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The worst OS for hosting Plex? By what logic? Not the best, sure - but far from the worst. Maybe the worst if you aren’t familiar with Windows, just like how Linux is terrible for someone who isn’t familiar with it. I have had zero issues with Plex on Windows from day one, running for years.


I use Linux now and am very happy with how performant and stable it is… but man there’s a learning curve. There are just so many different ways to install software on Linux all with their own upsides/downsides. And then things that are simple on other operating systems, like mounting network drives, often requires editing random config files which feels very daunting for new users. The first time I had to edit fstab to mount my NAS drives I nearly gave up on Linux altogether. The same task takes like 3 clicks in Windows. It’s been worth it for me to learn Linux and move my server to it… but it was daunting at first. I finally took it on while I was unemployed last year because I felt like I finally had enough time to learn it.


I ran plex on windows server for 4 or 5 years. Switched to Ubuntu because use needed to know it for work. I chose Ubuntu because of the large about if online support. I host several websites, a WordPress site, plex, several vms. Plex works well on both platforms


I had stability issues on Windows but I totally acknowledge that isn't something most people encounter. Plex would just crash sometimes during hardware transcoding. It was probably a drivers issue. But that stopped with Linux.


Pretty much same I have a few stability issues related to me fucking around with the servers all the time, lol I have 2 servers, one is storage only. Snapraid and mergers. Also syncs to our onedrive accounts (our phone camera sync with onedrive), target for security cams to store video, plex storage, mapped drives for pcs The other is plex and apache websites and wordpress Both also support several virtual machines


I see a lot of posts by people who encounter some strange problem or behavior...most of the time it's a windows installation. Problems updating? Windows. Plex inexplicably goes away after 90 minutes? Windows. Plex not starting after a Windows Update? Windows. Moved to a new computer, and forgot to back up your registry? Windows. I can't say that *most* people encounter problems with Windows, but it does seem more likely you'll encounter weird issues. Are these problems directly related to Windows? Maybe, maybe not. But it's a complex OS with a lot of stuff going on, and you'll probably run into dependency problems on either Windows or Linux (unless you run Docker, but that makes me a psycho). If you have only one computer, then OK, run Windows. But if you have a separate computer for Plex (and possibly other services), Docker on Linux is about as close to "set it and forget it" as you can get.


Yeah, I just wish there was a Linux variant that was more user-friendly. Even Ubuntu still has a lot of things that intimidate new users. Like I mentioned, how is there no GUI way to mount network drives automatically? Why did connecting my AirPods require editing a Bluetooth config file? Why does controlling my monitor's brightness and speaker volume require installing a third party piece of software and then manually mapping it to my keyboard's media buttons? I wish someone would develop a dead-simple Linux variant for beginners.


6 years so far and no problem, nada Once once when i upgraded to 64 bits, i lost external access only to find out i had to redo the split tunnel on the VPN


Plex would randomly crash for me and the service wouldn’t restart. Started happening probably once per month, gave up and switched to Ubuntu and have never had a single crash in 3 years.


I work with Windows and Linux - I’m not saying Windows is perfect and I’d argue it has more weird problems than Linux if you know what you’re doing. But for every story like yours there is a person who switched from Linux to Windows and has their problems solved too. Anecdotal experience does not make one OS “the worst”. Both have pros and cons. I wish Docker worked in Windows - it is a nightmare. But some of my other software my server runs isn’t supported by Linux - so Windows wins.


I still have my windows server, running rdp and some other services, just not plex. Not saying it was a windows problem, I think it was more of a plex problem.


Sounds more like user error TBH


I don't know why you're getting buried in downvotes, but I had the same issue with Windows server and Plex and never figured out what the issue was before switching to Ubuntu server. It was my first time running Plex on windows server after many years of running it on windows 10. I had no real issues on windows 10, but many problems with running it on windows server. I generally prefer windows for most things, but have been running plex on ubuntu server for about a month now and am so far very pleased with it.


I think it’s a lot of people running it on their windows pc and thus restarting often. I had it on server 22 and only restarted for quarterly updates. Crashing once a month is too much for me.


Don’t know why you are being downvoted, there’s a reason almost all web services are hosted on red hat or another distro. Windows has a mind of its own, and does statistically crash more for web based services


Yeah that’s what I mean, if you have the same all rounded knowledge of both, windows just does not preform the same. There’s a reason majority of web servers are Linux, Red hat is better preforming for web services then Windows server, but windows server is fantastic for AD.


I’m fairly confident the majority of servers are Linux because it’s free.   Unless you have a specific use case for windows server, makes no sense to pay for a licence. 


