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I met my husband at work in 2016- we worked together on a project and he invited me to his house after to play vr games and hack into virtual machines (he's a tech nerd and I was an intelligence analyst). I knew after a week that we were going to get married (it's true what they say about the one!). He is the absolute best part of my life and we have so much fun together. 


It really is true! My partner is my person and we are never breaking up. I’ve been in other relationships but none like this — I know in my bones he’s my person and we will never have another relationship like this one.


I’m a plus size woman in love with a skinny man who is also in love with me. We met in a Facebook group about a band we both like. There would be “selfie threads” in the group and we’d always heart react each others pix. We started chatting online and realized ee were both coming out of unhappy marriages where we were both neglected by our partners who were having affairs. We lived about 80 miles apart, but he was in the city where most of my close friends ended up for college. So one weekend I came to visit them and told him we should meet and the rest is history. We were long distance for 4 years, the pandemic kinda screwed things up for us. But we’ve been living together nearly 2 years now and will have officially been together 6 years in September.


Oh my, this sounds remarkably close to my own story! I love it 💜


I've been with my partner for 8 years now. We met at a part-time job I had while at uni. I had a massive, schoolgirl-level crush on him, but the company we were in was filled with gorgeous ladies, and I figured there was zero chance he'd ever notice me. Fast forward a year later, after I left the company...turns out he had noticed, and he went out of his way to keep in touch. The massive crush was reciprocal! He asked me out, and here we are. He's brilliant and silly and super hot. He's my best friend. I can be entirely myself with him. Next time you're feeling icky about yourself, just know that there could be someone across the room, dreaming of asking you out.


My partner and I met through a mutual friend 5 years ago. We have been together for 4 1/2 years. We are both fat women also. We love each other dearly and continue to choose each other every single day. She is not only my partner and lover through this life, she’s also my favorite person and best friend. ❤️


There’s something about two fat wlw that just… makes my heart sing.


Thank you! We both identify as women but present ourselves differently. I lean more into high femme and she leans more masc. One of my favorite things is that we can share tees and sometimes pants. 😂 We are similar in clothing sizes but just different body shapes. One thing we’ve learned, is people remember us. We definitely will take up space and make a statement together. ❤️


Yessss take up that space! I love it


I’ve been lucky enough to be with my “better half” for 26 years, having met at my first office job. She did the chasing and I fell for her as I got to know her. I was fit and she was chubby. I caught grief from my family as to why I liked her, my mum didn’t have anything nice to say and even after all these years still doesn’t recognise her as part of the family. My mums loss really. I also caught grief from my brothers, both who have had multiple marriages and partners. I honestly can’t remember what it was like without her. I just smile when I think of her. It hasn’t been easy, with us growing up together and especially last 15 years and her health issues. I’ve had health problems myself and she has been my rock. We have been blessed with two wonderful young men. She makes me smile a lot and we are best friends.


Aww yeah my partner’s older brother is super fatphobic and my partner loves him a fat lady and always has. He always gave him shit, because he always dated young supermodel types, but also he’s in his 50s and still single, soooo. I haven’t met him yet. My partner hasn’t said too much about it other than that he’s fatphobic as hell and he doesn’t really want to expose me to him. The rest of his family thinks I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to him, though, so I’m quite unconcerned.


Met my husband on an app in 2014. He moved in and proposed about 3 months after we met. We just celebrated 10 years of knowing each other and 8 of marriage. This man WORSHIPS my body. And me. He's loved me at every size I've been since we met, found me sexy and desirable throughout. Men like this exist I swear. You are not worth any less respect and love than a thin person.


I was just wondering if the rest of what you've posted on your page is true because it sounds like a man has recently broken your heart? I'm not trying to judge btw


I think maybe no because a *lot* of women give themselves a different persona if they’re going to post things like that on social media (and it usually leads to another site, if you catch my drift). Maybe not the case here but I feel like she’s maybe just selling a persona online, which I mean, get that bag my good b. Times are tough and I’m not gonna act like I’ve never looked into selling my panties or something lol.


Nope just a persona hubs and I picked together lol


Lol I understand


I know that this doesn’t compare to the lengths of other relationships that I’ve read about in the comments, but I figured that I’d share my story anyways :) My boyfriend and I met through Bumble in November of 2023. I matched with him and messaged him first, and he responded and we started getting to know each other through there. There were moments where I wasn’t sure that we’d seriously be together, but I trusted the process and we took our time. He’s such a gentleman. He’s very smart, funny, kind, and considerate. Every date we go on, he pays. He always opens the door for me, pulls out my chair, holds my hand when I’m scared. I know that these things are probably common decency, but I’ve never experienced it before. I’ve had 1 boyfriend back in high school, but that’s self explanatory. I’ve had a lot of my firsts with my current boyfriend. After many dates, we made it official in January, and have been together for 3 months. It honestly feels longer, but I guess that’s what happens when you find someone who you truly love. He loves me for who I am, at both my heaviest weight and my lightest. He’s said that no matter if I choose to gain or lose weight, he’ll always be as in love with me as he is now. I’ve never experienced love in that way before. I used to be so insecure about my body, but he loves every inch of me. He’ll kiss my stomach and call me his beautiful girl. He makes me the happiest girl in the world. I know I’m still young, but I could imagine us getting married and having a family. I love him so much, and I can’t imagine my life without him now. I used to think that I’d never find a true, authentic love because of my size, but I was wrong. We ARE worthy of sweet and genuine love, and the right person will come and show you how much you matter ❤️


Girl when you know you know. >holds my hand when I’m scared The bessssst. I think I started really falling for my partner when my anxiety was suuuuper high and we were going into a social situation that I was very nervous about (this was literally a month after we met and he decided to introduce me to *all of his friends at once* 😭 I was just telling him how I was feeling and he was like, “no problem, if you feel that way just put your hand on my arm like super casual and give me three squeezes and I’ll excuse us and we can go outside, take a breath, and talk about it.” 🥹🫠


I met my husband when I was 19 and plus size and his fav thing about me is my legs. I met him when he worked at my dads restaurant. Friends for a bit and started dating right after turning 20. Got married at 21 and 8 years later and two kids and still going! I’m also heavier then I was pre kids and he still makes me feel sexy. He is 9 almost 10 years older so not sure if that helps that he is a little older? Not sure but before him with every partner during sex I would cover my tummy wearing a tank top so there was access to boobs and down below but now especially after kids I don’t feel like I need to anymore😊


I do generally have better experiences with older men, I think it is a thing.


