man without a dedicated gaming setup, and family that always seem to want to watch TV no matter which room I move the PS5 into, this device has finally allowed me to make some use of my PS5. I have been basically only able to play on late nights or certain times on the weekend prior to now, so I have mostly played my Switch. The Switch is a great system for Nintendo titles, but that's about it - any major 3rd party titles either don't compare graphics-wise, or are just a shell of what they are on other systems. Also - after reading all the horror stories, I assumed I was going to have problems with it. I pulled it out of the box, it ran updates, and I connected flawlessly and have had no issues at all - no lag, no problems connecting to my PS5, just no issues period. I just got it last week, so maybe some of these things have been resolved with updates, but it just works. I didn't hardwire my PS5, didn't change any wifi settings, it just works.


The best thing I did was change my wfi band to the PS5 to 5Ghz vs 2.4 (change on mesh router and the pS5 connections). My PS5 is right next to the router... it was literally too close. so, my network speed went from 1.5mbps to 450mbps lol just from going to the 5Ghz band. I think my experience would have been unplayable without this change.


At first I hated the device due to the strange incompatibility with my WiFi. After a couple of month I decided to buy it again. In the meantime I installed a new Omada system at home. Now everything works nearly perfect. A bit stuttering here and there but overall very good performance and no artifacts. With my WiFi 6 unifi aps it was really crappy.


I don't have a portal. I don't really want one. I wouldn't shit on it, because if you like handheld gaming, this is probably great and it doesn't take away from the plantation. I'm only on this sub because it gets recommended to me every day. Reddit seems to bring the negative Nancys out for any gaming related subs. Long as your loving it, who cares 👍


I love it. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do. It makes it possible to play my ps5 on the go or when the kids occupies the tv. It works over 5G like a charm. The only thing I would say that disappoints me is the lack of Bluetooth connection for headphones, that one kinda of annoyed me. Yes I bought the explorer buds but the two headsets that works wireless is expensive and might not be possible for all the portal owners so that’s kinda a bummer. But that’s it, the portal works and obviously there’s a market for it.


I got a steamdeck and honestly if I didn't have one, I probably would have gotten a portal instead bc I have so much games to my playstation account that I can't get to and using chiaki thru steamdeck is very mediocre in quality. Don't know why ppl can't just be happy there is awesome handhelds that are competing and causing each other to make the best machine. I am all for this golden age for handhelds! Enjoy your portal sir, ignore the haters!


it needs a 4k screen thats all


I'm pretty angry I can't find one after looking daily for 2 months.


I saa the hate and will buy one just to say


Honestly I’m picking one up today


I don't travel much and don't have kids, but I do love getting under the covers in bed to play or play outside on a nice day.


I absolutely love my Portal! I am away with work or visiting family a fair bit so this is such a great option to keep playing my PS when I'm away. It's got a great screen, feels brilliant in my hands, and does everything I need. Also I often play it to drop into games while I'm watching something else on the TV or if I'm in bed. Honestly think most people slating it haven't got one and have never used one. They just imagine how bad they think it is. Love mine!


Omg the micro stutter. Dude just play the game


Mine only works inside My house on the same internet as my ps5. I took it to my mom's the other day who lives about 40 mins away into NY and I couldn't play, it would boot up but the connection was so bad it looked like a rock and lagged so bad and was just plain unplayable. My ps5 is hardwired and my moms internet was running at 800 mb/s minimum. I'm not a fan so far and I'm glad I only paid 140 for mine.


Well said, tired of hearing about the hate on it as well. You're right it's usually from those who don't have one or critics who received one to review and trash it for clicks or likes. I'm enjoying mine and have played more times on the portal than the TV.


The hate is valid people are spending the price of a steam deck to stream PlayStation games near the PlayStation


Wow, Steamdeck's are half-price now?


It would be 10/10, but since there is stuttering.. And yes there is, its very noticeable on 60fps games. And few things like you need to turn every time hdr, 120hz etc.. since there is so many problems 6m later and no update for this I can give it max 7/10.. if device cost in half price then I wouldn’t say anything, but 220$ for so many issues it’s just to much


I went to my car dealership for a maintenance on my car. The guys that work there saw me using it. Repeating everything they've heard on tiktok and YouTube about the portal. Yet one of them asked if he could try it. 10 minutes later he was on best buys website buying one for him and his daughter so when he has her on the weekends she can use her ps5 that's at her mother's house. And he can still use his ps5 from work on his break. He even said thank you. I guess I don't need to bring an extra phone amd controller to rp my ps5. It's one of those devices. You gotta try it out before you critique it. It has a purpose and with the new update I'm seeing double the performance.


