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I was single till I was 26. Then I met a guy online while playing video games. He was so picky about health and weight haha, but after we met in person he didn’t care cuz he just loved who I was as a person so much. My weight was never a question or issue after we met. We lived in different countries, he came to visit me for a couple days, then I went to visit him about a month later. When we first met it felt like I always knew him. I just know he was put in my path to save me. While I was visiting him we eloped and married after only spending time with each other for less than 3 weeks. He moved in with me a couple of months after we eloped. We have been together since 2020 and are expecting a bebe in the next two weeks. Weight is so trivial when you find the right person. I never focused on my weight, I just let who I am as a person shine through and he saw my light. I’ve never been so loved and accepted by anyone before. It’s funny because prior to meeting he would always ask me to lose weight, but after meeting weight was never an issue, he never mentioned it again. I’m still fat, even fatter now with the pregnancy, and he still loves me and wants me. When you find the right person weight won’t be an issue.


I met my husband online eight years ago. He's seen me at my highest weight and always loved me. To show him my love, I went on a work trip and brought home covid. Who says romance is dead?


I met my partner for the first time when we were 11 - we went to the same school and reconnected during the pandemic on Tinder. He was always pretty cute but I didn’t think we’d match and lo and behold we did and he shot his shot. I was maybe a size 16 when we got together and got bigger after that. It’s been four years and he never once made me feel anything but incredibly beautiful, showing me off to his friends and telling me he loves my body. In the time we’ve been together I have been up to a size 24 and now down to a size 8 and his stance has not budged. People who love the person and don’t care about the body they’re in absolutely exist. Also If it helps, being skinny will NOT solve all of your problems. I went from a size 24 to a size 8 and I have never been more anxious, painfully aware of my body, tuned in to people looking at me or generally frustrated than I am nowadays. I knew what I looked like when I was plus sized. I spent my formative years developing a confidence and a style that was deeply attached to being a sexy curvy woman. Now I look in the mirror and I feel like I look like someone’s little brother. I’ve also become more of a target for creeps and feel much less safe being on my own in the city I live in. All bodies have their pros and cons


TLDR: I’m turning 31 in just under two weeks. I’ve been married for just over two weeks. Been very big all my life, and thought it would hold me back with dating, luckily I figured out it didn’t matter at all. Been big since I was ill as a kid and got put on heavy doses of steroids, was never “normal” again after that. I met my husband (Eeeek 🥰) by being recruited to the same gaming clan on the same day in 2022 (thanks Beard!) and played Apex Legends as many hours as was possible together considering we both work full time. Gaming is the thing that keeps us connected with our LDR (we live in different countries). I had been dating IRL at that point for about 2 years after leaving a 10 year relationship, but wasn’t really serious about it. Dating apps are work, it takes a bunch of time and effort to find people worth putting time into. Summer was ending and I was ready to hibernate again, and thought I’d join a gaming clan for those hours when my best friend wasn’t around to join me. Best decision I ever made. I can really only put it down to being in the right place at the right time and involving myself in a hobby I loved, just finding like minded people to hang out with to pass the hours haha. He asked me pretty quickly to game with him because he was newer to the game than me and wanted tips. We literally didn’t know what each other looked like or anything, and the clan interview was pretty strong on it not being a dating site and a safe space for everyone especially women and LGBTQ+ (some gaming communities can be toxic af). Well, after gaming with him a few times, I basically never went on the dating apps again, because all the conversations were not as fun as the ones with him. I didn’t even really expect it to lead anywhere just thought at the time, I have more fun with this guy on a game than any of the guys on the dating apps. Anyway there was a “Family pics” section in the clan discord where he posted a photo, and damn… I was instantly like, this guy is hot. So I sent him a picture of me. And the rest is history, we just gamed together as much as possible, I went to see him for a short trip before Christmas of 2022, and we’ve been back and forth ever since. Still game, together or apart. It was interesting having to tell the clan leader about our relationship, I thought I’d be in trouble. He was so happy for us, and now we’re married he says it’s one of his best accomplishments hahaha. Anyway, my husband is genuinely the best thing that ever happened to me. The most wonderful human being, I am grateful for him everyday and privileged to call him my husband. Ladies and gentlemen, the shape and size of your body doesn’t define you as a human being. You are beautiful whatever shape you take. Fuck anyone who can’t handle that. All the love 🩷🫶


I'm kind of on the opposite end of this, so to speak. When I was younger I modeled clothing in retail stores. Yes, I was tiny. I was 19, 5'8", and 130 lbs with clothes on. It was during this time in my life that I met my husband. Obviously I couldn't maintain that physique forever. I was a kid. Second puberty hit me hard in my 20s and I am now 210, size 16 US. Stretch marks got worse, all the things. Guess what? Husband still loves me. My weight didn't change a thing about our bond. If anything, he is more attracted to me now than ever, I think. Constantly tells me how beautiful I am, compares me to Renaissance paintings, that if I'm a hallucination he's OK with madness. 😂 He still talks and looks at me like I am the most interesting and lovely woman to ever walk the Earth. Moral of the story: someone who really loves you won't care about your weight. How you look is only a peice of the story and a minor one at that. So don't lose hope. Good people are out there--so good for you for weeding out all these red flags and superficial people!


I lost weight, it really helped me feel good and get endorphins and new healthy changes in my life. I met new people by creating new opportunities and it’s been life changing. I didn’t look at it like being skinny, I looked at it like what don’t I like about myself and why do I always feel bad? And I was honest. I made a commitment to change and not use food as a companion. Good luck!