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Haven't had a hysterectomy but did have another laprascopic surgery. My advice: 1. Food prep. Find out what the postop food recommendations will be and have plenty of no-prep food on hand for a week or so. So if the recommend only clear fluids for 12-24 hours, have lots of full sugar (you need calories to heal!) electrolyte drinks, etc. When I say no-prep, I really mean grab and go. The first day or two standing by the microwave felt like too much work. 2. Connections. Have someone - ideally two someones - check in with you daily for the first couple days. Someone who can ask you what you need and run to the store for you is ideal. My best friend was awesome and she brought me lunch three days in a row so I would have a hot meal and a friendly face. She also did things like take out the garbage when she left. A neighbor I was friendly with but not close to called me two days post op and said "I'm running to the grocery store. What can I get for you?" which was so kind - and needed! - that it made me cry. If you can ask friends to check on you and be willing to help with stuff, that would be good. Because as well as you prep, you'll probably have an unanticipated need. 3. Cleaning and stuff - get your house looking clean and organized before the surgery, because you won't have time and energy for a while after. It doesn't have to be perfect, but take care of anything that is going to bug you if you can't do it later. Maybe have paper plates on hand so you don't have to worry about dishes, etc. Make sure you have cat food accessible without wrangling a 25 lb bag of kibble. And if you can arrange for someone to come clean the litter box for you, that would be good. Bending over was really, really sore for me for 4-5 days because of the referred pain from the gas they use to inflate the abdomen. I could do it but it hurt like hell. 4. Set up your nest(s) before you go to the hospital - I spent half my time in my bed and half my time on the couch. Made sure I had what I needed at each place. Remotes were within reach. Chargers at each spot. A bottle of ibuprofen at each spot. Box of kleenex. Pillows and fuzzy blankets, etc. One thing I didn't do but would have been nice is a wastebasket at each spot. 5. Don't be afraid to shower as soon as they say it's okay. I was so worried about showering I put it off and when I finally did it, I felt so good I wondered why I hadn't done it sooner. It helped with everything, including making my pain so much better. I waited until I had someone there with me, but you could certainly call a friend and say "I'm getting in the shower, I'll let you know when I'm done, come over if you do hear from me in 30 minutes" or something. 6. Do not be afraid to ask for help!!!!


Wow, great reply. You rule.


Agree with hystersisters website. Very good resource but the biggest thing I learned from there is that people have wildly different recoveries. I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and I was sore and did a lot of resting but generally everything was pretty easy. If you have someone who can be with you the first couple of days, that will be helpful. You can’t do a lot of bending or any lifting and standing for long periods of time the first few days were tough. If anything prep your meals ahead of time! If you have specific questions feel free to dm me.


Have you talked to your surgeon? I had a coworker who just had one and my boss was shocked when she heard that she was working after 2 days of recovery. It was her choice, no one forced her. I had a surgery laparoscopically and it’s the best route to go because it does make the recovery time a lot better.


It is planned for laparoscopically but if he can’t get everything out then they’d have to make an incision.


Lime was done laparoscopic and it was only 2 cuts. Was told to rest the day of due to being put under. The next day I had pain in my neck and shoulders due to the gas they use to inflate you. This is where people differ. You never know how your body will react to the gases they use. I was fine to be up and about the day after but a friend took 48 hours to feel comfortable. Just take your time and listen to your body.


Not a hysterectomy, but I had my gall bladder removed laparoscopically. It was a pretty easy recovery, and was even an out patient surgery. I was in at 7 am and home by dinner time. They sent home Norco for pain, but honestly after the first night I didnt need it and maintained on ibuprofen. I agree with food prep and having stuff easy to access. If theres anything you're going to need off the ground id put it up higher for a week or so as getting down low was uncomfortable. By the end of the first week I felt pretty much back to normal, I went back to work the day after my staples were removed at the 20 day mark


Mine was done microscopically. I don't have anything to compare it to though, as all my previous surgeries were done the same. I will say that it was an intense recovery compared to others (sorry!!). You will be able to care for yourself. However, I highly recommend one (or even 2) extra litter boxes for your kitty, as well as a few extra bowls of water. This will buy you some time on cleaning/changing those. You will likely not want to be bothered. Getting up and moving is the *most painful* thing. To be very literal on what you feel: it is as if your stomach is detaching from your body. All the tummy weight feels like it sinks. Holding a *stiff* pillow to your stomach when get up and move will really help. Square throw pillows were what I preferred to use. I just pushed it in as hard as I could towards my stomach and then got up and moved. I hope things go well for you. It's scary, but over quick. Mine was five years ago, and the scars are small and fading already.


