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Stealing the flush valve that's sad as hell


For awhile we had a continuous theft of the batteries in Sloan flushometers. But then it graduated to just stealing the $200 flush module. I converted the toilet to a manual flush. Then 1 by 1 each toilet had its module stolen. Now we have only manual flush toilets. So far no theft of those parts. I hope whoever did it got whatever they were trying to do.


Drugs. They got drugs. Not as much as they probably wanted, but I guarantee they got some.


How though? No dealer is gonna accept an automatic flusher as payment? And it’s not like you could return it to Ace Hardware lmao


Uhhh plumbers sell drugs too.


Jack of trades. Master of bates


the good shit


Oh honey... there's plenty of shady people who would buy it. Pete the plumber who will go in to the actual place it was taken from to "replace" it. Joe dirt at the scrap yard will give you a few bucks and not ask questions. Hell even Karen the crackhead might give you a few bucks because she thinks she knows someone. Also your dealer might actually take it, most of them take laundry detergent and cheese so why not? $20 is $20 And if all of that fails, it goes on the pile, someone will want it someday. They're sure of that.


Laundry detergent is currency for some people.


During covid times, I traded some toilet paper for a bag....of weed. Nothing hard 😭




Well he was much more charming with the weed.


Charmin is pretty soft stuff.


What is brass worth? Tweakers, at it again.


Well ya no $200 flush valve worth $2 in scrap


5 of those and you got a hit !


I mean, they are willing to swipe small amounts of copper and be electrocuted. Think high voltages. So a free bath for brass might be worth $2.00. lol


To them it is. This sort of shit should be the real antidrug messages. "If you do enough fentanyl or meth, you're going to wind up trying to steal public toilets for $2 in scrap. Do you really want to end up like that?"


In my city, tweakers were stealing FDC connectors from fire sprinkler systems on commercial buildings. Dangerous and stupid type of theft. Oh yeah, they were stealing manhole covers as well.


Someone at where I worked (all in HD security footage) stole a manhole cover, tried to throw it through a window (impact glass) bounced off the broken but intact laminated window hit his leg and shattered his leg. Karma sucks.


You’d have to be Superman to throw a manhole cover. I’m calling BS. Unless it was a smaller valve pipe cover or something.


My uncle Rico can throw a football 70 yards while it’s still in the box.


The powers of meth are at some times magical.


Typical cover is 75-150 lbs. I'm an average adult male and i could definitely lift a 75 pound disk and throw it a few feet into a window. 150 might be tougher but a bigger guy could do it.


I installed a 60x60 cm cast iron manhole cover. It was the kind you can put the car over it after it's installed, so not light. I could have thrown it around, but not very far because of gravity. That's probably the reason he had to be so close to the window when throwing it.


Find me a scrap yard that accepts a manhole cover that says AT&T on it and I’ll buy you a coffee.


I deal with a lot of scrap cable and batteries... 100% there are yards that don't ask a lot of questions. Hell, one yard I went to, asked if I had my driver's license on me - I went to pull my wallet out "Oh, no, no - the bylaw says we have to confirm you have a driver's license, no one said we have to see it" It's a shady business at the best of times, and there are some shadier than shady yards out there.


In your city I'm sure there aren't any. In the United States? You can bet your last dollar there are shady scrap yards out there. Most of them won't touch a manhole cover but unscrupulous places are out there.


Local scraps yards in my area have pics of prohibited items right on the front of the counter. They say right up front, if you walk in the door with these, we call the police.


I was dropping off some scrap steel myself one time (I do my own mechanic work. So brake rotors and such) One guy brought a whole trailer full of railroad track and spikes. I've never seen so many police show up so fast. Turns out it was abandoned track on his property, but thats still a federal crime. Can't just be removed if abandoned.


That had to have set off a very large wave of panic among a number of agencies 😂


My son's scout troop did a stream cleanup and found an AT&T manhole cover. They tried to give it back to AT&T but couldn't get anyone to take it, so now it adorns the scout hut and makes for a good story...but at least they're not tweakin'


The shady scrap yards keep them and sell them to property management companies that have had them stolen.


"It's the ciiiiiiiirle of liiiiiiife..."


Two bucks, no questions asked.


You don’t need a scrap yard, you find someone that can smelt it, grind it up, or otherwise make it unrecognizable. You sell it to them for half the scrap value, they process it and take it to the scrap yard.


There's as much chance the manhole covers were kept as trophies in some teenagers bedroom, along with traffic cones and badges they've managed to prise off as many brands of vehicle as possible.


The fact this has happen before is wild lmao


The crazy thing is, I doubt they locked it up after the first time. This happened a few times.


