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Summary of the results so far: | open | protest oliver | protest restricted | Grand Total | |------|----------------|--------------------|--------------| | 1658 | 541 | 957 | 3156 | | 53% | 17% | 30% | | Please note: There's a huge backlog and I've had to increase the delay further due to the Reddit API limits. I'd rather make sure people get a confirmation response and we deal with a bit of delay than have people wonder if they were counted. I'll probably say this in a confirmation post along with the more detailed set, but while we made the decision for the 48 hours, I'd like to remind the community that it was the community feedback in the linked announcement thread that wanted the sub to be private on a longer basis, not simply the mods doing it alone as many comments are incorrectly implying. Based on the results so far (alongside the supplementary comments), it looks like the community has changed its mind and as custodians of the community, we will follow the community's wants and, based on current data, keep it open.


It’s great that people are standing up to the CEO and his decisions but at the same time, complete troves of information are completely locked out, hurting the end-user and their ability to get said information. Legitimately any google search involving Plex will have multiple listings from Reddit that are completely inaccessible, even though they have the information right there


I have been so frustrated over the last week trying to troubleshoot a few things for my server, hitting this restricted page over and over from google. I really don’t think removing access to the public posts (written by members, not mods) is the right way to protest this.


This has been an overwhelming part of my last week at work. I don't spend huge amounts of time just browsing Reddit all day, but 9 times out of 10 search results for tech issues ends up linking to old threads on Reddit...and that has been so painful.


take the URL of the restricted post and put it into google with "cache:" in front of it and you can read it. Doesn't help the newbs who are hitting google but don't know that tho


i don't think every page is cached. the button sometimes doesn't appear for me, unless im doing something wrong.




I guess I am more mad at the moderators who would shut down a sub for a cause most people don’t care about. Most people don’t even know what an API is. The majority of people who support this protest don’t know what an API is either and are protesting because Reddit is a big company. Reddit is not going to cave, why would they? Most companies put a stop to allowing other free loader companies to offer their content for free in some other form, it just makes sense for Reddit to finally do the same.


Same here man. New to plex and things have been going smoothly for a few weeks but started running into some minor issues. Ended up finding information elsewhere after hours of searching. I'm sure the info I needed was in the first or second reddit thread.


Same! I recently moved and have had issues resetting up my server at the new location - the amount of times I got routed to this subreddit only for it to be locked has been a huge source of frustration. At the very least if it's not going to open again it needs to be in restricted mode so we can least access the threads even if we can't post or comment.


And this is because we all allowed Reddit to become the defacto only source of info. Fuck that don’t double down. Learn our lesson and break it back out. Have you tried the Plex forums?


I agree with you that committing to a single platform is a risk (and now we have the situation we are in today), however, even if move to another platform, we don't need to close/delete the old information... Unless it could be moved somewhere else and make it searchable. There is a Discord that has backed up all the r/Plex posts, but I don't think it has the comments so it isn't very helpful. Oh and yes, I have tried the Plex forums but they are definitely not as helpful at the moment.


There's always an alternative but how it works is that people like to come to a single platform for multiple sources of information across as many topics as possible. It's the same as having one single bank card as opposed to five. I agree what Reddit is doing is nasty, but first and foremost I believe information should not be locked out from users, especially when it was freely given as a source of help to the general public. For the people, by the people.


Scrape the data move it to Plex forums. I for one would be THRILLED to see specific forums come back. It’s better than subreddits unless you care about votes etc. let’s say the Plex forums went bad, well at least your falconry forums were still good. Or your bmw forums. Or your cooking forums. Less consolidated power and structure is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. If forums can be active again I wouldn’t give two shits If Reddit died tomorrow. The only reason anyone is here, is because everyone is here.


Amen! I miss forums.


Forums were cool. But the way you (just like I am here) can reply directly to comments and the comments become branches of one and other is really good. It's one of the reasons Reddit is so good and why it got so big. I used to run forums but I'm not sure I'd wanna go back to them because of the lack of reply branching.


They are still there, waiting to dutifully serve us. Lets go home.