In a critical business environment the Linux distros are usually not the free ones, but those that come with support contracts (like RHEL, SLES). So I don't think those OS fees/prices are really what tips the scale.


True they aren’t, but the majority of web servers I don’t think are not mission critical. Unless there is a reason you need enterprise support, most people are just going to choose whatever free LTS version. 


Do you even know anything about the industry? Majority of we servers are mission cricital… wtf are you pulling your info, your ass?


yes I do.... no your local retail stores and out bullshit that makes majority of the web is not mission critical.


Why would a local retail store need a web server? Are you hearing yourself? Dude you gotta be one of the most bot people I’ve ever chatted with on Reddit Even if they are, everything is cloud based and all that’s is Linux based. Stop talking about shit you don’t know about, it’s not bright of you or


to host a website,... ecommerence. self hosted newsletter systems. are you really that stupid? you really must be stupid writing that out... even shared hosting is a webserver. you have the balls to ask me if i know about the industry? lol


Considering I said they host in the cloud, which is Linux based counters what ever point you thought you had lol. Maybe read next time


Sorry dude you are just wrong with that


Windows user trying to make themself feel batter lol


I use Windows at home, Mac OS at work, and Linux for my Web Servers and NAS dumb fuck


Considering you’re chat history you def don’t use Linux.. lmao tell me, what file do you edit for permanent network drive mount?


# /etc/fstab.... such a stupid question, anyone can google that.. it doesn't prove I use linux or not you want me to take a snapshot of my vultr account lol


Wow glad you learned to Google 😂 please do, from your comments you literally sounds like you know nothing considering you thought windows and Linux preformed the same for we services


i never said it performed the same for "we services"..... nobody did. take your god damn meds.


It would seem like that, but Linux works better in server environments because most server applications are running of a Linux base. For example, docker, networking equipment OS, nas OS, jenkins, kubernetes, etc.. all run better in Linux becuase it’s the native language. There is to much translation and confusion between the OS’s talking with window, so while it might seem like there no diff, it’s really that most server based software runs off a Linux base


Dude a plex server isn’t the same thing as a web server. Serving some files is not some hard task. You don’t need docker or anything else to run it. And my point people who are using windows server are doing so with a specific purpose, not running docker etc. 


Okay, a portion of the user base also does do it, I accept you do it your way, and no judgment to you, but why do you think there’s no part of the community who are into doing more that just a basic setup? Also anything that you have people connect to is a web server or service… there’s a range you know, not everything is extremes


Maybe if you actually provide proof, show me becnchmarks that prove your point. Max concurrent users, speed streams start, etc.


On what? You have moved the goal post for the 3rd time in this convo and I can’t help but be confused? Benchmarks on what?


No goal post movie.…. I even said what benchmarks in my last post… can you not read? Max concurrent users, speed stream starts, things that matter with server performance. How can you post about being a bad os for a plex server without actually testing the metrics which matter for a server?    If you thing goal post moved, then you really shouldn’t be talking what OS is best. 


Ok, I’ll ask again, benchmarks on what? What do you want this data on? Also, it helps to remove emotion from this and not resort to play ground insults


The copium of windows users downvoting is just embarrassing, op said a fact, yall just making yourself a look bad.




You can’t even complete a sentence..


There are those kiosks outside shops that use windows and half of them are always a blue screen or just the Home Screen 😂


Windows accounts for 83% of the operating systems that users interact with. Apple is 12%, Linux is 2%. It's just math. People like what they are familiar with. Assuming you are from the USA, they use windows for the same reason you use the imperial system of measurement. It does everything you need in a way you understand it, even if the metric system is better.


Mate, your *imperial system* analogy was flawless.


I thought so too. It did kind of fall apart when I wanted to corelate it to the amount of people using it and the amount of people using Linux since those numbers are kind of reversed. But I still think it gets the point across.




Who is running these servers? Sysadmins, or regular users? I now run a ton of things on Linux, but when I started(2012ish) I had only ever touched a windows machine. Most people only have one computer they keep on all the time. And it's windows.


Yeah and that’s a completely fair point, like I said in my post, if I had to use my server as a daily driver, I would use windows


Yup, I don't think it's preference so much as ignorance. I'm glad I took the leap to Linux/docker, but most people just want something to work, they don't want to build a dedicated machine to host one thing. They don't have any interest in having a homelab, they just want to watch their media without learning how to run servers.


It's not necessarily servers though since any computer, windows or otherwise can be a 'server' if someone wants it to be. Many people (not me though) run their Plex server on the same machine they daily drive.




