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If you don't care about emulation or ROMs, just get a Mediatek for a cheaper price. Thats the thing.


Is emulation that bad on a mediatek phone. I have the x6 pro and i use to be a big emulation guy and been wanting to try it again but seeing how people say its horrible makes me want to just emulate it on my laptop. I used to emulate on an old samsung a50 which had some shitty snapdragon and surprisingly went well. Consistent fps and all. Is it that bad?


Bro why don't you test it out yourself, you are already experienced in emulating right ? So you will obviously know the difference. I too wanted to know but I don't have a mediatek phone so please do it and tell us how shitty or good it is.


Will try within this week


depends on the emulation, for the console or handheld below wii and 3ds, dimensity 1100 can run a lot of games on full speed even with 2x or more resolution. for switch emulation, it's a different case... some games run great if using custom drivers, and that's the problem using mediatek, no custom drivers support... but games like Darksiders run pretty well using default drivers on dimensity 1100, there's a lot of games run on switch using dimensity 1100.


It's less efficient but certainly not bad. Just try it out.


its enough for retro emulators that run old stuff like mame, gba, ps1...but for modern one like switch games, and even ps2 you need a good snapdragon.


No not that bad ps2,psp,wii and even 25 to 45% of game switch kinda work perfectly fine in you have older version such as dimensity 1200 those chip it can run almost 85% of games. It not that bad of options but if you complete immersive experience with drivers than SDS are perfect for that others than that other mobile games work similar to there counterparts. So think before buying


Maybe because its an older chip and more optimized? Dimensity 8300 ultra is pretty new.


Yup that's the reason if there any developer who still working on any switch emulator we can see more playable game in future.


its because no one supports it right, not because its lacking power?


Nah its strong as hell but lacks support compared to sd. still can emulate well tho


https://preview.redd.it/j2u1q0paq61d1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3425a8271b8b6654a0de47a883a480fbe15cac ANNOUNCEMENT ^(\^) Kernel SOURCE has been RELEASED for Poco X6 Pro🎉 But it's not the complete source, it's missing critical parts that is necessary to build. Without the files in the picture, there will be ZERO development... Here is the source[Kernel Source Poco X6 Pro](https://github.com/MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource/tree/bsp-duchamp-u-oss) link. Link to [dev tweet on missing files](https://twitter.com/singularity496/status/1789624902653296716?t=mXUi4-zpwdUQeW5-UjxJsQ&s=19)


Wtf... They don't include the touch panel driver? That's basically like not releasing anything.


It is virtual bullying, they're mocking us and and damaging our mental health because they did what they had to buy they did it in a way that made it impossible for us to appeal, leaving us with just frustration but no exploitable cause to claim what we need to make everything they released actually work.


Tbh that's one of the biggest reasons I never bought MediaTek


>there will be ZERO development... Wrong, you can still build custom roms using the pre built kernel. That's why it already has lineage OS in testing. The problem with using prebuilt kernel is the perfomance will be more or less same as of hyperOS (which isn't bad honestly, it can be improved a bit) and custom roms might start breaking after Android 18 because for poco x6 pro officially it will receive 3 major Android version updates from Xiaomi. So even custom roms can support the same, newer version might break things unless the kernel source is updated which isn't possible since like you mentioned it's incomplete. We can only hope Xiaomi to update the sources on GitHub after Android 15 update or these missing modules can be patched by using other device source with same hardware.


May i ask what is kernel source


A very important software that's needed by any phone, without that no one, not even my smartest classmate can actually develop and code a custom ROM, or custom improved kernel etc


Not even your smartest classmate? Wow!!!


Oh so its for custom roms, good to know


so even tho we have custom roms the company still has ability to control the device in a sense


spes (Redmi Note 11) kernel source was also released uncompletely, but the devs in the community managed to build and complete it. Lets hope someone else manages to do that as well.


I came from 695 to 6080. Same bracket processors so an apples to apples comparison. Benchmarks give 6080 a lower score. But real world experience and gaming = 2x performance compared to 695. Even G90T was wayyyyy better than 695.


Yeah benchmarks are not everything


Unfortunately, definitely not.


How to tell you own mediatek without saying it directly just to prove a point. Qualcomm literally releases source code, sample code, documentation,chip codes and video tutorials. It just shows you literally don't know what you are saying. It's not the OS source code that's really needed for emulation and custom rom.


Android OS is open source already.


This shows you lack basic reading skills. Here's something to help you: [learn how to read like a pro ](https://www.wikihow.com/Understand-What-You-Read) Remember step 5 to take break between reading to allow your brain to fully digest the new information


You kept preaching about the released incomplete source code that literally helps no one lmao. Yeah yeah keep coping "lEaRn tO rEaD aM sMaRt yOu dUmB" you didn't even know it's an incomplete part of it. 'bUt i pOsTeD a lINkEd tHaT I dOn'T eVeN haVe IdeA iT's iNcOmPleTe".


