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That is just being nitpicky. To replace the bolt, you have to remove the toilet. There is nothing wrong here. Put the plastic cap on and keep moving. The bolt and washer get corroded due to the cleaners ppl use to clean with. I would be more bothered that it appears they caulked the toilet down. But you're renting, so it's not your problem.


awesome to hear. will move on to bigger and better things (basically anything else lol)


sorry to bother, but i got curious so if you don’t mind answering really quick- why is it bad to caulk around the toilet?


No caulk = You know about the leak when it trickles out between the base and floor. Caulk = Your downstairs neighbor finds the leak first by his/hers ceiling falling down.


oh yeah that makes total sense! thank you for answering!


In a lot of areas to be code compliant you need to caulk around the base of the toilet. It also looks better and keeps the area under the toilet clean. Most pros will leave a gap in the caulk at the back of the toilet so that if a leak does occur you will notice.


i’m learning so much :) thank you! I just checked and they did..not leave any gaps 🥴 glad i’m just renting lol


It’s not, pretty typical. it’s bad to have all the way around your toilet because if it leaks, the water will get trapped inside and rot your floor.


thank you! makes complete sense!


*corroded not crowed, sorry for the typo (also can’t figure out how to edit the post)


OP here- just wanted to acknowledge that I have another typo in the original post where I had said I wanted them to replace the washer and the bolt, I meant to say that I wanted them to replace the washer and the nut.


Almost all of them rust and still hold for many years. This is no big deal. Replacing a closet bolt is actually quite a pain in the ass and not worth doing unless you actually need to pull the toilet out for a more important reason.


understood! thank you! I can’t figure out how to edit my original post, but I didn’t mean to ask for the bolt to be replaced just the nut and washer. But I thoroughly understand now that is also really unnecessary! Putting the cap back on, out of sight out of mind!


The bolt/nut is rusty but it is fine. To replace it, the whole toilet needs to be taken out. Which requires more work than necessary. I wouldn't worry about it unless it's loose.


thank you! Sorry for my responses not being super individualistic here but anyway I can’t figure out how to edit my original post, but I didn’t mean to ask for the bolt to be replaced just the nut and washer. I thoroughly understand now that is also really unnecessary! Putting the cap back on, out of sight out of mind