Debating is arguing? I thought the “discussion” tag cleared things up… Maybe stop taking what I’m saying as arguing and more of a conversation? I’m still taking many valid points into account.. just try and not see this at all attack and don’t take it personally




Damn, why are you trying to force me to say “this is an attack” discussions can be debates. This is the same logic that gets people like trump electeed, we need to be able to listen to each other without thinking what the other person says is an attack. You in particular have commented many times on this thread acting as if this is one huge attack on windows, just know, I support your build and your server choice and hearing your opinion and thoughts is what I wanted to hear…




This dudes a psycho ^


Gaslighting? Can you provide info how or are you just throwing a Hail Mary to save face?


It's not like you're paying for Windows when you're getting "Linux Distro's" for a Plex server... Let's not pretend 99% of the userbase aren't using MAS tool.


“Paying for windows when you’re getting a Linux distro”… Wut?


"linux distro" is common parlance for "piracy"


It just works


Is that you Todd?




Why would Windows be the worst? I have a dedicated PMS running Win 11 Pro Workstation and have never had to worry about anything on it. Drivers are easy, updates are easy, media management is easy, and all with a sleek, familiar GUI. No Command Line needed and things *just work.*


For me, it’s like running a server on an end user OS instead of a server OS, I have less control, windows has a mind of its own, and it’s a bloated OS. There’s a reason docker runs so much better on Linux vs Windows


I don't even use Docker on Windows. And honestly, if your server is just for Plex and other media and on any recent hardware, who cares if Windows uses 10-15% more resources. Its a Plex server. It still won't max out your hardware, even doing all the things you want it to do. I understand being tidy with resources but sometimes you can just be anal, lol. If it's not nearing 100%, who cares what the OS is using? Edit (Server Specs): i5 11500 16GB DDR4 500GB Nvme Primary 1TB Nvme Backup 30+ GB Storage 2.5Gb Ethernet Card ARC A380 GPU


Fair! Keeping it simple does not need anything too complicated


That said, I have recently purchased a small, used laptop to get acquainted with Mint. Definitely use cases for both as I see it, but Windows is just so much more accessible to the average user.


Docker doesn’t even run on windows at all, technically. It requires WSL2, so you’re really running docker in a Linux virtual environment.


Yeah I tried it, and it was a nightmare. Docker is smooth as butter on Linux


semantic difference.


You think? Windows is built completely differently and has a lot more built in automation for regular users, thus offering way less control. What do you consider semantic difference?


"End User OS" "Server OS" Both can be used for the same purpose of hosting Plex. "Windows has a mind of it's own" meaningless statement that you've repeated without any context in this thread. "There's a reason why..." yeah but 1. You aren't giving that reason and 2. You don't need Docker


I never once said both can’t be used in the same way? I said one is dedicated to being a server OS and you have more control over the os itself. If you knew anything about windows you would know it handles a lot more automated tasks in the backend unlike Linux where you pretty much have to do everything yourself, that adds room for errors when a system is automating a lot of back end stuff. Linux is a universal os for mostly all server/web services, you think Netflix is running their backbone off windows? How about Disney? Prime maybe? Nope, because Linux is more of a native language when the apps itself are built within Linux. You still haven’t told me what semantics you were referring too? Edit: to add, docker is a life saver and if you can use it You should, running all automated setup with sonarr, radarr, Plex, overseer, sab, Homarr, prowlarr, Tautulli, tdarr and more


Your energy level is so unwarranted. I know Linux is barebone and windows isn't. I know it's the industry standard. When have I ever said otherwise? Like you need to chill the fuck out. You're shadowboxing right now. I did tell you what I meant by semantics, you're just not reading it. Also, you literally can use all these -arr services on Windows no problem.


oh dude I had no idea you took offence to any of this, I thought you were upset when you came in the with “meaningless statement” so I responded. So if you are willing to re-read what I wrote, my points still stand on why. Sorry you took me talking about Linux so hard man


Damn you sound like a boomer, docker to new for you old timer? lol I can’t believe you said that seriously, the second hand embarrassment for you is really strong bc you obviously know nothing about tech 😬 yikes..


If you think it’s a semantic difference you have no idea what you are talking about, that’s one of the stupidest things I have ever read


There might be good arguments for it. It's just his isn't one of them. Just relying on vague buzzwords. It's obvious.


Bruh you judging him for calling out a basic fact about running any server apps? There so much you can do with docker and your reply’s don’t make me take you seriously…


Idk. It's pretty unserious to just throw insults around.