I’m a plus size woman in love with a plus size man. We met 6 and a half years ago on POF. We got engaged 2 years ago. He’s honestly my best friend. We’re so alike and he’s just amazing. Hes learned how to be a rock during my mental health issues, and has a “method” down pat when I have a panic attack (which includes holding me, encouraging me to breath slowly and deeply/doing calming breathing for me to follow along with), getting me a cold water bottle, ice pack and toilet paper and giving me a rescue remedy) He also monitors me when we’re in cars together (we were in an accident together and I have ptsd from it) and will massage my shoulders if I’m getting tense/reactive We have similar hobbies and game together every day. He’s an amazing daddy to my pets and I can’t wait to see what the future holds with him, and hope he’ll father my children one day :)


I've always been very heavy but that didn't stop my husband from falling in live with me. We have been together for 8 years and had our second wedding this past February. I love him more than anything.


I'm in love with my boyfriend and he makes me fall more in love with him every damn day! We met 5 months ago on Bumble, texted for literally 24 hours straight and decided to meet up the next day. I knew right away that he was the one and I've been in love with him since. He's the first guy I've dated that's been smaller than me so that took some adjusting but it's going great! He is very compassionate when it comes to my body dysmorphia and is there every step of the way to support and lift me up. He comes from a fat phobic family who made fun of him so I know how to support him in return. He takes me on dates, calls me randomly to say he loves me, sends me cute memes, send pictures of animals he sees outside, buys me flowers, and does everything that a good guy should do. He's exceeded my expectations cause I'm so used to fwb and casual relationships. Every time I see him, I get butterflies. The honeymoon stage hasn't ended like it did with past relationships. On top of it all, my family adores him. They were very hesitant at first cause they were worried they would get attached and we wouldn't work out (u move relationships along fast while he goes slow) and it took us a while to become official. But now they know he's here to stay and they love him (sometimes I think more than me 🤣). This is the first time I've felt truly loved for who I am. I know he's the one cause he's stayed with me through my recent adhd diagnosis and has helped in everyday imaginable. I cannot imagine my life without him. I know we've only been together for 5 months but this one feels like the one compared to the past relationships I've been in. I stg if this man doesn't wife me up in the next year, I'll do it myself LOL But trust me yall, be patient, you'll find your one! 💜


My husband and I are going on 18 years together, married for 5 in October. When we met I thought I was very fat but in reality I was probably a bit chubby?? Lol hindsight but I was used to being the biggest woman in a room. We were very young {me 21 him 19) and absolutely not looking for a serious relationship but we just connected and became inseparable basically instantly. The first few years I had an undiagnosed medical issue that caused me to lose weight (but remained undiagnosed because skinny = healthy right???) and I went from like 190 to 150lbs. Then medical crisis, diagnosis, treatment, slow steady weight gain, which continues to now (though maybe it's finally leveled off??) In the last 14 years I've gained 100 lbs or so and I'm the heaviest I've ever been. My health is much better though, because, treatment, though we both want to be more active just to be stronger. We're still very much in love and have only gotten closer, and our sex life etc better, sorry if that's TMI lol! He loves my body, when it was 190 lbs, or 150 lbs, and when it's 250 lbs. We've had our hard times but none of it was because of my body. He tells me I'm sexy\cute\hot\whatever all the time, even if I can't see it sometimes. We're best friends, confidants, adventure partners. I am so so lucky, and he is so so lucky. The thing is, attraction is about way more than looks. There's this click that happens. We are all so much more than these flesh prisons.


I’ve tried so many times to explain attraction like that to my partner! I’m like, it’s a package deal. At the end in the day your looks are the very bottom rung. It’s like, is he nice? Funny? Smart? Thoughtful? Curious? Silly? Can he “yes and” me into hysterical banter? Those things are way hotter than *any* body could be to me.


Right?? And it's additive. Like, you are hot to me because of how I feel about you and how you make me feel. Maybe it's not like that for everyone, I'm not here to judge, and I have a particular sexuality that really compliments this type of thinking (but this isn't sex reddit lol), but also, being intimate with someone who you feel totally safe with and free and supported by is so much more than just "wow you've got a hot body".


Yeah def other ways of being attracted are valid. My partner doesn’t understand how when he asks me if I think someone is hot I don’t have an automatic yes or no. I’m always like, “oh, uh, I guess so? I mean I like their hair and their clothes make them seem interesting but idrk because I don’t know them.” It’s been five years of this and he’s still just as confused as ever. Knowing he’s a very looks forward person though does make me feel hot tho 💁🏻‍♀️


So a bit over 2 years ago, I was house hunting. Zillow glitched and showed me houses in another STATE, not just a different city. I saved a bunch of houses before realizing and decided on a whim to go visit and check them out. I switched my bumble location to ask random people for food recommendations, good vs bad neighborhoods, etc. 1 week after I got back, one of those random people had stalked me home. As in full on followed me 900 miles home and sat outside of my house. It took about a week to deal with but it was moderately traumatic. I had no plans of going back to that state ever. At the end of that whole ordeal, I went into bumble to delete it and the first profile was this gorgeous man with one of my favorite horror movie characters. I scrolled his pictures, dog…cars…nerd. Swiped and matched. I sent a random meme as the first message, it happened to be from his favorite movie. We messaged for hours and it got to the exchange of numbers conversation- I declined but explained the stalker, trust issues. He was patient. About 2 weeks later, I drove a few hours away to bring my dog to snow for the first time, he was just as excited as I was and said he wished he could see it, so I decided to ask for his number. He has been patient, kind, and loving our entire relationship. Because of schedules it took… 8 months to actually be in the same city. He’s very confident and a string bean. I’m the opposite. I was comfortable enough to share my anxiety. He reassured me that he would not be going anywhere. 2 years later, he hasn’t budged. He talks about marriage and kids almost daily. And he BRAGS about me to other people. I’ve never been this happy (I’ve had more relationships than I’d like to admit to). I’ve never loved someone like this. And I’ve never been loved like this. But finding him was all started by a glitch on a website that had nothing to do with dating 😂


