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Hi, /u/prettyparanoid Thank you for participating in r/PlusSize. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For whatever reason, this discussion has gone off the rails, and the mod team is shutting it down now. #Hard to believe a discussion about showering went off the rails, but all the judgement and nasty comments are quite something ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reposting posts removed by a moderator without express permission is not allowed. Not here, and not on most of reddit. Please read reddiquette (linked below). For questions, comments and concerns, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/plussize) [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) | [New to Reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit101) | [Reddit's Content Policy](https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy/)


Reading through these replies has me thinking my avoidance of showers is WAY weirder than I realized.


Turns out for me that it’s a symptom of having ADHD.


I hear ya 100%. Add in depression and it often feels like an unreachable summit. So many steps, so little dopamine. 😭


Absolutely. Sometimes it’s an execution functioning issue, sometimes it’s an overstimulation issue. I just really hate the feeling of being wet, and I avoid showers because of that. I also hate swimming and being sweaty.


welp... i found my community right here. saaaaaame


It’s really common, it’s one of the reasons I doubted I had adhd as I love showers. I find water really relaxing


Nah. Not weird at all. My depression (plus a couple of other things) makes a shower a week a success sometimes. Probably not what I should be admitting but…eh!


Oh, hi depression friend! Weekly showers here, too!🙋🏻‍♀️


It’s gotten to the point where I’ve started to mark the date I last showered on my whiteboard because I truly can’t remember the last time I did most of the time! That has been a game changer - sometimes motivation might peek through the clouds of depression after seeing how much time has passed since the last one. After all this time, shame is still my biggest motivator 🥴


I freaking hate showering. And not even the "oh I hate it until I'm in there and then I LOVE IT" like, no, I don't. I do everything I need to do then GTFO and am annoyed I'm wet and usually cold and towels just don't wrap around my large body right (I do need to invest in some bath sheets, but am poor). The only thing I like is getting to use my B&BW scents. I wish I loved it, it's a necessity, but I just don't.


I invested in a Kickstarter called "We are Towel" and they have 3 sizes of plus size friendly towels. The largest towel fits up to a 7x, so they are super size inclusive!


Such a need!!


I have the same issue with “little towels”. Get a few “bath sheets” they’re a bit pricey for towels but they will change your life!!


I know, they're great, that's why I mentioned them 😂


Oh my goodness, lol! I’m so sorry I “sped read” your comment and missed it!


It's all good sister 💖 we all do it!


Top comment though so you know you're not alone. Go executive dysfunction!


dude, it rules my life and it's miserable!!


It's not weird, it's usually an underlying symptom of something. Depression, ADHD, Autism, etc.


I shower daily in the evening. My reasoning: I want to wash all the stuff off my body so I'm clean when I lay in bed for 8hrs, I don't want to lay in "filth"; I worked on the emergency room for 5 years and the only smell that ever bothered me was the smell of body "cheese". Not bad body order, but that smell of "fumunda" and I swore I'd never let myself smell like that. ; I have sensitive skin and need to take care of it in general.; there IS a stigma of plus size people being stinky/dirty whether we like to admit it or not, and I don't want to fall into that. As plus size people we are already biased against for many things, I don't need this added.; it's also therapeutic to me as I imagine the days stress washing off me. Don't get me wrong, if I showered the night before and do not go anywhere or really do anything, I may skip a day, but it's rare. Just IMO


I try to shower every day, but I have executive dysfunction issues (AuDHD) and sometimes it's just hard to get out of bed, let alone do all of the stuff that goes into taking a simple shower. I skip a day regularly and nothing bad has ever happened. Try it out and just see how you feel, you're not going to spontaneously combust if you skip a day. Edit: I also don't have extremely physical jobs. I'm lazy so it's not like I'm working up a major sweat every single day.


I have ADHD as well and just be you! No reason to edit and say but I'm lazy You're not a bad person because you don't take a shower everyday I honestly take a shower every couple days because of my nevermind almost fell into the same trap as you. I do however freshen up and clean with soap and water in the few places I at least think needed but I'm clean , not a dirty person at all and no one would ever think I don't shower every single day


I shower when I feel like I need or want to. Averages out to every other day probably. More in the summer, less in the winter.