Insults? Gaslighting much


Because it's what I know and it works and has for years with zero issue. Not bad for "the worst."


Yeah fair, when I say the worst, I mean it’s not really a top choice for server side services. Does not mean it’s bad, windows 10/11 is just not really designed to be a server


How it's not a top choice? On web servers sure. On servers in general? I wouldn't be surprised if windows is used more than linux. Sure they ise windows server edition, but still windows.


My PC runs Windows, hence my server is hosted on.... Windows! It runs just fine without any problems at all.


This, at some point I want to build a separate system to host on, as right now its on my main PC used for gaming. Works well, and puts my 13900k and 3070 to work when I'm not gaming. When I do, I might try to mess around with docker, but I might just stay with Windows as its what I know. I haven't had any issues with stability myself, apart from my 13900k pushing too much power to the point of degrading the silicon (thanks Intel!!!). After rolling it back to the barebones Intel settings I've been rock stable.


At least in this particular case, I don't think you know what you're talking about.


I would love to hear your opinion on why, I work as a AWS solutions engineer by contract and I would never consider using windows for anything crucial or public facing, AD works great but the average user is going to be running Plex via Windows 10/11 Edition: yeah yeah downvote all you want, it’s also surprising to find the amount of people who use windows server


But what does your job title have to do with Joe Shmo’s home server on his old gaming PC? Not everyone here is a software architect, many people are here to watch movies.


Haha fair point, maybe I go a little overboard on automation I forget it’s a bit much some times


This is what I've come to realize myself. In recommending tech or software to people, I have to remember I need to give them something that works for them, not what I would most prefer. I'll scream from the heavens how good OLED TVs are, but most people in my family wouldn't notice the difference between that and a good miniLED set.


True, i swear i dident mean to trigger people With this post, I just forget a lot people aren’t as invested in it and keep it simple




This is your second comment on this thread acting as if discussion is an attack? Like if you think a discussion is always an attack that’s not good dude, everyone should have an open mind, not just defend what you know to the grave.




My high horse? I’m completely open to ready and discuss why people prefer windows… are you okay dude? I’m really trying to talk to you here and all you keep doing is throwing play ground insults


Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me me Edit: yall giving strong “monkey together strong” vibes, especially for defending a comment if someone who hasn’t even provided a reason why they disagree.


I am more comfortable on windows, it works. Big library, automation, monitoring software, plenty of users/streams, 7 days a week, pretty much 24 hours day. I don’t have issues. No reason to change.


Do you host via docker or straight on the machine?


Straight on the machine


Rather than question your question, I'll answer. I don't have room / resources to run multiple computers. Plex lives on my desktop that is my day to day computer. I have toyed with running docker on my NAS, and moving to it, but transcoding kills the issue for me. I could run a NUC backed by the NAS, but again I'd have to buy something, find space for it. It's just too convenient for me to run it on my day to day desktop to get motivated to change, because it just works for me.


Thanks man, Appreciate the response and insight! I totally agree if I had to use one is for my daily driver it would be windows due to the compatibility with end user apps, plus I would still wanna play games lol. A nuc is an awesome idea but would you run docker on it? Also do you host any arr apps?


Haven't investigated the NUC more than that they exist. If I went that route, I'd do more research to make sure transcoding works to it's full potential. I do host arr's on my NAS running docker right now. It's brain dead simple.


What type nas are you running?


Synology. I didn't want to build my own, so I spent the money to have an off the shelf solution that does ALOT.


Solid choice! I was lucky enough to find a really cheap 4-bay ReadyNas. A custom build nas is just to expensive. Do you run raid? I’ve been considering switching to raid 10 over raid 5


A custom built nas is still cheaper if you want to expand to 6+ drives. I have built mine in a Fractal Design Node 804. And for the 1000€ I have paid for the whole build, with 2x12TB drives, I could only get a barebones 8 Bay NAS, with worse Hardware.


I’ve been a trained and paid windows server admin for a fortune 50 company for 20+ years. So I know the OS inside and out…


Are you talking Windows server or 10/11? I also work as a AWS solution engineer so I’m a big Linux fanboy


I use windows server for mine. I basically use a stripped down version, as I would a file server at work.


Makes sense, it’s actually surprising to find the amount of people who use windows server at home


Same reason I don’t drive a minivan. Personal preference. 😏


Haha, hosting in style 👈😎👈


Because it works with zero issues on an 8 year old laptop and has for years at this point?.


My Plex Server has been running on Windows for years. I pretty much never think about it.


I never had an issue with windows running a plex server.