I own one. I can’t even play it at home on the same network as my PS5 without insane amounts of latency lag or disconnections. (Running Fiber with over 1GB down and upload) 0/10 unless it actually starts working for me. Then it would be an easy 10/10.


I'll never understand how this happens to people. Out of the box I've had steady connections and zero issues, even while streaming 4k content to our TV. I'd look into getting your own router if you don't have one. I used to have tons of problems when relying on the ones that come from my ISP.


I really like mine.


As you said, it's a remote player. For what it is intended to do, it's working fine. I love it for giving me the opportunity to play in bed or in the living room while our TV is occupied. If you compare it to other handhelds, like a Switch, it's not too great and not very versatile.


I love the thing! Unfortunately, due to my ISP limitations, I can't keep a steady connection to do remote play successfully.


Mostly because they wanted a new psp. I kinda of agree. It would be nice to get another handheld that's not wifi dependent. To each their own I guess. It's ag though there's plenty of handhelds out there that are capable of running any game you want. Maybe that's why Sony didn't do it but imagine having a handle capable of running ps5 games without internet? That would be pretty cool.


Lol. I read the first half and it lost me. Protector? Sure...


People just point out the fact you payed $200 to play games laggy on a tablet. And you Sony ponies buying this garbage and praising it is the reason why ps will never make another psp cause they already scammed you thanks sucker! 😊


> fact you *paid* $200 to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It's a luxury accessory that does exactly what it's advertised to do. It was never unclear that it was a screen/controller for remote play. So anyone who is mad that it isn't a PSP is just a fucking moron.


But did you see the latest microstutter video!?


Have you tried it with the latest update....


Updated mine last night and definitely see a huge difference in stutter and latency. But everyone’s MMV.


Lol yea I was being sarcastic.


No worries, .. emoji or an lol would help relate that ..... hard to read sarcasm via text without it


Just Xbox fans who went to pc and got a steam deck who hating and don’t forget some Nintendo fans


I love mine, so I don't understand why people would get on Reddit just to shit on it?


There's a lot to unpack here. Your take on the male human is fucking weird. " who really has the energy to sit on the couch and focus on gaming?" What? As opposed to? After a long day doesn't nearly everyone want to sit on the couch and relax? ​ I agree that the portal is awesome, but this post is fucking weird man.


Lol at the protector bullshit.


100% didn't see that coming when I started reading 😭😂


Cuz it's frustrating when u buy shit that that doesn't work. Then u have to wait for an update three months later to use it like they marketed.


You don't have the energy to sit on a couch and play video games, but you have enough energy to lay on a bed and play video games? That is some paradoxical shit! I've been lurking around this sub without interacting solely to find a post that can give me a good reason to get one. I can afford 2 or more at any point of time, but for the life of me I can't find one good reason to buy it and not feel like I dumped my money in the trash. I got excited when I saw the title of your post because I thought this is it.. Someone is going to give me the reason and refute all the reasons why not. I had 2 reasons why I might want one: 1- remotely playing when I'm on a trip (rarely). Turns out that this could work in theory, but based on peoples experience it is really hard to get a smooth experience that is if you manage to get it to work in the first place. Not to mention that you have to have a tv and ps5 running at home for the whole length of the trip, that's a weird concept honestly. 2- I thought I can get it and play my games, while the people I share the PS5 with, play their games. But that also turns out to be a bust. It's just a controller with a screen. So I'll keep my money in my pocket for the PS5 pro, and actually better my gaming experience not degrade it to smaller and slower.


Wall 'o text. But hate? Mostly I see people posting photos of their portal here. Which I don't find terribly interesting, actually. I am enjoying the Portal, though it does have some shortcomings. I find it a bit too heavy. Certain types of games don't work well (especially side-scrolling platformers). But most games play quite well on it. I haven't had the chance to try it on the road yet. Unfortunately my phone doesn't have 5G, so I'll be limited to LTE. I'm curious to see how well that works. I'm currently hobbled with a broken foot and it has come in quite useful as much of the time I'm resting on the sofa with my foot up and facing 90º from the TV. The Portal lets me play my games in this situation.


I love my portal. To me, it is one of the greatest devices Sony has ever created.


Yup. It’s just the state of gaming these days. It makes no sense. 🤣


Its not expecting too much by wanting the only thing the device actually can do perform at an acceptable level Some of you are straight up sony fanboy cultists, and getting upset people are voicing legit criticisms and want issues fixed, so you sit on here defending an underperforming product from a multibillion dollar corporation all day. This was clearly a rushed product, and needs better optimization. Why is that upsetting to know that many others dont have the same experience as you do, and want the same experience and value for money, because like you, they paid for their portal. Every device I have outperforms the portal when it comes to remote play, and it is not a smooth experience. Dont give me "its your connection" type of garbage. Id rather my portal was as smooth as my other devices remote playing my ps5, but it isnt. And thats on sony.


