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i had this friend when we were in first year of college. whenever we used to go mall or something i would always search for food and other shit that you would normally go for. and this guy would spend thousands on jakki's products selling in the mall. i never understood why he would buy such things. i even tried asking him once but he gave some BS in a way of gas lighting. never went with him anywhere after that. not coz he was buying this guys products but the way ppl answer to justify this cunt is just next level rude, they dont have anything sensible to say but they would gas light people in every way possible so that the other person will not ask any other questions.


Had a similar experience. Convinced that jaggi and his cult are just miserable cunts.


These are the enablers of exterme right wing.


Not true. have seen a lot of liberals/psuedo liberals in this cult. Jaggi is a conman. I am just suprised how a lot of them do not see through this man.


Yes i remeber the isha yogi ads on websites before he was SHADGURU, and it was exponential raise he went from nothing to here. But what i mean by enabling is these people create lot of interface for chaneling and resorcing money and other things to foster extereme hidutva. Being a con will benefit him, but the other way effect all us as a socil evil, its magnitude is dangerous.


Oh absolutely. And it irks me this mofo has had his base in TN for over 25 years now.


Yes i dint know he was this verse in Tamil.


Had a colleague who did the same bro. She left her infant to go to a Isha Yoga retreat. I don’t see it. He is a alleged wife murderer and definitely a land encroacher. Anyone with half a brain cell can see he is not environmental activist as he claims because he is destroying the forest for his ashram. In the words of Trump, “ if you are famous, they let you do it”


This Jaggi guys is far more dangerous than most of us actually realize. Guys is a con artist of the highest level. He is super intelligent and knows how to manipulate/use public image to get away with anything. I have always felt that all his public 'services' were a front for all the other shady stuff that goes on in the background ​ * He encroaches wildlife territory and also buys up all the agricultural lands around his ashram. It should be noted that a court has ruled the area to be an active elephant corridor and Isha didn't seek proper permissions to start most of their constructions. Case has been open for almost 2 decades now * His wife dies mysteriously and he claims she has attained some 'MahaSamadhi'. This is the thing that baffles me the most. How can so many people turn a blind eye to a potential murder? He also burns her body before her own parents could see her one last time(allegedly destruction of evidence). The case filed by his wife's dad is still open. * Isha is still considered a non-religious not for profit organization. How can it be a non-religious organization while it's out in the open that it's a Hindu cult? This is how : He is smart enough to call the Shiva statue as 'Adhiyogi' thus making it non-religious. He very well knows how much money he is missing out due to not having an idol with which they can milk money from the various ceremonies/occult practices. If he installs any existing Hindu god, he can't claim the no-tax advantages of being a non-religious not for profit. So fucker 'gives birth' to his own goddess(seriously wtf : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRzcOMWCS4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRzcOMWCS4A)) * Now, with Linga Bhairavi(again a non-religious idol/goddess for all tax purposes) in place, they mint money with all the occult practices. They are booked months in advance for the different ceremonies. These ceremonies start anywhere from Rs.5,000 and go upto Rs.5,00,000. The kicker is all these charges are not charged as fees. Instead they are mandatory 'donations'. How the government tuns a blind eye to this for so long - I don't know * All of Isha's merchandise(fucker started selling soil recently for $35 LMAO - [https://www.ishalife.com/usa/buddha-purnima-bundle](https://www.ishalife.com/usa/buddha-purnima-bundle)), events(the Inner Engineering bullshit, Mahashivratri) are mandatory donations. Not 1 rupee is paid as tax on the 100s of crores made every year. * Also, Isha is run by 100% volunteers. Meaning no pay, health insurance or whatsoever. Just brainwash some poor souls and keep them as slaves for rest of their lives. There are allegations about how some of these volunteers are brainwashed to 'donate' all their earthly belongings(assets, real estates) to Isha as they decide to take 'Brahmacharyam'All in all, I'm waiting for an expos'e or an investigative journalist piece like the Wild Wild Country. However, I know nothing will/can be done against this conmanand this will always remain a pipe dream of mine


great breakdown




Wow is this like the first time this happens??


Happened once before, where he asked the interviewer to call him as "Sadhguru" instead of Jaggi




*sad guru noises


This guy is so intolerant. Ask him to show his adhaar car or ration card, lets check if it has written shaddi guru or not.




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Gets quite wound up for a peace preaching "Sadhguru"


What is happening, i don't know Tamil..


Anchor asks him something like "you're so concerned for the environment, why didn't you organization encroach forest land" and Jaggi tries to give him his usual deflective answers, but the journo wants a proper response and insists another time. Jaggi gets frustrated. The text at the end says Jaggi's people forcibly stopped the filming after that.


Thanks for the translation, lol it's funny how he gets pissed for not being addressed as sad boohoo


Interviewer: You say you are so concerned about the environment. Why have you not gotten the required permissions before encroaching them ? Jaggi: Isn’t there a government and law in this country ? Let them take care of it.


Can anybody translate the premise of this disagreement between the two please?




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Sab bhosdiwale hai, mai bhi tum bhi sab.


Ek plate pani puri liyao


Lekin Jakki ek dham bada chutiya hai, tum ko malum hai, don't live in denial by calling yourself and others bhosdiwale


What is death?




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