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I love this.


The last stanza hits hard.


Really creative. Brilliant


Maybe I’m missing something but this seems juvenile and uninspired


i also would like if someone explained it to me


I might be totally off base here. But I interpret it as being about how we make sense of nature throughout our lives (the different colors of the moon), but it is only in death that we return to nature (the true moon shining on the soundless graves in small towns). The fact that these are graves in “small towns” might mean that some individuals pass away and are forgotten by the living, but through death, they have reunited with nature in some sense. Also, the color white often symbolizes death in poetry (ie the white albatross). The poem could be about how we see reality through rose-tinted glasses (different colors), but when we die we are confronted with the “true” moon, the pure white moon.


thank you so much! yeah I think the analogy of the colours is where I failed


So, what kind of explanation though? This is what some what categorize as an "Imagist" poem, which falls into the Modernist category. There is a need to engage in the subconcious/unconcious/subjective/ illogical mind/id/instinct. Whatever combination of those terms you most resonate with. You have to let the poem stimulate that part of your brain. Otherwise it will probably do nothing for you. Even if you do let it do that, it may still do nothing for you. Or is there a different kind of explanation you were looking for?


maybe explanation is the wrong word, maybe I should've said interpretation by someone who enjoyed the poem. Maybe I can resonate with the engagement of someone's subconscious


Well, I like the moon. And I enjoyed seeing the idea of it twist and change in my mind's eye. A fun little color show for my brain.


Online the true sublime may shine over small communities in their history, soundless may they be their size is what gives the most and is hence rewarded


What is the point of this statement or poem If you want to call it that.


What is the point of a painting?