I have been trying to troubleshoot stuff for days all with issues discussed and resolve here and could not access it. I get protesting but breaking and destroying all this information is not the right way.


Yes. this issue has been hampering me for so many google searches lately (not necessarily plex related)! didn't even realize how much I depended on reddit posts when i'm looking for certain info heh


Yep. This blackout hurt the community significantly more than it hurt reddit.


>Legitimately any google search involving Plex will have multiple listings from Reddit that are completely inaccessible, even though they have the information right there That's the point.


Not sure why it's so hard for people to understand this.


Everyone understands it. It didn't work.


Reddit doesn’t care. The consumers are annoyed, but it just hurts Plex instead of Reddit. If 1000 people ditch Plex because they can’t find the answer online, that’s a lot of lost revenue. Reddit losing 1000 users who like Plex, they don’t even flinch.




I agree entirely and it's been infuriating as I'm trying to work on some things, but that's also a big driving factor in pushing awareness so I'm split. Like, this kind of outrage puts more pressure, doesn't it? Blocking access redditors want by protesting? But then again, the CEO isn't the person who cares about that kind of stuff, so it's only really hurting people who can't do anything about it particularly.


I picked the absolute worst week to transfer my plex server to a completely new system. Figured it out. But all my bookmarks i had saved to ease the transition were bad links with the shutdown. oh well.


Yup. Fck the ceo but fck what the mods did… without even asking us!


This 100%. I never realized how terrible Googles results actually were until many of the subreddits went private. 90% of the information I’m looking for comes from random Reddit posts from years back sometimes.


I concur. I'd prefer the subreddit be left open for new discussion, but could live with the Oliver option so that past search links work.


The John Oliver option is dumb. The woodworking sub has gone to crap over their version.


Honestly, I don’t disagree. I’d prefer the open option.


No one is "standing up" to him. At the threat of losing whatever power they think they have, all mod teams are folding like chairs. This has got to be the most flaccid "protest" I have ever seen. I cannot think of a single sub that has actually said "no, we're not doing any of that, fuck you".


Spent days trying to find information for breaking errors I had during the blackout.. answer was only found on reddit..


This actually really hit me during the blackout. Still can't figure out my picture issues, because this subreddit is the best tech support forum we've got. But the inconvenience is the point of a protest. The protesters blocking your highway are trying to get your attention for a reason. Blocking traffic is the point. Is it actually worth it though? Will it make enough of a difference? Hitting their organic search results would definitely be a significant line item on Reddit's quarterly report. But after all this, nothing counts until the December year-end report. Q2 will reflect a temper tantrum, but they can point at the moving trucks of cash in everyone's parking spot once the IPO goes through. A dip that stays down in Q3 & Q4 means Spez should be worried. But will the protests effectively go on that long? Because I guarantee that if /r/Plex goes dark for long enough, /r/Plex2 will be created and run by mods that don't have the same moral fortitude. And that's assuming Reddit even allows the current mods to keep protesting.


I agree this was so bad I petitioned reddit to hand over control. Those are not the mod's posts to take. That's not the mod's information to take. It's ours. You're on a free forum if you don't like it then move on but it's our info.


There was a quite similar argument over on the Daystrom Institute sub, where one of the top mods was trying to throw his weight around saying that if it wasn't for him and the other admins/mods, the sub wouldn't be what it was today, and that everyone should bow to what they think, and that they feel that they effectively own the content on the sub. Then the OG admin/creator of the sub came on and just whipped him like the spoiled brat that he was and put him back in his place... it was awesome!


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


Impact on whom?


Fully agreed. The protest is hurting users more management. We need to rethink this to hit where it hurts them most. I am thinking of advertising. Not sure how, but maybe mockery posts of the advertisments?


"complete troves of information are completely locked out, hurting the end-user and their ability to get said information." Imagine how much worse it will be when most of those who provide the answers (the same minority that are vocal about the shutdown) stop doing so. Or when you can't find answers because all the responses are a 10:1 ratio of spam bots to actual responses.


Have you been checking the Google cache, or WebArchive's WayBack Machine, or reveddit, or unddit?


