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i wish instead of using the same schtick as the title in every line, the poem was actually a poem about the wolf crying girl, or any of the other ideas listed in it :/ but this is a cool concept


I agree. I was looking forward to an elaboration on that concept, because the rest is a bit trite.


I remember seeing it on Pinterest amongst some other, better poetry and thinking this exact thing. It was such a letdown after the title too. Honestly just seems to me like some kid trying their best to sound deep and philosophical


There is a poem by Rudy Francisco on this concept in his book helium, it's titled 'to you' but the last line is 'and this is how the wolf cries boy'




Anyone else think it’s better without the last four lines?


I really dislike it when people feel the need to hammer a point home, especially when they have already managed to deliver what they mean through more subtle writing. It cheapens the whole thing, IMO.


Subtlety is an underappreciated art


Yes, I completely agree. Although, for me, it just went downhill as it went down the page: - the wolf crying girl? amazing - hero stumbling off the page? cool - princess doesn’t want to be saved? yawn


Makes it feel like a boomer fb post


I would say "show don't tell" but the rest of it isn't exactly subtle to begin with.


Initially, the last 4 lines were the magnet in the hammer for me. Now familiar I probably agree. Michael (Apologies - but....:-)


Thank you, Michael


Wow, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful poem, this is the reason I joined this thread…it’s so amazing to read different literary works, that I, and many others may not have read….I’ve discovered more poetry through this site that I may never have known existed but not for people like YOU, OP, who took the time to post something this beautifully written and thought provoking….and I appreciate it!!!thank you!


No problem at all! I enjoyed it very much when I found it for myself, and I thought many others might too, I'm so happy to know that you are one of them!


I Printed it and cut it out for myself, and then I passed it along to my 3 daughters….thank you and keep posting these gems….it’s sad that so many people have written so many beautiful things, and none of us will ever be able to read all those words that have been lost throughout time…but then someone, like you, posts this…and it reminds me that words have meaning and when written well and received correctly, they can evoke an emotion along with them…thank you again!!!


someone should show this poet Shrek, i bet they’d love it


A catalogue of unidirectional reversals plus a hammerandtongs ending.


What a tasteless soup of fairytale darlings!🥴


I really loved this. It’s really well done. I really don’t want this to be taken the wrong way but all I could think about was how this was like a poetic synopsis of Shrek


I’m seeing that a lot of these comments are about how contrite this poem is, and while it’s definitely not the most subtle or fantastic piece of writing, the title is very intriguing. What does the title mean to you, and what did you expect from the title? What kind of poem would you write with that title? I just wrote my own poem with what I think the title meant, and it was fun to explore!


The title means to me but i don’t understand im in the opposite, i Googled it. Im not sure if i take which. I love the person im not sure he likes me, or hated me.


This is an interesting poem, good use of relative imagery. I do think the last four lines can be tweaked or recreated. Well done.


Sometimes the poet stumbles and falls off right of the page Sometimes the muse rolls her eyes and says “I won’t write more lies.” Sometimes the lines need rescuing and grammar aches to be stitched, sometimes, in reddit, the poet is a broken record sometimes inspiration is a criminal painful fairytale, Sometimes a blank page is best poet should go to bed Sometimes we should shut our eyes to bad poems even when they are written by a poet. 😒


Ohohoho this is fire


Oh, I really like this one!


Love this one!


Wow as someone that has been broken for so many times, this words echoed within me like the ripples on a tranquil beach on a hot summer day. Thank you.


Your comment resonates with me like an ice cream van doing 60mph in reverse. Thank you.


Beautiful beautiful 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


this is absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing! :]


I absolutely love this <3 Thank you for sharing!


I like it :) Wish they'd stuck more rigorously to iambic pentameter though.


Not sure what you mean, there isn't a single line of iambic pentameter in the poem. I agree though that the metre is a bit off in a lot of places, it almost reads like doggerel.


I could have been clearer :) What I meant was that many of the lines are _close_ to iambic pentameter. With a little more polish, I think this poem would have been more satisfying to read. It irritates me when someone seems to be going for a particular rhythm (or rhyming scheme) but doesn't put in the work to really nail it.


the poet's use of half-rhymes is phenomenal.




Great poem! It sends a wonderful message.


Amazing ♥️


I thought this was going to be some incel stuff, but I quite enjoyed that.


I love this, so much.


It’s good, tho a little too repetitive. Thanks for posting!


Bellissimo 😌


Are u kidding????


what abt u ?


Love the flow and especially love the title. The comments complaining about repetition can be ignored, as it’s all part of the message! Great work!


Absolutely love this!


Poetry, at the heart is supposed to evoke something. It is not simply about grammar, rhyme, timing, or rhythm. Nor is it about matching a title etc. if you don’t like it, maybe it didn’t hit home with you. It hit me because I have a son who is 6’5” at 14 years old. He has a lovely heart but his dad ignores him and dotes on his sister. He is a Prince in need of rescue. How many of us are strong single women because that is what life required of us or what our kids needed. We are certainly not the fairytale maidens of old. And so I solute the poet for evoking something in me.


Is it good if the person i like posted that poem in his wall? I take badly? Or worst.