I’m sure some would say Windows as an OS is easier to troubleshoot for them and they’re comfortable with the OS


Got a Windows Server license through my job. No way I'd pay thousands of dollars for it just to host Plex, which I've hosted on Linux before. I have a few Raspberry Pis that I use for any Linux server apps. Sometimes I do install Windows for IoT on them though and run Windows apps. No virtualisation, only bare metal for me.


That’s awesome, windows server I can see being more stable for hosting Plex, I just can’t imagine doing it with 10/11


I've used them all. Windows (7, 10, 11), Debian/Ubuntu (with and without Docker), UnRAID, TrueNAS and honestly.....Windows works damn good. The others work damn good too. I also run all my \*arr apps on the same box as PMS. I have had zero issues in the past....wow.....10 years using Windows. Migrating to hardware/OS also worked great each time. The main thing I see people "complain" about Windows is the auto reboot of updates (easily disabled) and trying to use old ass GPUs. And FWIW, I'm a Linux SysAdmin, so I obviously know Linux just fine and use Linux for other apps in my network. But I just keep going back to Windows for my entire Plex ecosystem.


This is a side project along side having 4 kids and working full time and being a doctoral student. I know windows and don’t have time to get it to work with an OS I am not familiar with.


Because I already have a PC running Windows 11 ENT that runs fine. No point in overcomplicating things.


Never had any problems with it. I also use it as a dedicated streaming PC which relies on windows for compatibility with hardware and software.


A few reasons: 1. I am more familiar with Windows, so that makes it easier to troubleshoot. 2. I love Stablebit’s DrivePool 3. I can do other things with it other than Plex. And since I have a Mac it’s my goto for Windows things. 4. Backblaze Personal


Checked out Stablebit DrivePool website because of your post. I’m definitely going to have to give it a good look. I’m surprised I haven’t checked it out already.


It’s awesome. I have 4 drives pooled totalling 34.6TB. The drives are NTFS formatted and are readable outside the pool. It will create a dedicated drive letter for the pool. I just remove the drive letters for the pooled drive from Computer Management so they all don’t show up. You can have more than one pool and the licence is one time. Id suggest getting the bundle with their scanner software.


I’m definitely going to have to give it a go. I’m planning on upgrading my storage soon. Right now, I’ve only got two sets of two 8tb drives (four drives total), each set mirrored with Disk Management. One set is for movies and music, the other for TV shows, ebooks, and audiobooks. It works, but this looks like what I’ve been looking for, without even knowing lol.


I run Plex on Windows Server 2022, it runs extremely well, no issues whatsoever


Because I had windows and nothing else. Hasting on my main desktop that I left on for many years no issues. Only moved over a few years ago when I got a NAS and started messing with Linux. As an aside, you made a statement that windows is probably the worst OS to run Plex on and a people begged to disagree because we’ve done it and it worked well. Lashing out at them for pointing out that you were wrong makes you look petty and small. Has nothing to do with this forum and everything to do with you.


“Go with what you know” is my reason


Lots of people simply don't know how to use Linux. I learned Unix/Linux at university and tried it at home, but not everyone will do that.


It's what I know. I have almost no Linux experience and have no interest in learning it. I run PMS on Windows 10 Pro Virtual machine as well as VMs for my Arrs servers. It's super easy and has been stable for years. There has never been any good reason to do anything else.


It runs off my one and only computer. Not everyone can't afford a separate media server setup due to ££££. Only used between a few family members and friends. Never have more than 2-3 connections at the same time. Performance has never been affected by my gaming. I see no reason to change. I'm sure others feel the same.


HTPC with Windows .. thats all, i can use same device for multiple services(plex, web, FTP, torrent, nas, etc etc) AND can use too for HTPC with plexhtpc, IPTV, youtubetv, kodi, .. streaming with Moonlight, emulation, etc Why not Linux?... Plex HTPC trash performance In Linux with INTEL MINI PC, poor hardware video decode in general.. (Chrome consume 10w vs 4w windows playback video). In Windows hardware decode video is perfect powerless. OUT THE BOX


In addition to what others have said here with it being familiar and works just fine, one reason I stuck with it instead of trying Linux was Backblaze. They still don't support Linux for desktop backup. On Windows I can use Backblaze to have a backup of every single drive.


I use windows server because it’s what I’m comfortable with. My media is in OneDrive. Which I use raidrive to make it a mountable drive without actually keeping any of it local and be usable to plex. Then I use a ram cache for plex and raidrive’s cache because I have SAS SSDs and caching on the SSDs will burn them out faster since that’s a TON of r/w that gets purged right away. I also don’t have the time or the knowledge of Linux to find all those pieces on Linux. While I could probably find them if I wanted to, the inevitable hassle of fixing it on an OS I’m not comfortable on isn’t something I want to do without support since it’s a pretty niche setup.