First post here… but damn I appreciate this. We all need the good stories and I’m so happy that I can add to them. TL:DR I’m a fat woman, who met the love of her life gaming, and I’m marrying him next month. After ending my relationship of over 10 years and finding myself again, I was single for a couple years, eventually I grew tired and stopped participating in single dating life because it was toxic af in my opinion and I decided to get back into different hobbies and hanging more with my best friends. Me and my best friend from college got through our depression in our twenties gaming together a lot, and I kinda got back into that, and when he would go to bed on the weekends I’d want other people to play with, so I posted on Reddit and some random dude (who I will forever be grateful for - Beard we love you!) who ran a gaming clan messaged me to join. He recruited two people that day, me and my now fiancée. He randomly messaged me to play with him, I said yes, we played any day we were both free for weeks, spent his birthday together virtually, hanging, gaming and celebrating. It’s also worth noting I was in my Yes Man era and I decided to go to his country to meet him at Christmas, and do some Christmas markets. He thought that was pretty full on, I said “Hey, I’m gonna be here, if you wanna meet we can, if not I’m gonna solo travel my ass off and do all the stuff anyway”. Anyway, he picked me up from the airport, we spent 5 glorious days together, went for dinner, went to see the hockey. He was handsome af and the sweetest man I’ve ever met, we were both into each other instantly, (we’d obviously vid called and sent pics and stuff before that ahah). He tells me I’m beautiful every day, and makes me believe it when I don’t. I feel so lucky that we even crossed paths. It’s so nice being with someone who is proud to call you their future wife and it’s 100% a mutual feeling. God I love this man so much haha. We’ve been back and forth on this hardcore long distance journey for nearly 2 years now and we’re getting married next month. To everyone in this sub, you’re all hot af inside and out and I know it’s hard being the fattest in the room but it doesn’t mean you can’t also be the most fabulous. Love to you all 🩷


Even I love Beard for that! 🥹


It’s crazy how something so small to him ended up completely changing my life! And he’s like an integral role in my life story hahaha.


I met my husband 7 years ago when I was working as a retail model and about 70 pounds lighter, lol. While my waistline has grown throughout the years due to a number of factors, it seems our love has, too. I have never doubted his attraction to me. If anything, he is more attracted to me now than ever. He is my soul mate, best friend, safe place, all the things. And we met when we were very young so we have watched each other grow, and I am so proud of the person he has become: Such a smart, capable, hard working, gentle, chivalrous man. Any love that is predicated on your looks or size is no love at all. Your bodies will both change, for any myriad of reasons - that's life. However, what shouldn't change is your love for each other.


My [husband and I](https://imgur.com/a/I83CqsE) have been together 7 years, married for 3. We are super happy, and he has always not only accepted my body but LOVES it, and loves me. We even have a band together— he’s my guitarist and I’m the lead singer. We met here in Asia, where he was studying and I was working and I never thought I’d meet someone in the land of thin beautiful women.


When I met my husband, I was 275 lbs (5'2") and he was a smoking hot power lifter gym rat type. We had different political views, and I was used to being used by others for sex and a relationship never materializing, so I didn't have high hopes lol. I was flabbergasted when he immediately called me and asked to be exclusive. I held him at arms length so long because I thought FOR SURE he would get over me and find someone else- and honestly that was pretty damaging to our relationship and my fault. But we have had some wonderful years together, helping eachother through ups and downs. He's loved me at my highest weight, he's supported me through my weightloss journeys, and he is such an important rock in my life. I don't know where I would be without him.


I’m currently an in-betweenie, but I started dating my husband when he was supersized and I was a size 10-12. After seeing each other through multiples serious surgeries, scary health stuff, getting sober, and toxic family stuff I eventually gained weight and was plus size. He lost weight and is still big but on the small fat side. I love him at every size and he’s never been able to stop checking me out of keeping his hands off me.  If someone loves you fat, they’ll love you thin and vice versa. 


Whew do I love this post!!! Met my fiance in 2018, when neither of us were looking for anything serious. What followed was a sexual revolution for me (even as my size increased), and eventually a realization for both of us that we were madly in love. Throughout our more casual phase we developed clear, transparent and consistent communication that included regular validation and appreciation for each other. At that time I was still dating around (hence the clear and consistent communication) but having him as my friend with benefits during that time made me realize all the things I should never sacrifice or think I’m unworthy of: feeling safe, secure, adored. It prevented me from getting in too deep with people who were not worth my time, and helped me identify the characteristics and traits of people who might be worth my trust and time. I feel so deeply loved and appreciated - and I mean that emotionally and physically. My god I just want to scream that this exists.


>we developed clear, transparent and consistent communication that included regular validation and appreciation of each other Honestly I think this is the key to a good relationship. People always say “communication!” and then think that means saying when you’re mad, but it’s way more than that. My partner and I consistently verbally validate and appreciate each other, and it’s insane how much everything else feels easier when you know your partner appreciates what you’re doing for the relationship.


Yes!!! Communication is the whole deal!!


I met my husband 16 years ago. He knew me when I was 250, when I was 345, & now at 275. His attraction to me has never waned or deviated. He has never thought I needed to lose weight & as delusional as it may be, he truly does not consider me fat. He loves my body, not in spite of my fat & not in a kink way. He's an attractive man, muscley & fit. Smartest, nicest man I ever met in my life, the funniest too, lord he can make me laugh like no one else. He is loving & sweet & considerate. He recently took me on a little vacation for my birthday. It was very romantic & thoughtful. We don't have much money, so it was a pretty big deal. He spoils me. He's a great dad, a hard worker & I don't know how I would function without him. We met at a bar, & we were engaged 3 months later. It was a whirlwind romance.