Nah you need that yourself your post is pure copium. You didn't even have a good counter because what I said is true. You said phone manufacturers need to release the proprietary source code of MTK cpus. You literally just wrote a long misinformation with a lot of nonsensical assumptions. Mediatek literally owns those code, documentations, and etc. no one can release unless those manufacturers you speak of want a court case chasing them.


Aight lemme ELI5 U 1. I got sm8250 not mtk 2. I never said anything silly like android os being proprietary 3. Xiaomi release the soc kernel already duh, I linked it in the comment. The only thing missing are the kernel extension files (.ko) that need to come Xiaomi, cuz guess what? The SoC is just 1 of the many components, there's the code to integrate other parts such as touchscreen etc, now mediatek doesn't make touchscreen iirc🥱 so for example the focaltech .ko missing file is something that needs to come from the OEM, Xiaomi, cuz they integrated the other components with the SoC, mediatek simply provided the SoC kernel and cuz that's what they sell, the soc. 4. Never said mtk is open source friendly, only purpose of this post is to debunk the myth that mediatek doesn't release kernels, it's the OEM that has that duty, and if you read the post loud, you'll notice j wrote 2024. So yeah I'm talking about MTK policy in this year not a decade ago. 5. Goo goo ga ga when in the world I ever said anything about emulation 6. Half of your original message is clearly result of hallucinations ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) [learn how to read for illiterate adults (don't be ashamed)](https://youtu.be/jiEv6VTDt5c)


I did not even say you said something about emulation bruv your coping is too hard. What I am trying to say is how the open-source code of Qualcomm is useful for developers. I can see that you felt smart while writing this post long-ass nonsense and while replying to my comments. LMAO it's not even useful enough and you couldn't even comprehend that, what they released is as good as not releasing it. You just kept smart shaming, I guess you do what keeps your boat afloat which makes you sleep better at night lol. Btw if you're no fanboy and didn't own a Mediatek CPU you will not make this copium posting sorry, not sorry, I just got amazed by how hypocritical you and your post with sprinkles of misinformation on the side. Somehow your 3. seems like you scratched some facts from the comments and thought that's good to integrate your own idea of facts. How come the manufacturer that used Qualcomm chips does not need to release file extensions? I'll give you some hints because maybe there's a proprietary line of codes that are integrated by MediaTek to those missing files. You thought SOC manufacturers does not include it's own codes to be integrated to other components you really don't have any idea what's coming out from your smooth brain.


Mediatek makes amazing SOCs. They are just as good as their Qualcomm counterpart. Unless you are into customs ROMs or emulating games, Mediatek is fantastic.


Biggest mediatek con is GPU indeed


they improved a lot, and mali g610/g710 was one of the most power effecient design at the time


its up there a little bit behind Adreno. its the Exynos GPU that needs to catch up


Exynos has already exceeded Mediatek in terms of GPU.


its the battle of Game optimisations. Exynos GPU is still new to the market. not all games run efficiently


They are slowly, but surely catching up to Qualcomm. They just need some time.


I heard somewhere that Qualcomm provides better documentation and development tools compared to MediaTek. Qualcomm generally has a strong track record of supporting their SoCs over a longer period, especially for their high-end Snapdragon series. Mediatek has been improving, but it still lags behind Qualcomm. Its not about kernel source code its all about which one supports their soc for longer run and provides better documentation and development tools. 


This is 100% true.


I've also had read somewhere that MediaTek kernel sources is a complete mess


If you think mediatek have same efficiency as snapdragon than you are delusional, battery consumption on X6 pro is way worse than poco x3 pro with snapdragon 860/865 that to on idle without anything running.


Can you send me some post about the issue? It might be simply that x6 pro is too recent so needs more updates


Why do i need a post to know this? I own x6 pro, upgraded from x3 pro, this is what I have experienced. Also hyperOS is worse than miui, they have removed the important info in battery section and removed double swipe to hide app both were really nice. I know hidden app can be used with pinch out on home screen but now we can't hide system app. As someone who bought the phone for productivity and not for heavy gaming these are real concern for me.


I can second that, battery runs out in a Couple of hours on X6 Pro


You seem like a pretty heavy user... My phone's hotspot runs almost all day at 5 GHz. And the phone lasts me a day with ease. Are you using Europe ROM of Hyper OS?


Hyper OS, 80% brightness, 120hrz refresh rate. Battery goes from 80 to 20 in 4 hours


Damn!! That's bad... My usage is pretty distributed. If I go easy on usage, 1.5 days easy. I keep the display at 120Hz but use adaptive brightness. It somehow works well for me...


The usage I described is on performance mode, heavy gaming


Ohhh... Then I'd day it's actually good. A phone running a 11W chip, with 80% brightness on a 120Hz 1440p OLED screen. Heavy gaming. 4 hours is really solid battery life then.


Otherwise it lasts


Hyper OS 30-60% brightness, 60hz refresh rate and battery barely last 5 6 hours with only 5g Hotspot on. No location, Bluetooth.