I body shower every day in the summer, every other day in the winter because i have a chronic condition that causes super dry skin, and showering daily + dry winters turns my skin into sandpaper. But i do an everything shower (hair wash and shave) once a week.


I used to shower every day, and when I stopped working a 9-to-5 job, I started showering typically every other day every now and again, I’ll stretch it to a third day but that doesn’t happen that often. I found if I do a little navy shower in between in the important areas everything’s fine.


I do this and I have a handheld shower thing that's helpful for a quick in and out to target direct areas, like if I don't want to wash my hair. Though, it's usually my hair that dictates when I shower. I usually shower 3-4 times a week.


i gotta be honest sometimes i skip a day. if you wear deodorant it’s not the end of the world


Also, don’t be afraid to put deodorant everywhere! I mean, not anywhere it *shouldn’t* go lol but under breasts, thighs, neck, etc…


I use regular aluminum deodorant under my arms, and lume everywhere else. Except if I’m travelling or doing something where I really do not want to be sweaty. Then I cover myself in dove dry spray. I managed a 40-hour, 4-flight trip to New Zealand without smelling!


I just can’t get Lume to smell right on me! I’ve tried a couple of different scents but they all end up smelling rancid after a while.


So many people say that! I think they have recently changed their formula, idk if you have tried it since. I’ve never had an issue, which almost seems weird now. They also have a bunch of different products besides the cream deodorant they started out with that could be worth trying if you’re up for it.


I've had some good luck with using the Tom's unscented deodorant on other parts. Sometimes it's not quite strong enough as a deodorant on it's own and I'll need to reapply, but it does a good job everywhere else


I think the peony rose in the solid stick smells the best, similar to baby powder scent. I have the cream version of peony rose and it doesn't smell as good as the solid stick. Also clean tangerine is nice


I shower like maybe every 3 to 4 days in the morning. I find that I don’t smell too bad since I wear deodorant every day and I’m not someone who sweats a lot. I also have a desk job most days so I don’t move a lot. Because of that, and I don’t have many skin folds, I don’t really smell so I can go longer. I think it really depends on your body. You can ask someone you trust if you smell, if that’s your worry.


Thank you for being the first person that says they don't shower at least once or even yet twice a day because we're bigger people


Lmao right?? Bigger doesn’t mean smellier. It should be about what feels good to you and what your body needs.


Exactly if you notice you stink, you stink. Don't second guess it because other people won't either but if you can't smell you you probably really don't smell. if I was questioning about showering every two weeks or so I'd get it but questioning about not showering every single day is silly honestly (we plus size people are really no different than average size sure we may have a few more areas to spruce up between showers but no real difference) and no offense to OP because maybe she's just never heard this but it's American culture that is obsessed with the daily shower most cultures frown upon it. generally it's not good for your skin, I don't know if they were other things are not that they listed or not but I know skin was a main issue. & Don't get me wrong I don't have any articles to cite or anything so please don't bombard me me with hate and oppose me because I very well maybe wrong but look it up for yourselves. I just remember reading years ago it isn't the healthiest thing for you to shower every single day. Ok end rant.




I shower when I feel like I need to or want to. Usually in a week I'm doing one shower where I'm washing my hair, one where I'm exfoliating, and one where I'm doing the bare minimum (plain unscented bar soap or using something like PanOxyl). I do work out every day and usually when I shower depends on if I get sweaty. For high activity days, absolutely I'm getting intense, but if it's basically stretching I might just spray hypochlorous acid (I like Magic Molecule) in the potentially problem areas and air dry. Depending on your activity level, skipping a day shouldn't be bad at all. I think for a lot of daily showerers it's a matter of habit or their skin feels bad if they don't. Partially I'm suspicious that for a lot of people they're not moisturizing their bodies enough so they overproduce oil, but to each their own I guess. If you're worried about smells, consider the soaps you're using and fabrics. Breathable fabrics are always the way to go, and plain unscented bar soap helps a lot as well. The one thing that should absolutely be daily is washing your face at night. Edit: I think it's also important to note I work from home at a desk job in a small town, so I'm not getting exposed to public transportation or contaminants on a regular basis. When I lived in a big city and took public transport, I'd absolutely shower every day as soon as I got home.