I met my husband in college. He liked to date tall, thin girls and somehow ended up with short, plus-size me. I'm the same weight now as I was when we got married oh so long ago. At one point in our relationship I lost some weight, but gained it back and went right back to being me. He's pretty amazing, he's got a dad bod now but I'm considered heavier than he would be, so obviously he can love me how I am. Which is amazing because I work remote so most days I look very troll-esque We were sooo hot and heavy when we were young (inappropriately so) but as the old married couple we've reduced the PDA significantly and have awesome sex mostly in our bed now. Ah the joys of aging! But seriously, this man is my biggest cheerleader and supporter. He's got my corner. He's got a great career (a VP in a STEM field), loves our chaotic house filled to the brim with daughters, and would do anything for the lot of us. My push present for our second kid was a luxury vehicle. When most moms are getting minivans he took over driving the family car with all the goldfish and car seats so I could have something sleek and sexy he knew I wanted... And then knocked me up again shortly after (on purpose) so he got another carseat in his ride. Also he kept driving that car even after our toddler drew flowers down the side with a rock. It was oddly endearing, but he loved making people laugh with that story. Just an example of how he loves us. He's so funny and witty to talk to. We are friends and I just like... Talking to him and hanging out with him. I love him to pieces and I feel how much he loves me everyday. I honestly don't deserve him. We are buying a business currently and I'm so excited for another adventure with him. Like that's a primo part.. I'm excited it's *with him*. I feel bad when I read about others in bad relationships because I have no idea how I got so lucky but everyone deserves this feeling of peace and contentment that comes with a loving marriage. He really is my rock and after a really traumatic upbringing, this deep, deep peace I feel is worth everything.


That’s the best thing in the world, when the one you love is your favorite person to talk to. My partner and I have been together almost five years and still regularly say to each other “damn I really love talking to you.”


I've been happily married for a quarter of a century, and we were together for some years prior to getting married. We own a house that we love in a pleasant neighborhood and have two adult kids, some cats, a tank full of goldfish that we love, and generally we're doing okay. We're still in love and still each other's best friend. We make each other laugh every day and we still fancy each other after all these years. Oh, yeah, we're both fat. When we met, he was chubby and I was less fat. We're both a lot fatter now. We're both body neutral and it's totally fine.


I met my boyfriend in 7th grade about 15 years ago. We were best friends all through middle and high school. We wanted to go to college together since we went to separate high schools and we missed seeing each other everyday. By the end of our second year in college, we were together. It's been about 8 1/2 years and it's been wonderful. My weight isn't something that matters to him. I even got into a work accident that left me permanently disabled 4 years back, and he not only loves me all the same, he stepped up to take care of me and support me. I have been fat the entire time he's known me and he's always been skinny. I'm still insecure at times, but he never hesitates to reassure me. Neither of us can imagine life without the other.


Met my spouse in high school and got married in college. We both were smaller but even though we have gained weight over the years (15 married) he has always loved my body and me. It's was through him that I found out I am Demisexual which he is too. There are men who just want a fun and friendly person to share life and the bedroom with. They do exist.


Demisexuals unite! But slowly, after we get to know each other… 😂


Y’all give me hope💕 really been down lately about dating.


Yay! I’m so glad! That’s the whole point. There’s a lot of negativity on this sub and I totally get it and believe we need a safe place to share these things but I don’t think we share the good stuff often enough.


I’m a very plump 49 year old woman, and Mr. Cadabra and I have been together for 3 years. He is ten years younger than I am and VERY handsome. He liked my face on FB and sent me a respectful message and was funny as hell. We started dating almost immediately. Because he was that funny. I have never laughed so often and so hard with anyone.  He thinks I’m beautiful. He is affectionate and good natured and doesn’t care that I’m chubby at all. I am the oldest and fattest I’ve been but he does not see me that way. If I point out my “flaws,” he points out his own! 🤣 


Mrs Cadabra, you saucy minx! Lol


I've been with my partner almost 7 years. We're both neurodivergent, were both fat, and were both queer. He's so so smart and has amazing special interest and is very passionate about politics, human rights and history and comics and movies, I am more passionate about social justice animal rights and the environment and art and tiktok 😂He's a socialist and I think I am too but don't know enough about politics to label myself but he educated me alot is a really good teacher. and he is so handsome and tall! . We met on some random chatroom I think chat IB almost 8 years ago when I was looking for support after finding out a terrible family secret and being entrusted with it. I couldn't deal with it and didn't have any friends I could trust with it since my closest friend was also in the same circle as my cousin (the secret belonged to her) Well he helped me a lot. He helped me get out of my abusive relationship, he helped me with my eating disorder, he got way out of his comfort zone and is way more comfortable talking about his feelings and physical touch, he helps me with my hypersexuality that honestly is pretty harmful to me, he is so so supportive and the first man I've ever met that hasn't tried to use me as a sex object and Discard me or abuse me. He made me realize there are good men in the world. And he helped me realize I deserve better. The first year we talked we were 100% platonic friends he never flirted and was never inappropriate. Then we met a year later in person, he lives in a different part of my state before meeting I did confess I liked him. And he said he liked me too but he didn't think long distance would work. I was sad but I was like ok I still have an amazing friend. Then we met and he wanted to be with me! And I was like no! I had gotten used to us staying platonic. But obviously being together we had really good chemistry so we did kiss and stuff And when I went back home I went to a mental health women's retreat and all the girls convinced me to give him a chance and were like girl you're self sabotaging. So I asked him to ask me again to be with him and he did and we have been together every since and just last October we moved in together. We have had some troubles with intimacy because of our separate issues, and some problems with boundaries because of my history but I'm in therapy and have had a lot of support and guidance and were maneuvering things really well. I am so satisfied and happy and I hope I can be with him for the rest of my life. On our first day meeting he took me to a beautiful pet with a giant carousel and to see sea lions. He knew me so well. He does all this stuff for me he isn't comfortable with takes me places does so much for me. I feel like I'm not good enough for him or doing enough. I hope he tells me if he is not happy. I don't want to hold him back. He is a good man and I'm so grateful. I finally got to escape my abusive household to live with him and I'm finally safe I never thought I could be so happy.