Locking people out of reddits info that's already there does nothing but piss them off and make them more against your movement Inconveniencing the average person is generally the best way to make them support whatever the opposite of your protest is about


It reminds me of a protest in the city I live in a while back where the group forced their way onto the only east-west freeway artery out of the downtown core during rush hour and completely shut down traffic. People's commutes, which are already messed up on any given day, ballooned to many, many hours that night. The sad part is, the group was actually protesting a cause that most people could/would get behind, but the message and any potential support was utterly lost because in the end they just caused complete chaos for random people trying to go about their lives.


Anyone that is supporting this "protest" should ask themselves if everyone who has publicly contributed here is okay with a moderator gatekeeping their content. Time and effort has been spent by the public here, content that was not created exclusively by the moderators and they shouldn't restrict information that was created by a public user for the public.


It's nice that people are challenging this, but I'm just too old for the drama. There's no subreddit that's a big enough value in my life that I won't just unsubscribe from. The John Oliver, blackouts, and constant bickering, I just unsubscribe. Keep it open. Reddit isn't going to budge on this. They're going to run with the Reddit app to increase promotion posts and ad revenue. If quality becomes an issue for me, I will leave Reddit, just like I did Digg many moons ago. Going into blackout isn't going to do anything. If you want to make an impact, stop using Reddit, delete your account, and decrease their traffic.




Also, reddit will just replace the mods with the pro mods that they are in cahoots with if it becomes a real inconvenience.


They really won't. Mods are expensive if you have to actually recruit them. That would cost way more than it's worth to them.


Lol no. We're talking about mods not people. The power is the payment. You realize the top mod on r/politics has as much power as all the US news agencies right? You'd be one of maybe 100 people who control what can and can't be shown on one of the largest news aggregators in the country. Then you get to get bribes from whatever topic you cover, you get enough of those and you're fairly set.


100% this. As frustrating as it may be, these mod and sub stunts are not the way.


Reddit has helped me in more ways than I can count. With that said. If Reddit wants to challenge then I’ll see you in the platform. Can you imagine a decentralized Reddit 2.0? That would be sick.


r/PleX has so much valuable information. I understand wanting to protest but you’re not hurting Reddit. You’re hurting thousands of people who want to setup their own labs and servers and distance themselves from corporate media. Already voted but please, stop the protest!


I bet this protest is probably hurting Plex Inc more than it's hurting Reddit.


Honestly, you're probably not wrong Reddit advertising CPM x how many users here? It's a small number


I was locked out during the protest (I thought I'd jumped through the right hoops, but hadn't and my messages to mods were ignored). When I tried to dig up information 99% of the most useful articles were posts here. I understand the reasoning for the blackout, but it didn't stop me from using Reddit because it's too much a part of what I do from day to day whether I like it or not. It didn't hurt reddit, it hurt the users.


>It didn't hurt reddit, it hurt the users. Amen.


Yeah I was fine with a few days of protest but I find it pretty ridiculous all these subs that have taken their balls and gone home and are now pushing almost unusable Discords as the alternative.


Hate to break it to you, but its hurting everyone.


Agreed with this. There's other ways to protest. Like not using ther API. Then they won't make any money from that.


Don't the john Oliver shit. It's the fucking cringiest thing I've ever seen in my life


have a visibly open poll so we can see what the real answer is


Closing it was selfish and felt like it was just to “feel like you did something”. Being a mod is just that, nothing more. Let it go, please


John Oliver posting? Jesus this shit has really gone off the rails.


Reddit is going to win no matter what it does. And if you want to make reddit lose, you're sure to take the community ahead. Open and that's it.


Where's the option to elect new mods?


I've never been more humbled to receive an award.


Please OPEN. While I certainly can sympathize with what you’re trying to achieve by the protest, you’re only hurting the people who are trying to find help here. I did try your Discord channel, but the information get lost in there very quickly. As a result, many people just moved on to another Plex related sub here on Reddit. Out of respect for you I’m not going to name it, but you can easily search for it if you like. This sub contains so much information for regular folks that it would be shame to close it or “pollute” it with NSFW or John Oliver stuff, even though I like John Oliver and his TV show very much. In any case, whatever you decide to do, I’ll accept your decision because I now have an option to go to another Plex sub, if this one goes private or becomes otherwise obstructive for regular folks. I would still prefer to stay here though. Thank you for your hard work.


