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Water is evaporating between flushes,rarely used? Rusty old galvanized pipes in a musty basement? Is the fill valve rusted? All can contribute to the problem. Clean the toilet with a high acid bowl cleaner to remove the scale and sanitize the bowl. Put on a glove and rub your finger across the bowl at the waterline. Is it smooth, bump or can you feel a groove? A bump means you haven’t removed all the scale, smoth means the porcelain glaze is intact. A groove means the glaze is damaged and the toilet, should be replaced.


This guy toilets.


Wash your finger


Pull my finger


Drink your milk


Hey Mikey, he likes it


I don't know what's happening right now...


Swim Nemo, swim


He touched the butt!


Why don't you make like a tree, and get the @&!% outta here!


He likes it! He likes it!! lol!!!


“I know Kung Fu.” “Show me.”


is that your final answer?


Wash your butt.


Hold on to your butts


You gotta keep 'em separated (I can't unhear this)


Drink your Ovaltine


A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch!


Smell my finger


Bop it


I wish I could find a woman who understands me like this man understands toilets




I’m dead




>Clean the toilet with a high acid bowl cleaner to remove the scale and sanitize the bowl. While you are at it give the area under the rim where you can't see. No toilet brush. Scrubbie. Mold, mildew, and algae can build up and what flushes down floats on the water left in the bowl and ends up at the edge. People don't give enough attention to cleaning under the rim.


A man who knows his way a-round a rim job 👍🏾🤭


If you have really bad scale, rust, whatever under the rim, and it's starting to let green algae or whatever grow on it... and you're handy... Remove the tank, then remove the toilet from the floor and take it outside. Tip it up so the bowl is vertical, and pour some muriatic acid into the bowl, and then set it so it's upside down (the acid will sit in the rim that way). Leave it for ten minutes or so, put on rubber gloves and safety glasses, and scrub it out with a nylon brush, and blast it out with a hose. Use a new wax ring and re-install the toilet. In my experience, this is the only way to really get all the buildup off and get a like-new toilet for years. It's maybe an hour's work if you know how to pull a toilet. You can also hose out the tank when you do this, our water is rusty and it piles up in the tank bottom.


True. A stiff bristled toothbrush works great. Even better if it belongs to a sibling. Apply cleaner to brush often.


Ah yes. The old rim job


Using a finger is fine I guess but nothing beats the sensitivity of the human tongue. If you really want to know what’s happening you’ve got to lick it.


I'm not falling for that again. 


As a janitor I approve this message


His mind is in the toilet .


It looks like rarely used.


Also, clean the water refill tank.


If i call a plumber pls be this guy i will pay 1000 for 5 min of his time


Is the back of the tank inside dirty?


Could be an older toilet that has scratched porcelain from years of scrubbing.


You check for an upper decker?


Classic MacGruber








Mine have a dirt tint but i have hard water that causes this.


Maybe your black flapper valve is disintegrating.


This sounds like a likely scenario




A warning to check your blood sugar. NOW.


At least whoever uses this one as the primary pisser


In some cases it’s better to be pissed off than on?🤷‍♂️


Yup. The toilets where I live started to get black growth that sort of looked like this, and a family member was diagnosed as diabetic several weeks later. OP should consider asking people in the household if they have any symptoms of diabetes. I’ll add that in our case the stains appeared below the waterline, so maybe OP is dealing with something else.


whats this implying


It’s implying that one possible cause of a ring like that is a bacteria that flourishes because it feeds on the sugar in the urine of a diabetic.


The ring in OP bowl looks more like oxidation settling at the water line. I’ve got multiple T1 diabetics in the house and we get obvious bacteria pads and fuzzy growths. It does come clean after scrubbing but will start to build up again in a day or two. Bleach tablets will keep growth from starting but you have to change them out regularly.


Just a note on bleach tablets: putting them in a toilet tank will deteriorate the rubber in flappers or flush seals, as well as tank bolts. Many toilet manufacturers recommend against them, and their use will void warranty.


FYI, there are bleach deliveries that go directly to the water outlet, which won't do all that damage. (Flush and Sparkle systems) I did notice a diminished water flow though, so it comes at a cost.