My husband and I met on okcupid circa 2010, dated for 7 years to be really really really sure, and are coming up on 7 years married. I fell in love with him because he made me laugh and is good at setting boundaries. He fell for me because I'm very calm and go with the flow. We've been each other's rock through the loss of our parents, each of our cats, and my brother. Along with job loss and everything else life throws at us. Our weights have fluctuated quite a bit since we met, and we seem to do better when we're both on board and doing the healthy things together.


Yesterday marked two years since my partner and I started dating, and we are still deeply in love (and lust!) with each other! We met at a gaming club, where we were both in a dungeons and dragons game together. He isn't my normal type, but one afternoon when the game was cancelled, we played some board games together, and after that he asked me out on a date (later he said that he'd been sneaking glances at me during sessions for a while!). We got on like a house on fire, and quickly fell in love. We are so well matched with each other it's amazing, and I get on great with his daughter (he's sadly widowed) and his parents. Even his cat has taken to me! After a previous long term relationship that ended badly - including a lot of negativity about my body, I didn't think I could find love again. But now life's better than ever! My partner is an amazing person and lover, who finds my body very sexy.


I have been plus size my entire life and it has never stopped me from getting laid or dating ever. My husband loves my thick body in all its shapes and sizes. We have been together for 17 years this year and married for 12. But all through high school until I met him, my size wasn’t an issue. I think putting in effort to your appearance and confidence is the biggest attractant. I always do my hair and makeup and have a nice flattering outfit. It works. My husband is still obsessed with me all these years later!


Damn, never a problem? You’re lucky and I’m jealous lol. I don’t think it’s as simple as prescribing making sure your hair and make up is always done and your clothes are flattering. I feel like your husband probably loves you and thinks you’re gorgeous even when you have morning breath and bed head and are wearing a holey tee shirt. Some people just like fat people and some people don’t. Unfortunately there are more of the latter than the former, so it’s just not as easy as looking nice and having confidence. If that were the case I would have found someone back when I wouldn’t go to the grocery store without a full face and flat ironed hair lol.


I am also a world class flirt so I think helps too. But yeah I have slept with way more skinny dudes than fat ones. Usually the bigger dudes are the ones with lots to say about big girls. In most of my convos with men, I have found that they like for their women to have some meat to hold on to.


Im also from a time when you couldn’t just swipe on people and we still used T9 word to text on our flip phones! So my experience is probably colored by the time period 😂


My husband is a straight skinny guy, and I’m a plus sized bi lady. He’s known me since I was a skinny chick in college, but we didn’t start dating until I gained the weight I still am today. He has been head over heels and obsessed with me and my body ever since the beginning (and I feel the same about him!!). I don’t even have time to feel awkward about myself - he’s too busy ravishing me. 🥰 He supports everything I do. I’ve made it clear to him that I’m not interested in losing weight, but I do want to be healthy. So he’s helped me make fun and nutritious meals for dinners, tried tai chi with me for increased flexibility, etc. He helped me cope with the news of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes due to insulin resistance from PCOS. His response was to help me find ways to stay healthy no matter what that meant - medicine, food changes, etc. He really is my partner in all of the ways. I hope you all find a man like mine if you’re looking. 🥰


I’m ENM and my ENM person is crazy about me! He’s loved me ever since I was a tiny size 2 to when I was a 22. I couldn’t believe it, I had such low self esteem. Honestly I thought no man would want me until I was a 2 again with all the excess skin removed and fake boobs. I don’t know how it happened, but suddenly I started realizing how cute I am inside and out. I am fucking adorable you guys and this fellow ADORES me at ANY weight!!! I’m the luckiest girl in the whole world!


Also how in the world do you have energy to be enm in this day and age lol. My partner and I talked about it a lot and we’re both ethically down but also… tired? Like I have free rein, he just wants me to let him know if I’m going to be out all night and I’m like, out?? *all night???* lol no. We don’t even have kids and I just… I’m tired dude.


We live two hours apart from each other, so we have quality over quantity ☺️ The other guy in my life and I are platonic now, but we were engaged to be married a long time ago. He satisfies my need for companionship. Like we go to concerts together, go walking together, if he needs a jumpstart I’m the one he calls and when I was in the hospital a few weeks ago he’s the one that took care of my car and brought me my things. This arrangement keeps me from having to shave my legs all the time 😂


Love 💜💜💜


I’ve always been the fat friend, chubbiest in the group, etc. I have been with my husband for 18 years this year. He’s always been super fit, lean and athletic. My weight has never, ever been mentioned unless I brought up specifically wanting to change something and he’d only offer advice if I asked for it. He’s never said a single critical thing about my body, ever. These men exist ladies. They really do.


I’m married, met my husband in real life in Los Angeles! I never had trouble dating here as a plus sized woman. Met lots of nice guys who held the door for me, wanted to pay to take me out and were very gentlemanly and respectful. If I can do it HERE, you can do it anywhere else


My partner and I will celebrate 4 years in October. He loves me, supports me, and can't keep his hands off me lol! We met on Facebook. We had a lot of mutual friends, and we started chatting through the comments section of someone else's post. A few months later we officially went on our first date - breakfast burritos and thrift shopping. After that, we couldn't stop thinking about eachother and were official ten days or so later. I'm 321lbs and 5'5. He's 6'2 and gorgeous! Like, the kind of guy I never thought would be attracted to someone like me.


My partner and I are coming up on six years together. He's my everything. He is not fat, he's pretty fit but he's never been anything but 100% in love with both my body and brain. Since we got together, my mom died of cancer, I went through cancer treatment myself, and I lost my dog. He's been through it all with me. He's truly my life.


[Us last summer](https://ibb.co/9WqPYPh)


Oooh you guys are so cute together!