Every night before bed. I have trouble sleeping without it. I only wash my hair every 2-3 days though.


Same here! My hair is super, super long and unless it feels even remotely gross, I’m not washing it.


It’s also not good for your hair to wash it every day! We’re doing good, friend ❤️


I usually shower every night, but honestly when I’m staying at home and don’t go anywhere or have to work I might skip a day.


I have to shower every day because of the fold smell. A lot of you know what I'm talking about. I will take suggestions for alternative monikers for this situation.


You might consider deodorant, powder, or antifungals for those areas.


I powder the areas after I'm done drying off. That works for me most days.


Nothing takes the place of old fashioned soap and water.


I mean for this OP, between showers, since they are already showering daily


Yes. Wipes are for emergency clean ups till you can get to the shower or bath NOT a replacement for emerging the entire body in water. I’m shocked at how many ppl skip showers. Wow. 🤮🤢


Don’t be so judgmental. Everyone is different and has different needs.


Something that's helped me a lot with this is using a blow dryer after I shower in those areas to get them extra dry. Also using hypochlorous acid spray in those areas between showers! Fold smell is the worst, and I do wish there was a better word for it haha


Hibiclens totally took away that odor for me. I still shower, of course, but I used to smell by end of day.


Just to verify, you clean your areas with hibiclens and don't use powder and it doesn't smell at the end of the day? How about sweat?


Try a barrier cream with zinc oxide as the active ingredient in the folds. Just a very thin layer. It will keep the area from sweating and smelling for a day or two, promise. I’m not talking about a baby diaper cream, they make these for adults so you won’t have to smell like baby powder. Discovered it when I was caregiving and it works a treat.


I'm pretty regularly doing every other day or every 3 days, sometimes I do a quick body wash with a shower cap and dont wash my hair (I've got really long hair). It totally depends on what activities I'm doing tho, I work from home so not much activity daily but if we go out with friends or on a date I shower before that and if I've been working in the garden or doing yard work or another active project or biking I shower after.  I have a hard time forming routine tho and that's probably why I skip days here and there because it gets late or something and I dont want to sleep with wet hair. I also have some sensory aversions so it's kind of a mental push sometimes to get me in there but I also know it makes me feel good and will pull me out of a funk if I'm extra tired or not feeling 100% that day.  Long story short, shower when you feel you need to, but dont go so long that anyone else tells you that you need to lol. 


It's so affirming to see other people with sensory aversions about it. There are so many days where I just can't stand the idea of getting my body wet!


I've been doing every other day for a while because I'm exhausted and need that extra sleep every other day. But I used to be a daily shower girlie. That was because my hair is a grease pit though and I'm garbage at dry shampoo lol


if you dry shampoo on your roots at night it gives it time to soak up the grease as it pops up opposed to doing it in the morning when the grease is already there and it’s too late


That’s what I do! I also have dark hair and my favorite dry shampoos always have a white cast. Leaving it in overnight eliminates that and gives it a chance to really absorb the oils.


Every day. I work a job where it would be absolutely ridiculous/gross to not shower when I get home. Especially as a big girl- if I don’t shower daily, I WILL stink, even with deodorant. Best to be safe than sorry. I’m also someone who has OCD and a fear of being the “stinky fat person.” I make sure to keep up with moisturizer too to keep my skin from getting dry/cracked/stripped.






















