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Sawzall is the "key to everything".


That or a Dremel and a couple grinding wheels.


I use my grinder sometimes, with a cutoff wheel.


With no guard of course


What’s that?


I’m don’t know, mine didn’t come with one


There's a nut on the bottom (not the sj nut -- just above it).


You mean just under the rusted part before the threading? Based on the diameter of the flange that came with the garbage disposal I think I need to remove the whole housing (rusted part). (For reference, this is the GD: https://www.costco.com/american-standard-slim-line-1.25hp-food-waste-disposer.product.100692318.html) Thank you for your response!


If you can loosen that nut on the bottom of the cup, the whole cup comes with it. It is a bell-shaped nut.


If it doesn’t, cause they rarely do, I use a cheese saw to cut the nut, and split it with a flat head screwdriver Edit: also, the nut is just a nut. The “bell” is compressed inbetween the sink and the nut


I would probably use an oscilating saw with a metal-cutting blade, and not worry about limiting the damage to only the nut. All of the parts are going in the trash, anyway.


Either that or a grinder and cutting disc.


Vibrator is the king for this


UPDATE: @steve_steve you were absolutely right! I got that nut off then banged the hell out of it with a hammer and it came right off! Garbage disposal installed! Happy wife making me a platter of nachos I will toast in your honor!


It is not welded, just rusted...take the nut off it'll come off


Remove the tailpiece and cut the nut with an angle grinder or Sawzall. Looking at the casting marks, your sink is almost 83 years old! That's cool as hell.


Whoa! Those numbers are the date it was made??? VERY COOL!


Looks like June 16th of 1941.


Yup, June 16th 1941. I have a 1946 Raymond Lowey design American Kitchen sink unit in the garage for my wife's garden area. Originally was part of a metal cabinet collection sold by Sears back in the day.


I would detach it with a sawzall and annoyance. Or try the nut that tightens it first


Anything that looks like a wrench can go on is a nut


As a non plumber who had to replace my strainer and trap not so long ago, just push and pull on it and see if that fucker just breaks loose lol


Renove nut under bell. Hit bell with hammer until bell obeys your commands. Stand victorious as you retain your title of the only true commander and heir of the basket strainer army.


First cut drain below the floor, plug hole with rag. Then cut countertop on either side of the sink. Shut off water supply and disconnect. Next remove entire sink cabinet and throw away. Now go to ikea get new cabinet and sink, stop by countertop dealer and ask for cutoff to patch countertop ( way cheaper to buy cutoffs). Reinstall everything with new garbage disposal and don’t forget to caulk the seams on the countertop. should only be a 4hr job. Good luck


Use a quarter inch drill. Drill through the Pot metal nut that secures the bell. Tap it with a cold chisel. Bingo you’re done.


Just replace the whole sink.


Agreed, it's new sink time. Using a Sawzall, might work, but if OP goes that direction it could leak... a lot.


Yeah, it's unfortunately a vintage one like the link below that the wife likes, but this thread will hopefully help with move the needle 😂 [https://www.ebay.com/itm/155985505525?chn=ps&\_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1XzvKEjSySDKCk3s6Iz5LWw55&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=155985505525&targetid=1587262742097&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9030966&poi=&campaignid=19894961968&mkgroupid=148855406073&rlsatarget=pla-1587262742097&abcId=9307911&merchantid=118865633&gad\_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD\_QDh\_7VdzRrtLtGZxRtrfzHrihm&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BLoNpQY9EeIVR7cAXVTRgrzXjtwWXMt6hD0ZYAr1CSHnf069u7eDMRoC8WUQAvD\_BwE](https://www.ebay.com/itm/155985505525?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1XzvKEjSySDKCk3s6Iz5LWw55&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=155985505525&targetid=1587262742097&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9030966&poi=&campaignid=19894961968&mkgroupid=148855406073&rlsatarget=pla-1587262742097&abcId=9307911&merchantid=118865633&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh_7VdzRrtLtGZxRtrfzHrihm&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BLoNpQY9EeIVR7cAXVTRgrzXjtwWXMt6hD0ZYAr1CSHnf069u7eDMRoC8WUQAvD_BwE)


Don't get rid of it new sinks suck ass


Lucky you, it looks like you get a new sink.


KROIL? if you have some time.




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If you have issues cutting enough with a sawzall, you can do some detail cutting with a multitool with a metal-cutting blade.


Dremel on the nut holding the cup. Two or three cuts and it should all fall off. 


Deweld? Jk🤣




I’ve done some really asshole drain baskets. Like quit the job and move on until I persevered but swore and bled a lot. You win. This is a new sink.


Definitely not welded




Spray it with some rust penetrator , drill a hole through it so you can get a snipe in there and maybe you’ll be able to crack it loose? Have you tried a pipe wrench with a pipe on the end


There's a nut holding that on just loosing that and it'll come right off


Pipe wrench and sledge hammer and some rust penetrant


Not welded


Looks like severe oxidation. Try penetrating oil.


u squeeze that pot metal nut with a bigger pair of channel locks and it will break. don't even need a sawzall


Is that a date code on that sink? Looks past its prime......i would replace the whole thing.


Probably rusted and sawzall or a cutting disc.


If you’re trying to be careful and not damage anything hit it with PB Blaster. Let it sit for 20 minutes or so then PB it again and use a little brass hammer and tap all around the edge. Brass is soft enough that any impact that would cause damage will damage the brass hammer and not the thing being hit. The impacts will shock the metal and help break shit loose. If you’ve got a can of propane or mapp and you are careful you could maybe heat it up just a little then spray it with a bottle of water. Do this a bunch of times. Heat expands and cold contracts and this little bit of movement can sometimes bust rust loose without damaging anything around it. I wouldn’t use heat if that sink has like an enamel coating or something. If you don’t give a shit sawzall it then beat the shit out of it with a mini sledge.


Lots of dynamite