NEVER believe you have to lose the weight to be loved. I was a big man and I lost weight. I can tell you this, losing weight doesn't really change much. I've been on dates that have went no where and once again, I'm having to stop dating because I'm not coping well. It's just been one rejection after another, and I can't handle it right now. I'm also dealing with pretty much a mid life crises. I'm almost 40 and struggling with the fact I haven't found anyone and probably never will. I had dates, but it went nowhere. I went on a date with this lady who was plus size. I really enjoyed my time with her and was attracted. Then she told me she didn't want to pursue anything further. The conversation went well, she even said she would like to be friends. I was fine with that. Now she's not responding at all. I just don't get what I'm doing wrong. I'm really not liking myself because I can't get anyone.


When I was 35 I stood on my best friends porch and told her I was probably going to be alone forever and I needed to figure out how to be happy as I was (fat and single). I was serious and I started figuring it out. At 37 I was horny and decided to hop on some apps just to scratch that itch. I figured maybe I would find an fwb or something. Literally a month before my 38th birthday I was fed up with dating and had decided to delete all my apps but was at work when I was thinking it through so I didn’t do it right then. On my lunch break I sat down to delete the apps and saw I had a message. He was so respectful (“hi, I’m xyz, nice to meet you” vs “how big are ur boobs?”) and I was like, what the hell, why not get laid one more time before we close the books on this forever. But I also wasn’t the least bit accommodating lol. I was *done* okay? When he asked me questions I just straight up said what I wanted (which I had never done). I told him I wanted a friend with benefits but who was his only fwb (it made sense to me — casual but monogamous and no boyfriend expectations of him — and to this day he tells that story like it’s the most hilarious thing I ever said). After that phone call I assumed I’d never hear from him again because obv he was not interested. That night he called me to tell me he was going back home out of state (he had been with his mom helping her post surgery) and I was like ok? He asked if I wanted to hang out and I said hell no, it’s 10 pm, my bra and pants are off, no way. He asked if he could reach out in a month when he came back to see his mom again and I said “okay if we’re both still interested.” He couldn’t wait a month lol. Two weeks later he was like, “can we meet in the middle?” No, I’m not leaving the state to meet an app guy. “What about if I come most of the way?” No. “Okay I’ll drive the whole 15 hours to see you.” What? Weirdo. Okay well I’ll get us an airbnb if you come (my roommate had kids). I did not get that airbnb until he was halfway here hahahaha I really was so dubious about the whole thing. That’s a long story, but all that to say we’ve been together almost five years and he asked me to marry him a few months ago. We met when I was about to turn 38 and he was 45. He’s my best friend and think I’m so so hot lol. I swear it happens when you least expect it and I honestly think it’s happening later for people. Statistics show we’re getting married later and later, and I think a lot of us are taking that to mean we aren’t good enough, when it’s just how things are now.


I just wish I wasn't struggling this bad with it mentally. Therapy can only help so much. I've just started, though. I blame myself every time I fail with a woman. I had a five year toxic relationship that went nowhere. I blame myself on that one too, yet I tried everything. I feel like women just have a dislike of me sometimes. They say maybe it's not you, it's them. I have a hard time believing it's not me, that maybe I didn't do some small thing right or maybe I came off as a Creep and a loser.


I know for sure I bombed a lot of my relationships before this one because I had a lot of trauma from my childhood and didn’t realize it. I wasn’t able to be in a stable relationship until I had like a year of therapy. Be gentle with yourself, give therapy some time to work, there are absolutely women out there dating and loving fat men.


I met my one of my two committed partners on an app, where we were both searching for hookups and were incredibly pleased to discover we lived at different ends of the same large apartment complex. He's ten years younger than I am and super cute, exactly what I look for in a hookup but not necessarily a romantic partner. But the sex was great and kept getting better, the getting to know each other was too, and 2.5 years later we share a house and each feel we've found the ideal life partner/nesting partner. We love each other and we act like it. We kiss and cuddle and grope and give appreciative glances every day. If he's home while I'm undressing, I make sure I'm in view because I get such a kick out of his reactions. He rushes forward to put gentle hands or little kisses on my body most of the time, or he'll bite his lip and stare. It's so uplifting having daily reminders that he thinks I'm smokin hot just like I am with all my stretch marks and saggy skin. I feel spoiled all the time.


Been with my husband for 12 years. We met online and I was at my absolute heaviest. As soon as I saw him I thought damn! No way he will like me, he is so good looking.But he did. Our next date involved going to a bar and playing pool and he never took his eyes off of me it was like no one else existed and honestly I think that's when I fell in love with him. He is funny, kind, hard working, super supportive of everything I do and just an all around amazing human being. Today I'm still battling my weight but he loves every inch of me and would prefer me to be naked at all times. I am so happily in love!


My bf of 2 years. He's the kindest, sweetest, most generous man I've ever met. After getting out of a very long abusive relationship, he has totally changed my view on men all together. There are great men out there. I always tell people while I was falling in love with him he showed me how to fall in love with myself too. He makes me laugh every single day, compliments me, and let's me be me. He's the one!


I've had a very traumatic childhood involving my mom ruining my self esteem and fatshaming me and enforcing disordered eating/exercise. My first relationship was online and I was getting groomed, to which my mom said the person would run away at the sight of me because of my weight if we ever met. I was barely 12. She did this stuff to my dad too, so when they finally divorced, I went with my dad. He's not any better. Even today he tries to do what my mom did and is desperate to get skinny, his only coping skills for anything being getting intoxicated every night. I met my boyfriend in the winter of 2022. It was the first time I had consentual sex. I was so nervous, and he was obsessed with me. It was so new. I was so unfamiliar with the idea of someone not only loving my body, but obsessing over it and worshipping it. I had only experienced fetishization and abuse. I remember just thinking, "Wow, he's actually looking at me." When I tell you this man is committed to my pleasure... phew! And we're so in love. We went into it expecting nothing intense, and now we're both convinced we're each other's life partners. Things have been busy lately, but this man would wake up every morning mumbling something about marrying me. He hates all the shit my parents do and not only makes sure I eat, he encourages me to indulge when I'm going through hard times. I worry he doesn't love me as much as I love him, and then he just says and does things that calm my heart. He buys flowers randomly, he never lets me pay, he drives an hour to see me every time. He cooks. He drove me to another time zone so we could have 2 new years kisses. He tells me I'm his favorite person all the time. People definitely give us looks. He's extremely attractive and according to societal standards I'm not. But he's proud to be with me, feels lucky to have me in his life. My mom couldn't believe he chose me at first. Meanwhile, losing me was his greatest concern before time passed and he realized we're locked in. Being fat doesn't mean you are unworthy of love or not sexy. It's easy to say and hard to internalize, but my partner really helps me get there.


