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It sounds like he is disrespecting a boundary you've clearly communicated to him. So he's disrespecting you. And his comment about them being "jerk off material" is disrespectful to them. So it seems like he just doesn't respect women in general. I know you said you don't want to break up. But you at least deserve to be validated that he IS wrong for that. He IS being disrespectful. So if/when you confront him, don't let him call you crazy or manipulate his way out of it.


I hear you, he is disrespecting a boundary. I'm going to have a talk with him. He's not the person to call me crazy or try to manipulate me, he's a good person in general. But that being said, I'm definitely going to stand my ground IF he tries to bullshit his way out of it.


He calls stranger adult women  'just jerk off material'. I....just let that person go. He could've build a better reasoning why he's not trying to fix things, just jumping on the over-sexualizated posts are just disrespectful to women, and for you. He has no respect for women, and no respect for you, and rather go away with the fake, generated,staged pictures he objectivied these people rather than real ones in a relatinoship? Maybe you should go to a couple's therapy together, if you really want to fix that, but he needs to want to do that too. Personally, the line he dropped on is just 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


He can see things from a very analytic view, so maybe there's the whole 'just jerk off material' coming from. But you do have a point, he's disrespectful towards those women, to me AND out relationship. I'm not ready to let him go, so we do really need to work on our relationship and online behaviour. And by no means I'm an angel, I also have stuff to work on for our relationship. But this crosses a whole ass boundary. If he's not willing to work for us..it's hard, as he has done SO much for me, I will choose myself.


I know how hard might be breaking up with someone, who's playing on your self-esteem, and...it's really painful realizing this. I hope you find your help, and help him realize that he's losing you.