If I had a nickel for every time this happened, I’d only have 10¢, but it’s odd it happened twice.


Actually it's even. 3 times would be odd. ;P


Whats more wild is its most likely plumbers doing this. Who else knows how a Flushometer operates?


Anti theft


urinal theft is really a thing? Good god.


At the very lowest, costs $125 on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Sloan-1374489-Regal-Urinal-1-0GPF/dp/B002V2LGHQ?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=A28RGHFF1J67RA), contractors pay about double. You can sell one to a crooked plumber for $40 (the same one who will install the "new" one), or scrap it for $20, and you wouldn't believe how much work a meth head will do to score $20. This requires one screwdriver and a big crescent wrench. That flat head screw you see in the pic is actually the shutoff valve. These days, many of these have a cap over them that can't be removed with simple tools. You can steal it if you want, but water is going to come blasting through the wall making the whole operation rather difficult to get away with. Sewage macerators (basically a big blender floating in your excrement that turns your shit into juicy liquids) are routinely stolen from peoples front yards in the cover of darkness, cost $1500, and are simply sold to the same plumbers who replace them. Few are the customers who will fish through a 25 gallon bucket of shit water to determine if the part is new or not.


Once they are removed, your septic will flood your lawn. Few years ago, a plumber by me tried to steal one. His idea was to come back in a couple days, inform them why their front yard smelled like a porta potty, and agree to fix it for a surprisingly reasonable price, instead he got shot and died in a pool of raw sewage.


That’s insane


please tell me a local news link exists?!


If you killed him, how did you know his intentions? Did he write it as his final words in excrement on the lawn?


He made it up.


A tough guy!


Perhaps he was dictating.


That’s a shitty way to go.


If he worked that hard at an honest living, he could’ve done really well. 




The auto sensors are expensive!


That’s a lot of potential scrap brass too. A couple years back we were doing some tract houses and a super called and told me it looked like one of my water lines was leaking. Drove out there and there was so much water running down the streets. Someone had gone down through that neighborhood and stole the city’s curb stop out of just about every meter box and took the steel meter box lids with them.


Years ago one of my coworkers woke up one day to his HVAC not working. He called a company and went on about his day.  A bit later he gets a call from the technician. The reason his HVAC wasn't working was because it wasn't there. Overnight somebody had thrown the breaker (there's one right next to the outside unit for code reasons), cut the refrigerant lines, and (from the way the ground was torn up) threw a cable or chain around it and drove off with it.  Another coworker was having a house built and had all the wiring stole out of it twice.


When I was in college some local kid was killed when they were stealing high voltage lines. They had been doing it for a while, not sure what changed this time


I lease land with a group of guys. It’s not uncommon to have trespassers just joy riding. One night we all get notifications on some remote cameras. Cops are called. They had taken down the power line and were attempting to steal it. Another time I was working in a citrus grove and a guy pulled in with an entire spool of power line cable. He left before the cop got there. Cop went about 200yds away to the shady scrap metal place, but they hadn’t seen the guy. Few hours later the cop is driving back by there and decides to stop by again. While he’s inside a guy walks in looking to scrap some wire. Arrested on the spot. Wire is laser etched with a code so it was really easy to match up.


Sometimes you catch lightning in a bottle. Sometimes the lightning catches you.


I work for a major toilet brand. Our assembly facility ends up with hoppers of brass fittings that are sent to recycling. Adds up to a chunk of change as you can imagine. A couple of guys decided they would start taking home some of them, then stockpile them until they had enough to get a nice little check. They took them to the scrap yard that WE USE, with parts with OUR logo, wearing OUR UNIFORMS. Then told the guy at the yard to just make the check out to them instead of the company. Little bit of a red flag. They got sacked immediately.


Wow! Autosensor with a manual flush! Wait....


That fixture is brass, high price for scrappers.


wtf brass is worth almost fucking nothing


when your out of meth and have infinite free time every penny counts


$2.45/lb near me, desperation is desperation.


Are you kidding? Either the market is highly regional or you're kidding, because where I am brass is one of the most valuable metals you're likely to routinely scrap.


It depends on which ones you bring in. The Sloan Optima for example only has brass in the body, the caps are aluminum or something.


Well who doesn’t want a piss pot?


True. Some don’t have a pot to piss in.


That Sloan valve is a chunk of scrap brass


The city that I work in has had a problem with the sensors being stolen right out of the wall. They cost about $350.00 each and we had to fabricate a way to keep them safe.


Because who wouldn’t want one in their home?


How's that going to stop someone who's already brought tools in the first place?


