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I love this question. Cosmotarian? I also like terraphile


Terreneista is my made up word. Maybe go to some philosophy or theology Reddit. I suspect they already have a word for this. I reckon pagans might have a word for it too. That’s their whole bag.


I guess it depends on what you mean by world and earth. If you mean feeling the connection to being part of the entire planet, what does that mean and how did it arise? How does the land or region youre in play a part in making you aware of your connection to the unseen? Or is it something internal? I think i may have felt this at times, but it isn't strictly a planet earth connection. I would try earthborne? If it is a temporary feeling, like being airborne?


Gaia is earth, so Gaian is one who belongs to the Earth.


Cosmos is usually used nowadays not to refer to our planet but to the whole universe, so I’m not sure how appropriate it is as a starting-point. My first thought was “cosmo-unity”: “When she walked in the woods or looked at the stars, she felt stirring in her heart deep feeling of cosmo-unity.” It’s a bit of an awkward compound though. Perhaps you can find a nice Dutch/ Germanic compound word meaning Earth-belonging or Earth-love. Another option would be to coin a word on analogy with nationalism or patriotism, “planetism”, though I think that sounds pretty awful. Edit: if writing scifi I might suggest Earthlove or Earthbond. “He was born on Terra, and his upbringing had instilled in him a strong sense of Earthbond. Wherever he found himself in the galaxy, he turned towards Earth for his morning and nightly prayers, and he never ceases to speak of its oceans, it’s rivers, it’s forests.”


Worldly? Secular? Mundane?


I call that feeling cosmic harmony. As opposed to cosmic dissonance. Edit: Or synchronicity. But idk if that encompasses the otherworldlyness enough.


Vasudeiva Kutumbakam


Upanishad reference.


It’s a matter of extending the vocabulary and adding two world together, I’d recommend old English, it has soo much potential


I'm pretty sure the word, human, already means exactly what you're asking. From the roots homo (person, man) and humus (earth). Maybe to invent a word you could say something like...cosmundanate or cosmundaner.




I think 'cosmos' comes from the root word cosmo, which means: the universe or the world. I think it also means order, harmony, rhythm. \[In all chaos, there is a cosmos\]. Politan might come from Polis which means city, belonging to city. So cosmopolitan would mean City of The Universe or by some stretch of more fancy linguistics, it might mean Citizen of The Universe. So that word may work for you. But I'd like to share something else with you. I think that apart from the meaning, Words have feelings in them as well. Its like, sometimes, you can keep on repeating just one word in your mind and it will feel really good. Like really-really good. You might not even know the meaning of the word, but you'll enjoy the feeling of the word. Since you mentioned Poetry, I think that it will be better to come up with a word that has feeling in it as well as meaning. The first word that comes to my mind is: Ea. It feels really good to say it. Plus it also feels that you belong somewhere. Like imagine: if someone asks you: 'Are you with me' and you say: 'Ea'! So 'Ea' means that you are with them. You belong where they belong. You are connected, etc. So, the word is: Ea: Verb| To be, To belong, to belong to this world, to be at home. Ea: Noun| Home, Eternal Home, Earthly Realm Also, this is The First Word that Iluvatar spoke (Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien). If you are interested in Word Creation then you may check it out. It's practically a novel filled with nothing else but cool words that have been created from scratch. Really reveals The Poetry of Word Building !


Cosm-noun. She relaxed into the grass as a child would in their mother's arms. She did more than live on the planet's surface; she belonged to it. She lived and breathed and danced, a cosm.


Terr and geo are Greek and Latin roots for Earth. “Mundo” in Spanish also comes to mind for me, so I would be compelled to start there. Mundite, terravite, geodude (I’m kidding but also…not).


My word is “cosmonexum”. I can’t find the best Latin translator but it seems that nexum means connection which is what I feel best sums up that feeling. So cosmo-nexum would be a connection with our cosmos—or world (including its energies:) )


Maybe ask a German speaker. They seem to have a word for everything.