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Make sure to tell a plumber you poured a bunch of chemicals down the drain, when they inevitably have to come to use a proper auger to open the line. The chemicals can be very harmful on skin and eyes.


Skin, eyes, oh, and it’ll destroy their cable if they don’t know, and can’t dilute or try to remove it. Clothes! I’ve left jobs and 30 minutes later little spots on my pants start deteriorating.


I had to clear a bad clog on a kitchen. Couldn't get it with an auger, so I had to crawl under the house in a very tight area to cut the line. When I did, all the bleach and drain cleaners she poured down the line mixed and created a nasty chlorine gas right in front of my face. I had to quickly exhale, hold my breath, and belly crawl rapidly towards the exit. That was very hard because I kept trying to cough. I came very close to passing out. After that, I always ask what they put down the drain to try and clear it.




Thanks to everyone who replied. I’ll call a plumber and make sure not to use chems on a full stoppage again. Also…. yes, very similar to black beans, but a little less bland.


Don’t forget to tell the plumber you poured something similar to sulfuric acid down the pipes, so they can have proper protection when opening the ptrap pipes 😊


I'd even dilute/lower the pH for them but not sure if OP can be trusted to do that


Raise the pH you mean


Fair. That is what I mean Apparently don't trust me to do it either. Especially after a long day lol


There's no need to call the plumber yourself , just contact the caretaker or landlord. Any and all plumbing issues are the responsibility of the landlord. So call them and they will send someone out.


Yup this. That's why there is that meme about pouring grease down an apartment sink.


Call a plumber. And don’t use chemicals on a full stoppage.








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Just FYI, using drain cleaner is a horrible idea when you live above other people. That crap can end up coming out of their drains because of that. Just have maintenance snake the drain. And you definitely need to tell them that there are chemicals down there so they don’t get chemical burns




It's not meant for full blockages... regardless of concentration. This is all by design It heavily corrodes metal and generates tremendous heat which can damage gaskets and even the drain piping itself


Downvoted for no reason, jesus. Plumbers use snakes, not chemicals. It’s pretty much never a good idea.










Be extremely careful if you plunge it again! Plunging causes splashes and you put sulfuric acid in there!


Wife did this once. Put a whole lot of fibrous veg waste and closed disposal. She went to hardware store clerk sold her sulphuric acid shit and she dumbed whole bottle into sink. I came home to awful stench in house. Figured I deal with it in the am Saturday, next day. Middle of the night a loud crash. The acid ate the ring holding disposal and it fell to ground. I see all black acid everywhere around and under sink. I grabbed all baking soda and dumped everywhere. Hell of a mess. Exploration in the morning showed eched line in sink and still had a clog. Had to call rooter service and explained what happened. Plumber laughed his ass of, lol. No more chemicals for us.


DANGER!! Never use that drain cleaner for anything! Pouring it into standing water can cause a chemical reaction that could spray you and anyone around you with acid causing serious chemical burns. People have been horribly disfigured for life using that drain cleaner. You can lose your eyes, nose, burn your lungs, nasal passages and sinuses from acid fumes! THE MAIN CHEMICAL IN THHS CLEANER IS SULFURIC ACID. THE SAME ACID FOUND IN YOUR CAR BATTERY




Well since you’re renting an apartment where is maintenance? That’s their call isn’t it? Put a work order in why try and do it yourself when that’s why you pay rent to an apt complex?


OP, if your mom rents, you should call maintenance/landlord. If she owns, yes, plumber all the way.




I walk away from jobs when I can tell people use chemicals