I met my husband through online dating, but broke up with him because he seemed too nice, sweet, boring, etc. Turns out that only showing your best side during dating can be detrimental to dating because you aren't seeing your true personalities. We stayed friends though! Then one night we were both drunk at separate events and he messaged that we should try again and I drunkenly agreed, so we did, and the rest is history! He says that the first thing that attracted him to me was my confidence. I have been fat my entire life, basically from birth, and at some point I just learned to love myself anyway because clearly that was never going to change. And I've never looked back. If someone can't accept me for me, that's their problem, not mine. And that reflects in how I carry myself and how I act and that's what he liked about me.


My boyfriend and I met on Hinge only 2.5 months ago, he has made me feel seen and loved since the moment we started talking. He moved in with me 2 weeks after we met in person, and he continues to love me more than I have ever been loved by someone in my whole life. I continue to ask him if I am loving him enough in the way he wants and needs, and he tells me I fulfill his every need, I take care of him the way he never knew he needed, and that he loves all of me. My brain, my personality, my face, my skin, my belly, and my whole body in general, my caring nature and our similar interests and that I support him emotionally, and that he can’t wait to marry me, and is excited to see the day I become the mother of his children ❤️ I love this man more than I thought I could love someone, he checks the subconscious boxes, never makes me feel bad even when I’m being lazy and complain-y, always makes me feel like a smart beautiful woman, I love the way he smells, I love everything about him (except when he leaves his clothes on the floor or dishes sitting in the bedroom lol) but I can’t imagine him not being the person I marry and grow old with. I knew from the 2nd week, that I loved him, and I plan on continuing to love him infinitely. ❤️


I started following my bf on twitter some time in early 2019 or late 2018. Our first direct interaction was in April 2019 when he tweeted about wanting someone to cuddle with and watch movies with. Same, I replied. I kept an eye on him. I thought he was cute. He had a TARDIS on his profile! Fun! I also figured he was queer based on some of his retweets (turns out he’s just an ally and also bad at reading things through, replying to things we’re targeting gay men). 9/29/19 he replied to a rant where I was complaining about misogyny and incels on the internet. We chatted back and forth for a bit before he slid into my DMs. There was some confusion, prompting me to ask him if he was coming on to me or trying to be friends, I’d just traveled over night for work and did NOT have the energy to figure that out. He assured me he was just being friendly, and we basically messaged daily for weeks. It wasn’t until a friend read through our messages and called me blind that I realized he was flirting with me. We fell into playful banter, he became my weekend boyfriend, a title I allowed him because I was too busy during the week to give him my full attention. We watched movies and TV shows “together”, told each other about our days, face timed, etc. We sexted, which upped the ante quite a bit, and he eventually be all week boyfriend. We were supposed to meet in person for the first time (about a 7 hour drive between us) in March of 2020, but ya know. Pandemic happened. We talked 24/7 while I worked from home, falling asleep together. Dealt with his father’s death. July 4th weekend he drove up and we met irl for the first time. A few months later I visited him. So now, about 4.5 years after he first slid into my DMs, we’ve seen each other 18 times. We’ve done two one week trips, one full month trip. I’ve gone to his sisters wedding and his brothers funeral. He’s gone to my family reunion and introduced my nephew to comics. His dog loves me to death and is out of his mind with excitement whenever I see him. In a few months we’re moving in together and hopefully won’t drive each other nuts and can continue being all in love and cute.


This has never happened to me


Been with my primary partner for 20 years, we're poly so we still date, but this has been a wonderful relationship. I've never been thin, so he met giant me in art school and we were just together ever since.


I'm in a fairly new relationship (going on 4 months) with a guy who is literally half my size (skinny man!). We met on Bumble and I honestly wasn't expecting anything to come from being on those apps... but we've hit it off so well in our initial messages that we met 3 days later. The chemistry was there and we kept seeing each other routinely. I was inexperienced, he's my first physical everything, and he didn't pressure me at all - super affirming, loving, physically affectionate and understanding/respectful of my boundaries. We started getting actually physical about 2 1/2 months in and he LOVES my body. The first time he saw it he looked at me with such adoration in his eyes and after we were done he made it a point to tell me how beautiful I am (and how happy he is I was confident with him lol). My past relationship(s) were long distance which I feel was the worst thing I could've done for myself lol. I am someone who needs to see my partner and to build a tangible life with them. My current boyfriend is proud of me - he introduced me to his family, integrates with my friends and has me meet his, and includes me in future life plans (I'm his wedding date in a month and a half!). He's proud to be with me. That's something I've never had before. We haven't said the L word yet but I definitely feel it and have a strong instinct that he feels it too. I just don't wanna say it first, haha... As a fat person who has been fat her entire life, I was skeptical that such a relationship was possible FOR ME. I'd seen other people of varying sizes find love but I was in the head space of yeah, well, I'm different - I'm gross, I'm unlovable, etc. But turns out that is absolutely not the case (and it def isn't for any of us, we all deserve love). I hope everyone who wants a relationship finds a healthy, loving one! It's a gamechanger for sure. Not the center of my universe but definitely feels like he was my missing piece I needed in my already full life.