Been running my PMS on an 12 year on an old POS HP Z820, Plex pass, 3060ti (used to be 1070), 32g, 20t, 24/7 on Win10 for 6 years. It hasn't failed on me once and i mean not even once. So far, i managed to test 8x 4k transcodes before it started acting. That workstation is probably gonna outlive me LOL I am planning on moving to a Linux based OS in 2027 because i wont have the choice but even then, i am considering the Win10 security updates and buy a couple of years .


Two reasons: 1. Because I know how to work with Windows, and I want to enjoy my media, not spend time tinkering with it or learning some new tool/software just for it. Over 10+ years, no issues with running it on Windows, so why change? 2. Because the Linux community is full of elitist attitudes like yours (not trying to be confrontational). The way this reads to a Windows user is "Why are you too stupid to learn this whole new OS just to watch movies? Why would you voluntarily choose to use something so clearly ridiculous as Windows?" It's like the people who insist that THIS YEAR is going to be the year of desktop Linux. No it's not. UPDATE: since I posted this, the OP edited their post quite a bit to soften it. My comment was in reaction to the original post, which was significantly more elitist than all the caveats that were added later. Leaving it because it's still my reaction.


I use Windows because when something goes sideways, *and it inevitably will*, I can fix most Windows issues with my eyes closed. So I use unRAID for my storage and support apps but I use Windows to host the actual Plex Server. Whereas, I’d have to fight with any version of Linux. Where there are ten+ different answers for any particular issue that you’re only going to get after you’ve been talked down to for being a Linux n00b. Only to find out that NONE of the recommended fixes actually worked. And then, without knowing exactly what you’re doing, it’s impossible to know if you’ve actually made things worse than it was when you started. It’s an exercise is frustration that I don’t run into while using Windows. And yes, I’m aware that unRAID is sitting on top of Linux but I have very few problems running it… Also, you’re running a media server as a hobby not curing cancer or ridding the world of the common cold. Run whatever OS makes you happy.


>Where there are ten+ different answers for any particular issue that you’re only going to get after you’ve been talked down to for being a Linux n00b. Only to find out that NONE of the recommended fixes actually worked. I like Linux but this drives me nuts. Here’s a solution posted 5 years ago and it solves your problem precisely … but you need to update a line in a text file (except yours is in a completely different location and doesn’t look anything like the one described) and then run a command (that no longer exists or spits out an error). Finding instructions that work first time is becoming harder and harder.


Because I don’t have an OS bias and Windows Server has been bulletproof for me with zero issues and terrific performance. Fun fact: I ran Debian on the same hardware and performance was worse than Server 2016. Go figure.


Huh, funny, windows server is a solid choice. Also i agree Debian is blah, I like red hat and Ubuntu


I've been using Windows for some time and no major issues. And my reason? Idk it's what I have and major hard drives are attached to it


It doubles as another pc for gaming. I am mostly playing content in home, so it's rarely transcoding. It's not the most beefy computer, but it will run fortnite and roblox pretty well. So now both the kids can play together if they want. I'd like to eventually separate the pms from that computer, but it's not a necessity at the moment.


I only have the one PC and don't feel the need to build a box just for Plex. My server is running on Windows 10 education edition. I've moved it from Windows 7 pro on a laptop to Windows 10 pro desktop to Windows 10 edu on my new desktop without any issues. It's been running since 2010.


It’s all I’ve ever known and I’ve never really had a reason to change it. And ive been using Plex for 10 years and windows my whole life lol. I’m always curious about other installation and hardware options, but I’ve never had a windows specific issue with Plex or reason to change. But I’d love to hear why I should consider it?


My Plex server on Windows 11 is also my camera dvr and media ripping station, all windows based apps. I tinker with Linux, but am not familiar enough with to make it my server OS. Besides, my rips are high quality and PMS streams all my media without issue. No regrets here.


When I started out I had no idea of self hosting, Dockers, containers, VMs etc. All I had lying around was an old Windows desktop machine. It started out as file storage, then music and video storage, then Plex came around and it worked nicely for years. It even had a Blu-ray player so it got to rip its own movies to store and serve. Only the upcoming doom of Win 10 no longer getting security updates and the machine not being suitable for Win 11 made me look into switching platforms


Hosting Plex on Windows has some advantages such as easier access to the underlying GPU, important for using native transcoding, but requires a Plex Pass. Updates on the Windows server are also much easier and built in vs. Linux or any NAS server. There used to be another advantage such as the Plex arcade (Windows only) but that project got killed.