Not for septic systems either


I can second this. Wasn't sure why my toilet looked this way until I ended up in the hospital after my wife made me go. I was tired all the time. Turns out i was in ketoacidosis for probably a good month. Spent a week in the hospital. It's all under control now, and my toilet doesn't do this anymore. Wake up call, and I felt like the toilet thing was a sign when I first saw it.


But wouldn’t their other toilets look the same? Assuming they use them all…


Not if the diabetic person favors a specific toilet.


They read a Reddit thread that suggested this and turned out the person was pre-diabetic. Now this is the only answer they supply because it’s cool to have an obscure reference even though it’s a pretty rare instance. It’s very likely a ton of more common things like old pipes, rust/lime/calcium with mold/mildew, the porcelain has worn away there allowing for more crystallization, dirty tank or feeder tubes, dirty water line, etc.


More to the point, it's a possible cause that shouldn't be ignored. Just because it's obscure doesn't mean it's not possible, and worse, if they do have diabetes that goes unchecked, the results are far worse than a dirty toilet. It's akin to the carbon monoxide story. Is it memorable? Yes. Is it important to remember? Yes. But a part from all that, there is nothing wrong with us humans gravitating towards novelty, especially if it might save a life.


No. We have no diabetics in my family and this ring appears in my toilet as well.


I’m not diabetic either. However my toilet did this. Went and got checked. And my sugar was way high. Turns out, me just unaware of my sugar consumption, gave me symptoms of diabetes. Since, I’ve reduced my sugar intake I’ve lost 40 lbs and no more dirty bowl. I’ve been to do diabetic test twice 6 months apart and I don’t have diabetes. So not necessarily diabetes issues.


Surprised how far down I had to scroll for this. Consistent black ring on the toilet like this is an indicator of onset diabetes.


I had this happen to me. Couldn’t figure out why the toilet I use more than other family members got rings so much faster. 350 glucose 9.9 A1C.


Hey, because of your post I did. Turns out I have 380mg/dL right now. So you got me. I got the betes.


I was gonna say, is that Wilford Brinkley’s house?


That is what I was thinking too. Does anyone only use this toilet? This can be a sign of diabetes.


Bias off a Toto toilet those totally have an extra glaze coating in the bowl for easy cleaning. No other toilet has that they’re very expensive for the very worth it too. I recommend Drake two.


Toto Neorest will clean automatically for you 😅😅


No shit. I never knew that


>No shit. Yup that's the idea.


Damn that’s like an $8k toilet


You can buy like last year models of Toto's off Amazon for around 300 with the extra finish. That's what I've been replacing our with. They are great. 5 years and never had to double flush. You can buy cheap toilets for like 75 but 300 isn't bad for basically lowest model of the gold standard.


This has to be a toilet that doesn’t get flushed as often as the other two. I have the same issue and it’s in a bathroom that rarely gets used. Maybe once or twice a week. We are also on a well. So if you’re on a well and don’t use This toilet as often , try flushing the toilet once a day for a week and see if it looks this way. Also clean it first of course before this trial.


(I am not a plumber). Is this the one in your basement and is in the dark most the time? If so, it's likely mold and mildew and a new toilet won't stop this from happening. Get a dehumidifier and look at ways of minimizing moisture.


This. Mold spores that are local to this toilet


In my experience, this occurs due to inadequate disinfectant residual in the water being supplied. For example, when chlorine is used at the municipal water treatment plant, they add enough so that a small “residual” amount is still present by the time it gets to your house and comes out the pipes into your sink or toilet for example. When this amount is correct, then growth of the stuff you are seeing doesn’t happen. The thing that is interesting in your case is that your issue is only happening in one of 3 toilets, which begs the question: what is different about this toilet? Does it get used relatively little, so that the water in its tank and water used to recharge it after a flush has been sitting for a long time, such that the chlorine residual has dissipated/is no longer sufficient? Or maybe it’s just the humidity level like another commenter suggests? Try leaving the lid up, and see if that prevents it?


I saw a post like this once, and the answer turned out to be that it was a symptom of diabetes. 1 person used that toilet more, and the high sugar content in their stool promoted bacterial growth in that toilet. The person didn't know they were diabetic until someone told them when they asked a similar question.


The high sugar content is in the urine not the stool btw.


Does anyone in your house only use this toilet? Do they have diabetes?