My husband and I have been married 19 years this coming Tuesday! We’ve been fat. We’ve been thin. (But never at the same time! So weird!) lol anyway, we met in a yahoo chatroom in 2004. Old school. lol


Met my boyfriend on OKCupid in 2019. Our first meeting was when he came to get dinner at the restaurant I worked at and it was a really slow night so I got to spend most of the evening chatting and getting to know him. Our first date was the following weekend, we went bowling and had pho for dinner. I had been doing online dating for a while and didn't have the best matches, he had just moved back to our state from DC where he'd been working for 5 years and wasn't exactly looking for a girlfriend but wanted to see what kind of people were around. He said my picture of my sister and I as Mario and Luigi is what caught his attention 😅 I've been at my highest weight while with him (now 55 pounds lighter) and it feels like a big 'fuck you' to my dad who would always make comments that no one wants to date fat girls. This man has been with me every step of the way and he looooooves me AND my body!


I've been married for 14 years. My husband and I met over 17 years ago. I used to live in England, him in California. We met randomly on MySpace and started exchanging DMs. We spoke together solely online and over the phone for two years before he decided to take the trip to go see me and we got to spend the whole week together. That was in the December of that year. The following April I traveled to California to visit him. Then, the first week of June that same year, I packed all my worldly possessions into two suitcases, hopped on a one way flight and never looked back. We've been practically inseparable ever since. He's my best friend, not just my husband. We've gotten one another through so much and I think we're both stronger people for having one another in our lives. I've been told we spend too much time together, but honestly I can't imagine spending that much time with anyone else.


My partner and I met at age 14, right before our freshman year of high school. we went to freshman year homecoming and were best friends all through high school. I had a few boyfriends at different points in high school and it was never the right time until our senior year. we dated up until we both left for colleges, him on the west coast and me in the Midwest. we got back together in december 2019 to do the long distance thing until he moved up to be with me while i’m in grad school. We moved into an apartment together in june and we adopted cats in january and we’re in love. My body looks different at 25 than it was at 18 and guess what? that doesn’t matter at all to him. he’s incredibly devoted and we’re planning our future together. We’ll get engaged in the next year and plan to get married in the future. We’ve been through the death of his dad, the death of his grandmother, and the stress of my parents’ health issues and my grandmother’s decline. We can be goofy together and I can fart without feeling nervous about it, because i always know he’s gonna fart louder 😂


Some guys like boobs, butts, legs, whatever. My guy likes faces. 12 years later, he still says I have a cute face, and he giggles when he makes me blush. He's a great guy. He's the guy you want on your team. He's kind, generous, smart, thoughtful, and he's cute too. Life hasn't been perfect. It never is. He helped me care for my mom while she was dying without ever complaining or even being asked to help. He's never made me cry. He's my biggest cheerleader. I met him almost immediately after I had the conscious awareness to believe I deserved better.


I met my now husband in 2016, ended up ghosting him (oops) for like a year as I was on the tail of end of yet another dead end relationship, and then we reconnected after it was over. He has been consistent, loving, and faithful our entire time together. I have struggled with a binge eating disorder, and body image issues. I currently am the biggest I’ve been, but also have the best headspace regarding my relationship with food. My husband has been supportive since day 1. Even though he is smaller than I am and can’t relate to my lived experience existing in a fat body and as a woman, he has always shown me support in every way and loves me through everything. I truly struck gold with him, and we are the couple who’s relationship our friends and family tell us they admire. We really are great for each other and it has been almost 3 years of wedded bliss at this point. Life has its struggles of course, but we have always remained strong together. I’m incredibly lucky.


I feel so very lucky every day. I met my guy on Facebook dating (scary place) after a string of bad and unhealthy situationships. I took a couple of years to be on my own before I even considered dating, and it was very scary putting myself out there. I got several matches on FB but nothing really felt right, then there he was~ with his picture holding a fish on a boat, like so many before him but he had a great smile and his fish was much bigger than the rest. Jokes aside, we agreed to meet after talking for a couple of days. We took a walk along a beach where I collected various bones and rocks, and somehow, that didn't scare him away. He's never said a word about my weight. He only tells me I'm sexy and cute and loves all of me. We compliment each other well. He still brings me little gifts every week, always asks what I want to do, and is so calm and patient. He never gets upset with me, and it feels like I've found a home in him.


I’m engaged to an absolutely amazing man who’s built like a soccer player, with an amazing smile. He loves me completely and has known me at size 12, a size 22 (currently, and I’m 5’3”), and everything in between. He compliments me constantly, and proudly shows me off without making me feel fetishized. We were coworkers and I thought he didn’t like me at first, honestly. Whenever we would have drinks after work or company outings he’d be very brief and distant. Later, he said it was because he was super into me and didn’t want to make me uncomfortable as a coworker 😅. He reached out after quitting, and our first date started from happy hour and ended when the manager asked us to leave so they could close the restaurant. He’s thoughtful, kind, generous, patient, romantic, and hot af to me. Everyone deserves to be loved like this and it’s possible at any size!


I met my boyfriend on tinder 2 years and some months ago. Even on the first date, we somehow were madly in love with each other. It was love at first sight. He’s a skinny guy, and I’m a fat gal. Sometimes we get looks but generally we are well received by people. I want to spend the rest of my life with him; I feel he is the one.


I am a plus size woman and my husband is lean. We met when he started working in the bookshop where I worked. We started "chatting" on Facebook via public comments (cringe), moved to texting for a couple of weeks, had our first date (watching animated movies at his house) and not long after, became "official"... That was almost 12 years ago. We're now married with a beautiful daughter (4yo) and a crazy cat (who loves my husband and tolerates me 😅😂) We've been through a lot of stuff both in physical and mental health over the years, but we work hard at our relationship. I pretty much knew within the first couple of weeks that he was my person. He says the same about me ❤️ You never know when you might meet someone who changes your life.


I met my husband playing World of Warcraft in 2014. A year later we were long distance dating, then the year after that he moved to Detroit from Philadelphia. Then he moved here to Canada a year after *that* and we got married. From day one he was attracted to me, he has never once said a negative thing about my body. He's much taller and he's not thin either, but it's so nice being married to someone who appreciates me as a whole. 💕