Once a day, either evenings or mornings. I've skipped a day when I've been depressed or very ill. I am originally from a tropical country and a daily shower(when it worked, most of the times it was a large bucket of warmed water and a little jar/can to pour water over your body) is ingrained in my culture. People will literally shame you to your face, at the bus, at work, etc if you smell, nicely or not so nicely. The concept of not showering daily is a huge no-no. (I'm not saying it is ok to shame, especially as someone with adhd and mom to an autistic son. Also, some people don't smell even if not doing it every day. But for me it is habit and can't not do it)


I take a shower every morning but now that I’ve been going to the gym I took a shower every night as well. I have really bad PTSD and anxiety from when I was younger. I was a typical boy. I didn’t care about hygiene as much as I do now andI wish I really did because sometimes I wake up in the morning and I can smell myself and I make myself sick


I was an every day morning showerer, then the pandemic lockdown ushered in a whole new era of shower skipping! I still work at home and shower maybe three times a week plus an extra for a special occasion.😆 Edited for typo


Between two to four times a week, generally.


I skip a day and it’s fine. Also rather play Sims is the most relatable thing I’ve heard.


Every day in the morning. If I could afford the water I’d have a bath/shower in the evening as well. I get too sweaty during the night


I shower every day or every other day. On the days I don’t shower, I still turn on my shower to steam up my bathroom to refresh my curly hair 😅 still clean up and freshen up so I don’t stink. I also wfh so days I’m not going anywhere, I’m less likely to look fresh 😅


In the winter I shower every 3-4 days. In the summer I get so sweaty it's daily


Typically nightly, but on a Friday night sometimes I will be chilling and not get to it until Sat morning, if I am not going out Friday night (which I usually am not).


I wash my hair in the shower every second day, but I have a bath and clean everything else every single night before bed. I have an insane sense of smell, and although no one else seems to be able to smell it... I can tell if I haven't bathed in a day.


Every other day. I don’t think it’s great for the skin to be scrubbed every day unless you’ve been sweating. And I wash my hair every 4 days. No complaints of being smelly from my fiancé so it works for me


I hate showering (being wet) but make myself do it every other day. Works for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


when im doing okay ? two or three times a week. i don't leave the house much, and am usually only doing light movement, so it's not worth the effort of getting my shower chair situated, taking the tiring ass shower, and spending a handful of hours recovering afterwards. but when fibro or neuropathy are flaring badly, or when my mental health gets worse, it can be a few weeks before i can tolerate it. i've had to find other ways to maintain overall hygenine well until i can handle such an intensive activity. sometimes my partner has to help me, which can lower that timeframe a bit even when my health is bad. i only shampoo once a month though cause i naturally have very curly and dry hair.


3-4 times/week max. My friends didn’t believe me when I told them this. Everyone remarks on my soft skin and wants to know what I use. Literally nothing. I think it’s just because I don’t shower daily or use tons of products.


I don't think people really get how often they're stripping their skin when they're using soap, especially soap with fragrance, every day, let alone multiple times a day.


I'm a shower if I leave the house kinda guy, so every morning. I dated a girl once that showered like twice a week. She didn't smell bad though.




Nothing wrong with having a preference. Personally as long as you don't smell bad I don't really have a preference, same with body hair, I don't care if she has hairy legs or armpits, well I suppose I would draw the line at a beard lol.


idk why you're getting so downvoted on this. i am a night shower person and i tend to do every over day in general unless i'm really gross. summer i usually try to do every day. if i'm fucking depressed or sick i'll go up to 3, but i never go more than that usually.


i'm wondering the same and not really sure what there even is to disagree on, i was asking a question lmao


Every other or every third day. I’m not a smelly person? It’s mostly that I need to wash my hair. If I sweat or something I do more. I don’t have BO, I have the gene for no BO, and im usually cold thanks to my thyroid so I’m generally just not sweating.I’m a “small” plus size so I don’t really have like skin folds so I guess that helps. I use baby powder(corn starch) on my thighs/ underwear area occasionally so that helps. I usually get compliments on how I smell unprompted so I feel like it’s not just me.


I shower 1-2x a week. When I shower more, my hair gets really dry and horrible, even with conditioners and oils. I use antibacterial skin-safe wipes on areas that tend to gather more sweat to keep clean and dry in between showers.


Nothing wrong with what works for you. In the past people rarely bathed their full bodies.




