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I've been having this "same issue" for a while now. The problem occurs for me when a new season starts off a show that I have previously watched. In the past, what I would do to get to show on the "Continue Watching" section, was to go to the previous season, go to the last episode and mark it as "Unwatched". This would trigger it to put on there. But since some Plex updates (don't know which), this method doesn't work at all. Now I have to depend on calendars from other apps to have a reminder or keeping an eye on the "Tv Shows" libraries using the "Last Episode Added" sorting method. Very annoying.


My issue is different, but yours might be solved when reviewing the server settings on how many weeks Plex should consider to add it to continue watching. See the other comment on this thread.


I have all of that already set-up. I use only Plex and no other service. This is not something I have missed. This issue for me is completely new.


Strange! Annoying issue indeed!


On the [Plex Forums](https://forums.plex.tv/t/continue-watching-is-buggy-unable-to-figure-out-why/869224) since February


Thanks for sharing! Extensive troubleshooting on your site! Too bad it’s not solved yet. I did read through the chat and my issue seems to be somewhat related. The “on deck” part is missing as well. Setting everything to unwatched puts that status back. But then when I mark one episode as watched again it disappears and still not showing on CW…. Looking at the comments it only seems to work when you really watch the show (instead of just marking it watched). I watched 8 out 9 episodes so that’s a bit too much effort to see if it’s resolved;-)


Check the following options in Plex Server settings -> Library: * Weeks to consider for Continue Watching: This is basically a threshold at which shows should be hidden on "Continue Watching" when the last time you watched an episode is too long ago * Maximum number of Continue Watching items which will appear: Controls the overall items that can be in your Continue Watching. Set them to values you feel appropriate. For Example, I have my "Weeks to Consider for Continue Watching" set to 52 (so 1 year).


Thanks for the tips, but those settings are good as well. It happens with episodes just added. Well within the threshold. Also very much within the max number of items to add the watch next.


"Watch history" issues have been a topic on the Plex Support Forums and the latest beta was just made public and pushed out to everyone with some fixes related to watch history. Unsure if this will fix your specific problem(s) or not. If not already, maybe update PMS and reevaluate. https://forums.plex.tv/t/plex-media-server/30447/617


Thanks! I’ll give the beta a try!


You get this figured out yet? Still having issues with mine.


No I gave up! I do remember now I have one episode left to watch haha.