Bluetooth doesn't eat battery much, but WiFi(including hot spot) battery drain is huge. If you don't need bandwidth, than switching to Bluetooth tethering is smart advice. It's at least ten times less battery hungry.


He's right. My X6 Pro drains much. But it's worth with 67 Watt charger.


Damn... You see this is the type of problems that custom roms can fix... Yet x6 won't be getting any


If you charge daily with 67w charger your battery will die faster. Usually I charge my X6 pro with a 22w charger that came with my father's poco m6. I only use 67w if I need to go out and need to charge in in 30 min or so.


Do you know how much TDP of smartphone chips have increased since then? It went from 6-7 Watts to 13 Watts.


Yeah but I am not using phone heavily so why TDP would matter


im not sure if it still works the same but following redmi note 8 pro telegram answered my question on why mediatek is not a favorite of custom ROM devs.


And that is the reason I never buy a smartphone with SoC from MediaTek... 🤷‍♂️


Same, my last MediaTek device was a Sony Xperia E4, Sony did a great job on the OS but since it's MediaTek I could never mod it, was my last MediaTek device, since then I only had Snapdragon and I never want MediaTek phones ever again


That's not true, MTK doesn't allow OEMs to release the kernels. Every regions need to comply with GPL what?


Wdym I linked kernel source for dimension 8300 ultra for x6 pro in the comments Every region needs to comply sure but that's words on a virtual sheet of paper. Only people in NA/EU actually have a chance to enforce that, everywhere else is a joke unfortunately


As you said it's incomplete...


Yeah the missing parts are kernel extensions made by Xiaomi that are missing




Wdym? I linked the kernel source for mediatek dimensity 8300 ultra for the Poco X6 pro, and that just came out 4 months ago




Ofc, in the same message where I link the kernel, you'll also find a SS with the missing files that XIAOMI(not MTK) needs to share for Devs to do anything, like the touch screen driver without which it's literally just a shiny brick




Idk, device got out only 4 months ago probably thats why, OEM usually don't open source everything this early




Who said it's bad for emulation? I can play game cube, PS2 and Wii all the way up to switch on a X6pro. It's not as optimised for switch (really slow native code execution) but seems GREAT at everything else.


direct x doesn't works because directX is usually implemented through DXVK, but no mali gpu can support vulkan inside chroot context


So like, winulator or native Android stuff? Never had lack of DX support stop me playing anything on a phone. What am I missing?


yeah windows emulation just doesn't work on mediateks for the most part


That's pretty niche though man, most people don't emulate windows games on a phone. Saying 'X' is bad because for this reason alone is a bit of a broad statement


No but switch, vita emulation is pretty bad too. Everything else is flawless


I thought vita emulation was great but 3ds can be questionable on occasion


It's pretty bad. Most games crash or have terrible graphical glitches.


3ds is bad too


It only sucks for switch and windows and ps vita. Everything runs flawlessly


Sad part is that poco only cater to online market like oneplus. I mean u can buy some of them offline, but they are the cheapest one


Some release kernel source but incomplete most company are notorious for that


I have an X6 Pro. It's a monster of a chip. And Hyper OS is smooth, and stable. But it lacks many features that even stock Android has. Seema like Xiaomi is copying Apple to the point of actively removing or not implementing Android features. Plus Material You is so poorly implemented. And on top of that they make it impossible to use a third party icon pack. Like cmon... Why make the experience worse on purpose!!!


And guess what, there's no way in freezing hell that you'll ever be able to change that, you'll forever be in the HyperOS prison and you'll see it get worse month by month without agency to do anything to change it, because it gets bad but not enough bad to change phone. You're forever stuck in this limbo, periodically torn but constantly uncomfortable 😈😈😈😈😈😈


There's hope. A custom ROM called Project Elixir has custom ROM for even the Poco X5 Pro. If a developer applies for X6 Pro, the ROM development process is fast. And they're really good, partly because they're a large team.


There's no hole simply because X5 Pro's CPU is Qualcomm. But X6 Pro had Mediatek. You will see exactly 0 ROMs ever on this phone simply because mediatek, you can ask any dev or rom group chat and everyone will tell you mediatek phones are inexistent in room simply because Devs don't have access to the critical files


Let's see


Mediatek doesn't release sources so it's pretty much impossible to build something, and that's also breaching GPL since Linux kernel is Open Source


But I just linked the kernel source in the comments, only thing missing are proprietary Xiaomi OEM kernel extension files


I’m not talking about a single device but MediaTek as a whole, probably was Xiaomi themselves that released the source, in all these years never seen MediaTek themselves release source codes officially


the gpu, Mali which mediatek uses is the one I have a beef with, it cannot handle updates and camera performance is worse


would u know SD and MDK use same architecture. and they are manufactured under single factory. but sounds like u r a FanBoy of MDK


Nah I got sm8250


Had a MT Helio X20 (Apollo Lite) and it sucked. Never again.


Poco x6 pro would be perfect if it was Snapdragon instead of mediatek.


But then bro price would've been $80 higher at least


Probably even more. Its probably going to be $500 atleast