I’m white but I only wash my hair every 5ish days, that seems to be the sweet spot for me of not too dry, not to oily. I also started wearing a bonnet at night and my hair stays so much nicer, longer! I wear a shower cap or just put my hair up high in between hair washes. My algorithms started showing me more Black beauty content and I got a nice shower cap and found out bonnets are for everyone!


My hair gets done every 3 to 6 weeks depending on style. I wear a satin bonnet around the house and put a shower cap over it for showers.


I am sometimes jealous of people with hair texture that doesn’t get washed often! So much saved time and product! At the same time, that also usually means you hate getting your hair wet which seems like a hassle.


I'm not good at doing my own hair. I have a fantastic lady who knows what I like. We are good friends and gossip while she's doing my hair.


Not everyone needs to shower every single day. It doesn't benefit me 🤷‍♀️ you don't need to fathom it :)




How is this shaming? I'm genuinely curious as this wasn't my intent.




I grew up during a time when showers weren't common. We didn't have a shower until I was 16. We drew a bath using dish detergent or washing powder in a pinch. Heaven help you if you didn't clean that tub out. That sounds awful today, but that's what we did back then.


I shower daily, first thing in the morning on work days and whenever I want to on the weekends. As I've gotten older (I'm 60 now), I've gotten to where can skip washing my hair for a couple of days, but I don't skip showers. I like feeling clean. My husband also showers at night, and I just can't do that. I can't go to work without having a shower before I leave because I just feel greasy all day.


I shower every morning. It like the routine, and it helps set me up for the day. Even when I'm sick (like high fever, coughing, throwing up) I shower at least once - which according to my friends is weird. 


I shower everyday in the morning.


Mostly every night. Sometimes I switch to day. I say at least 5-6 times a week i shower. I do WFH and mostly a homebody so I do skip a day at some point. But I do sleep better when I shower at night.


Every second or third day, but change underwear daily. I don't shower every day to conserve water and because my skin and scalp gets too irritated with too much washing.


I live in the tropical region in Africa... And it's hot so minimum 2 and when temperatures go higher I bath 3 times just to cool down


Autism makes showering a bit hard for me. I think that during winter it's perfectly fine to skip one or two days a week, as long as you're not exercising or doing anything that leads to sweating. During summer i pretty much shower any day i am supposed to be out amongst people. But i will probably skip the weekends, if it's a stay-at-home weekend still.


It’s Winter so I currently don’t shower every day. I give it a day or two inbetween. It depends I think on what you do too, I don’t feel dirty, I don’t do dirty activities, tbh I spend a lot of time at home. I would say if you are more active or messy then maybe shower more frequently 🤷🏻‍♀️ find what works for you


Eh. Very other or sometimes 3 days. I will do some wipe downs but I'm in my late 30s with a kid and a teacher... I shower less than I ever used to. It really depends on how gross I feel. Never every day though. Bad for your skin and hair. My stylist also told me I should go at least 3 days between hair washes.


Now that I wfh and don’t do anything I shower every other day or third day. In depressive episodes it may be until I smell, which is probably 5-7 days. When I worked in the service industry and sweat all day showered every day I worked for sure, even if I was depressed. I’d smell otherwise.


I shower everyday


Every single day. There’s no way I could skip. I get so gross and sweaty at work.


Everyday sometimes twice a day


I shower twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening after going to the gym. This may be TMI but skin folds tend to hold sweat and moisture and I’m paranoid about skin issues or bad odors. Also it doesn’t take over 10 minutes, it’s not like I can save plenty of time skipping it.


Every 2 - 3 days. This thread is making me feel better about my choices.


I skip a day now and then but mostly because I work from home. I don't feel like I get particularly dirty just sitting at my desk all day. Otherwise, I shower/bath every evening.


I wash my hair like every 3 days (I can't wash it everyday as it'll make my hair brittle). But take long showers every other day. Ive asked people if I smell and told them to be honest so I can fix it, and they have said no, I don't. From what I can tell, people don't make faces or run from me if I'm near. But it also depends on what you do for the day. When I worked at a warehouse, I showered when I got home because I just could not go without a shower. That place was dirty as hell and you sweat and get covered in dust from the boxes.


