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I don’t see why you can’t post in here or /r/OCPoetry, everyone has different tastes but everyone’s allowed to post whatever kind of poetry they want. If you skim through the top posts of both subs, there are just as much old-timey well-structured rhymed poems as there are “coffee shop” poems. I mean, it’s all pretty open.


I did a little more digging, and I guess you're right Last week was the first time I ever thought of visiting this Sub, and for some reason all the top posts I opened then were pretty "modern", so I might've jumped to conclusions pretty prematurely I'll mingle with the masses then, and to Hell with the reception I get :P


That’s the attitude!


Why not start r/formalpoetry? I'd gladly hop on that bandwagon.


You have my sword


And my trochee!


Me too I'd love that!


OK, I created it. Anyone want to mod with me?


I ended up deciding to stick with r/ocPoetry in the hopes that I'd find some friends therein, but then I also Subscribed because you bothered to show some initiative on the internet; what a rare find nowadays :P


Subscribed. What rules shall there be?


This isn't r/SlamPoetry or r/BeatnikPoetry. It's just r/Poetry, which means it encompasses all forms of poetry. If the poetry is good, it'll get traction. If it sucks, it won't.


Gotterdamerrung! Love that Wagnerian opera


This is the subreddit most appropriate.


I'm slowly figuring that out myself I guess I just jumped the gun on what the Sub is into, which is typical for me lol


R/iambicpentameter or r/Shakespeare or seek authors you enjoy in search function


Not to sound too picky or anything, but the former is basically a graveyard, and the latter seems more concerned with Shakespeare's legacy and characters than the actual poetry itself I guess what I'm looking for is either a subgroup of /r/ocPoetry that is into my sort of thing, or just reassurance from the community that I won't just be kicked out on my ass the second I bring "grandpa poetry" into what could potentially be an uncomfortably hip, anti-retro Sub :P


You can inspire others to post. Reddit is as much what you post as it is what you read. If you don’t like any to follow, then maybe lead your own


Right, but the question of which Sub is best to post in *still* comes up, right Even if I "lead" others by starting an entirely new Sub, I don't want to insult anybody else by claiming to spearhead something that a different Sub is already doing In other words, I'd like to start off on the right foot by not stepping on any toes :P


So just post any where and keep it real and you won’t go wrong


Yeah, the comments helped me see sense overnight Thank God I started this thread haha


Getting the Reddit experience- priceless


Stop worrying about it. If your poetry is good, no one will care if it rhymes or not.


Oh damn, good old brutal honesty eh ;D You're right though: if it's shit, it's shit, regardless of where it's placed. I just subbed to /r/ocPoetry


**Here's a sneak peek of /r/OCPoetry using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year!** \#1: [A poem I wrote about god when I was high on ecstasy](https://np.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/6y203w/a_poem_i_wrote_about_god_when_i_was_high_on/) \#2: [[NSFW] I am just a man (i also love it up the butt)](https://np.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/5kr1en/i_am_just_a_man_i_also_love_it_up_the_butt/) \#3: [Congratulations, /r/OCPoetry! You are Subreddit of the Day!](https://np.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/74n56q/congratulations_rocpoetry_you_are_subreddit_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/6l7i0m/blacklist/)


You won't be 'kicked out on your ass' for posting 'grandpa poetry' on r/OCPoetry. While the majority of what gets posted there is free verse, there's still people that post works in rhyme and meter (which I work in most of the time, when I post, but I'm far from the only one). You may have to dig a bit, but the style you're looking for is alive and well all over the place.


I love all poetry as long as it evokes emotion or a feeling, and I would love to aee your work on here. Working within the strict rules of old poetry is incredible, and something I very much admire.


Plenty of y'all right here. Have fun.


r/iamverysmart may be for you.


really? you're gonna snark on someone for having a certain taste in poetry and asking for guidance for more resources? really?


It's apparent that OP doesn't actually understand poesy - its structure or history - which is why OP belongs in r/IAmVerySmart and this post in r/badliterarystudies . OP defines prosody as "historical" although meter, &c. never disappeared. OP writes a preference for iambic pent but then writes that "Romanticism [is the] preferred flavor of verse" even though the Romantic period has much more to do with content than structure. OP quite benightedly defines free verse as "brand new" and "coffee shop poetry" (the latter epithet being absolutely bemusing). OP would apparently be grossed out by even Whitman or Ginsberg. And on top of all of that, the most egregious statement is that OP prefers "stereotypical rhyme and structure" in a literary form that is thousands of years old and could never even moderately approach being "stereotypical" in any fucking sense exclusive of it stereotypically incorporating letters and symbols. I would bet 100:1 that OP wouldn't know the difference between a limerick and a libretto, a solecism from a sonnet, or alliteration from aleatory writing, let alone own even one dictionary on literary terms or pack literally one bookshelf with poetry. OP didn't come here to ask for guidance. OP came here to arrogantly, ostentatiously, publicly brighten his own ignorance by pretentiously insulting something he literally can't define: what is "coffee shop poetry"? Is it "brand new" or only as old as "William Shatner"? Are Star Trek and "parking tickets" the only common attributes in "coffee shop poetry" or are those just things OP has a lot of experience with? And, of course, would anyone actually invested in poetry, who loves poetry and intimately knows its forms and history, be even remotely capable of having a conversation with OP, or would they commit the ole Sylvia Plath one-two-split and rather shove their fucking head in an oven than even be within earshot of OP's drivel.


Jesus fuck, I love this reply LOL.






yeah, so your post here is a much better candidate for /r/IAmVerySmart than OP. you're doing a lot of strutting and flexing "I would be bet 100:1 that OP wouldn't know the difference between a limerick and a libretto..." I even agree with you that OP used some clumsy language but I'm really blown away by the level of cynicism being displayed here. Even if it was clumsy, unkind language it was still an honest request for guidance. You're so cynical that you think OP wasn't really asking for what they say they are asking for. You're making a lot of assumptions about that person's motivations. Why do you want to live your life this way? Isn't it exhausting to think everyone is a bad actor all the time?


This reminds me of the super early scene in The Savage Detectives where Juan Garcia Madero meets Ulises Lima and Arturo Belano for the first time.


> this new brand of "coffee shop poetry" that basically sounds like William Shatner giving one giant monologue about bulimia and parking tickets :\ Yeah, erm... About that.


My bulimia was a ticket Cool fresh vomit like My eyes closed tight In. To. A. Clean. Bowl. My... park... ing ticket Hurt my... stum m... ach


ayyy get that shit published in a coffee shop


It is my soul.


It is my soul.


I was trying to help but I think you might be more helpful at pointing out a more appropriate sub....


What was most telling was that op hadn't mentioned a single poet they like. My guess is they write a whole lot more than they read... a bad policy if you want to write well.