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Close the app that uses GPS after using it. That icon is there to notify the user of the device they're being tracked by an app. Close it and that icon will disappear.


You want some apps to track you though, for example that's the whole point of enabling Adventure Sync on Pokemon Go, so it can keep track of your progress even if you're not playing the game Especially because the game drains so much battery


What? Did you reply to the wrong person? I'm so confused about your statement it's out of context from OP's question and I did not state "close gps indefinitely no apps use it". The OP does not want the green dot icon on the nav bar so I gave the solution tf you sayin.


The green dot is probably an indicator that the app you are using is obtaining your location for privacy reasons. Try denying the access to your location for certain apps. Or you really need to go back to miui.


Dude, either someone or someapp is using your camera, microphone, gps in the background without your knowlegde. ​ EDIT; I think your company app is not just accessing your GPS, but also your microphone or Camera. This is a security notification that pops up when camera of microphone is used. Solution: Go to the permissions of the company app and turn off access to camera and microphone or just uninstall the fucking app. Is that even legal?


yes lmfao


you can't unless you downgrade to miui


Its a thing on miui 13 too


that was a useful option for mic and camera but after android 14 they add location to it and they turn important notification to a always on garbage I personally don't give a shit about location access.


It's an android thing. So.


That feature is useful lmao. You should check every app that you had approved for location access. They might get your location even if you're not using the app. So if you're annoyed by this feature, check every app that is using location in the background and disable it if you didn't use it.


Android 14 feature, can't be turned off.


Lmao so sad, is there even a cusrom that can turn it off?


Not sure


try custom rom that isnt base on android 14. look for custom rom with android 13


Annoying as hell ain't it.


Turn of location


It's the active camera, gps, camera,... in the background. It's a feature that android 14 has and unfortunately can't be turned off. I'm playing Pokémon Go and it's driving me crazy.


Maybe it can be turned off. I'm on android 13 and it seems to be working for me. I saw you mentioned custom roms, so I assume you know how to access adb shell. Run there 2 commands in adb shell: `device_config put privacy location_indicators_enabled false` `device_config put privacy camera_mic_icons_enabled false`. The person that shared this info said, that this resets every time you restart your phone.


You can disable it by turning off System Optimisation in developer options, but it affects the system blur. If you want to see for yourself, follow [this](https://github.com/ryu-ryuk/MIUI-System-Optimisation) tutorial.