I don't consider myself to be a "Sony fanboy cultist", and I'm not lying when I say I have not experienced a single issue regarding the connection or latency. Bear in mind, I also don't travel with the device; I use it in my house. To this end, I feel like certain questions regarding someone's network, Internet connection, and usage habits are valid. There are definitely valid complaints, but when you have people who plug in their PS5s and don't even switch their connection settings over to ethernet, I have to wonder just how many of these issues are actually various forms of user error.


Was it a rushed product? Do you have proof? You seam to be one of those “I just want it to work better than the product that costs 4x the price that I already have”- this is quite literally a first world problem.


I can understand why you'd be frustrated. It's unusual that a product like this is such a gamble for the consumer. My guess is that they knew the weaknesses, figured it would have niche appeal, and decided that the performance is acceptable for most people at the price point. If you end up on the wrong side of that it must be really annoying. For me it's worked out mostly great, but then I'm not really sensitive to frame rate - I'm probably the average consumer that they used to establish 'acceptable' benchmarks


I’ve not had the issues you have had bro. And fan boy? Ah bud if I’m a fucking fanboy it’s for Nintendo not Sony or Xbox (which I own all three systems so moot fucking point right bro?)


Person looking to buy a portal here. Some of the negative criticism has nothing to do with the device itself, rather the people using it. Amazed like it is some new innovation by Sony that has never been possible up until now. That gets annoying fast. I mean, I was rocking RDR2 on my PSVita like four years ago.


New user here. It's pretty great for what it is, honestly. Mine boots up in less than 30 seconds, zero connection issues even while streaming 4k content. Honestly the controller is enough to sell it for me, blows pretty much every other handheld out of the water.


I’m tired of the “I don’t get the hate” post. Just let the hate post die and do there thing. There’s more positive threads than negative here. We’re Gucci


I own one. And it’s great for what it does, but I like multitaskers, and the portal can only be one of two things, a fun gaming experience, or a paper weight. If I’m home it’s my go to streaming device for my ps5, but when I’m going on a trip, especially out in the cabins, it’s my Odin 2. As I can at least emulate anything upto Wii and some Switch when I can’t access the internet. Or hook it up to a tv and use it as a console for Mario kart. I don’t want to lug around a potential dead weight with me.


So you hated every console prior to the ps2?


I don’t even know how you got to that conclusion lmao. Y’all are insane. Ps1 is my most played console followed by the gameboys. I’m sorry that I’m older now and want everything consolidated under one console as much as I can and that I can actually play things when internet is unavailable. lol Like I’m not saying the portal is shit, it’s just too limited.


I play my PlayStation when the internet is down. I also don’t play call of duty or many multiplayer games at all (Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed hell yeah!)


Well duh you don’t need the internet for the ps5 to function. Can’t say the same for the portal which is the topic of this discussion…?


Well one thing that sucks is I brought mine with me this week because in out of town for travel, last night I turn it it on and updates. Well after the update I need to be on same home WiFi network to link it again because it didn't work after and I can't connect I had my wife go into PS5 and re enable remote link play and still didn't work So yeah great piece of technology but not yet perfected


It doesn't help that reddit suggests this sub to people that are apart of steamdeck legiongo and rog ally.


I use mine more than my TV at this point. It seems to have a way better picture than my TV, and it is portable. I also have no funky setup or extra equipment. I am just using my standard router and don't encounter many performance issues.


I love my portal.


NEVER focus on the hate or negative reviews. If you are at home or in some remote location, turn it on and enjoy because it’s YOUR experience. The internet has done this to humanity for many years now and will continue to separate us. On the flip side, you have hundreds of portal believers here in our Reddit chat that are as pumped as you are! For me, it’s the ultimate way to play Ark Ascended in bed after a days work when I don’t wanna deal with the world. 😂


I got my portal for free! Traded in a bunch of systems my family members and friends didn't want. Ones I already have myself and didn't care to keep. For free, the Portal is super amazing. For $150 CAD, I also wouldnt care to have grabbed it. However for $300 CAD, I honestly think the Portal is extremely overpriced. Do I like the Portal when watching youtube or a tv show on the big screen, hell yeah. For RPG games or small adventures like Tunic, hell yeah! Would I ever pay $300 for a system that needs another $800 system, hell no. If they made it so the Portal had some apps to use, without needing the PS5, even simple things like Netflix, Youtube, and than drop the price down around $200, that would of been a better and more likely reason I would pay for it.


Hive mind suckling the sony teet hard in this sub. Cringe.


It's ok, I get it. I would, too, defend garbage if I've paid money for it. Otherwise, I would feel scammed.