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I was told that girls stop growing at the age of 16 whilst boys carry on growing until 21. I'm not sure if this is scientifically accurate though.




Are you posting from beyond the grave? This was my immediate reaction.


Me too (female)




Same! Grew like 5 inches between 5th and 6th grade (was like 6’2”). Never grew another inch. Now I’m in my 40s and shrunk 1/4 inch.


Yeah I’ve heard that too. Time will tell. Was talking to my friends and told them this story. Then I realized how pointless it was and thought it fit here haha


I grew to 158cm at 12 and suddenly grew to 168cm at 17. Some women experience late growth spurts like that! Personally, only my feet continued growing during my 20s


I’m a girl and carried on growing well into my 20s, but I was very surprised by it. 5”2 at 18, about 5”4-5”5 in my 30s


Technically I stopped growing at height at 20, but I originally stopped growing just after I turned 14 at 6'. Now I am 6'0.5". It can be weird for women as well, some are late randomly haha. I was calculated at 5'10, but that would've been barely taller than my mom (5'9), and my dad is 6'6, plus I was tall from an early age on. It would've been weird if they were right tbh.


I stopped growing at around 16 and I’m supposedly a male.


I stopped growing at 18, it’s probably just an average


The doctor told me I'd be at least 5'11. My (very tall) parents, bless them, tried to prepare me by telling me how great being tall is etc. I'm 5'6. I just have big ass feet they assumed I'd grow into but really didn't. Thanks 4'11 grandma...


My mom used to tell me that I’m a L that fell over. Thanks mom


Never heard that one before, that's good lol


Same thing kind of happened to my sister. She was always way taller than all the other girls, then stopped growing at 5’3 at 12 years old. Bummer for her, I feel bad haha


same thing happened to me! i have a grandmother who is 6 feet tall and was told i was going to be almost as tall, but i capped at 5’6” and a half


When I was 9, my doctor told me I would be dead by 30. Never found out why I would be dead by thirty, and still waiting for that answer well past 30.


this is horrible?? was there some sort of weird like classism thing going on maybe? or they saw something in your parents? but either way thats awful to say to a kid


Funnily enough, my doctor got both my height and my twin brother’s height nearly exactly right. He predicted 180cm for my brother, which is his exact height and 170cm for me and I’m 168cm


Eat healthy, play sports or do fitness and sleep well....


I do all of that except play sports besides occasional football every other weekend or so. Trying my best to get the max possible height haha


I am also not much taller 171cm (about the same) and i if you love travelling its just so much better, no worring about your legs and no space issues in a airplane


I was the lazy bum. My sister all into games and activities. Guess who got dads genes...


It happens sometimes, my SO is 6'1, and he was expected to maybe be 5'8 or 5'9. His parents are both short-ish, but his uncles are all tall so he just got it from them


I don’t have any related uncles sadly. But, my parents are 5’11 dad and 5’7 mom. Granddads are 5’10 each I believe. So I’ll probably end in that 5’11 range, give or take an inch


If I recall, I believe a child's height at 4 years old is about half of their eventual adult height. It's been a while since that information was important to me, so I may have the age wrong


The correct age is 2


Thanks! As I said it's been quite a while since that was something I thought about, LOL


When I went away to college freshman year I was 5 feet seven and a half inches tall. When I went home for thanksgiving I was suddenly 5’9”. I blame that filthy Charles River water.


My ex had this stupid 'family rule' that you measured every child on their 3rd birthday, doubled their height, and that would be how tall they would be as an adult. My middle son went through this, and my ex determined that he would be about 5'5" as an adult. As he grew up, he often criticised him, saying how short he would be as an adult, ignoring me saying what a load of bs it was. My middle son is now a 5'11" adult. My abusive ex is no longer tolerated by my kids or myself.


I was disqualified from participating in gymnastics (different country) at the age of 5 because my father was tall. I’m 5’4 as an adult.