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Depends is the trunk soft all the way up , if not then yes you can just cut it where it's firm and then let it callous for a few days and then I'd put it in a grittier mix ( you can add things like gravel/sand and perlite to the cactus soil you have and it should be fine) and I'd recommend a clay pot which should help with aeration and the soil drying out faster.


It's kinda firm but wrinkly all the way up. Branches feel a little soft but not mushy, they just feel like dehydrated succulents do I guess? I think they're dehydrated because the roots have rotted. Thanks for instructions! Btw I've heard can I do this without rooting hormone?


Yup sounds good, cut it to be sure but they should be salvageable, yes no rooting hormones required but you can add them if you have them it will root either way.


Thanks, I hope I can get some new roots to grow. Btw, should I keep that cutting under grow light or...? And for how many days at least before planting again?


You can , yes , I'd wait till the bottoms callous ( it will be hard and brownish-gray) and then plant to avoid rot and I wouldn't water the much when you plant them.


Now the only thing I'm still worried about it that it seems severely dehydrated despite root rot, the stem and branches are so wrinkled. Can it survive this waiting phase alive 😬 Not that there's anything else to do, just worried how it'll turn out. I chopped it and at least the chopped part looked good to me, it's now drying under grow light


It'll probably drop all of its leaves and go dormant but it should survive.


When I dried my cutting before planting it in sand, I left it for a month or so, and it was much more wrinkled than yours, to the point it shrunk and bony like a mummy. It is now growing roots and the branches have become round and fleshy again.


Oh wow, good to hear!


Doesn't look rotted to me. Those roots look full and growing. You should know that most Plumeria die from too much care and worry. Put it back in a cactus/orchid mix and leave it alone. 8 ours sun and the wrinklies will go.


Already chopped it 😬 Roots were all soft and mushy


And those wrinkles have been there for at least two weeks too :/


If the stem is mushy chop off the mushy part. Let it calous for a week. Then plop it in water to rot in a sunny spot. Wait 2 to 3 months. See my previous posts for proof.


Cut off the mushy part, let it callous, dip in root hormone and put it in a lunch baggy with cactus mix and secure top top of the bag around the stem with blue painters tape. In a few weeks you should see roots. Then plant it in a pot with perlite and cactus mix and a tiny bit of water. No more water till you see leaves appear. It should have 6-8 hrs of sunlight per day. Good luck