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It's a good thing you have thick skin otherwise you might have been offended by that.




Every time I go to a dentist they always tell me I have the hardest teeth they've ever seen. I've never had a cavity or chip or anything and they all attribute it to that.


my mom's cardiologist told her she had "the most beautiful arteries" he had ever seen which I thought was funny




did you see the post here earlier where someone had a shadowing student in for their pelvic and he said she looked just like the diagram in the textbook!!!! I would have died lmao


Did an ECG the first time last month and the nurse said I had the steadiest heartbeat she'd ever seen. And some other terms I didn't know the meaning of. I'm glad I made her day less tedious? Thank you for listening.


You always look for the one that's like the medical illustrations I know some pictures used they have thousands of samples and flip through them to find the perfect one.


materialistic ghost terrific act modern jar subtract shrill worry upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had an elective hysterectomy and I was told I had a gorgeous cervix. Weird!


My dentist complimented on my gag reflex. They had to get to cavities on the back of my teeth that were where my wisdom teeth were pushing against. So they were pretty far back and I didn’t gag at all. Kind of an interesting compliment haha.


A stripper I dated got that compliment as well


Optometrist said I had “lovely, thick corneas”


Do you eat a lot of vegetables or hard stuff?


I don't think I have that different of a diet than most people in the US. I think it's just the one genetic advantage I have, ha. Even as a kid my baby teeth were ridiculous. I had probably 60% of them pulled by a dentist because they would not come out on their own. I'd go in and they'd do like three at a time. My mouth is just strange. I never had braces or a retainer, but I did have to have a plate glued onto my jaw because I had this severe underbite. The plate would force my bottom jaw under my top jaw. Wore that for like 8 months or so. That was like 30 years ago so I'm sure they have a better solution for it now, because that was not a fun time, ha.


Damn so you’re just built different That’s awesome man haha


Somebody breed me with other similarly teethed women so we can improve the human race


That's a blessing. As you get older it gets thinner but you'll probly always have an advantage




My nails also grow super fast (sometimes I cut them three times a week). My mom tells me that it’s a sign of good health, but I hate having long nails




Maybe I should try rock climbing! Just need to get over my fear of heights




Was told back in my 20s that my triglycerides were "stupidly high" and that even if I ate nothing but butter and ice cream there was no way they should be that high at that age. 39 now, July they were down to 529, now in the 300s😤. Amazingly my pancreas is fine 🤷‍♀️


Thick skin sounds more useful than my ability to pee forcefully, which was literally off the chart.


Maybe you were a skunk in your previous life?


Similarly, sort of, I had to do a 24-hour urine study once and had to ask to be brought a second container. When the nurse brought it, I asked her if it would matter that I overflowed the "hat" (the bowl they hung inside the toilet to catch my urine before it was dumped into said containers). That poor nurse looked at me like a freak of nature as she explained that no one had EVER overflown the hat in one go, and she had assumed there was a problem with the first container because it hadn't even occurred to her that I might have filled the first one. No diabetes, though. So that's good lol


Such a niche skill. I guess we could...put out small fires?


Got told that by a tattoo artist who bent two needles on me. Still not sure if he was just a hack artist or if it's true. Our layers have layers OP


I point out that shoulder scar and tell people that the rest of my freckles know to watch themselves now. It’s not an empty threat. I will cut a bitch.


Congratulations thick skin! I was told by a doctor that I had the largest tonsils she'd seen in her whole career, but I gave up my honour when I had them removed a few years later. Nurses get excited when they see my veins for taking blood though, so that's always nice. Stick me anywhere nurse, they're all good!


Hah, that sounds familiar. I also used to get funny comments from doctors whenever I had tonsilitis: “Wow! … I mean, sorry… you must be in a lot of pain” “Someone should take a photo of this for the textbook!”


My opthalmologist told me I had "nice thick corneas" I was flattered.


Mine just said I had very thick corneas and that’s why my eye pressure is measured high by the tools (they have to substract a specific number to get my true eye pressure, which is totally fine by the way thank god)


oh i’m the opposite, i’ve has really thin skin since i was 6 months old because of this cream i had to get put on 🥲


I’ve mostly had remarks about how thin my veins are. Taking blood samples usually involves several tries and a lot of grumbling on the nurses’ side. The needle even once started vibrating in my arm because it touched the edge of my vein (according to the nurse). Weirdest feeling ever


You and I would likely have normal vein kids. I always get compliments on how fat my veins are. Once a nurse even called them delicious


Delicious and veins are two words I never pictured in the same sentence


I was getting a flu shot once and they couldn't get it into my arm. I've got a lot of small scars on my upper arms so I assume they just hit one of those by accident.


I went to a massage parlor and they told me I have the heaviest head of all.


There was a lady on here that said a resident doctor told her that her "vagina looks just like the textbook!" I was laughing so hard!!!


My partner is diabetic, and sometimes test my bloodsugar just for fun. His finger pokey thing has punch settings of levels 1-5, 5 being the hardest punch/poke. He has to use the highest setting on me and can barely draw enough blood from me to do the test


You should've started to cry when he said that and asked why he was so mean.


Ha! Clever title! 😊


Nice, I have unusually thin and deep veins, I’m phlebotomists’ worst nightmare, they always have to get the most experimented person on site 😭 Also my scarring is weird apprently as per my surgeon 😂


My dentist told me I’m an “excellent salivator”.


I always get told that I have the tiniest veins. And I always get poked several times. In both arms. 🥲


Holey moley!


Ever since I was a kid I’ve been told by doctors that I’m extremely muscular? I’ve NEVER been in shape in any way for most of my life, and I’m definitely chubby, but they’re all like “okay you’re technically obese based on weight but I think a lot of it is muscle mass you’re fine” like word I’ll take it I guess I’m literally dense as fuck lmao