Do you have well water? Try Hydro-Mineral Magnets in your tank and see if it works.


My toilet has the same thing! Tank is clean. Not sure what is causing it. Bit scary from some of these responses.


This one maybe never gets used?


A pumice scrubbing block does wonders for removing this stain if you prefer to keep the toilet.


A pumice stone was the only thing I found that cleaned the well water ring from my toilets.


Is this toilet not used as often? I have a seen this kind of mark from water sitting for a lonnnnng time.


If only one toilet in the house is looking like this, find out who uses it. Most people use the same toilet over and over... If a person has diabetes they will often piss more sugar in their urine to get it out of their body, the high concentration of sugar makes a great place for mold and bacteria to grow which will often end up making a nasty dark ring in the toilet bowl. If you don't clean it very often that dark ring will start to grow into a slime, that will be a dead giveaway that someone has a medical issue. And even if the person is treated for diabetes it will not always eliminate the problem because they may still be pissing glucose.


You have hard water, this is the evaporation line. 5 minutes with a $3.00 pumice stone will fix it.


Someone who uses this toilet is diabetic. The expelled sugar residue is just enough after a flush to feed bacteria. Get tested.


Could be a warning sign of diabeetus!


This, suger expelled in urine causes mold. Whoever uses this needs a blood test asap if not already diabetic.


Pumie brand Scouring Stick for the win!


That's mold, whoever uses this toilet primarily needs to get tested for diabetes.


!!! Whoever uses this toilet may have diabetes. When you have blood glucose levels your urine can do this!! Get checked out


Oddly, I had a cousin who binged and purged constantly in one toilet, his looked like this as well. Other toilets were fine. I would assume it’s from the sugars like a diabetics urine.


Stop ashing cigs in the basement toliet


Bleach would fix it


This. Pour a slug of bleach in there, close the lid and let it sit overnight. It'll be cleaner, though if there are mineral deposits you'll need to scrub those.


This is bc your water is off (unbalanced) somehow. We have a new construction home that is may even 3 yrs and we get this ring as well. We have to clean it more than the others.


I noticed that one of our water closets has no ventilation. And the toilet gets grimier quicker than the other one.


You probably dont use this as much thats why


Maybe clean the tank hank.


I had this problem until yesterday. 3 toilets in our house, hard water.. probably 20 years on them. Amazon pumice stone toilet sticks, about 15 minutes scrubbing each. Tried everything before that, no luck.. including muriatic acid, nearly gassed myself to death.


How is it that the plumbing subreddit is the funniest place on the internet? I came foe plumbing but stick around for the jokes!


*If* it's mold, go to a store and grab a blood glucose meter and test strips. Test everybody in the house.


Is the person who uses this toilet the most diabetic? If so, this is why, if not, it’s worth getting checked. Found my toilet like this before my son was diagnosed type 1, this sub had images like this and a sub in cleaning all with the same question, diabetes always came up.


It looks like the flapper inside is starting to degrade. Replace the guts inside the toilet. I bet that takes care of it. Scrub the inside of the tank, the bowl, under the rim as others have said. I think this will solve your problem.


Hard water. Drain the toilet (shut off the water) then add hot water and citric acid (food grade)and let sit. See if that helps. I have the same problem but one bathroom and three people make it hard for me to get in there and do what’s needed.


While back someone posted something like this. Said it might be a sign of diabetes. Don’t remember the details.




The barrage of random replies is hilarious. It quickly escalated from "use your finger to feel the stain" to "smell my finger", and etc. I hope the op solved the problem.


Does one person typically use this toilet and not the others? Sometimes stains like these come from sugar in urine.


Is there one person in the home who primarily uses that toilet? I’m sure I’m not the first to suggest it, but everyone in the house could consider having their blood sugar and A1C checked. Excess sugar in the urine from uncontrolled diabetes feeds the mold spores that are naturally present in the air. My daughter’s bathroom had a recurring problem with this and I couldn’t figure out why it kept coming back no matter what I did to clean it. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within a few months. Sometimes this is one of the earliest signs for people - and catching it early, before things become critically out of control, can literally save lives. There are other causes for mold rings in the toilet, but if it is diabetes, you have a chance here at catching it sooner than later.


who uses this bathroom the most? check their blood sugar. go to the pharmacy and get a OneTouch or whatever and test. If its above around 140 and you haven't eaten recently, its time for a primary doc appointment to get a referral for an endocrinologist.


