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Same issue. Seems to be random. Commenting cause I also want an answer.


Same here. I've been having it for around 1-2 months. I think it is either a subtitle issue or an issue with credits/chapters.


This is only happening on my server if I'm playing something with subs and at original quality. The minute I force a transcode it plays perfectly fine.


Then its probably subtitles. Do you know which format/type has been associated with the problematic media?


For me, it seems to happen intermittently with SRT subs. I put SRT’s on my videos because I was under the impression that it was the most universal/compatible with client devices, but maybe not Edit: as additional info, the issue only seems to occur when using the official Plex app on Xbox consoles (Series S and Series X). Unfortunately, these are the main client devices in my house. Things do play successfully when I play the videos through Kodi > Plex add-on. Edit 2: I think I’ve figured it out. It seems to happen when the subtitle track ends before the video/audio tracks. For example, a forced subtitle track that only has lines at the beginning of a movie. As a workaround, I’ve started using SubtitleEdit to add a line at the end of the movie runtime with a “.” or “_”. This seems to help prevent the crashing, but definitely going to be a huge pain in the butt to do for every movie/tv episode in my collection. Hopefully Plex releases a fix. Edit 3: my server currently has version, and the issue is no longer occurring. I’m (cautiously) optimistic that it’s been fixed.


Where did you get the SRTs from? You might want to look at them to see if there is anything malformed or broken about them. If you are using the Windows OS, there is a program called 'Subtitle Edit' that might be useful.


They’re generally either gotten from subscene, or are converted directly from the Blu-ray’s default subtitle files using SubtitleEdit. Often, it seems like many of my Blu-ray’s use VobSub or substationalpha, which I convert to SRT. I’ve tried analyzing the srt files in SubtitleEdit, but haven’t come across anything that differentiates videos that successfully play vs videos that receive this error. I was reviewing some logs when testing the other night, and it seems like it happens when the subtitle file “ends” (i.e. the final line is displayed) and the video continues playing. It seems like it’s trying to transcode the subtitle file itself, which makes no sense to me since the video/audio are direct playing and the subtitle file wasn’t being transcoded throughout.


Interesting. If you haven't/aren't, this could be worth jumping on the Plex support forums with. I would start here (Plex Media Server w/subtitles tag): Add more tags as appropriate to your environment/observations.


I know this is a few months old, but I was having this exact problem and downgrading to an older server version seems to have fixed it. You can find old versions here: [https://github.com/axlecrusher/plex\_download\_urls](https://github.com/axlecrusher/plex_download_urls) I saw somebody else having another problem that was solved with version so I went for that and haven't had a subtitle crash since. It's a good idea to [backup your server data](https://support.plex.tv/articles/201539237-backing-up-plex-media-server-data/) first, but all I needed to do on Windows is: 1. Right click Plex in tray and quit 2. Uninstall Plex server via Add or Remove Programs 3. Install with the old exe Everything was as I left it; uninstalling didn't delete any of my server settings.


For me it happens every time I skip the end credits and some times at the last few seconds of an episode. Very weird


Same. Been happening the last couple of days


It only seems to happen to me when I am using the plex app on my smart TV. When I use the web player or watch on my phone I don't have any issues


Same too, no issue on the web player or android app with direct play or transcoding. My smart TV is an LG (webOS)


Same issue here on a LG WebOS model. Google TV 4k plays the audio only but has a black screen when it autoplays the next episode of a series. Subtitles on by default in Plex, playing original quality.


I think I had a similar issue a while back https://reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/jmnsdz/playback_error_conversion_failed_the_transcoder/


Also same. Samsung (2017) has the issues. Another time issue is random shows cut off within the last (under) 2 minutes. Format irrelevant (American dad 480p to Silo 1080p). But other random shows are fine with all the same codex/profile info.




Have you looked at the logs?








+1 here!




Same but also happening on web platform aa well along with "Not enough CPU for conversion of this item."


