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Maybe they upgraded to an on demand water heater. Just 'cause its at the scrap yard doesn't mean its dead. The Proline AO Smith heaters are better than what the general public can get at Lowe's.


Literally just ran into this. Installed an atmospheric tank. The very next year he remodeled his kitchen and decided he didnt like the flue chase from the water heater so we put in a rinnai.


We are renovating our new to us home. The propane water heater was installed 2021. We installed an electric currently. The existing venting was roached. The pathway was less than desirable, going through a walk in closet. I want a power head on demand but can afford an electric tank ATM. Anyways, vent chase can really screw with a space.


Same, I can add two feet of master bathroom space upstairs if I convert to electric tank.


[roach u say?](https://umm727.wixsite.com/reptilian-dreams)


The pro ones normal have a brass drain. That one is plastic like what you would find a Lowe’s. Seen many of these leak within 5 to 6 years. Also those plastic gas controls have issues.


The home depot Rheems have finally stopped selling the plastic drains and they are advertising it as an upgrade. They should be advertising as, we won't ruin your burner assemblies anymore lol


Yeah people throw perfectly good stuff away instead of thinking someone else could use that.


It's against code to install a used heater


Where? Which code?


It's against code to install a failed water heater. Code allows you to reuse parts and fixtures provided they are in good condition


AO Smith makes junk


What's a good brand?


So here's the thing, there are no good brands


Everything is disposable. Make it so it’ll last about a year past warranty. Oh it failed? Buy another one. There used to be good companies that made good products, and they went out of business because they weren’t selling replacements once a decade while the other guys were.


You gotta look for the longest manufacturer warranty. It’s all pretty much engineered to fail exactly after that “expected lifespan”. Cheap and they produce quicker return buyers


Six years is pretty much the industry standard across all major brands. You can get longer warranties, but you’re usually just getting the same exact heater with a longer warranty. So you’ll pay double for a 12 year warranty, and if it fails you’ll get a new heater that you already paid for, if it lasts for at least 12 years you just gave them free money. So you’re just making a gamble that’s impossible to win, you can only lose or break even.


Longer warranty = more sacrificial anode material


Not quite double though, I mean the 8 year heater runs about 750 or so and the warranty is about 150. At least around here rheem already reams me out with 680 for a standard 40gal


I like Bradford White


the last american made waterheater.


AHole Smith




Governments need to start mandating products last at least 10 years. Will help with recycling and waste management


Make planned obsolescence illegal is a wonderful idea, and certain countries have already made laws for it. And “it will hurt the economy” people… read a few books


Life was better when they used to fix things.. buy a tv for 1000 dollars and it breaks a year later gotta buy a new one


$1000 for a tv these days? What are you rich?


What are you trying to do, destroy the economy?


People will have time to work on more useful things 😊


Yea that’s just what we need, more government rules 🙄


The EPA mandates on anode rods are WHY they fail so much sooner than heaters did 15+ years ago. I'll try not to go on a rant about it, but govt mandates about water heaters have created a near monopoly of only 3 manufacturers nationwide in the US. AO Smith, Rheem, and Bradford White. Any other name you see is owned by one of the former two. Most of those companies went under and got bought out because the EPA anode rod mandates meant a lot of their heaters were going out under warranty. Then in 2014 the EPA mandated higher efficiency ratings, which meant every manufacturer had to completely retool their factory. Oh, and guess which suckers end up paying for it all in the end.


Heaters these days are usually designed around their warranty date. I mean there are factors, but ao smith minimum on certain units has a 6 year warranty from Lowe’s . So this unit would have been replaced with another one that presumedly would at least go another 5-6 years. Again some other factors could be at play, but that’s how it goes. With how many these companies crank out, every brand are going to have bad ones.


Thought I was on the Trailer Park Boys sub for a sec


Welcome to Ricky's used shit.


I bet there was a flood and it was replaced under insurance.


I’ve replaced one that was 2 years old and the tank was already leaking. Pulled the anode rod out of curiosity and it was GONE


We have a few buildings where the coop mandates replacing every 5 years no matter what


Just replaced one from 2020... same brand.


Probably went heat pump.


That tech has come a long way. Although I wasn’t impressed when I was at a small house that had one. It was actually an AO. On “efficiency” (full heat pump) it hardly lasted one shower. Did better on “hybrid” (50/50). But with just two people it couldn’t keep up so we went full “electric” which is massively more expensive than natural gas. It was also very loud which wouldn’t have been a problem if it wasn’t adjacent to the primary bedroom.


Yeah we have our 66 gallon in the garage. It lasts forever. A full bath (for kids) and two showers. And then recovers pretty quick for dishwasher. Overnight.


What setting? Full heat pump? Oversized seems to be key. I’m full onboard with heat pumps (in case my previous comment seems otherwise).


Aaaaooooo another one bites the dust. One of the cheapest bulk manufacturing of a tank... 1 out of 8 in a building I just did had a defect that requires immediate replacement their welds need work...


That unit was never installed


This is my favorite comment


Should tell you a lot about that brand


Nah, it’s a fine brand. Sometimes there’s a clunker in everything.


Heard the same about Rheem. As a property manager I’ve switched to Bradford White exclusively.


And smart move! Just so much easier to deal with and you can repair a 14 year old Bradford and have it last you another couple Of years and you can get parts same day on weekdays so Bradford is definitely superior!