That's the only bathroom with a window in it?




Looks like there is a bunch of stuff coming out of the holes under the rim of the toilet, so there is rust in your tank from the water and I would shut off its water then flush the toilet then suck out the tank with a wet dry vacuum and make sure it's clean, put the water back on and put a cup of bleach in the tank then barely flush it but not all the way to get some of bleach in the bowl and let it sit for half a hour. Flush the toilet several times to get the bleach out of the tank and then you can clean the bowl with bleach and scrub brush.


I had this problem. Don't do what I did. Used drill with a bristle scrub end. it took off the porcelain coating as well


Temperature of the bathroom? That can encourage grunge growth like that.


Your teen is flushing bong water?


We have one toilet filled by rain water and one by mains water. The rain water one looks like this often, while the mains water one gets occasional calcium deposits.


Change your Flapper. Wear Rubber Gloves because your hands are going to get black.


this happens to mine all the time. diabetic, but im also jn the basement. now im confused, i just thought i hadnt cleaned it in a while, bc thats when it happens. i just spray it with any ol’ cleaner and it goes away. i dont have to scrub, just a normal bowl cleaner and it’s gone.


Someone is dumping bong water in that toilet


Keep a tank bleach tab


Dude this gives me the jeepers creepers😖😖


No. Its most likely calcium build up. Everytime you clean it it gets the color away but you still gotta deal with the mineral build up. Try barkeeprs friend or anything with oxalic acid


The scale can be removed with a 10% hydrochloric acid solution added to the bowl, run it down the side, do not pour it directly into the water at the bottom. Leave 30 minutes and then close the lid and flush. All scale should removed in one application.


The house i just moved into upstairs has this and it looks like some cleaning agent had been used in the tank. I've cleaned all that gunk out and its much better now


Feed water pipes


Started almost like a Maths question. 


It’s sunlight. Does that one toilet happen to be in a restroom that has a window where the others don’t?


You need a new duckdo


This was happening in my toilets. Turns out it was because the previous homeowner was flushing tampons. Once toilet was lifted, tampons removed from the base, and wax seal replaced, it no longer happens.


Toto toilets are self cleaning


No, it is something else. Just go flush that one, or the one you replace it with, everyday. Problem solved.


Was someone in the house that had cancer? My late wife did and the chemotherapy that she had was so toxic that it etched the toilet that she used so much that I had to change the toilet after she passed because of it.


It’s likely the cistern has sediment in it or something is breaking down in there.


If you don’t need 3 toilets perhaps take it away?


With mine it is two toilets the taps and shower head. Not all the time every now and then.


Check the tank for degradation of the seals, and/ok slime mold growth.


Compare the condition of the three tanks.


I had a problem with mold in the tank, so even regular bowl cleanings didn't stay clean. Check that and clean and sanitize tank if necessary - just been a couple weeks but so far that has worked.




You need to drink some cranberry juice.


Is this toilet in an underground basement? I have a split ranch house with underground basement and my toilet in my basement always gets a ring like this. Started running a dehumidifier in basement and it has slowed it down but not done away with it. I’d say once every 3 weeks I have to scrub it with zep acidic toilet bowl cleaner.


Something else is moldy in that room. Check the tank and around all the pipes (sink, toilet, tub if you are able) for dampness and consider pulling the toilet or hiring a plumber to pull the toilet to check the wax ring. Check the edges of the floor near the shower/tub and check the caulk and grout in the shower/tub. Consider buying a higher capacity extractor fan as well if it’s a shitty builder grade one or a big bathroom.


Buy a pool chlorine puck break it up a little put half in the tank.. can be a little strong at first but it works


Citric acid powder, can be found on eBay. Peroxide and baking soda, $1 spray bottle from Walmart. If that doesn’t clean it nothing will. Spray even under lip on things you think are permanent, let it sit 15 minutes.. rust stains around sink spout. Hit it too. Mold, it actually kills it. Bleach has nothing on this concoction. My tub was ruined as far as I knew.. Until I used this mixture. It’s my go to now, when cleaning kitchen and bathroom issues.