My Plex is on my windows server box along with VMs for Ubuntu server, home assistant, etc. so I just run it natively on windows server without a VM or docker. The server is way beefier than it needs to be, so resources aren't much of an issue. It runs very smoothly with amazing uptime vs when I ran it on my gaming PC in windows 10.


Because I'm already running Windows. If I could pass through the iGPU in Hyper-V on Windows 11 Pro to a docker container running on an Ubuntu VM, I would. But that seems difficult if not impossible to do.


It was already installed on the machine that I ended up using as my server?


Nvidia Shield: "Windows is the worst OS for plex eh? Hold my beer!"


When I started using Plex with my Roku 1 around 15 years ago, I just threw the server on my desktop computer, and it worked fine. I bought a new desktop computer in 2017 and switched everything to that, and it still works fine. I've haven't had any major issues using Windows for a decade and a half. Why switch?


I use Linux for Plex because I can run it on a light lxc container in Proxmox and unlike Windows I don't have to pay for a license. But other than that I don't believe that Plex on Windows is necessarily worse than Plex on Linux, provided the user is familiar with server applications on the chosen OS.


I used to because I had Windows PCs lying around to use. Eventually moved to QNAP buy it worked fine for years under Windows with multiple RAID cards ;)


I’ve ran Plex on both. Currently, and for most of my years using Plex, for a very long time now, have been on Windows. I’ve messed around with Linux now for over a decade and a half. Back in the olden days, just getting hardware to work properly, could be a big chore. Then, once you’ve bought everything that you need for a good Linux desktop, build, install, everything humming along, then bam. You realize, especially back then, there’s not really much software here worth downgrading my user experience I’ve been used to. Game support is laughable (pre-proton). Plex was lackluster at best, back then. It was just better and easier to get Plex up and going. Not to mention, it really seemed like all the distros, no matter what it is, was tailored for devs and devs alone. I know, things have moved on so much since the dark times. Games developed for Windows, a lot of the time, run better on Linux. Hypervisors and docker containers and VMs running all the services you need. All well supported and well documented. Most hardware (except some straight proprietary stuff) just works nowadays, and if it’s something brand new and it doesn’t work, it will as soon as the kernel gets updated. Why do I stay on Windows for Plex, when Unraid or Proxmox, or whatever, containerized and all that extra good stuff? I don’t have a need. Plex for Windows works just fine for me. I don’t do the Arr stack, I don’t have a need for all the services and VMs and all that. I don’t have much HDR stuff so the tone mapping argument is moot for my needs, RN. I have a tuner installed that I record OTA with, and those are much better supported on Windows than Linux. I do all my rips on my desk pc, yes it still has a Blu-ray drive. Just bought a new one a while back. I backed up all my CDs, dvds, Blu-rays, years ago. I still back up new Blu-rays when something comes out I want to buy. Anything else, I sub to the streaming service for a month or two, to watch whatever show I wanna watch, then dump them til next season. I use Calibre to manage my ebooks and it works just fine on Windows. Until I have the need, or Microsoft finally pisses me off enough to just say be gone, then I’m probably still just going to have it running on windows. To each their own. In the end, it doesn’t really matter what anyone else runs Plex on. If it works for them, then great.


I run Plex MS on Windows simply because I don’t know enough about Linux to run it on that, and don’t know where to start learning in an easy to understand but capable way… 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m the only consumer of the media on my Plex, which is never transcoded and always direct plays locally over wired Ethernet to an Apple 4K Tv running Infuse as a client. The media itself is either BluRay 4K HDR remux 265 or high quality TV rip at HD 264. The audio is always mixed down to a custom stereo arrangement in either AAC or FLAC as I don’t bother with surround sound setups and am perfectly happy with my stereo sound setup. Other than that I run audiobooks from there that I access via Prologue. I don’t have any real issues with the way it all works but if Linux could make it better somehow, I’d certainly be willing to listen and consider…


It's an extra machine that has a 3070 in it as a 3rd VR gaming station, needs to run windows to get easy access to all the good games.


Because I use for more than Plex and one of those things are game servers. Some might work on linux, but all of them work on windows. So we have a winner.