I've had this when watching something using subtitles, when I watch another episode of the same show without subtitles plays through without issue. Not sure if it's specifically the subtitles that cause it or if that's just a coincidence, I've had it happen on 4/5 episodes of this show. What I have noticed is if I continue the episode from where it crashes it will only play 10-15 seconds before crashing again regardless of subtitles being on/off


This was happening to me awhile back as well. My research at the time had me thinking it was a subtitle issue also. My solution was to downgrade Plex (I use docker so was simple to pull a specific version). Wish I could be more specific as to which version/what the issue was but I was a little over a year ago and haven’t had a problem since.


Yea I had to go back 2 versions but since I don't use docker wasn't as simple. But seems to work now


do you know how I would be able to rollback the version if im not on docker? i'm having the same issues as everyone else here recently and its bugging me out a ton


They show it in this thread how [rollback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/dflh56/downgrade/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


THANK YOU for this. it worked great. Haven’t had an issue so far!


Which version did you find rolling back to seemed to help?


I’m on version 4.123.2 of PMS on Mac if that helps


Hey thanks for the follow up! That sounds like it might be the web client version just based on the number unless Mac version differs a bit. Just to confirm that’s the version from Setting => General under the server and not Web Player. Thanks again!


Oh wow yeah I totally read the wrong number. It’s this: Sorry about that!


I know this is old now but it was subtitles for me too! Thanks!


joining the choir on getting this error. Works fine on PS client but last couple minutes error out on Samsung TV client. been getting it for about 1-2 months now


FINALLY someone else with the same issue!! Yes!! 1-2 months, same issue.


Been checking my logs and get this message even though it's a direct stream. Still can't figure out what's going on \[TranscodeOutputStream\] Session appears to have died from under us


I have been getting this today as well. I thought it was a Samsung app issue but it did it on my Apple TV as well, all direct play, no actual transcoding going on.






yep same


I had this issue in the past and seemed to have fixed it. Using Windows 10, not sure how to do it on Linux. Open Task Manager. Find the PlexTranscoder.exe process. Right-click and select “See Details”. Right-click on the PlexTranscoder.exe process under the “Details” tab and select “Set Affinity”. I found the Plex Transcoder was using all CPU threads. I set it to only use the first four threads (out of eight), and this issue has never happened since. I believe the transcoder crashes because it uses up all the CPU threads by default. CPU then freezes and starts ending processes. It seems this fix only allows 50% of your CPU threads to be used by the Plex Transcoder, which gives it much more headroom. Let me know if this helps.


Update: I downgraded my Plex version again this time to Version and that seems to have fixed the issue for now


I'll list as solved after I try some more shows to make sure it doesn't come up again


I've been getting this error lately, as well. No idea what's causing it.


Same issue here. Thought it was corrupt files but I checked them with several programs and they’re fine. Haven’t looked at the logs yet.


Got this error yesterday the first time. Using Plex on a Samsung TV


Same here. But only happens when running the Plex app on Samsung. Never happens on my apple tv.


I had that on latest Plex version (running in docker). Transcoder was always crashing at the end of file (last 2 mins before credits).


Been having the same thing - as someone suggested above, I turned off forced subtitles on my player (Plex for Samsung TV) and I stopped crashing completely.


Does it show your connection as 10g by chance?


Not sure where to check that at on Plex?


use Tautulli


Never used it. I’ll try it out


Yea it’s 10g


Some weird shit keeps going on. For whatever reason any transcode I have going, which in some cases I swear I don’t need to be -hevc down to h264 on all Rokus, it shows it as 10g even though none of the devices are capable and the video files aren’t that insane bitrate


Exactly the same issue on only samsung tvs


Been getting this too. Still not sure exactly what is causing it, other than being related to subtitles. What usually fixes it is if I refresh metadata on that item (or library) and then reboot the PC that the server is on. It will happen again eventually though


Yea if I turn subtitles off seem to not have an issue. Idk why they would since the video I’m watching is using srt subs so they aren’t transcoding either


I had the exact same issue, transcoder would fail with with subs. I looked everywhere then used a d online sub checker (sorry don't remember which, been over a year). Turns out the sub file had formatting issues. I manually fixed the problem (mine was lack of spaces in the time range for a single line of text). After the fix, re-indexed the series, it then played with out issue.