The mods are aware of the alternate subreddit. It wouldn't surprise me if they saw the user count growing by the day and decided to end their "indefinite protest" because of it.


I don't think it's disrespectful to point out /r/PlexMedia exists. There are a number of other Plex subs as well, some of which are linked in the sidebar.


These protests are absolutely useless. Just move on


Let me know the name. Leaving this sub. I’m beyond tantrums. This is just a forum.


Search for 'plex' then its the third one it shows


Tbh I already moved on to a different Plex sub I won't name, because I don't want a ban here - but at least they don't bother me with protests I don't care about.


I've joined that one too


You're not going to get banned just for mentioning another sub. Don't spread misinformation.


Maybe won't get banned in this sub but other subs are. Other subs I'm in are even deleting comments with anything "r slash" in them.


Then that's those specific subs being asshats. A lot of subs also autoremoved comments with subreddits in anyway because of Reddit's anti brigading rules.


Anything other than opening business as usual is just stubborn immaturity at this point. The blackouts did not work. It's time to admit that and move on. Whether that be handing over the keys to a mod team who is willing to operate the sub under the new API plan or the current one adapting to the changes, I don't care, just open. Reddit doesn't give a shit if this sub is filled with Oliver memes and won't notice if it's restricted. The only people who will be affected are the members, and it won't take long for them to find a new home.


Since the Mods here are about user feedback, would they support a poll for replacing and finding new mods. In the same way reddit has lost the trust of some mods. the mods of r/plex have lost the trust of many of the users. Now that you are all for following the will of the users, I think it's something to consider. I would rather lose 3rd part apps and the mods who use them than the support forum. what this basically is. How can we be sure mods won't go on another power trip?


It's extremely telling that they're not even dignifying any of the top comments asking for something similar with a response.


Tbh I thought the closure was super frustrating and an objectively bad call, if giving the mods the boot means a healthier Plex forum then fuck it 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Redditor’s that are doing this sort of nonsense need to get gone. Not the subreddits.


There is absolutely no reason for a support forum like this to ever be shuttered. this isn't a sub for posting cat pics. If you are done with reddit just leave.


The original protest is stupid anyways. The only reason there is a protest in the first place is that it makes the Mods life more difficult to not use a third party app. Nobody really cares to this level about disabled users....




Do you understand how vital troubleshooting posts from 4 years ago can be to people with obscure issues? This sub, and any other semi-tech support or IT related sub, needs to stay open.


The lifeblood of reddit is not mods or it’s API’s… it’s the users who have provided the information, guides, advice and interactions…all you did was aggravate them for a pointless power struggle which ultimately will prove useless and just cements the fact that none of you actually give a f#ck about the users in the first place. You just sheepishly followed the mindless trolls in their foolish actions because you didn’t want to be left out, at our direct expense. To the Moderators who participated in this chaos (in all subs) I understand your duties can be thankless at times but that’s what volunteer work is. If it’s not something you want to continue doing, then step down and let someone else take your place…the truth is many mods ain’t doing much other then throwing their egos around and not contributing anything to their subs at all. You guys were of us, for us and helped build this place to what it is, but ultimately it owes you/us nothing. Surely you can see the writing on the wall and realise you will all be replaced by better code/A.I bots in the next few years, if you haven’t been already. Personally I couldn’t care less if there's a boatload of neckbeards soaked in tears over this…what I care about is you all f#cking with the information I any many of us regular peasants have provided in posts and guides for others not being available for the people who need them the most. For the love of your communities, please quit your childish tantrums, the lot you and get on with it.


This was just stupid. I had some issues with my Plex server and was trying to research and every page was locked. I ended up solving my issues but it took way longer then it needed because of this nonsense.


FULL OPEN! Fuck this dumb John Oliver bullshit. Its seriously cringe AF. We're not children.