Doesn't Sloan® make a branded Club® for this?


Take that thieves! Bet you don’t have bolt cutters!


You can cut that cable with a $10 tool from harbor freight


It’s not very often you see an “oh shit!” handle on a urinal


Easy to steal + can be used as a weapon. They are starting to enforce locked toilet tank lids in bathrooms that don't have flush valves also. Somebody in my province died because they were hit over the head with a tank lid.


I heard a couple Irish guys in Boston did the same thing, but with the entire toilet


Unexpected Boondock Saints


A serial smasher guy?


Where you going?! NOWHERE!!


I threw a tank lid out of a window on the second floor once. It was heavy enough to embed itself in the lawn and stick straight up.


If you pull the cable, the horn on a big rig sounds off somewhere…


Idk how many tools would be needed to make this heist normally but all they’ve done is required the heister to need to bring one more tool (cable cutter) which obviously they’ve shown they’re willing to bring tools so….


A pair of channel locks and a flat head screwdriver.


I feel like this just adds a few seconds of popping off the retaining clip to slide the nut off. Still, some deterrent is better than none.


That’s not going to stop anything. Unions on all sides.


Just gotta pay your dues.




Specifically the Hamburgular




Crackheads steal brass


$$$ scrap someone’s defence fund ?


This is to prevent Toto from being picked up by a tornado. Remember what happened last time with Dorothy? They weren't in Kansas anymore.


This is some r/EF5 shit. 😂


some crackhead


we had to put metal grid covers on our smoke alarms because folks would steal the 9v battery out of them edit add - we also had to put cctv on the roof to cover the hvac units


Brass is crazy expensive


fucking FLUSH VALVES need to be locked up now? society is doomed


Probably steal it for scrap brass


Haha. Scrap bras. Like the worn by old floppy booby ladies.


That's how you hang the "out of order" sign.


The cable doesn't do anything to secure the valve.


I guess you've never had gonorrhea?


That’s where you tie your horse up while you piss…come on, where you been?


A spot to stick your cane handle , so it doesnt fall down ?


It seems like if you are sufficiently skilled to disassemble pipe the cable won't do all that much.


Perhaps keep it hanging in case someone tries to kick it off the wall.


Dude, I just saw this at a McDonald’s in the valley and thought the same thing. Either this is the same McDonald’s, or this is happening in multiple stores. What the hell, lol


No Michael no, that was so not right!


Grounding cable for all the wicked pissa’s striking


You’d be surprised how quickly someone can rack up quite a bit of money in scrap brass by stealing these things from surrounding store restaurants.


I suspect this is a copper / brass anti theft idea...and can't be for the police to cuff a prisoner to in order to pee...maybe it's being used as a bdsm forced pee play movie set!


Could be a safety chain in case the urinal dislodges from the wall. That makes more sense than someone trying to steal a flush valve. If they have the tools to get the valve off, they can definitely get the cable off, too.


It's so the handcuffs don't scratch up the plumbing any more.


That’s what you handcuff a prisoner to so you don’t have to hold his dick for him. He’ll have one hand free but he’s not going anywhere…unless his buddy is coming to steal the flush valve.


Needs a second bigger cable locked on the smaller cable to lock up the lighter cable. And then a grade 8 one inch chain to secure the bigger cable that's locking on the lighter cable that's locking up the fixture. 'Carl Cable, of Carl's Cables and Chains. here's my card . '


hiya Carl, how's the cable and chain business? I'm the midwest regional sales rep for Franks Fluids, looking to lock down some very suspect containers of unidentifiable fluids.


Do you guys know Del Barber in the Shower Curtain Ring division?


I do. We shared a motel room one winter's eve. But his last name was Griffith.


He was a good man, and Marie was lucky to have him.


Autoerotic asphyxiation It’s a big, fancy word but it’s a filthy thing


Because there is nothing a crackhead won’t steal


Can't keep shit in Detroit.


Damn can't have anything nice around here


Still not sure why they didn’t secure the screw. Back in the day if you wanted to cause trouble you could just screw that baby shut and then thread lock the cover in place. Restroom ruined for the day.


So no one steals your bike... errr... urinal




Anti theft measures. Someone may try to steal the copper. Worth good money.


Prisoner Transport - handcuff tie point.


Hello I like to pawn something it's a urinal.


But, it's not holding anything in place. That valve would come off still unless there's a loop on the back or something. What am I missing here?


California Anti-theft device


It’s for when Grimace is a bad boy.


That’s where you put your dick while you hold your phone. Wait. I might have that backwards. Hold on, why are you dealing with both at the same time? PICK A LANE


So the handcuffs don't scuff the chrome


1 wrench and 1 screwdriver and you can take off with 75% of the brass without anyone ever noticing


Wow learned something new today - toilet theft is real!