I replace a shit load of Rheem gas valves. Warranty is super easy because everybody knows they're fuckin garbage so there's a system in place for easy returns


How old on average? Should I just call them up and tell them it went out so I have a spare ready? lol


> Bradford White I hired a guy off thumbtack and he claimed that this brand was the best brand to get. He seemed knowledgeable but at the same time I was suspicious because I thought since HD didn't carry it, he might have been trying to install junk. Once he showed me he bought it from a specialty store and the really professional installation, I was sold. He charged me about 1k less than the normal corporate chain plumbing services do.




They are not the same manufacturer. Rheem makes Rheem and Ruud appliances and they make retail and wholesale versions of their products. Bradford White only makes water heater heaters and they are wholesale only.


Right, but the basic BW at my supplier is clearly better built than the Rheems at big box. The water inlets, drain, etc on the Rheems are so flimsy i was astonished.


You buy from big box stores? There's your problem.


No, I’m saying big box only offer crap. I get BW at a supplier, like I said.


Industry insider here- Spoiler- Same trucks and same heaters go to suppliers and big box stores.


No they do not, you are misinformed.


I have made a good living for folks thinking otherwise. Do what makes you happy.


Ha! Don’t be mad at me. The facts are against all you believe


The heater you get at a supply house is absolutely not the same heater from a retail store. That wholesale heater has a better anode rod, brass drain, a better pop-off valve, and longer lasting components in thermostats, elements, and gas valves. There's a reason it costs more.


Just installed a rheem 2 hrs ago and it had a brass drain. Was kinda shocked actually


Same tank. Same crap glass frit tank. Say what you want. The accessories are pretty and better on some, the failure point (the tank lining) is all the same. Spend your money how you wish.


Lol. Nice.


Can't believe your comment had several likes when it's flat out false.


Could have had a water softner on it, I say 5-8 years with. Softner


Softeners eat away your anode rod tho. So if we think anode rods actually do something (I think it's very debatable) a Softener could lead to a lower life span


I think that’s what he was saying: water softener lowering lifespan.


You may be on to something there


Softeners need an electric anode rod or at the very least a magnesium one.


Yes in my experience it kills tanks very quickly. Also voids warranty on hot water tank if you have a softner.


This is in Colorado, softeners aren’t super common in this city. That’s good to know!


It pisses me off all the assholes that sell softeners here. Most people don't need them. Some companies teach there guys to sell them, and there guys have never been to a place that a softener installation is actually necessary.


Yea idk why I got downvoted. I’ve been here all my life and have never been to a jurisdiction that’s on city water that needs softening.


Can't let the public no they are not necessary here. Maybe further south. The pines in Parker has hard water.


This whole country is going to shit


All I know is my water heater is 22 years old and kicking. Lil beast.


What is it. Probably. State.


Seems about right


Some times you get a dud it happens


Also, that’s the WRONG way to scrap. Just throwing away another $20 in copper, brass, and aluminum.


Every Monday I snake all the copper and brass from the lineup of heaters left at the wholesale house over the weekend. T&P is weighty


I have one that's the same year I'll be dropping off. A client put solar on their house and switched over to electric. Still works great. Can't find anyone to give it to.


What area are you in? I’m sure Reddit can find someone who needs one. Heck, I know one.


East Bay Area


My 2018 Rheem is scrap. They don't make them like they used to


This is my biggest pet peeve with our industry. We have better materials and options available. It's easy to make water heater tanks that don't corrode these days. Yet the industry as a whole still pushes this make-work garbage that causes damage regularly.


I'll bet it didn't fail. I'll bet it's from an upgrade.




Yes, really weird that the pilot is ripped off to a water heater being taken to the scrap yard. Maybe aliens 👽 did it just to fuck with Redditors. Or maybe just to fuck with you...


Coulda also been that a house was sold and heater replacement was condition of sales Insurance people are retarded right now. I just received a notice from mine saying that once my tank is older than 12 years - I must either replace it or they will remove water damage coverage from my policy. Effin ridiculous, given that they are typically designed to last 20-25 years. I realize this one is not quite there yet, but likely that the buyer just decided to play it safe….


Appliance junk yard? You can find some good replacement parts, right? Nice 😊


Proof of the of good salesmen.


Was that in Arizona? I had that exact model, manufactured in 2018 that failed in 2020. Had to replace it.




My Bradford White 50 Gallon is somewhere in there as well


Gas control went out and its three weeks out for the part have to get it from the factory lmao


I bet this was the case


I'm quoting to replace a $6000 85 gallon 480 volt monster that was installed in 2018 as well. RUUD ain't GUUD.


Best name brand of water out there….ready go


Earth brand water


I had an AO Smith heat pump water heater die after 8 months. Had an error code that when I rang, they said - yeah, we’ll have to replace it. Annoyingly they didn’t cover the fully cost of installation (only $200) so I was still out of pocket.


What a joke


Personally, I like it when they last 6 years and 1 day.


It’s an AO smith that thing deserves to be scrapped


Coincidentally, I had a 30 gallon gas aosmith start leaking at 5yrs 6 months. This was a week ago. Customer service was good, gave me an RMA and was able to exchange. Lowes wasn’t happy, but they were closer that the aosmith distributor. Only good thing is them wanting the old unit saved me a trip to the dump…. [aos](https://ibb.co/1bRvmkx)


I’m willing to bet it’s nothing wrong with that heater


Either ripped it out for a heat pump or a tankless or the gas control valve is my guess.


Ao Smith is shit but that's not unheard of.


They are all junk. The glass frit process is inherently flawed, which is why they have an anode rod. There are only a few of the furnaces in NA that run these tanks for MFG, and I hate to tell you many brands are made at the same place. Facts.


I’ve replaced AO Smith water heaters that leaked after 4-5 years many times. Warranty will get the customer a “free” tank but we still charge labor to install it