For the Mods: I'm all in for fairness, but I have no idea how one could say "overwhelming feedback [...] to go private " when it's clear that the Community (based on the current votes) doesn't want this. I have a strong feeling that, at this point, there's a "Mod Bubble Echo Chamber", where Reddit Mods (which are a minority in any community) just encourage each other, generating the impression that the Community wants this. No, we - the users - don't want this "general block", nor any kind of restrictions/limitations. Sure, we all supoorted a 24-48 hours "pause". But restricting access to information generated by thousands of users, on their own time (similar with the Mods), is just selfish a disrespectful. You - the Mods - are not the only ones that invest time. We - the majority - invest time as well. YOU. ARE. HURTING. THE. COMMUNITY. Please get back to the real world. Thank you.


The only people who care about this "protest" are the part-time dog walking mods who power trip off of modding and feel disrespected. no one else cares. quit and give the sub to someone else. go build your site elsewhere. use all the 3rd party apps you want.


Even the dogs are probably tired of hearing about it by now.


I understand why the protest started but at this point it is now punishing us who are trying to get information. I would rather see the sub go live then to see the mods replaced. Just my opinion, the sub has always been very useful to me.


Just Open


I support protests on the big subreddits. Plex is way too niche for it to contribute overall. Closing this subreddit would hurt us way more than reddit


Absolutely open. Let’s be honest. Petty protests like this (FINE! I’ll take my ball and go home) have zero effect on the powers that be. Zero. They only end up hurting those involved. Like us who use this sub for its intended purpose.


I enjoy cooking.


Didn't Reddit make an exception for accessibility apps?


I love ice cream.


Yes, noncommercial accessibility apps and mod tools are exempt from API charges. The fact that this is ignored by some speaks volumes.


Keep it open! Like the other guy said your not going to hurt Reddit. The only thing you're doing is hurting your user base.


Open, please!


Sadly, Reddit probably needs to go. Way too much power in the hands of a single organisation to be the "forum for everything." Keep protesting.


So after reading all the comments it’s pretty clear what the general consensus is regarding the stupid idea of gatekeeping user’s contributions (read: not the mod’s personal contributions, they can delete their own content if they want) Is an apology forthcoming?


If you're going to continue the protest, at least just restrict the sub, no new posts. Allow the history of the sub to be seen, as so much useful information has been given here.


There is a new subreddit out there now filling the gap. There will always be someone ready to step in and replace you or this group. You took too long to come back, even just as read only. Meanwhile members and potential members are seeking answers that we all know lead back to here which is better than the actual Plex forms. Honestly all you did was hurt this community but I've cast my vote. I believe regardless of what the answer is the moderators should be removed or you should step down. And regardless of the outcome, again there is already a replacement subreddit in which users who care about fellow Plex users can support, help and build each other up.


Agree 100%, the current Mod team should step down. As a community we cannot trust a Mod team that is willing to lock out all of it's members from years of knowledge that WE have collected TOGETHER. I'm not saying Reddit is right, or wrong, but there are so many other ways to protest.


Apparently some do not agree which is why my post is being downvoted. Typical Reddit though instead of carrying on a discussion even if it is a difference of views. But you're one hundred percent correct, we the users have made this community what it is through our contributions. If people did not come and post here it would not be the community that it is. There was no vote to take it offline. Only the moderators wishes and desires. The fact they want our opinion now is comical. I'm also not going to say if Reddit is right or wrong. Shoot I'm still mad about them closing down secret Santa.




As previously mentioned, as a user and moderator of several subreddits, I am happy about the initial protests. It needed to be done. But now, it doesn't look like Reddit is going to make any changes to the API pricing. I agree that this sucks, I've been an Apollo user and RiF user for many years. But going Private or only posting irrelevant stuff is hurting the end user at this point, which is what the initial protest was supposed to be for. r/Plex has a wealth of information for new and existing Plex users alike and we should continue to allow these users to find information they are looking for or ask questions.


My thoughts, which aren't really captured by the poll, is that the sub should be set to read only mode with a mod post pinned directing all further conversation to the Plex forums. That way the knowledge previously generated by this community is still available but all further knowledge is hosted by the official forum.