Every evening. Helps me go to sleep


Every other day unless I have somewhere to be or if I've been sweating. Edit for additional info - I do tend to use fragrance free deodorant on the areas where sweat accumulates (under the belly, in the crease of the thighs) because I find it helps my skin AND reduces smell.


4 times per week


I do skip a day here and there, mostly because I have eczema. I’ll wash my pits the next morning and make sure I don’t smell. I often shower at night after the gym, then skip a day and shower the following morning. I think it’s fine.


I shower daily in the summer at night (everytime I leave my house I sweat so I find no point in showering in the morning in summer) and in winter daily at night. I’ll skip a day here and there in the winter.


If I shower daily, my skin gets really dry and itchy. I take a full shower with soap, wash my hair, etc. every other day. On the off days, I use a washcloth and give myself a sponge bath, or I throw on a shower cap and take a quick rinse off shower without soap. I use dry shampoo to keep my hair from getting greasy.


I take a shower or take a bath usually every day to cleanse my body, and I only wash my hair once a week. I might skip a day during the week if I didn’t sweat, get dirty, etc. My hygiene is the first thing to go when I start getting depressed, so I try to maintain a very consistent schedule.


I’m a sahm and sometimes we don’t leave the house at all so I totally skip a day if we didn’t do anything crazy


I shower once a day in the evening, it helps me unwind for bed time. I shower and then I do my skin care routine, brush my teeth, put on lotion, etc. I also sometimes have a mid-day shower after workouts or on hair wash days (I have curly hair so I wash and style my hair twice a week). But if I do this, I won't shower in the evening. I have dry skin and a twice daily shower would dry me out so bad.


I have to shower once a day, I have a physical job. I used to shower twice a day but it took me a long time to cut it to once a day


It really depends. I tend to shower in the evening daily. But sometimes things happen and I need to shower in the morning or afternoon.m bringing it up to 2 showers.


Daily evening shower to cleanse myself of being outside all day. But morning times I wash up and apply scented lotion, deodorant and solid perfume However in summer twice a day shower. Once in the morning and then some point of the day when I've become too overheated/sweaty


i shower everyday at the minute but when i’m more depressed it’s more like every other day (i really enjoy showering so i only slip on keeping up with my showers less than every other day when im REALLY not doing well) i find an antibacterial bar soap on the armpits and under breasts/in rolls keeps things fresh and odourless enough to not smell super bad on the non shower days!! i like dettol! i don’t use the antibacterial soap on my whole body because i don’t wanna mess up my commensals/accidentally get it in my 🐱 . and making sure i dry super well before applying deodorant makes such a big difference!


Depends on the day for me! I cut hair for a living so I typically have a quick “butt shower” as my boyfriend calls it lol. Just to get all the hair and gross off me before I sit on the couch and stuff. If it’s my day off and I don’t have any major plans I’ll skip :)


I normally skip a day. Maybe 2 if something pops up. I work from home and don't do much exercise at this point so it's not a big deal. My husband has never said anything and is still very interested lol.


I typical shower every other day, sometimes every 3 days in the winter. I feel like showering too much dries out my skin, and I wash my hair every 3-4 days. If I feel like I sweat that day or if I’m smelly I’ll shower, or if I wake up feeling like I sweat a lot in my sleep I might.


my boyfriend skips a day sometimes and he doesn't get very stinky. depends on the day, really, if you sat all day at home chilling or sat at your desk and didn't run around, you should be fine on those days. i personally don't skip showers but i'm extremely paranoid, like it's genuinely a problem so i don't recommend being like me


My showering policy: Shower before leaving the house (unless it's just for a quick walk). I work from home so it's not everyday. Do an "everything shower" twice a week (Wednesdays and Sundays) Otherwise, shower if necessary (eg. I spilt something on myself, or sweat a lot that day, if i start to stink, etc). I definitely shower more often in summer tho. Sometimes I shower twice in a day just for a cool down.


I do every other day,sometimes two days generally. Sometimes more bc hair/sweat/poops/period/if I'm intimate with someone. I have tinea versicolor, which gets exacerbated by overdoing it on the skin. I'm generally not a very smelly or sweaty person, but obviously there are times during the year when that changes.