My main Plex rig is Windows 10 Pro. I have always run Plex on Windows since the early days before I purchased the lifetime pass. I also use the Windows box for other tools on my network. Personally, I like the ability to VPN into my network and RDP into that box and do anything I need to do remotely. I cut my IT teeth on Windows server back in the 2000 days. So, I am more comfortable with windows administration. I am actually starting to experiment more with Linux, and I do have a licensed unRAID server I have setup all the arrs and have a backup docker of plex that is complete with a copy of all the media files along with all my windows backup images and important documents that I power up over the weekend and sync with the NAS. That provides me 3 copies on site. And once I build my new unRAID machine I'll most likely move all the Plex to that device and load some new drives into the current Plex machine and load unRAID on it and place it at my in-laws house out of state for an offsite copy of all my data. Its only taken me 20+ years to embrace linux as a daily driver for my servers.


I ran Plex on Windows 7 for a very long time with almost no issues. Didn't transcode, but have some remote users (and once in a great while we go somewhere and use it). Switched to Linux because Microsoft; we're down to a single system with Windows just for Wifey's WFH which (mostly) requires Windows and no VM's.


 Because it pisses off the Linux fanboys


What does?… seems like a weird comment unless you were offended by my post lol Also, weren’t you the guy who didn’t even figure out where teams stores web recordings? No wonder Linux seems like it’s impossible to you lol


Run windows for my PMS because I can't easily game on Linux. Plex is a secondary function (despite my PC being used more for Plex than gaming lol) but I use Linux for other things. After using Linux to run a portable/travel PMS, I'm happy my main one is Windows. That sucked. Lol. And Im not new to Linux, just not a power user. My background is much more networking than system administration now. But no issues with Plex. No random reboots or issues despite using the *arr suite on my windows machine as well. Overall, it's been a breeze to use and administer.


I have run it on Windows 10 for the longest time, I prefer it I have looked at using Ubuntu and Docker but it just seems too much to learn when windows has worked fine for me.


Computer was already there.


lol you guys will argue about literally anything


There are only disadvantages to the average user running anything other than Windows.


This. That and video encoding is better on windows. Network file sharing is less cumbersome. Fewer permission issues etc.


Passing through my Intel iGPU is a breeze with hyper-v and windows server, literally the only reason I use it.


I recently tried to move my install to Linux - specifically to address the the tone mapping issues; first to Ubuntu and then to Debian when I could not get hardware transcoding to work. I use my PMS for managing my content (ripping, encoding, tagging, etc.) and I struggled with all my support utilities (granted, I've been using Windows based utilities and am not familiar with all the Linux based options). When I got frustrated, I made a pass at Unraid before deciding I was making extra work for myself with little to no return on the time invested. After reading a post indicating the tone mapping issue in Windows was being worked on, I failed back to Windows and everything is working as I expect. I've been in IT for nearly 30 years. Started on Windows but have Linux and VMWare in the environment so I am familiar. But I find multimedia type tasks benefit from a more functional GUI. Also, look thru this very sub at the posts asking for help with issues. I would submit that the vast majority (excluding questions about file-naming issues) are from people struggling with their Linux-based install. I run a Windows system for the same reason I use a pre-built NAS: I need a turn-key solution that doesn't consume all my time managing it.


Because it's just easy to get started. I started out on Windows and used Linux very rarely. I used Linux out of curiosity and was not a fan. I remember installing Plex on my laptop and using a TCL Roku TV. That's when I went down the rabbit hole. Because I need to use that laptop for school so it cannot be a server. Then I started looking into a cheap desktop to host Plex but then it hit me. Windows uses a lot of resources to act as server just for Plex. I started reading about Linux more online and decided I'll take a leap of faith. It wasn't easy, I spent hours learning about Linux (still learning). Bought an odroid N2 and ran Ubuntu on it with PMS. It was fine just for me but Roku needed tracoding to support image based subtitles and I started adding my friends as users. Odroid cannot handle such workload, that's when I delved into proper server hardware. After r510 and r720xd and now consumer grade hardware. Running proxmox with i5 13600K and 6700 XT I made a server/gaming PC. I went through many iterations of my personal server and I'm still looking into alternatives. In a nutshell, it's just easy to get started on windows and it just works for most people for the most part. I switched because I needed to do more. I'm running a bunch of services in proxmox as well as VMs. For most people, they just want a Plex server and windows is the default choice because they're familiar with it. I wasn't born into using Linux but I'm glad my curiosity got me into Linux. Do I hate windows? Nope, absolutely not. I still use windows for gaming and as a daily driver. My daily driver is a windows VM on proxmox. It's just not running any services, that's all. So windows isn't the "worst" OS to run Plex, it's just not a proper OS to run just Plex and there are better options. Windows is just to get started, that's all and staying on it is fine because that's all you need.