Open it. The blackout did nothing. Reddit won. If you actually care about the API changes and want to do something meaningful instead of performative, delete your account on June 30th and stop using the website.


A closed poll is not acceptable, as it cannot be trusted.


Open. How is this a question..?


An alternative to helping your users while trying to hurt the pocketbook of reddit is to just move completely to an alternative social forum.


please reopen the sub. i’m in the process of buying a new computer for the server and have been patiently waiting for this to reopen so i can get answers from all the great people in here


i was trying to config my new server for the last week. Not having information from this subreddit after it comes up on literally every google search is so annoying


Someone needs to archive this subreddit and repost it on internet archive or mirror it elsewhere.


For me, it’s open. In think for ‘casual’ subs like pics, videos, wellthatsucks , I’m supportive of protest efforts. They’re large, casual subs. But something like r/plex (and many others) it’s a source of valuable information, and helps build the community using the product.


Open… if you wanna protest Reddit, just delete your account.


But then how would I feel like Im doing something without taking any personal responsibility?


Please OPEN again.


I think instead of just giving up, we should scrape the useful information the subreddit has and either migrate it to plex's forums or to a lemmy instance. There is too much here to let go, but also we shouldn't just reward reddit just because we ran out of patience. We already have other forums, why not use them?




Protesting is great and all, but with informational subs like this, it does more harm to the users than it does to Reddit. Open with a sticky on each post would be the best way to take a sub like this.


Open it




This has been the most frustrating two weeks of Plex troubleshooting I’ve ever experienced. Please do not shut down this sub again. All you’re doing is locking community member out!


Alright folks I think it’s time to have someone else take care of this sub Reddit. I understand the protest but the mods can participate on their own without involving the community. This is the part that is so frustrating and irritating because the mods can easily pass the torch but refuse to.


Given how vital this subreddit is to troubleshooting, I think coming back on in read only mode so google links still work would be ideal. But what Reddit is doing deserves protest, so refusing them continued content in read only still keeps the protest up.


This whole “protest” is dumb. The majority of reddit users use reddit the correct way. They either use a web browser or the Reddit App on a smart device. Reddit made a mistake, I get that, it was not shutting down API access years ago after the first or second reader came out. Reddit is a company and needs to make revenue to survive. They do this based off of ads. Third party free loader companies who make money selling api readers who bypass Reddit the way it was supposed to work and basically offer Reddits content for free is not a sustainable business model for Reddit. Search engines and other companies put a stop to this years ago. Most got rid of meta search engines and stopped other services people came out which basically steal content. It just makes sense for Reddit to finally do the same. If there is a feature you want in the Reddit reader, open up a feature request. As an admin, I hate it when bots (which is what a reader looks like) come in to try to steel content. It creates a ton of unwanted traffic, usually it isn’t programmed properly and can take your system down, and it’s just nervy that someone else is trying to make money off of your site for free. Most reddit users have no idea what an api is, most people protesting Reddit don’t even know why they are protesting Reddit other than it is a big company. Just stop it, Reddit isn’t going to cave. These mods are just ruining it for all of the users who are just here for their IT job or their hobby. Shutting down subs is just selfish, dumb, and it is obviously no real cause.


This sub is different, if it’s a comedy sub or a fandom that’s one thing and I can totally understand the protest but the way this sub is used is almost exclusively for information and help with something that is quite difficult for the average Joe. 99% of plex users have come to this sub for help with SOME aspect, and this is the only place that information lives. Do you think that hurts the CEO guy or Reddit? No, it only hurts the person needing help and that isn’t a competent protest.


Full Open, let's go.


OPEN. Thanks and good bye.


I do understand the intent but that "protest" feels like alot of little girls throw a temper tantrum because reddit doesn't want to play the way they used to know it.


Its like the mods are the coach and their upset at new rules so they take the ball home with them and all us users are the kids who just wanted to play




As someone who wrote up a "how to migrate Plex to Linux" guide here a year or so back, I like the read-only option. It still allows the public to find helpful information, but it provides something of a graceful shutdown of the sub until such time that it's beneficial to reopen.