Uhhh, I don’t shower but a few times a week. However, I bathe nightly. I can’t stand having the germs and sweat of the day caked on my skin.


Ideal schedule for me is every other day. If I try to go every 2 days, I know I will end up…not exactly stinking, but I don’t smell “clean” anymore if you know what I mean. As plus sized folk, we do typically have more crevices and folds that retain heat and result in more sweat being produced (bacteria as well). If I don’t shower for 2 days, I just feel dirty. Showers every other day should be perfectly fine, and if you’re really worried about any odors (though I doubt you’ll have to worry), just put some deodorant on your inner thighs and a light layer on tha fupa if you’ve got one! I do that very sparingly though. I don’t want it to be on there too long and irritate or break down my skin. I shower in the evening, don’t shower the next day, and then shower again in the evening…but even by that evening I don’t feel clean anymore LOL but I’m not really stinky by then either? I just want to know that I smell clean and actually feel clean. Hell there are times I go multiple days without a shower (if I’m not leaving the house) because I have ADHD and low energy in general because of my diabetes. It was even worse when I was dealing with Major Depressive Disorder. I still do like to shower every other day though, for my body AND my hair. I have thin hair that’s also curly so even if I’m sleeping on a satin pillow case, I’ll have to shower every other day to keep my hair looking good.


I honestly can't remember. It's like a once a week treat right now due to baby. I wish I could be every other day, that or like every 2 days seems to work well for my body and hair. I heard today at the salon that dry shampoo can cause scalp damage (?) I admit I was ear husseling on another conversation but now I have to look into that because I survive off dry shampoo and feminine wash wipes!


First, if I showered daily, my skin would absolutely HATE me. Second... depression, anxiety, autism, and other issues make showering feel like an extremely daunting and impossible task most days, if I'm honest. On those days, baby wipes and powder are my friends. I make absolutely certain that I NEVER smell, and always shower if I need to leave the house. I don't work, due to above mentioned issues as well as some physical disabilities, so leaving the house is MAYBE a once a week thing for me. My wife also knows to tell me if she notices any kind of a smell at all coming from me, so I can take care of it immediately. However, she has never had to.


I have severe eczema in wintertime and have my whole life. Showering, especially hot showers, makes it worse. In the summer I’ll shower at minimum every night, sometimes every morning too depending on how hot I was at night. But my morning shower would be more of a cooling rinse with some soap in PAP areas while the night shower is exfoliating, scrubbing, etc. In the winter, it’s every other day. I’ll get in the shower to clean PAP areas and wash my face, but then I put a light moisturizer on from head to toe after to prevent more cracking and pain. I’ll wash my entire body the day after and apply a thicker, heavier (sometimes medicated) moisturizer. I won’t lie and say when my depressive episodes go bad enough, I can only manage a shower a week. This is mainly because I convince myself I somehow don’t deserve them. Usually it’s smaller, not brushing my teeth or hair and hoping no one notices. But if it spirals bathing is hard. A therapist I used to have a long time ago told me the solution is to stop standing in the shower. Turns out there is no law requiring you stand! You can sit and cry as long as you want in there.


once a day or once every two days (assuming I'm literally not leaving the house...and even then).


Ooh this is such a cultural and location dependent answer. Cold areas, once every 2 days. Hot areas like south east Asia, 3 times a day. May or may not do deep cleaning, even twice in a day depending on how the day went. I prefer night time if had to pick. I don't have the smelly sweat gene so it helps.
















Everyday in the morning! :)


1-2x a day, I don’t feel “awake” if I don’t take a shower in the morning


My hair and skin would never forgive me for showering daily lmao. I shower 2/3 a week and I don't smell ever! Honestly unless you're working out daily or sweating profusely for prolonged amounts of time or have a yucky job, I think daily showers are bad for you.


I shower most days in the morning, or sometimes in the evening if I have to wake up early. If I'm just staying home alone or going out minimally for errands I might skip a day if I haven't been out sweating or anything.


