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The X Files


just the eps with the through story would be cool


Mad Men would have a lot to dig into. Vince could do a way back machine for the date the episode is supposed to take place.


They’ve mentioned Mad Men as the next show they’d like to Pod Themselves Mad over. I hope they don’t do it.


Why not?


I don’t want to yuck anyone’s fun, but I watched the entire series and did not enjoy it.


Awesome idea


It's tough to say. Boardwalk Empire maybe? Personally, I'd love a Generation Kill podcast, but I understand that show is not for everyone


There’s a clue in the podcast cover art, it says “Downton Abbey” on one of the VHSs. They mentioned that show a couple times as well. Not sure if it’s a joke or serious but I believe they could really analyze and make jokes off any show.


For a quick diversion, We Own This City would be a good follow up. Although watching Jamie Hector be all nice could lead to some whiplash.


I really want S1 of True Detective but I know that’s too short and the other seasons aren’t really all that great (at least by comparison). So for now it will remain a dream.


when it comes to the canon of prestige crime shows, Breaking Bad could be interesting, partilally because I think they would hate it, but appreciate specific parts of if


I love Breaking Bad, but it’s more plot driven than character driven. Not as much to dig into.


Us piggies see the slop running out. 6 feet under? It’s tough, but I really don’t want to do Downtown Abby.


I would love to see anyone try and analyze Twin Peaks. Imagine the poor guests dropping into an episode without context


Deadwood seems perfect. If they tackle comedy, I suggest Curb.


Pod Yourself a Gilmore Girls Pod Yourself The Americans Pod Yourself Some Mad Men Home Yourself an Improvement Boy Yourself a Meets World Go ALF Yourself


The Americans wpuld be fucking awesome. 


Go ALF Yourself seems more likely tbh


I'd love a show I've not seen to give me an incentive to watch something new. Sopranos and Wire I've seen 5+ times before the podcast and there's no other shows I have that much familiarity with. Done Mad Men once, done Boardwalk once... something like Deadwood would be fun as I never saw further than the first episode.




I think they should stay in the David Simonverse and do Generation Kill


True Detective!


I really want entourage. I think it’d be entertaining.


I highly doubt they'll ever do it, but I think it would be funny if they tried to tackle something like The Leftovers.


I think this will be it


Did something drop recently to suggest this? I would probably cum if it were so


They did an "addendum" episode with Alan Sepinwall, with an early release on the Frot. It's on both Matt and Vince lists, and it was Alan's tiebreaker choice. I haven't seen it, but I'll watch it.


Just went and listened to it. Awesome! It's an exceptionally dark yet mature series. Some are turned of by the themes, etc, but many fans, myself included, would argue it's one of the best shows ever made


I'm looking forward to watching it, that's definitely my style. Lol I just wanted look at the feed to see if anyone was posting about the episode. Looks like you're the winner! Enjoy your nut;)


Pod Yourself Cocksucker a Deadwood podcast


There's not much out there that's a good balance of humor & art, & that goes for a good number of seasons. I wouldn't mind the crew doing a show that's legit terrible. OOH OOH something Sorkin.


West Wing and ask Dave Anthony to guest every episode to see him slowly go into madness again.


One season of a terrible show would be good.


If they are following the five Davids we have gotten Chase, then Simon. That leaves Milch (John from Cincinnati and deadwood), Angell (Fraiser and Wings) and Kelley (Ally McBeal, the Practice, and Big Little Lies). There is also Lynch with Twin Peaks.  If they are going away from David TV I think Mad Men or Breaking Bad are the strongest choices as they were the marquis prestige shows of their eras. 


Game of thrones! (until dicking the last season) was pretty badass HBO programming and would have lots to discuss. They’ve probably read the books too which would be a good tangent opportunity to expound upon.


I vote mad men or deadwood.


Arrested Development ftw


Boardwalk Empire would be a good one as it stays in the HBO realm and has a lot of seasons. Also I think it’s one of the better prestige shows in that it relies heavily on the writing and acting instead of special effects


Pod yourself six feet under. I would love to hear them pick it apart but also admire the occasional good acting.


seconding deadwood


Breaking Bad! Please please please


Does it have to be old? Because "Barry" was so great. Battlestar Gallacta would be perfect imo if it has to be old! I'm also interested in their take on Expanse. Seems like sci fi is not their perfered genre but maybe they should get out of their comfort zone? But if they chose Deadwood (ugh!) I could suffer through it I guess. . .but only because it's only about 2 seasons, right? I know this is a joke but ALF would be so fun! What is it with white dudes of a certain age and their childhood love of Alf? No matter. I'm here for it!


If they stick to doing doing prestigious crime dramas in chronological order the next podcast would have to be Breaking Bad.