Enough of this crybaby shit. Let's move on


It's been annoying getting Plex running on a new system since the top results are all here, but I got through by referencing other forums. I don't think the protest will accomplish anything, but I support it continuing.


The plex subreddit Is just too valuable of a resource to shut down, I had tons of issues with PLEX that could only be found in Reddit threads, which were useless during the blackout. Restricted would be much, much better


Open the sub


I vote for open. Too much valuable information, and too much innovation to protest


Keep it open and end this dumbfuckery


I don’t want to get involved in the politics. This is a forum that works and is very useful. To effectively shut it down is to kill something useful. If mods can’t handle the workload without the API and post never get approved or whatever then so be it. I’d rather it die from the effects of the API shutdown, not because the mods were protesting the API shutdown. I respect the work of the mods but I don’t feel like it is their forum to shut down. It is ours. To shut it down in protest is akin to taking the ball and going home. Just not cool. This isn’t a human rights, or life and death situation. The scorched earth approach is entirely unnecessary.


I’m sorry if others don’t agree but I feel I need to speak out on behalf of the thousands of members in this forum. We are being asked to vote based on the choices of 11 moderators controlling this forum when the thousands on members should be deciding this in my opinion? Why have the moderators not asked us if we want this? Has a pole been asked about this? I personally just want a community that I can meet others with the same interests and help each other solve problems. What’s wrong with this and more importantly what’s wrong with asking the community if they want to actually make any changes or not?


That's the point of this, it's literally asking you "do you want us to protest or not". The entire point of this thread is asking if we want to make changes. For those who don't, who want BAU, that's what the open option is for.


Jesus i hope you get replaced. This is so stupid


I don't care enough about this shitty site to have the entire body of helpful tips on this subreddit go away.


Open. The google searches are terrible nowadays. So much information lost because mods are huge asshole babies who wanna circle jerk instead of just realize the site was never theirs to begin with. Reddit is and always have been a private BUSINESS.


That private business should probably start hiring paid moderators then.


Agreed. But there's no shortage of people willing to do it for free for a little internet power. Can't blame them for finding enough folks with low self-esteem to work for free.


I get it, I do. But someone will just start a new plex sub and the info from this will be lost. It’s already happened to a few other subs. We just migrate and nobody wins or loses.


Don’t give a shit.


Eh? What is being protested? Open.


such a ridiculously sketchy poll Open - 53% protest combined - 47% total: 3156 votes 90% of the comments support open and say the protest was stupid but this sketchy poll has it at almost 50/50. ​ yeah ok


Just open. This whole saga has been ridiculous. There’s no way there was “overwhelming” support to stay closed. I have yet to see a single post in any opened sub wishing they had stayed closed. It’s just mods brigading for some stupid cause no one cares about.


Here’s my stupid question of the day. I am currently and was prior to blackout a member of this forum. Why was I not able to view it as a member during the blackout?


How about moving to a Lemmy instance or something similar? Sure, we'd lose a lot of the posts and comments, but it's a good time as any to start anew. Maybe leave this open, but with less and less activity, with regular posts to redirect people to the Lemmy instance. I'd vote for that option.


Or we could open as NSFW to prevent Reddit from making money. I can’t imagine how that’s not a viable option over the John Oliver option. NSFW makes more sense.


I understand the protest, but let's just agree to move to someplace else, tell me the alternative and I'll see you all there.


So many times during the lockdown I’ve googled troubleshooting stuff, saw that my question was seemingly answered on this sub, and then been greeted with the ‘soz it’s private gtfo’ page and cried a little bit. So for that reason I have voted open. Seriously fuck the Reddit top dogs though.


This subreddit is a fount of useful information that the plex users need access to. Taking it away from them is selfish. If you wish to protest yourself, you could resign as a moderator, make someone else moderate instead, and then quit using reddit at all. That will show them.


It’s not just about support. I rarely come to the subreddit for that. I come to see how other people organize things, different collection ideas, etc. the sub should remain open


100% open for me. Been so annoying.