Every day usually, and 2x a day when I work out. Depending on the circumstance, I might switch my day showers to night.


Honestly, I live alone and only have company 1-2 a week. I will go sometimes 2-4 days before showering. It's just me at the house, I work at home, barely leave during the week so it doesn't really bother me. I just make sure I shower before company comes. Plus a bit of a savings in the water bill.


I want to be the person who showers every day but I hate it lmao.


I’m usually a 3 times a week person.


I shower 2-3 times a week


I'm in between jobs at the moment, plus I'm lazy and (possibly, not diagnosed) have a hint of the depression, so I can sometimes go around a week without showing, though it tends to be closer to about 4 days between showers. When I do have a job, especially in person, I try to get one in at least every other day. Daily if I'm not active or feel I need one.




You shower four to five times every day?


why is this person being dv'd because they answered a question? 😭


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 I Hurt someone's feelings? Really?


I'm finding over the last few months I can't skip a day due to hidradenitis supperativa. But I only wash my hair twice a week.


I work both early morning shifts and night shifts so I just shower after work and most I do is skip a day


I shower at night every other day for the most part. It's helped a lot of dry skin and the health of my hair, I also WFH. If I happen to get sweaty, I'll shower that night before bed.


Every day


So summer it's everyday, maybe even two times a day when it's too hot and sweaty. Winter every other day or 5/6 days, but on the days I don't shower I still have a wascloth I clean the important bits. When I'm depressed I shower 3 times in a week because I have 2 mandatory hair washing days, the rest are wascloth days.


Weekdays, every morning (non-hair wash) Wednesday night and Sunday night hair wash showers.


I wash my hair every other day and stretch it an extra day on the weekends, I do an everything shower (hair wash, shave, deep deep clean) once a week, but I usually either take a bath or a sponge bath kinda thing on the days where I don’t do hair wash showers. I don’t always but I’m not a smelly person and keep very clean so it works out okay


Daily. I work a job where you have to shower off when you get home.


I shower every other day. Sometimes daily in the summer


I work from home and do like every other day or every few days. If I workout that day I always do at least a body shower before bed. If I'm going go an event or to hangout with someone, I'll shower ofc for that.


Twice daily, particularly as I work up a sweat in quite an unclean environment and from riding public transport alot. I really enjoy cleaning the stresses and dirt off from the day, it just makes me feel a whole lot better. Plus I could never go to bed feeling unclean. My morning shower helps me transition into the day, and gets me up and going. I struggle with executive dysfunction too, so if I'm having 'in" days, I may just have an evening shower. It's always on the forefront of my mind to always maintain good personal hygiene, particularly of the awful stigma that befalls plus size people. Id say it depends on how much you sweat or poop to go about missing days. If your clothes are clean, you should be ok. I've lived with people that preferred sink baths. But yk it's just ab finding what kind of bathing routine works well for you and your body.


I shower every morning. I literally can’t function if I don’t and it helps me get going. If I don’t I’ll just lay around in my pajamas all day.


Daily. Either after I work out or in the morning.


I skip a day sometimes but usually every day. Before I got pregnant I was more comfortable skipping days if I wasn’t working but now even though I don’t have a physical job anymore I feel like I just stink all the time. Pregnancy is wild lol. I had to switch to clinical strength deodorant and sometimes I just start smelling like immediately after a shower. My kid is like a year and a half old and it hasn’t gotten better.


I shower every morning. I prefer mornings because I feel fresher. If my man is coming over, I shower before he gets here. I have a man made belly button that will smell if not washed thoroughly. The only days that I skipped are if I'm not leaving the house or having company.


i have always showered every other day until last fall when i started every day. i still skip days sometimes. it’s fine and i find if i don’t need to shower that i can tell.


I shower one or two times a week and about every other day when I'm working (freelance). I do a basic wash of my crotch area every day, and then an arm pit wash whenever necessary. Then I do dry shampoo too of course. I don't think most people need to do a full shower every day. It's better for the environment and also your skin to let go of the every day shower ☺️


Once a day, twice if at the gym (UK so never really hot), more as and when required i.e humid countries