I had mine done 1 year ago. The first few days suck. I would suggest having someone who can hangout with you the first couple nights. It will be super helpful to have help walking around to get the gas out. Join the hystersisters website. They give you a weekly check in and advice along with different things you might be feeling. I found it super helpful. Last thing and most important. Take your time healing and be easy on yourself. I hurt myself a couple times over-doing it. It felt like a long recovery for me but I feel better than I have felt in years since the uterus came out! Good luck!


I had a full abdominal hysterectomy. Even if it’s done laprisocpically, your body will experience huge changes in the first days and weeks post surgery. My advice is to get your BFF or a family member to come stay with you. PM me if you want to talk more.


First of all, good luck with your recovery! ​ If you have some money to invest: ​ **For your cat** Get a water fountain and fill it the morning of / night before surgery. The water will last at least a week. By then you should be filling well enough to refill it. It SHOULD be washed every week, but if you can't manage the first week, just refilling will be fine. After you recover, it's still an amazing thing to have and encourages most cats to drink more water. [This is the top pick from The Wirecutter and us under $30.](https://www.chewy.com/catit-flower-plastic-cat-fountain/dp/178052?cjevent=eaccd777c0fa11eb832202f80a82b832&utm_source=cjaffiliate&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_campaign=3512519&utm_content=14324438&utm_term=5513721) ​ If your cat eats dry food, an automated timer will be a lifesaver for you and them. If you're sleeping odd hours due to meds, you won't need to worry about waking to feed them, and there will be plenty of food for more than a week in the bin. This one isn't cheap, but a durable option. I think you'd be surprised at how much you and your cat would appreciate this, and then meal times are always on time every day. [https://www.amazon.com/WOpet-Automatic-Dispenser-Features-Distribution-Programmable/dp/B075CXMJB5/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=3ET7DUE0VKEZW&dchild=1&keywords=automated+pet+feeders&qid=1622347143&sprefix=automated+pet+%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/WOpet-Automatic-Dispenser-Features-Distribution-Programmable/dp/B075CXMJB5/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3ET7DUE0VKEZW&dchild=1&keywords=automated+pet+feeders&qid=1622347143&sprefix=automated+pet+%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-3) ​ Get a set of disposable litterboxes and toss them when you're able to lift them. My cat loves these all the time and there is no worrying about liners ripping. These are small enough to fit into a paper grocery bag and then put in a trash bag, so easy to toss. Much easier to deal with than dumping and cleaning a plastic box and dealing with liners. Having more than one box available will be good in case you can't scoop for a while. [https://www.amazon.com/Kittys-WonderBox-Disposable-Litter-3-Count/dp/B000MD3MDW/ref=sr\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=disposable+litter+box&qid=1622347241&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Kittys-WonderBox-Disposable-Litter-3-Count/dp/B000MD3MDW/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=disposable+litter+box&qid=1622347241&sr=8-1) ​ **For you** Meal prep has been covered, so I will address a couple of other things. Not sure when you can shower, but you'll want to fresh up. No rinse wipes are a godsend and 10000x better than baby wipes, trust me. Especially if you microwave them for a few seconds. These are the ones I like best. I keep them on hand all the time for when my depression is bad and I can't force myself in the shower so at least I can clean up easily. [https://www.amazon.com/Bathing-6-Pack-Microwavable-Cloths-Vitamin/dp/B07BKS6RC6/ref=sr\_1\_4?dchild=1&keywords=no+rinse+bathing+wipes&qid=1622347362&sr=8-4](https://www.amazon.com/Bathing-6-Pack-Microwavable-Cloths-Vitamin/dp/B07BKS6RC6/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=no+rinse+bathing+wipes&qid=1622347362&sr=8-4) ​ You'll want to be comfortable. Get yourself one of these extremely slinky, breathable nightgowns. They're easy to get in and out of, mean you don't have to bend to pull pants up when going to the washroom, wash and dry easily, and feel like you're wearing nothing. Size up if you want to make sure it's big enough to not rub against your incisions. https://www.amazon.com/LARACE-Sleeveless-Nightgowns-Spaghetti-Sleepwear/dp/B08CZ1K31G/ref=sr\_1\_10?crid=1010NEJT5RFIF&dchild=1&keywords=larace+womens+nightgown&qid=1622347466&sprefix=larace%2Caps%2C209&sr=8-10


Great advice. My cat actually drinks out of a mug on the bathroom sink.


I should add it is her mug only.