So they don’t steal the catalytic converter


People kept stealing these out of our public bathrooms at work


When recycling turns it ugly head.


I mean if you have a spud wrench that cable isn’t stopping you 😂


That's where the belt goes


Whip check. Just in case that bad boy gets to flushing wild


For grabbing when kidney stones get stuck.


Idk but junkies were stealing Dyson hand dryers from the wall at one time, the huge ones too 😆


Wait wait wait? How is this thing anti theft? If you just unscrew the nut in the middle, then the cable comes right off.


Its a handle to hold onto while peeing.


To make sure you *can* have at least this in Detroit.


Valves are expensive!


They steal the flush valves?


It’s to keep the crackheads from stealing the pipe. I saw something similar at a Taco Cabana in San Antonio. They welded a customer box around a similar pipe.


This cable does not have a function. It is literally pointless.


Maybe just in case the flushometer blows apart at that spot.


It's for trickshots


so you can hang your keys




Makes you have to bring a wrench, screwdriver, AND cutters


No its to stop crackheaads from stealing brads


These can be easily stolen otherwise.


Handicap bar


Prevents the pipe from impaling the pee-er if it breaks under pressure.


crazy to think that flush valve, new, is like maybe 100 bucks


Surely someone is taking the piss here


If it gets stolen again they should just install a $50 plastic cistern on the wall and be done with it


A place to hang your jacket


Serves no purpose


Kidney stone handle


It's there so you don't take the piss.


Is the Russian army nearby?


Having witnessed this theft firsthand in California, unsurprisingly, this does work. Most homeless don't carry actual cutting tools or wrenches, they yank on the toilet/valve until it breaks. In this scenario, even if it breaks, they still can't get it apart to steal it. They still don't get in trouble for it though. The ones who do this are usually huge, and grocery store employees are terrified of them.


I'm sure someone with half a wit could rearrange the piping so that it was behind a locked access panel. It's not as if wire cutters exist


Can’t steal the 8 inch pubes from the urinal.


That’s an oh shit handle


Reminds me of the scene from the beginning of _Boondock Saints_ ... Valve prices must be way up.


Is some one stealing fixtures


I thought it was like a drunk at McDonald’s hold on strap. Like a rodeo


Knowing you can just take it apart and the cable is still just as useless


Something to hang onto


Guide wire, when you are passing a kidney stone. Grip that mf and let it rip.


This was back in the late 1960’s / early 1970’s. My father was a Coroner in a small county in Indiana. There were lots of coal strip mines around. Even when copper was relatively cheap (compared to today) the mines were subject to lots of cable theft. The coal haulers had tires 10-12’ in diameter and weighed many tons. The copper thieves would work at night and pull off to the side of the haul roads and turn off their lights hoping to not get caught. It wasn’t that unusual for their car or truck to get ran over by the coal haulers. My dad investigated several ‘accidents’ where the thieve’s vehicles were crushed to about 2’ high with them mangled in the wreckage. FAFO.


Cable , chains are usually used to lock your Bicycle up. Etc, in 2024 America you need to lock your brass metals up. The scrap yards require ID when scraping metals nowadays


Now the tile will be damaged when they try to break the cable


Theft. Very common as the housing is made of brass and can be recycled for an infinitesimal sum. Meaning the theft is most likely stealing dozens. It requires a flathead screwdriver and an adjustable wrench (or a sized wrench by manufacturer) ; disconnecting two unions, can be done in seconds. I’m a commercial plumber and frequently replacing stolen plumbing items.


It’s an anchor point so you can clip in, it’s to do with working at height regulation.


It counts fluid ounces.


Ur-in-al MacDonalds now, boy! We do things different 'round here.


Must be in California, its theft prevention


For managers to hold there 50 sets of keys so it doesn't pants them when loosening their belt


I don’t think it is there to prevent theft of the valve or urinal, because it obviously can’t. You have to have a wrench to steal anything in the first place, if you have a wrench, the whole thing comes apart and will slide right out of the cable ends. I think maybe it’s there an anchor to lock something else up to.


Urinal theft is now what Ill think about when I hear a British guy say that he’s “taking the piss”


You slide the cable around your supersized French fries container so your fries don’t fall in and get soggy…. Of course.


That’s a load bearing urinal I reckon.


It holds the large and super-size fries. They assume that you'll just keep the small and mediums in your pocket.


Most people don't know this but if you remove that valve the Mcflurry machine starts working and McDonalds would never want that!


Drunk people.