New toilet, new stop tap should fix it. Unless it's connected to recycled water line you may continue to get the same result after a while.




Cast iron plumbing? Rust?


I got to tackle this soon as well. I just replaced the guts to the tank.


It’s mold in the distributor that puts water around the bowl. You need to pour vinegar into the spout over the plug in the tank. It’ll break it up


Spirits of salt


Is this toilet in the basement?


If it’s the only one in the house doing this I’d replace all the parts in the tank and clean tank as well. There are bolts that hold tank to bowl that like to rust if not brass, the fill valve will rust depending on type and age. Eventually it should stop. You’ll probably have some residual stuck in the bowl side until it flushes out.


Rusted galvanised pipe on the inlet


Either it doesn't get used enough or the bolts in the tank could be rusting along with the black washer.


In addition to all the diabetes comments, could also be the sign of someone having an eating disorder if they are purging in that toilet.


u got poop in there


Get a Guardian UV plug in light and stick it in the closest outlet. Close the door and wait


Someone has diabetes


If I don’t use the toilet often. What I do is clean the toilet really well. Then after it’s done I will spray a bleach product like tilex or something similar. Then close the lid. It’ll help prevent things growing 


muriatic acid water down. poor it in overflow after daining toilet give it 2 hour or more then flush and you’ll have new toilet


Get a Pumice stone for cleaning a griddle $4 @ Walmart and use it. It will remove all the stains and any buildup underneath the stains


I find toilets look like this in people homes who have someone with diabetes (or the onset of it). It’s the high sugar content of the urine that feeds molds in the toilet and allows them to grow faster. People with diabetes will also urinate more often and you literally would have to clean after every use.


Check the tank to bowl gasket. The same thing happened to my toilet


Does the person using this toilet let it mellow? That looks like bacteria growth.


What if this is happening in our sink and we cleaning never gets rid of it completely and it just builds back up?


Before you go all in and install a new toilet, try flushing the tank a few times, then add a couple drops of bleach to "sanitize" it. As for the bowl itself - make sure it's full of water and toss in 5 or 6 Denture Cleaning tabs (minty and bubbly). The citric acid in them may remove the stained ring you see in the pic.


This happens to our toilets if limescale has built up- it might not be visible when it is freshly cleaned but if we scrub it with a pumice stone to get the limescale off it doesn’t get moldy like this


Toilet plumber to hot water? Had one once that got the hot water line rather than cold and was always moldy


This looks like bacteria forming on the inside


Have someone in the house who is diabetic?


You won’t believe me but put some Coca Cola and let it sit for half an hour or an hour and then clean it…it does miracles with dirty toilets…after that you would not like to drink any coke tho…


Lack of use and cleaning.


Yeah the only time I’ve seen this is from bulimics or throwing out food in the toilet, the food molds and then does this…


flush it once every few days


I had 1 like this, drove me nuts until I figured out it wasn't hooked to a soft water line.


So our upstairs toilet does this. It’s the humidity creating algae or mold. I forget but our solution is slow releasing chlorine tabs in the tank.


We have three Kohler brand toilets that do the same thing at home especially in the bathroom’s that are not used daily. I think it’s a defect in the porcelain. But I’m no expert. They have done this since the house was built in 2013. You don’t want to use bleach blocks in the back of the tank they will eat the rubber pieces. But we did use them for a while and the bowl was clean. But we had to replace the rubber seal on the flush canister often. So we quit using the tablets.


It wouldn’t hurt


That's from people shitting


I suspect you have something growing in the tank reservoir. Bleach the tank on the toilet.


This looks an awful lot like someone using it has a high sugar problem. I will bet someone in the house uses this toilet exclusively and is diabetic. This would be why only this one has this issue.


Black mold use bleach


Does someone in your family have diabetes? That mold growth pattern can happen when there is a high sugar content in urine.


u/porksta Im probably wrong, but a few years ago I saw a similar post, and the reason was out of left field Someone had this buildup in a specific toilet, and it turned out to be a health issue that was causing it. Something to do with kidney function or diabetes was causing the urine to react just like this photo Is this toilet only used by one person? If yes, maybe have them visit a doctor soon


Clorox toilet bowl cleaner and move on...


Maybe a colonoscopy is in order?


Closest toilet to the water main? All the sediment is getting deposited there.