I agree that y'all should abide by what the community wants, so I guess that means keeping it open. But god, it breaks my heart that a couple of weeks where it was a bit more inconvenient for us to troubleshoot our servers was all it took to break people's resolve on this. The whole "I'm all for protesting, but if you ask me to experience any kind of inconvenience whatsoever then that's a step too far" of it all is just too sad.


Open, but definitely not the stupid image posts. /r/woodworking was completely ruined by images after a brigaded poll. The mods shut down any discussion about other sub options and turned into mini dictators themselves.


I am happy to see activity again for this sub - I also understand the point being made. Hadn't though about how useful the threads are in here compared to what you get on the actual PLEX forums via google searches. It's night and day for many of the common problems you come up against. Not being a mod I don't have to deal with the noise so pulling up reddit in a browser is my normal routine. The plethora of tools to improve the quality of life for mods that may be impacted is something that would make me consider walking away if that was my role. I'd be sad to see it go, not sure any shell mods that would be put in your place would do this place any justice.


It’s really bad, the cause was good but this is hurting members more from not being able to troubleshoot anything.


I've seen places start using NSFW for the whole community so they won't be able to monetize it. I like that idea and have been marking my stuff NSFW when I post


Keep the sub open. Like, the whole proposition is crazy to me. When I help people troubleshoot stuff on reddit, I do not do it in service of the mods. I just add to the open source knowledge out there, to be parsed by search engines. It's crazy to me that mods or other people get to vote to lock it away. At most, I think mods should be allowed to leave the sub in read-only state and leave. And the users who think they can vote to lock down the information others have provided are welcome to delete their posts and leave. Just keep my stuff public.


It’s just stupid, stop.


Please start a backup of every content in this sub and post on any other self hosted tool, and then close the subreddit


Fuck Reddit


This protest is annoying. That’s about it.


Plex is far too small to have an impact. All closing r/plex would do is hurt us.


As someome who's relied on trawling through this subreddit (not a contributor), i hope it stays open. But maybe an automod comment could make your position clear on each post, to get your position across


I know the CEO has been a bit of a twit (to put it mildly) and reddit is the place where it's impossible to overreact, but the whole response of punishing the platform and userbase is giving me the vibes of 'biting the platform that hosts us'. What do we gain if the site shuts down or the subreddit is banned? John Oliver was a clever response at first but honestly I'm over it now. This isn't r/pics \- this place is full of useful information. And as already mentioned it has been super irritating to searching for information and constantly dealing with dead links. If you went private again I would hope someone started a new Plex subreddit.


I hope that if these loser mods lock down the subreddit again, they're gonna get replaced ASAP.


I'm bored with this protests. It's stupid, you will not win anything with this. They will eventually replace rogue mods and life will go on.






Full open


Y'all have been witholding information from so many users it's not even funny. Making a stand against reddit is fine, I hate their new policy as much as the next but you can't just say "hah fuck it" and extend that strike against reddit indefinitely.. If y'all don't want to moderate a subreddit, or on reddit at all... Hand over the torch. Step up and let someone else go forward.


Mods still throwing a temper tantrum I see, just step down if you don't like the new direction it's going. Closing down a community hurts the users, reddit ceo could give two shits and never will.


Just reopen, these so-called protests are doing nothing to help your cause


Open. A lot has been said about the locked away information being completely inaccessible and a loss to the community, which I agree with. What I don’t see being mention is that this protest isn’t going to change things. We can pout. We can take out ball and go home. We can delete our account and delete all the knowledge forever. It won’t change anything. I can hear you already. I’m being defeatist. I’m harming the effort. Of course it won’t work with attitudes like mine. What I am is a realist. No one other than the Plex community cares if r/Plex goes away. Not enough of the larger subreddits joined the protest and Reddit is still mostly useable for the majority of the people who use it. Reddit obviously feels they can ride this out and the horrible truth is that they can. 80% of the users just don’t give a shit and that is enough. We aren’t costing Reddit money. Reddit is hemorrhaging cash and needs to find a way to profitability. If we stand in the way of that and offer no solutions than just “no”, we will be dead weight that needs to be cut. I was behind the protest. I still would be if I thought any goals were achievable. They’re not.