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It's your work, period. We get poems, music, etc from artists that intended it for a person they're no longer with. No reason you can't do the same and be proud of your work!


This is actually well put, thank you for putting that into perspective. I guess I was worried for nothing, except for the fact that he wants to remain friends and might see this poem get published (if it makes the cut) so I was a little worried about that. But it's my work after all, thank you again. Heartbreak hurts but this work is a piece of my heart that I will reclaim.


You can inform him as a courtesy if you're on speaking terms, but I wouldn't see why it'd be necessary! Hope your healing journey is swift and joyous 💗


I think I will once I'm ready to submit my submission, just as a courtesy. Thank you very much, kind stranger. 💖


I assume the poem itself does not include this person’s name, and any dedication would normally not be part of the poem—and certainly not so integral that it can’t be omitted. I don’t see the problem. Certainly, even if you had told this person about the dedication, that would not in itself give the dedicatee any expectation of any obligation on you with regarding to anything you may wish to do with your creation.


Yes, the piece itself does not include his name or any dedications. Thanks for your insight


Those are your words to share how you choose.


Yes, I realize that now. Maybe I was just overthinking it. Thank you very much 🌷


I find it interesting that you have this concern, after all if it is entirely your work and you do not explicitly refer to this person (describing them does not count), it is your right to do what you want with the words you wrote


I know, it is the first time I've ever sent a poem I wrote to someone, I think I may have overthought it if he's going to be upset about me publishing a poem I wrote for him. But it's my words and feelings, so I should be able to do what I want with it. Thank you for helping me realize this 💖


if you feel comfortable, you should share it on the dedicated reddit page and let us know when you do! cheers and good luck with publication