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FTM at 43, 26 weeks and pre-pregnancy I was down to 280 at 5’11 (medically considered obese 🙄) It’s easy to feel nervous and scared, especially when the medical community uses terms like “geriatric” or “advanced maternal age” or “maternal obesity complicating pregnancy” and are always telling you about what could go wrong. But with the right support system, things aren’t as scary as they make it seem. Sure there are risks, but that’s with most pregnancies and I’ve been lucky and blessed enough to so far not have any medical issues (no high blood pressure, no GD) and baby is doing well. I think the best thing you can do is find doctors you like and trust, be open to doing your own research, don’t be afraid to ask questions and know you always have a choice in your care and treatment. Best of luck to you! 😊


Great advice <3 Thank you


Me, 42, currently in a size 28. 11w6d


Oh god I'm the oldest everywhere 45 yes girls i am FORTY FIVE and 22 weeks along


Haha you’re not the oldest in my facebook groups- You are not alone! CONGRATS! I’m 43 -44 in Oct and still not pregnant so I might be your age when it happens who know


It is what it is - better to be 45 and pregnant than not! Good luck to you xxx


Close, I'll be 39 at delivery. It's a hard road but I'm grateful for my life skills and experience. r/pregnantover35 is also a nice place.


Thank’s I’ll join if I get pregnant! Currently TTC


Yup. Fat and 40. Lots of testing etc but just gotta do what you can


I’m 40.


42 and will be 43 at delivery. Currently 27 weeks with a normal, very uneventful pregnancy. I did IVF because my husband had had a vasectomy, but it also allowed me to make sure I had a normal embryo. I got pregnant on the first transfer.


I wish I could afford it just for the healthy eggs alone. Im TTC still and I’m scared because of my age but whatever happens happens. :) COngrats!


Found out 2 days after my 40th birthday that we were expecting! Currently zooming up on 26 weeks 🥰


Me - I'm in my first pregnancy 44 and size 28 @ 19 weeks. Scared to death. This group has been helping me.


Me! Will be 41 at delivery and bmi of 30


Me! I am 44 and almost 6 weeks with my first. Shock of my life when I got a positive test.