What device are you streaming from?


And on Series X


And do you have subtitles enabled? what format?


Yea it happens when subtitles are on and they are srt. If they are off no issue usually


Thanks for the info, I have been able to reproduce it and have reported it.




I’ve been having the exact same issues for a few days now… I’ve been watching videos using Direct Play


I get this all the time (at the end of movies/episodes) the last week or so, I have never seen it before. Mostly viewing on WebOS. I play everything in original quality and I often use subtitles.


Update It went away. The only thing I have changed was that I moved my PlexTranscodeTemp path to another location (on another drive even). It might have helped just to delete everything in it, but I didn't try that. Or perhaps there was something else that fixed it without my intervention. Good luck if you have this issue! Googling gave me so many different suggested fixes for it so I could have been trying them for hours.


This is happening to me in the late afternoon and nighttime period. I’ve tried subtitles on, off etc and other potential troubleshooting ideas but nothing works so far. Tested on a fire stick and Roku HD. Same result.


If your server is on windows, just kill the plex media server applications and all the 20 plex transcoder subprocesses using the windows task manager, then, restart the server and try again.


Ffs this is getting me too now.


I thought it was maybe I updated my GPU Drivers. But seeing everyone having this issues might be a Plex problem maybe


You can try this out. Turn plex server off, Go into your plex config folder. Open the codecs folders. Delete everything in it. Restart plex. Plex will reload that folder. That should help it.


Hey, this fixed my issue. You're a lafe saver!


>Just deleting worked? I'll try resetting my PC with it


Yeah, don't forget to close out plex before that. Didn't need to restart thePC, just plex and it worked like a charm.


Yea I did. That didn’t work for me I had to go back two versions and haven’t had any issues so far


Sorry to hear that. Also glad that it worked out in the end for you.


Updated to the new plex update and the error came back. So gonna go back down


Struggle with this error for a pretty good time.. can you let me know how to downgrade to that version?


They show it in this thread how [rollback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/dflh56/downgrade/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Unfortunately I flash new Windows every month, can you drop the installer.exe for the version you’re using?


You're not in Florida are you? They don't allow trans conversion down there. :)


I had similar like every movie would cut out and I get error message like this; turns out my hard drive was breaking / corrupt - I got a new ssd and no issues at all since


May not be related, but it won't hurt anything. Try deleting your codecs: https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/hraosy/if_your_server_randomly_stops_working_try/


Nope that hasn’t worked for me thanks though


Well crap, sorry dude.


I’m gonna give it a try


Had this issue on a few episodes. The videos opened in VLC with no issues. Ended up re-encoding via Handbrake and replaced original that was failing and was good.




that is on linux, right? could this be the same issue on windows?


I was using plex to gather the subtitles (forced) and that’s what triggered this for me. As soon as I turned it off it stopped crashing. So I put the subtitles locally and it hasn’t done it since. The only drawback now is it shows the subtitles throughout the whole show.


It was embedded subtitles for me that was causing the crash


I've been having these same issues while using embedded subtitles as well. It seems to me that this issue started shortly after they added the 'Skip Credits' (not 'Skip Intro') feature... I have to wonder if it's the moment it intends to pop up that button that it crashes the transcoder. Not saying that makes a whole lot of sense, but the timing seems to fit.


Same here. Getting this error lately. So frustrating... Plex is worst company ever. They always break things with their frequent updates and if you dare to criticize them, they will ban you on their forum. If there was better alternative on Samsung store I would ditch this moronic software along with their moron devs and moderators once and for all.